Objective Signs Act Done with Intent to Prevent Child Being Born Alive or To Cause It to Die After Birth: National and Indian Experiences
Abstract: The article analyzes the problems of qualification crime, connected with infanticide. the terms, used in formulation of crime under considering, which demands of unambiguous and luminous exposition are defined. this article illustrates the objective side of the crime structure and its facultative signs and their criminal legal significances belong to offence of infanticide , including the theoretical and practical problems of facultative signs of the objective side of the crime structure, which are specified in the criminal code of the republic of uzbekistan. in addition, proposals and recommendations for further improvement of the criminal legislation. also, in this article, the author analyzes offence of infanticide in national, foreign and Indian experiences. This article illustrates that the facultative signs of the objective side of the crime of offence of infanticide are specified in the Criminal Code as extenuating (qualifying) signs at the qualification of criminal offense and Objective signs of this crime consist in the unlawful deprivation life of a newborn child.On the objective side, the crime under article 99 of the criminal code of the Republic of Uzbekistan has a material structure. It can be committed either through action or inaction. A socially dangerous consequence must be in the necessary cause-and-effect relationship with the mother's act. Keywords: infanticide, criminal law, privileged formal element of a definition of crime, facultative signs of the objective side of the crime; the time, socially dangerous act; socially dangerous consequences; causal link