scholarly journals Reform of criminal Code and Requirements building of Good Governance

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 9
Hassan Abd-Ali Isa

The law is a key input for the establishment of good governance, it is no guarantee the rule of law cannot achieve good governance in the community requirements. So the law must be responsive to the objectives which aims to achieve good governance on the one hand, and the line with the social, economic and political transformations concurrent with his other hand. This dialectical relationship assumes without doubt the various branches of law reform, including the Iraqi Penal Code No. 111 of 1969. The purpose statement that includes research on two aspects, the first focuses on clarifying dialectical relationship between good governance and reform of the Penal Code. The second shows the main directions of the reform of the Iraqi Penal Code No. 111 of 1969, with a focus on the most important, in the light of contemporary criminal policy. It is limited to the (humanization of the criminal law), and (expand criminalization circle), and (internationalization of the criminal law).

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 324-330
V.V. Popov ◽  
S.M. Smolev ◽  

The presented study is devoted to the issues of disclosing the content of the goals of criminal punishment, analyzing the possibilities of their actual achievement in the practical implementation of criminal punishment, determining the political and legal significance of the goals of criminal punishment indicated in the criminal legislation. The purpose of punishment as a definition of criminal legislation was formed relatively recently, despite the fact that theories of criminal punishment and the purposes of its application began to form long before our era. These doctrinal teachings, in essence, boil down to defining two diametrically opposed goals of criminal punishment: retribution and prevention. The state, on the other hand, determines the priority of one or another goal of the punishment assigned for the commission of a crime. The criminal policy of Russia as a whole is focused on mitigating the criminal law impact on the offender. One of the manifestations of this direction is the officially declared humanization of the current criminal legislation of the Russian Federation. However, over the course of several years, the announced “humanization of criminal legislation” has followed the path of amending and supplementing the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: introducing additional opportunities for exemption from criminal liability and punishment, reducing the limits of punishments specified in the sanctions of articles of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and including in the system of criminal punishments of types of measures that do not imply isolation from society. At the same time the goals of criminal punishment are not legally revised, although the need for such a decision has already matured. Based on consideration of the opinions expressed in the scientific literature regarding the essence of those listed in Part 2 of Art. 43 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the goals of punishment are determined that each of them is subject to reasonable criticism in view of the abstract description or the impossibility of achieving in the process of law enforcement (criminal and penal) activities. This circumstance gives rise to the need to revise the content of the goals of criminal punishment and to determine one priority goal that meets the needs of modern Russian criminal policy. According to the results of the study the conclusion is substantiated that the only purpose of criminal punishment can be considered to ensure proportionality between the severity of the punishment imposed and the social danger (harmfulness) of the crime committed. This approach to determining the purpose of criminal punishment is fully consistent with the trends of modern criminal policy in Russia, since it does not allow the use of measures, the severity of which, in terms of the amount of deprivation and legal restrictions, clearly exceeds the social danger of the committed act. In addition, it is proportionality, not prevention, that underlies justice – one of the fundamental principles of criminal law.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-112
Noor Fajari Rofiq

Cases of prostitution as the subject of commercial sex workers (Pekerja Sex Komersial) and sex service users until now are free to undergo without the threat of punishment. Until now, there has been no rule that can punish prostitutes or prostitutes and their customers .then there needs to be a legal reconstruction to achieve a responsive law then need to reform the law to achieve the law in the goal. This research aimed to know and understand the Construction of Prostitution Crimes in the Criminal Code, and The Penal Code Bill is associated with Religious Norms. And Know and understand the Construction of Formulation of Prostitution Crimes that are Ideal and in line with religious norms for Indonesian society, as for normative juridical research methods. The approach used in this writing is a statutory approach or (statute approach) and the analytical and conceptual approach analysis of legal concepts. The results show that it is necessary to explore the concept of philosophical, sociological, and juridical basic values that the state to have legal certainty in society in the Criminal War draft stage. So digging into the philosophical value of the 1st  Pancasila,  The One Godhead (Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa), the five religions apply in Indonesia, including Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hindu, Buddha, and Confucian has asserted that the practice of prostitution is legally prohibited.

2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 149-156
Laura-Roxana Popoviciu

This study aims to examine the offence as the only ground for criminal liability. Article 15, paragraph 2 of the Criminal code provides that: “offences are the only grounds for criminal liability”, which implies the existence of an act, which is detected by the bodies empowered under the law in the form required by law, and also this principle comes as a guarantee of the person’s freedom because, without committing an act provided for by the law as an offense, the criminal liability cannot exist.The criminal liability is one of the fundamental institutions of the criminal law, together with the institution of the offence and of the sanction, set in the various provisions of the Criminal code.As shown in the Criminal code, in Title II regarding the offence, there is a close interdependence among the three fundamental institutions. The offence, as a dangerous act prohibited by the criminal rule, attracts, by committing it, the criminal liability, and the criminal liability without a sanction would lack the object. It obliges the person who committed an offence to be held accountable for it in front of the judicial bodies, to bide the sanctions provided for by the law, and to execute the sanction that was applied.The correlation is also vice-versa, meaning that the sanction, its implementation, cannot be justified only by the existence of the perpetrator’s criminal liability, and the criminal liability may not be based only on committing an offence.The criminal liability is a form of the judicial liability and it represents the consequence of non-complying with the provision of the criminal rule. Indeed, the achievement of the rule of law, in general, and also the rule of the criminal law implies, from all the law’s recipients, a conduct according to the provisions of the law, for the normal evolution of the social relations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-53
S. A. Borovikov ◽  

The subject of consideration of this paper is the study of the purposes of punishment enshrined in article 43 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Attention is drawn to the similarities and differences in the approaches used to determining the purpose of criminal punishment in the laws of different countries and historical periods, the need for a critical assessment of the existing legislative decision. In the course of a comparative analysis the conclusion is formulated that the current version of the purposes of punishment in criminal law is overly broad, which creates the illusion of its achievement and in some cases the competition of its parts among themselves. So the first of those mentioned in article 43 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation the purpose of restoring social justice is a quality that should be inherent in punishment. The second of the purposes stated in the law – the correction of the convict – is one of several ways to achieve it. However the very purpose of the punishment is not to correct the convict. The third of these purposes – the prevention of crimes – is most consistent with the purpose of punishment, but it is quite lengthy and requires clarification. In addition it does not contain a clear focus on a person who can or has committed a crime. According to the results of the analysis it is proposed to carry out an adjustment of the purposes of criminal punishment in the law. The purpose of punishment should be one and have a common focus. In this regard it is proposed to define as the purpose of punishment – retention persons from committing crimes. The single and understandable purpose of punishment on the one hand will be a clear guideline in constructing the type and size of both the main and additional punishments in the sanctions of the articles of the Special Part, and on the other will allow the courts to choose the punishment that most corresponds to the intended result.

2021 ◽  
Vol 57 ◽  
pp. 13-31
Anna Muszyńska

The author of the study joins the discussion on the factors shaping the criminal policy characteristic for the period of validity of the Penal Code of 1997. She does so based on a selected fragment of the legal reality, outlining the impact of the criminal legislation on the criminal policy in terms of implementation of the latter by the courts. The author uses the example of the regulations of Article 178a § 2 of the Criminal Code and Articles 62–62a of the 2005 law on Counteracting Drug Addiction concerning their normative and practical terms. Analysing the crimes indicated, which belong to common behaviours, She reflects on the complexity of relations between the written law and the law in action. In conclusion, the author emphasises that it is the law in action and the examination of its results that refl ects factors that have specific significance for the shaping of penal policy.

Ljubinko Mitrović

Conditional release of the convicted person is an important and almost all modern criminal systems applicable criminal law, criminal policy and penalty doctrine, which has a very important role from the viewpoint of a particular impact on the convicted person in terms of its further re-socialization, or repair, now in a new, changed circumstances in compared to the one which housed while in the correctional institution. Thus, in the Republic of Srpska, where, according to Article 154, Paragraph 1 of the Law on Execution of Criminal Sanctions Srpska, convicted persons for which it is reasonable to expect that he would not do the crimes, and was sentenced achieve the purpose of punishment can expect a conditional discharge from a criminal correctional institutions in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Srpska, certainly to encourage their personal efforts to engage in life at large. It is on conditional release and its specific characteristics in general, and in particular the Institute of parole in the codes of the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina) will be discussed in this paper.

2020 ◽  
pp. 10-15
Marat T. Valeev ◽  

The theory of penalization of socially dangerous acts should be considered as a component of penology and, correspondingly, criminal law, which is a broader area of scientific knowledge. Penology is a comprehensive study of criminal punishment, including the whole range of issues related to punishment, from its substantive and legal components (concepts, goals, content, types, effectiveness) to those not related to law, such as, for example, requirements for the architecture of penitentiary institutions. Penology deals with all stage of punishment (legalization, imposition, execution). The theory of penalization, in its turn, covers only the applied part, related to the construction of punishment in the criminal law (in the General and Special Parts of the Criminal Code). Penalization is a method for implementing the postulates of penology into the current criminal law. The theory of penalization is determined by three components: criminal dogma, criminal sociology, and criminal policy. Given that the punishability of dangerous acts must necessarily be reflected in the criminal law, the forms of its implementation must obey the rules of the law. Therefore, the theory of penalization uses the achievements of criminal dogma, which has as its task the normative-doctrinal study of the norms of criminal law, the formation of logical and linguistic rules (semantic, syntactic and others) for their construction. These are the rules of the legislative technique for constructing norms on punishment in the General and Special Parts of the Criminal Code.

2019 ◽  
pp. 51-60
Lyubov Lobanova ◽  
Alexey Rozhnov

Social danger as a sign of crime was traditionally included in its definition in the Soviet criminal laws and is also mentioned in Part 1 of Article 14 of the current version of Criminal Code. However, with considerable attention to legal science, paid to the knowledge of this phenomenon, the social danger is not a fully studied phenomenon. Thus, the dialectic of the relation between the objective and the subjective in the social danger did not receive a uniform resolution. Social danger is the characteristic of human behavior, assessed by other people through their perceptions of the dangerous and useful, and it leaves its mark when applying the categories of objective and subjective. Being a subjective reality according to the source of its origin (man) and the product of human consciousness, social danger, however, exists objectively - in supra-individual forms and connections that form a society in the system. Hence the social danger is a special kind of objectively subjective phenomenon. The objectivity of public danger is also indicated by the fact that it is the subject of the cognitive activity of the legislator and can exist outside the legal field, without prohibiting the corresponding type of behavior in the law. The subjective properties are growing in social danger through the knowledge of the public danger of an act by the subjects united by the collective notion "legislator". Moreover, subjectivity increases as a result of mistakes made by the legislator,it's a kind of lawmaking "negligence". Acts reflected in criminal law are not always socially harmful from the point of view of the whole society. There are also prohibitions that protect purely class and group interests, which also expand the scope of the subjective in the analyzed phenomenon. The Law initially arose to protect people from themselves, as a condition of their reproduction. At the same time, even with the human development, this mission of the law still exists, and there is always a certain proportion of "eternal crimes" in the law, which is prohibited to commit in order to protect fundamental human values (life, health, sexual freedom and integrity, property). However, in the criminal law of any society there is a so-called "variable part", where prohibitions declare certain actions to be socially dangerous only at a certain stage of the state's historical development. The combination of "eternal" and "variable" crimes in criminal law also indicates the objectively subjective nature of the phenomenon of public danger.

Yuridika ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 220
Aris Hardinanto

The development of information technology and bring a significant impact on the development of society and the law. In the field of criminal law, appear various types of crimes recently that never existed in the laws of criminal law (CRIMINAL CODE), because by the framers, haven't gotten around to think about before. The consequences are many terms in the PENAL CODE which, if interpreted narrowly made the CRIMINAL CODE left behind by the times. To overcome stiffness in interpreting CRIMINAL CODE, then the judge is given the authority to interpret broadly known by the method of interpretation of the law. Methods of interpretation of law in the criminal law is a method of grammatical interpretation, history, teleologis, systematic, and extensive or restrikif. Legal scholars have different opinions on the interpretation of the extensive and analogy. Some legal scholars distinguish but there are who equate. The difference of views as well as to be whether the analogy application of analogy in the criminal law. The analogy has a benefit as solution addressing the stiffness of judges in interpreting the provision in the Criminal Code which have not had time unthinkable by the framers of the CRIMINAL CODE as the impact of the development of science and technology.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 147-160
Lucky Endrawati

Hukum pidana adat terdapat kaedah-kaedah yang mencerminkan nilai-niIai moral yang tinggi yang berlaku secara universal bagi seluruh masyarakat di Indonesia. Dengan demikian dapatlah disimpulkan bahwa hukum pidana adat telah mencerminkan nikai-nilai dalam pendekatan hukum progresif. Oleh karena itu, hukum pidana adat adalah mutlak perlu mendapatkan tempat bagi pembentukan KUHP Nasional di masa yang akan datang sebagai salah satu upaya pembaharuan hukum. Namun kiranya perlu dipertimbangkan bahwa didalam memberikan tempat kepada hukum pidana adat bagi pembentukan KUHP Nasional tersebut hendaknya dicari kaedah-kaedah yang hanya berlaku secara universal bagi seluruh masyarakat. Kaedah-kaedah tersebut kemudian dikodifikasikan dalam KUHP Nasional, sehingga ia akan menjadi kaedah-kaedah KUHP Nasional semata-mata, bukan sebagai kaedah hukum pidana adat lagi. Dalam hal ini berarti bahwa kedudukan hukum pidana adat telah digantikan hukum pidana nasional, namun yang tetap dijiwai perasaan hukum yang hidup didalam seluruh masyarakat di Indonesia. Adapun konsep transplatasi sanksi bagi pelanggar hukum pidana setempat, sebaiknya pengadilan memilih menjatukan tindakan (maatregel) yang dipertimbangkan dapat memberikan beban bagi si pelanggar, namun sebaliknya dapat memberikan manfaat langsung bagi rnasyankat setempat. Hal ini bertujuan mengembalikan keseimbangan yang ada didalam masyarakat yang bersangkutan. Hal yang kiranya perlu mendapat perhatian didalam menjatuhkan sanksi kepada si pelanggar hukum pidana setempat adalah : 1. Beratnya sanksi yang berupa tindakan tersebut disesuaikan berat ringannya pelanggaran yang dilakukan. 2. Beratnya sanksi juga disesuaikan dengan tingkat kemampuan si pelanggar yaitu sejauh mana ia dapat melaksanakan sanksi itu. 3. Apabila pelanggaran hukum pidana adat setempat tersebut ternyata terdapat pidananya didalam KUHP NasionaI, maka yang barus dipergunakan banyalah kaedah dan sanksi yang dirumuskan didalam KUHP Nasional. Customary criminal law has methods that reflect high moral values that apply universally to all people in Indonesia. Thus it can be concluded that customary criminal law reflects values in a progressive legal approach. Therefore, customary criminal law is absolutely necessary to get a place for the formation of the National Criminal Code in the future as an effort to reform the law. However, it is important to consider that in providing a place for customary criminal law for the establishment of the National Penal Code, methods should be sought that are universally applicable to all people. These methods are then codified in the National Criminal Code, so that they will become the National Criminal Code solely, not as a customary criminal law method anymore. In this case it means that the position of customary criminal law has been replaced by national criminal law, but that is still imbued with a feeling of law that lives in all people in Indonesia. As for the concept of transplanting sanctions for local criminal law offenders, the court should choose to unite actions (maatregel) which are considered to be a burden on the offender, but instead can provide direct benefits to the local community. This aims to restore the existing balance in the community concerned. Things that need attention in imposing sanctions on local criminal offenders are: 1. The severity of sanctions in the form of such actions is adjusted for the severity of the violations committed. 2. The severity of the sanction is also adjusted to the level of the offender's ability, namely the extent to which he can implement the sanction. 3. If the violation of the local customary criminal law turns out to have a criminal offense in the National Criminal Code, then only a number of methods and sanctions should be used which are formulated in the National Criminal Code. 

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