scholarly journals The Arlanda Airport Rail Link: Lessons Learned from a Swedish Construction Project

2008 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Jan-Eric Nilsson ◽  
Lars Hultkrantz ◽  
Urban Karlström

The Stockholm – Arlanda airport rail link is a public-private partnership opened for traffic in 1999. This paper addresses costs and benefits of giving a private company control over one section of the otherwise public railway network. The project has reduced the pressure on the public sector’s budget and reduced the need to raise efficiency distorting tax revenue. The number of passengers has been below expectations. Track capacity may, however, be sufficient to negotiate an increase the supply of rail services by way of extending existing commuter trains, in that way attracting more passengers.

2021 ◽  
Melanie Beck

In Deutschland werden zahlreiche Infrastrukturprojekte durch eine Zusammenarbeit der öffentlichen Hand mit einem privaten Unternehmen umgesetzt. Dies geschieht im Rahmen einer Öffentlich-Privaten-Partnerschaft kurz ÖPP bzw. PPP (Public Private Partnership). Auch im Bereich der Verkehrsinfrastruktur erfolgt die Umsetzung vieler Projekte als ÖPP. Privatunternehmen übernehmen den Ausbau, ggfs. Neubau, Erhalt und Betrieb eines vertraglich festgelegten Autobahnabschnittes, mit zumeist einer Vertragslaufzeit von 25-30 Jahren. Erfüllt das Unternehmen die zuvor definierten Leistungen, erhält es von der öffentlichen Hand ein Entgelt. Laut aktuellen Planungen des Bundes sollen ca. 1.280 km des deutschen Autobahnnetzes durch ÖPP-Projekte erneuert werden. Jedoch existiert eine kontroverse Diskussion dieser Projekte sowohl in der Theorie als auch in der Praxis. Zum einen sind, laut Bundesrechnungshof, solche Projekte teurer als eine konventionelle Umsetzung und zum anderen profitieren, gemäß Untersuchung der TU Braunschweig, hiervon besonders große Baukonzerne. Die mittelständischen, regionalen Bauunternehmer haben kaum Möglichkeiten sich bei ÖPP zu beteiligen. Ziel des Forschungsvorhabens war die Analyse einer Verkehrsinfrastrukturgenossenschaft, welche eine Alternative zu den bisherigen ÖPP-Projekten darstellt. Die Grundidee dieser Genossenschaft ist es, sowohl den Baumittelstand zu berücksichtigen, als auch eine regionale Wertschöpfung herbei zu führen. In Germany, numerous infrastructure projects are implemented through cooperation between the public sector and a private company. This is done within the framework of a public-private partnership (short: PPP). In the area of transportation infrastructure, too, many projects are implemented as PPPs. Private companies take over the responsibilities of expansion, new construction (if necessary), maintenance and operation of a contractually defined highway section, usually with a contract term of 25-30 years. If the company fulfills the previously defined services, it receives a payment from the public sector. According to current plans of the federal government, approximately 1,280 km of the German highway network are to be renewed through PPP projects. However, there is a controversial discussion of these projects both in theory and in practice. On the one hand, according to the Federal Audit Office, such projects are more expensive than conventional implementation. On the other hand, according to a study by the Technical University of Braunschweig, large contractors in particular benefit from this. Medium-sized, regional construction companies have hardly any opportunities to participate in PPPs. Goal of the research project was the analysis of a transport infrastructure cooperative, which shows an alternative to the existing PPP projects. The basic idea of this cooperative is the consideration of the midsize contractors sector and to create a regional added value.

2006 ◽  
Vol 53 (3) ◽  
pp. 299-311 ◽  
Viktorija Bojovic

This paper discusses recent changes in the way public services are delivered A marked increase in the cooperation between the public and private sector in the realization of complex projects, mostly concerning development of infrastructure, is the main characteristic of present-day developing economies. The creation of new, innovative agreements is driven by the limitation of public funds and an ever-growing demand for an increase in the quality of public services. Looking upon the western economies experience alternatives to the traditional public sector procurement are identified in the public/private partnership. The public/private partnership can be seen as one component in the rearrangement of the public sector with a management culture that focuses on the citizen or customer. Also included in this are accountability for results, investigation of a wide variety of alternative service delivery mechanisms, and competition between public and private bodies for contracts to deliver services consistent with cost recovery and the achievement of value for money. The partnership can be realized through an array of models and in this paper priority is given to the DBFO (design-build-finance-operate) model, due to its importance in implementation. The DBFO model is considered to be a synonym for the public/private partnership, as it is the most suitable for complex projects and gains the most benefits.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
Dejan Milenković ◽  
Vladimir Đurić

Public administration reform, better known as the New Public Management - NPM, which began in the mid-1970s, had a key impact on the development of modern public administration. The NPM emphasizes the economic values of public administration, to the detriment of its other values. Public Private Partnership- PPP is one of the basic elements of NPM doctrine. PPP is a partnership between the public and private sector that aims to provide a service traditionally provided by the public sector. An integral part of every PPP is the Value for Money methodology. The “Value for money”- VfM method emerged in this process of public administration reform, first in the UK. The document of the British Government Private Finance Initiative (PFI) from the year 1992, presented the basis for the creation of a new so-called “Venture”, which at that time was called a joint venture, and which is today known as PPP. PPP is a relatively new institute that has existed in the Republic of Serbia since 2011. In this paper, we will deal with the application of the VfM methodology in PPP projects related to street lighting in the Republic of Serbia, and try to give answer about social and economic justification of PPP and potential economic savings that can be achieved in the public sector through the implementation of PPP. At the present time, when there is more and more talk about the need for environmental protection, sustainable development and energy efficiency, PPP projects can have an increasing importance in this area. For this reason, we have limited the application of VfM methods in PPP projects in the Republic of Serbia only to street lighting projects which provide the mentioned goals.

2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 221-238 ◽  
Robert Osei-Kyei ◽  
Albert P.C. Chan ◽  
Ayirebi Dansoh ◽  
Joseph Kwame Ofori-Kuragu ◽  
Emmanuel Kingsford Owusu

Purpose The purpose of this study is to explore the motivations of governments for adopting unsolicited proposals for public–private partnership (PPP) project implementation. Design/methodology/approach A comprehensive review of literature was conducted to derive a list of motivations for adopting unsolicited PPPs. Subsequently, an empirical questionnaire survey was conducted with international PPP experts. Inter-rater agreement analysis, mean significance index and independent two-sample t-test were used for data analysis. Findings Results reveal four very critical motivations for governments’ interest in unsolicited PPPs; these include: “enhanced private sector innovation and creativity in PPPs”; “lack of public sector capacity to identify, prioritise and procure projects”; “lack of private investors’/developers’ interest in projects at remote areas”; and “rapid implementation of PPP projects”. Further analysis shows that developing and developed countries view the significance of three motivations differently. Research limitations/implications The major limitation lies in the fact that this study only focused on the general motivations/rationale for using unsolicited PPP proposals and did not thoroughly examine and consider the inherent property of motivations (i.e. push and pull theories). Therefore, future studies should explore the “pull and push” motivations for adopting unsolicited PPPs within a specific country or region. Originality/value The research outputs inform international private developers of the key expectations of governments/public departments when submitting unsolicited PPP proposals for consideration by the public sector. Furthermore, the outputs will enable governments/public departments and private proponents to derive performance objectives and standards for unsolicited PPP projects.

Daniel Hahn

Public private partnerships have been gaining the interest of emergency management and security-related federal organizations. In 2010, the National Academies Press published a framework for resilience-focused private-public sector collaboration which may be the catalyst for how resilience-oriented public private partnerships are developed in the future (National Academies Press. 2010). Public private partnerships can be utilized to increase citizen awareness and preparedness, to address a specific need in a community, or to accomplish any other function that brings a community and government together. “Utilized correctly, a public private partnership is a win-win situation for all participants” (Hahn, 2010, p. 274). Although perceived as very successful, no prior systems analysis has been conducted on these partnerships. In this chapter, a successful public private partnership is evaluated using systems analysis techniques. Results of that analysis, along with details of the original case study and the public private partnership itself are presented.

2020 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-64
Ludmila Štěrbová ◽  
Jaroslav Halík ◽  
Pavla Neumannová

AbstractGovernment purchases represent an important part of the world economy. Selling to the public sector is a key business activity for certain industries or service providers. The public procurement segment’s attractiveness is also underlined by the security of payment and large extent of supplies. With globalisation as a worldwide phenomenon, businesses do not have to rely only on domestic institutions; they can enter international B2G markets as well. However, the ability of private companies to do business with foreign governments is limited by various national legislations as governments settle the procurement regulation with respect to their national interests. In the following overview article, the authors analyse the two main and typical procurement types – traditional procurement and public-private partnership – with regard to recent development trends, international regulatory framework, opportunities and barriers to entry for European businesses. The main goal of the paper is to define, based on this analysis, the main differences and possible synergies of the traditional procurement and public-private partnership while focusing on cross-border contracts. This paper can be regarded as useful for business, academia as well as the public sector.

2021 ◽  
Nordyanawati binti Rusmani

<p>The importance of high quality infrastructure and its maintenance lies in its ability to stimulate economic growth as it fuels business activities, creates job opportunities, markets product, and generates earnings (Yakcop, 2006a). In consideration of this importance, the public sector encourages private sector participation in the delivery of public services and infrastructure in terms of funding and expertise. A successful Public Private Partnership (PPP) is one vehicle used internationally. Both New Zealand and Malaysia acknowledge the potential of PPPs in delivering high quality infrastructure and services to the general public. Consequently, both countries made a move towards PPPs by creating PPP-specialized units and producing PPP guidelines. However, thus far, Malaysia has been more active in pursuing PPPs when compared to New Zealand‘s cautious approach to PPPs. Hence, the purpose of this thesis is to find out the reasoning behind this trend. Issues relevant to reasons for implementing PPPs, features of PPPs, allocation of risks, performance indicators and accounting for PPPs are analysed to justify this trend. This thesis finds that the Malaysian "Vision 2020" has signalled a government preference for PPPs, including its ability to encourage bumiputera participation. Further, the government has developed a system involving Special Purpose Vehicles and utilizing government-held superannuation funds for project finance aid. Consequently, the system reduces the transfer of risk from the public sector to the private sector partners. This has transcended the major issue in New Zealand where the lack of a competitive market has restricted the development of PPPs. A lack of public support has also contributed to New Zealand‘s PPP under-development.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-199
Wiston Risso

This paper analyzes the renegotiation problem in the context of public-private partnership projects. Utilizing a game-theoretic approach, an equilibrium is found in which the government finds that accepting renegotiation can be efficient. A first indicator is proposed based the public sector comparator (PSC) that can be estimated by policymakers as an additional tool when deciding about renegotiation. A second more theoretical indicator is derived to analyze the economic and financial variables affecting renegotiation. This indicator is applied to four case studies in different countries (England, Taiwan, Portugal and China) and the results suggest that the model performs well.


У статті з’ясовані особливості інституційного забезпеченняреалізації державно-приватного партнерства у сфері охорони здоров’я.Наведена структура діючих суб’єктів державно-приватногопартнерства у сфері охорони здоров’я. Доведено, що співпраця владнихструктур, бізнесу та суспільного сектора при реалізації механізмів ДППстане підґрунтям для розвитку інноваційних форм проектногоменеджменту, стимулюванню підприємницької діяльності, а такожсприятиме вирішенню медико-соціальних проблем в країні. Крім того,застосування моделей ДПП у сфері охорони здоров’я матимеекономічний ефект для суспільства у вигляді більш якісніших медичнихпослуг при зменшенні бюджетного навантаження. The article clarifies the peculiarities of institutional support for theimplementation of public-private partnership in the field of health care. The structure of the acting public-private partnership in the sphere of healthprotection is presented. It has been proved that cooperation between powerstructures, business and the public sector in the implementation of PPPmechanisms will be the basis for the development of innovative forms ofproject management, stimulation of entrepreneurial activity, and willcontribute to solving medical and social problems in the country. In addition,the use of PPP models in the healthcare sector will have an economic effect forthe society in the form of better quality medical services while reducing thebudgetary burden.

Turyzm ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 19 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 77-82 ◽  
Aleksander Szwichtenberg

Public-Private Partnership (PPP) is a form of cooperation between the public sector and the private in order to carry out projects or services traditionally supplied by the public sector. This mode of investment is most commonly applied to the creation of technological infrastructure projects. According to the author PPP will allow coastal tourist communes (gminas) to speed up the implementation of the communication infrastructure, and the sport and recreational infrastructure which are presently major barriers to the development of the tourist economy. This is further confirmed by examples presented in this work.

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