The Royal Observatory of the Spanish Navy (ROA) is specialist in space geodesy since the beginning of the space race. In 1975 a laser station was installed at ROA in collaboration with the French CERGA (Centre de Recherches en Géodynamique et Astrométrie). Since 1980, ROA has operated that station by their own. This equipment routinely tracks artificial satellites equipped with retro-reflectors. In 2014 ROA opened a new field of research: tracking of artificial satellites currently not active and equipped with retroreflectors. This new area was a challenge given the poor orbital accuracies that are available for these objects as they were not tracked on a routine basis. This served as an approach to our final goal: to strictly monitor space debris, this is, any type of uncontrolled man-made orbiting objects. To fulfill the objective, since 2017, we made significant changes to our laser installation. The most important was the replacement of the old laser bench with two new ones. One transmitting 500 mW-pulses, and another laser bench with 25 W transmission power. The study for the installation of the later laser was financed through European Union (EU) H2020 fundings and granted by the Spanish Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI). Although it allows the tracking of collaborative objects, it is ideal for tracking non-collaborative too. Tracking activities begin in November 2017. From then onward, non-collaborative objects are monitored on a regular basis. This work shows the modifications already made, and the results obtained until 2019.