scholarly journals Psychological Effects and Coping Strategies for Home Isolation and Social Distancing in Children and Adolescents During COVID-19 Pandemic, A Cross-Sectional Study (Preprint)

2020 ◽  
Abduljaleel Abdullatif Zainel

BACKGROUND By the end of 2019, a novel coronavirus was identified as the cause of a cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China. It rapidly spread due to a strong evidence of human-to-human transmission, resulting in a pandemic throughout the world. Almost all countries around the world, including Qatar, have established instructions and regulations to limit the spread of the virus and to preserve the health of societies. Unfortunately, these procedures are often associated with some negative effects on individuals’ psychological and intellectual well-being, including children and adolescents. OBJECTIVE The objective of this study was to screen the psychological effects of home isolation and social distancing on children and adolescents, and the strategies used to cope with those effects. METHODS This is a cross-sectional study implemented using an online scaling questionnaire through a SMS text messaging. All home-isolated children and adolescents registered in Primary Health Care Corporation aged 7-18 years old invited to participate in the study, children and adolescents with intellectual disadvantages excluded. A p value 0.05 (two tailed) is considered for statistically significant level. RESULTS Data were collected from 6608 participants through the period of June 23rd to July 18th, 2020. Almost all the participants have followed the official regulations during the period of home isolation and social distancing, and 69.1% of their parents expressed their children and adolescents were vulnerable to the virus as an average person, compared to 25% expressed they were not vulnerable at all. The mean score of emotional construct anger and depression have decreased with the increase of following official instructions, with p value of 0.04 and 0.11 respectively. The difference in mean score of all psychological effects and the coping strategies used among participants between the three levels of vulnerability to corona virus, were statistically significant. The trend of mean score varied little with the escalation of the level of vulnerability to the virus. This mild variation can make difference when sample size is large as in case of our study. CONCLUSIONS Screening for psychological and social disruptions is of importance to develop strategies by schools and healthcare providers to assess and monitor behavioral changes and negative psychological effects during reintegration post-COVID-19. Participants experiencing higher levels of anxieties should be given extra attention during reintegration and transitional phases in schools. Although electronic devices and social media platforms may have lowered the level of anxiety in some cases, it is important to address how electronic devices and social media platforms are used and how content is tailored to children and adolescents. It is also important to maintain an active lifestyle for children and young adults, and encourage them not to neglect their physical health, as it promotes better psychological state of mind.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Saadullah Khattak ◽  
Maqbool Khan ◽  
Tahir Usman ◽  
Johar Ali ◽  
Dong-Xing Wu ◽  

Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a global health threat and caused a universal psychosocial impact on the general population. Therefore, the knowledge, attitude, and perceptions (KAPs) of the general population are critical for the development and effective implementation of standard operating procedures (SOP) to contain the contagion and minimize the losses. Therefore, the current study was conducted to understand and evaluate the KAPs of Pakistani populations toward the COVID-19.Methods: An online cross-sectional study was carried out among participants from 1 May to 30 July 2020 in different areas of Pakistan. The respondents of the study were the general population with age ≥ 18 years. The poll URL was posted on several channels after a call for participation. Other social media platforms such as WeChat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Messenger, and LinkedIn were engaged to maximize general population engagement. The questionnaire included details about sociodemographic, knowledge about COVID-19, perceptions toward universal safety precautions of COVID-19, and beliefs attitude toward the COVID-19. The obtained data were exported into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and SPSS software version 21 for windows. The descriptive statistics values were presented in frequencies and percentages. Binary logistic regression, Chi-square test, and one-way ANOVA were applied to analyze the participants' socio-demographic characteristics and variables related to KAPs. P-value < 0.05 was recorded as significant.Results: A total of 1,000 participants were invited of which 734 participated in this study. The response rate was 73.4% (734/1,000). The gender, marital status, education, and residence showed a significant association with the knowledge score. The majority of the study participants were thinking that COVID-19 may be more dangerous in elderly individuals 94.5% (n = 700), and individuals with chronic diseases or severe complications 96.7% (n = 710) (p = 0.00). More than half of the participants 52.5% (n = 385) showed their concern that either they or their family members might get the infection. More than 98% (n = 703), (P-value = 0.00) of the participants held that COVID-19 would be successfully controlled in Pakistan by following the standard SOPs and government guidelines.Conclusion: This study showed that the general population of Pakistan has good awareness and reasonable attitudes and perceptions toward the full features of the COVID-19. The current study suggests that mass-level effective health education programs are necessary for developing countries to improve and limit the gap between KAP toward COVID-19.

Faiqa Binte Aamir ◽  
Syeda Maria Ahmad Zaidi ◽  
Saadia Abbas ◽  
Syed Roohan Aamir ◽  
Syed Nauman Ahmad Zaidi ◽  

Background: Despite mass vaccination campaigns, the world has seen a steady rise in the number of SARS-CoV-2 cases, with 178,765,626 cases and 3,869,994 COVID-19 related deaths by June 19th, 2021. Therefore, it is important to enforce social distancing to control its spread. With the variation observed in the severity of the pandemic in different countries, it is also imperative to study the social distancing behaviors amongst the population in developed and developing countries.Design and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, a total of 384 participants from 14 different countries were surveyed via an online REDCap form.Results: In this study, it was highlighted that despite adequate knowledge, the overall compliance to COVID-19 related preventive measures remains poor, the lowest being in the senior age group (≥ 65 years), and the highest being in adults aged between 25-64 years (p-value =0.003). Population from the developing countries were more compliant to all preventative measures against COVID-19 spread, except for handwashing, where the difference between the two populations remained insignificant (p-value = 0.038, <0.001, 0.016). Socioeconomic status, prior history of COVID-19 infection, or presence of comorbidities did not significantly affect compliance rates, however, participants with no prior history of this infection were found to be more compliant to donning a mask in public as compared to those with a positive history (p-value = 0.044). Conclusions: Since compliance remains subpar in both the developing and the developed countries, mass campaigns about COVID-19 related preventive measures remain essential in controlling the disease spread.

2021 ◽  
Faiqa Binte Aamir ◽  
Syeda Maria Ahmad Zaidi ◽  
Saadia Abbas ◽  
Syed Roohan Aamir ◽  
Syed Nauman Ahmad Zaidi ◽  

Abstract Background: As of June 19th, 2021, there have been 178,765,626 reported COVID-19 cases and confirmed 3,869,994 COVID-19 related deaths. Despite the mass vaccination campaigns, number of SARS-CoV-2 infection cases continue to rise. Therefore, it’s important to control its spread for which the most potent method remains social distancing. Due to the diversity in the severity of the effect of the pandemic on different countries, it’s imperative to study the social distancing behavior among population in the developed and developing countries where the factors such as socioeconomic status, education, overpopulation, religious beliefs, and misconceptions play a role in altering the population’s behavior. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, a total of 384 participants from 14 different countries were surveyed via an online REDCap form. Results: In this study it was highlighted that although the knowledge regards to COVID-19 pandemic and its related prevention remains high, the overall compliances in both the developed and developing countries remain poor, the lowest being in the senior age group (≥ 65 years). It was found that out of all the age groups, adults aged between 25–64 years were the most compliant to social distancing. (p value = 0.003) Population from the developing countries were more compliant to all preventative measures against COVID-19 spread except for in handwashing compliance where the difference between the two populations remains insignificant. (p value = 0.038, < 0.001, 0.016) Socioeconomic status, prior history of COVID-19 infection or presence of comorbidities did not significantly affect compliance rates however, participants with no prior history of this infection were found to be more compliant to donning a mask in public as compared to those with a positive history of SARS-CoV-2 infection. (p value = 0.044) Additionally, participants with no family history for comorbidities in developing countries had a higher hand washing and mask compliance as compared to those who had a positive family history. (p value = 0.035) Conclusion: Mass campaigns about awareness related to the preventative measures against COVID-19 remain essential in controlling the disease spread as despite having an overall high COVID-19 related literacy, compliance remains subpar in both developing and developed countries.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. e0248160
Lenisse M. Reyes ◽  
Lilibeth Ortiz ◽  
Maxwell Abedi ◽  
Yenifel Luciano ◽  
Wilma Ramos ◽  

Despite the vast scientific evidence obtained from the genomic sequencing of COVID-19, controversy regarding its origin has been created in the mass media. This could potentially have a long-term influence on the behavior among individuals, such as failure to comply with proposed social distancing measures, leading to a consequent rise in the morbidity and mortality rates from COVID-19 infection. Several studies have collected information about knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding COVID-19; however, very little is known about the relationship of the perceptions of the individuals regarding the origin of the virus with the knowledge and perception about social distancing. This study aimed at ascertaining this relationship. For such purpose, a web-based cross-sectional study was conducted among a sample population from five provinces of the Dominican Republic from June to July of 2020. The data collection instrument exploited in the study was a self-designed questionnaire distributed throughout different social media platforms. A purposive sampling strategy was implemented and a total of 1195 respondents completed the questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS. Descriptive statistics, stepwise multiple linear regression, and one-way multivariate analysis were implemented to test the hypotheses. The level of education was significantly associated (P = .017) with individuals’ perception about the origin of COVID-19, whilst only age (P = .032) and education level (P < .001) statistically significantly predicted ‘knowledge about social distancing’. Perception of COVID-19 origin was statistically significant associated (P = < .001) with the measures of the dependent variables (knowledge and perception on social distancing). The present study has established a possible link between the ‘perception of COVID-19 origin’ and ‘the perception and knowledge about social distancing’.

2020 ◽  
Lenisse M. Reyes ◽  
Lilibeth Ortiz ◽  
Maxwell Abedi ◽  
Yenifel Luciano ◽  
Wilma Ramos ◽  

ABSTRACTDespite the vast scientific evidence obtained from the genomic sequencing of COVID-19, a controversy regarding its origin has been created in the mass media. This could potentially have a long-term influence on the behavior among individuals, such as failure to comply with proposed social distancing measures, leading to a consequent rise in the morbidity and mortality rates from COVID-19 infection. Several studies have collected information about knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding COVID-19; however, very little is known about the relationship of the perceptions of the individuals regarding the origin of the virus with the knowledge and perception about social distancing. This study aimed at ascertaining this relationship. For such purpose, a web-based cross-sectional study was conducted among a sample population from five provinces of the Dominican Republic within the period of June to July of 2020. The data collection instrument exploited in the study was a self-designed questionnaire distributed throughout different social media platforms. A purposive sampling strategy was implemented and a total of 1195 respondents completed the questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS. Descriptive statistics, stepwise multiple linear regression and one-way multivariate analysis were implemented to test the hypotheses. The level of education was significantly associated (P = 0.017) with individuals’ perception about the origin of COVID-19, whilst only age (P = 0.032) and education level (P < 0.001) statistically significantly predicted ‘knowledge about social distancing’. Perception of COVID-19 origin was statistically significant associated (P = < 0.001) with the measures of the dependent variables (knowledge and perception on social distancing). The present study has established a possible link between the ‘perception of COVID-19 origin’ and ‘the perception and knowledge about social distancing’.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 129
Entia Nopa ◽  
Ranissa Dwi Imansari ◽  
Irwandi Rachman

Faktor Risiko Kejadian Penyakit Kulit Pada Pekerja Pengangkut Sampah Di Kota Jambi 1Entianopa, 2Ranissa Dwi Imansari, 3Irwandi Rachman       123Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat STIKES Harapan Ibu, Jambi   Abstrak Latar Belakang: Kulit merupakan organ terbesar pada tubuh manusia yang membungkus otot-otot dan organ-organ dalam serta merupakan jalinan jaringan pembuluh darah, saraf, dan kelenjar yang tidak berujung, semuanya memiliki potensi untuk terserang penyakit yang salah satunya adalah penyakit kulit. Penyakit kulit merupakan salah satu gangguan kesehatan yang sering dialami oleh pekerja pengangkut sampah. Berdasarkan komposisi sampah yang diangkut serta waktu paparan kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara masa kerja, pemakaian Alat Pelindung Diri (APD), dan personal hygiene dengan kejadian penyakit kulit pada pekerja pengangkut sampah di Kota Jambi. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian cross sectional study. Sampel penelitian yaitu sebanyak 62 pekerja pengangkut sampah yang berada di Kantor Pekerjaan Umum dan Penata Ruang, yang mana seluruh populasi dijadikan sampel. Data dikumpulkan berdasarkan pemeriksaan kesehatan oleh dokter dan dengan kuesioner, kemudian dianalisa menggunakan uji statistik chi-square. Hasil: Hasil menunjukan bahwa pekerja yang mengalami penyakit kulit sebanyak 35 pekerja (56,5%). Berdasarkan hasil analisis chi-square didapatkan bahwa ada hubungan yang bermakna antara masa kerja dengan kejadian penyakit kulit pada pekerja pengangkut sampah dimana nilai (p-value= 0,006), Pemakaian Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) nilai (p-value= 0,008), personal hygiene nilai (p-value= 0,008). Kesimpulan: Untuk meminimalisir risiko terjadinya penyakit kulit pada pekerja pengangkut sampah disarankan perlunya disusun standar operasional prosedur yang aman, penyediaan sarana sanitasi agar dapat mengurangi resiko terkena penyakit kulit. Pentingnya pemakaian APD dan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat selama bekerja, serta diharapkan pekerja menggunakan APD pada saat bekerja dan lebih memperhatikan personal hygiene.   Kata kunci      : Masa Kerja, APD, Personal Hygiene

Dina Dewi Anggraini

ABSTRACT   The study aims todetermine the relationship between parenting style and the level of independence of Personal Hygiene Hand Wasting and Tooth Brush in Preschoolers in Kindergarten Negeri Pembina Blora in 2019. The study is a quantitative study, based on the research location including the type of field reseaerch, based on the ansence of the treatment of subjects including survey research, based on time is a cross sectional study, and based on objectives includin correlation analytics. The population in this study were all parents in Kindergarten Negeri Pembina Blora as many as 85 respondents. Based on the sample calculation, the sample obtained in this study that most parent in Kindergarten Negeri Pembina Blora amounted to 70 respondents. Srearmen’s rho test analysis results parenting parents with the level of independence of personal hygiene hand wasting result obtained p value = 0,000 < α (0,05), and parenting patters with the independence of personal hygiene tooth brush obtained results p value = 0,000 < α (0,05). So it can be concluded that were is a significant relationship between parenting parents with the level of independence of personal hygiene washing hands and brushing their tooth at preschoolers in Kindergarten Negeri Pembina Blora in 2019. Keywords: parenting; personal hygiene, preschool ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Hubungan Pola Asuh Orangtua Terhadap Tingkat Kemandirian Personal Hygiene Cuci Tangan dan Gogok Gigi pada Anak Prasekolah di TK Negeri Pembina Blora Tahun 2019. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, berdasarkan tempat penelitian termasuk jenis penelitian lapangan, berdasarkan tidak adanya perlakuan terhadap subjek termasuk penelitian survey, berdasarkan waktu merupakan penelitian cross sectional, dan berdasarkan tujuan termasuk analitik korelasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh orangtua di TK Negeri Pembina Blora sebanyak 85 responden. Berdasarkan perhitungan sampel  maka diperoleh sampel pada penelitian ini adalah sebagian orangtua di TK Negeri Pembina Blora sebanyak 70 responden. Hasil analisis uji spearmen’s rho pola asuh orangtua dengan tingkat kemandirian personal hygiene cuci tangan didapatkan hasil p value = 0,000 < α (0,05), dan pola asuh orangtua dengan kemandirian personal hygiene gosok gigi didapatkan hasil p value = 0,000 < α (0,05). Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pola asuh orang tua dengan tingkat kemandirian personal hygiene cuci tangan dan gosok gigi pada anak prasekolah di TK Negeri Pembina Blora Tahun 2019. Kata kunci: pola asuh; personal hygiene; prasekolah

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-39
Dedeh Husnaniyah

Tuberkulosis Paru merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Dampak TB Paru adalah penurunan daya tahan tubuh, kelemahan fisik, merugikan secara ekonomis dan dapat mengakibatkan isolasi sosial. Keadaan tersebut dapat mempengaruhi harga diri penderita TB Paru. Perubahan harga diri pada penderita TB Paru dapat mempengaruhi keberhasilan pengobatan, sehingga dibutuhkan adanya dukungan keluarga. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh dukungan keluarga terhadap harga diri penderita TB Paru di Wilayah Puskesmas Eks Kawedanan Indramayu tahun 2015. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional study. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan tekhnik total sampling sebayak 45 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penderita TB Paru yang memiliki harga diri tinggi sebanyak 23 responden (51,1%) dan yang memiliki harga diri rendah sebanyak 22 responden (48,9%), penderita TB Paru yang mendapatkan dukungan keluarga sebanyak 26 responden (57,8 %) dan yang tidak mendapatkandukungan keluarga sebanyak 19 (42,2 %). Responden yang mendapatkan dukungan keluarga lebih banyak yang memiliki harga diri tinggi dibandingkan dengan responden yang tidak mendapatkan dukungan keluarga yaitu 69,6% dengan nilai p value = 0,047 (< 0,05). Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungandukungan keluarga denganharga diri penderita TB Paru. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan bagi pemegang program TB untuk memberikan konseling terkait pentingnya dukungan keluarga bagi penderita TB Paru.

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