scholarly journals "Base Genep" Instant Spices Quality For Sale In East Denpasar

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-150
Sofia nggoweng ◽  
Ni Made Ayu Suardani singapurwa ◽  
I Nyoman Rudianta

Instant spices is a mixture of several spices that are young to be found in the market at an affordable price, and are usually used immediately as a cooking spice for certain foods. This study aims to determine the quality of the "Base Genep" instant spices sold in the East Denpasar Market. This research is a descriptive study using survey and experimental methods in the laboratory. The number of samples to be studied was 44 samples from 81 populations. The variables in the study were moisture content, pH, Escherichia coli, Total Plate Count (TPC) and mold. The results showed that from 44 samples of "Basa Genep" instant seasoning water content test results obtained were 21.62% - 23.707%, while the pH value of 44 samples of "Basa Genep" instant spice was obtained between 2.2-2.5 so that it meets the requirements.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Sonia Epriana Simbolon ◽  
Hens Onibala ◽  
Engel Victor Pandey ◽  
Nurmeilita Taher ◽  
Feny Mentang ◽  

This study aims to obtain the best surimi quality of skipjack that was washed with cold water of 4 ° C with different washing times (5 and 10 minutes). The parameters measured were yield, moisture content and pH (AOAC, 2005), total plate count (TPC) using the modified SNI 2332.3-2015 method, Salmonella detection with SSA Agar, and organoleptic tests according to SNI 2694: 2013. The results showed that the treatment of washing time 5 minutes is the best time in making fish paste and boiling temperature 90 ° C - 20 min is the best time in the formation of fish gel, because it has the highest folding test and bite test values of 6.6 and 8.2. Fish paste has a moisture content of 72.25 and a pH of 5.84. Microbiological test results showed that the TPC in the washing treatment of 5 min and 10 min were still in accordance with Indonesia National Standards for surimi and there was no presence of Salmonella sp. in both treatmentsTujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan mutu surimi ikan cakalang terbaik yang dicuci dengan air dingin 4°C dengan waktu pencucian berbeda (5 dan 10 menit). Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi bagi peneliti dan pengolah ikan tentang waktu pencucian terbaik untuk mendapatkan mutu sensori dan mikrobiologi surimi ikan cakalang sesuai SNI 2694:2013 tentang Surimi. Parameter yang diukur pada penelitian ini adalah rendemen, kadar air dan pH (AOAC, 2005), angka lempeng total (ALT) menggunakan metode SNI 2332.3-2015 yang dimodifikasi, deteksi Salmonella dengan SSA Agar, dan uji organoleptik sesuai SNI 2694:2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perlakuan lama pencucian 5 menit merupakan waktu terbaik dalam pembuatan pasta ikan dan suhu perebusan 90°C - 20 min adalah waktu terbaik dalam pembentukan gel ikan, karena memiliki nilai uji lipat dan uji gigit tertinggi yaitu 6.6 dan 8.2. Pasta ikan memiliki nilai kadar air 72.25 dan pH 5.84. Hasil uji mikrobiologi memperlihatkan bahwa total mikroorganisme pada perlakuan pencucian 5 min dan 10 min masih sesuai standar SNI untuk produk surimi dan tidak terdapat keberadaan Salmonella sp. pada kedua perlakuan 

Chlara Noni Patty ◽  
Verly Dotulong ◽  
I Ketut Suwetja

Fish is a source of food that is needed by humans because it contains a lot of protein. Protein and water contained in fish is quite high, so the fish including perishable commodities. Therefore, it is necessary to inhibit the process of decay by means of preservation and processing. Fumigation is one of the ways of fish processing that works to preserve and provide aroma with a distinctive flavor. Curing fish intended to have lasting power and gives a distinctive aroma. Roa fish or halfbeak (Hemiramphus sp.) Smoke (traditional name is Galavea) is one of the processed fish products consumed by the people who processed traditionally done by generations in North Sulawesi. Roa smoked fish processing business is done today is done with a simple technique using wood as fuel. This study aims to determine the quality of fish roa Fumes that are sold in traditional markets in the city of Manado through a test moisture content, Total Volatile Base Nitrogen (TVB-N), Total Plate Count (TPC), pH and Organoleptik during 0, 7, 14 and 21 days of storage at room temperature. The method used is descriptive exploratory method which collects data fact that has been available in the field through the records and observations in detail and then systematically analyzed data based on quantitative and qualitative data. The parameters used in this study is a test moisture content, pH, TVB-N, TPC and Appearance. With the results obtained from the analysis of the highest water content (14.4), the lowest (12.1); The highest pH test (6.75), the lowest (5.87); TVB-N test the highest (63), the lowest (41.58); The highest TPC test (39.5×103), the lowest (13×102); organoleptic highest appearance (7.4), the lowest (5.3); The highest odor organoleptic (7.9), the lowest (6.5); organoleptic taste of the highest (7.9), the lowest (6.9); organoleptic texture highest (7.5), the lowest (7.1). Keyword: Fish halfbeak (Hemiramphus sp.), Quality of Fish, Water content, pH, TVB-N, TPC, Appearance.   Ikan merupakan salah satu sumber makanan yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh manusia karena banyak mengandung protein. Kandungan protein dan air yang terdapat pada ikan cukup tinggi, sehingga ikan termasuk komoditi yang mudah busuk. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan upaya untuk menghambat proses pembusukan dengan cara pengawetan dan pengolahan. Pengasapan adalah salah satu cara pengolahan ikan yang berfungsi untuk mengawetkan serta memberi aroma dengan cita rasa yang khas. Pengasapan ikan ditujukan untuk mendapatkan daya awet dan memberi aroma yang khas. Ikan Roa atau Julung-julung (Hemirhamphus sp.) asap (nama tradisionalnya adalah Galavea) adalah salah satu produk ikan olahan yang dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat yang diolah secara tradisional yang dilakukan secara turun-temurun di Sulawesi Utara. Usaha pengolahan ikan roa asap yang dilakukan saat ini masih dilakukan dengan teknik yang sederhana dengan menggunakan kayu sebagai bahan bakarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mutu ikan roa asap yang di jual di pasar tradisional di kota Manado melalui uji Kadar air, Total Volatile Base Nitrogen (TVB-N), Total Plate Count (TPC), pH dan Organoleptik selama 0 hari, 7 hari, 14 hari dan 21 hari penyimpanan pada suhu ruang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksploratif deskriptif yaitu mengumpulkan data fakta yang telah tersedia dilapangan melalui pancatatan dan pengamatan secara terperinci dan sitematik kemudian dilakukan analisa data berdasarkan data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif. Parameter yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Uji Kadar air, pH, TVB-N, TPC dan Organoleptik. Dengan hasil yang diperoleh dari analisa kadar air tertinggi (14,4), terendah (12,1); uji pH tertinggi (6,0), terendah (5,87); uji TVB-N tertinggi (60.9), terendah (43,26); uji TPC tertinggi (39,5×103), terendah (13×102); organoleptik kenampakan tertinggi (7,4), terendah (5,3); organoleptik bau tertinggi (7,9), terendah (6,5); organoleptik rasa tertinggi (7,6), terendah (6,9); organoleptik tekstur tertinggi (7,5), terendah (7,1). Kata Kunci: Ikan Julung-julung (Hemirhamphus sp.), Kadar Air, pH, TVB-N, TPC, Organoleptik.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 90
Susanti Musa ◽  
Grace Sanger ◽  
Henny Adeleida Dien

This study was conducted to determine the proximate composition, bioactive compound and total plate count (TPC) in Gracilaria edulis seaweed. This research used descriptive explorative method. The results showed the average value of moisture content (77.7%); protein content (39.4%); fat content (8.1%); carbohydrates by difference (71.7%); ash content (20.7%) and very low bacterial count. Phytochemical test results show this seaweed contains alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, and triterpenoids compounds. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui komposisi proksimat, senyawa bioaktif dan angka lempeng total (ALT) pada rumput laut Gracilaria edulis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif eksploratif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai rata-rata kadar air (77,7%); protein (39,4%); kadar lemak (8,1%); karbohidrat (71,7%); kadar abu (20,7%) dan jumlah bakteri yang sangat rendah. Hasil uji fitokimia menunjukkan rumput laut ini mengandung  senyawa alkaloid, saponin, flavonoid, dan triterpenoid.

2008 ◽  
pp. 67-75
Ferenc Peles ◽  
Zsuzsa Máthéné Szigeti ◽  
Béla Béri ◽  
András Szabó

The importance of the quality of raw milk increased after Hungary had joined to the EU. On delivery of raw milk, the microbiological quality, especially total plate count of the milk is very important. Twenty-two farms (7 large, 4 medium-sized, and 11 small farms) were included in the study. We considered the different farm size, keeping- and milking circumstances during the selection of farms. The examined large farms use loose housing system (cubicle, deep litter) and milking parlour. Most of them use preand post-milking disinfection. In the medium-sized farms, loose,deep litter and tie-stall housing system, as well as milking parlour, pipeline milking and bucket milking occurred. All of them use preand post-milking disinfection. Small farms use tie-stall housing system, bucket milking and udder preparation by water. Unfortunately, they do not use pre- or post-milking disinfection. In the large and medium-sized farms mainly Holstein Friesian, in the small farms Hungarian Simmental breeds can be found.The aim of our research was to examine the microbiological status of the raw milk produced in dairy farms (total plate count, coliform count, Escherichia coli count, Staphylococcus aureus count, psychrotroph bacteria count, furthermore yeast and mold count); sources of the contamination; connection between the microbiological quality of produced milk and housing-, milking technologies of farms; furthermore the hygienic circumstances of milking and milk handling of the farms, by the examination of coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli contamination.During the examination of the connection between the different farm sizes, various housing- and milking forms and the microbiological characteristics we observed similar tendencies in the case of total plate count, coliform count, yeast and molds count, furthermore psychrotroph bacteria count. The value of  these parameters was significantly higher in small farms, and infarms which use tie-stall housing forms, bucket milking, udder preparation with water, and which do not use pre- and post-milking disinfection.The results showed that besides cooling, the milking procedure and the type of udder preparation had the largest effect on the total plate count. Statistical analysis shows that in medium and small farms the combination of pipeline milking – tie stall housing system – disinfectant preparation of the udder; in large farms the combination of milking parlour – loose cubicle housing system – dry preparation of the udder are the most appropriate in the aspect of the total plate count. We experienced that in farms where the hygienic instructions are not followed – and thereforeequipment used during the milking and handling of milk is very contaminated – or rather the separation of mastitic cows’ milk is not appropriate, different microorganisms may contaminate the produced milk. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-23
Selviani Trivoningsi Dangur ◽  
Novalino H. G. Kallau ◽  
Diana Agustiani Wuri

Pork is one of the most consumption types of meat in the East Nusa Tenggara region.. Moringa leaf are one part of the plant which is known to have antimicrobial compounds.The aimof this research was to determine the influence of Moringa leaf infusion as a natural preservative to the quality of pork.This research is an experimental laboratory research and used a total of 48 samples of thigh pork (Biceps femoris). This research used a completely randomized design with factorial pattern. The first factor was concentration of infusion Moringa leaf consist of 0% (K0), 5% (K1), 10% (K2), and 15% (K3) and the second factor was time of storage consist of  0,6, 12, and 18 hours with 3 replications. The parameters of porkquality that have been examined: color, texture, odor, value in the Eber test, pH value, and total plate count (TPC) value.The results showed that the addition of Moringa leaf infusion change the color and odor. The Eber test shows the K3 group can last up to 18 hours. There was no significant effect of infusion concentration (P> 0.05) on the pH value and there was a very significant effect on the time of storage (P<0.01) on the pH value. There was a significant effect of infusion concentration (P<0.05) and very significant effect on the time of storage (P <0.01) on the TPC value. The value of TPC in the K3 group was below of the Standar Nasional Indonesia contamination limit for laying less than 12 hours at room temperature.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 24 ◽  
Neil Steward Lala ◽  
Jenki Pongoh ◽  
Nurmeilita Taher

The purpose of this research is to determine the quality of the smoked mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis) processed with liquid smoke from nutmeg shell at various concentration (6, 8 or 10%) by drying for 6 hours or 8 hours. The tested parameters tested were moisture content, pH, organoleptic and texture. The lowest water content (36.25) and pH value (5.5) was obtained from a smoked fish that was dried for 8 hours using 10% liquid smoke. The organoleptic results of taste and smell indicated that the panelists preferred smoked fish which was made with 6% concentration of liquid smoke and dried for 6 hours. Keyword: Mackerel tuna, liquid smoke, nutmeg shell.   Ikan tonggkol (Euthynnus affinis) adalah salah satu jenis ikan yang banyak terdapat di perairan Indonesia terlebih khusus di daerah Sulawesi Utara. Pengolahan ikan menggunakan asap cair memiliki beberapa kelebihan antara lain, mudah diterapkan dan praktis penggunaannya polusi ke lingkungan dapat diperkecil dan yang paling penting senyawa karsinogen yang terbentuk dapat dieliminasi. Asap cair cangkang Pala dapat dijadikan solusi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui penggunaan asap cair cangkang Pala dengan konsentrasi 6, 8, 10% terhadap mutu ikan tongkol (Euthynnus affinis) asap. Manfaat yang di peroleh dari penelitian ini ialah mengetahui penggunaan asap cair dari cangkang pala yang direndam pada ikan tongkol dengan konsentrasi berbeda-beda, dengan perlakuan perendaman pada konsentrasi 6, 8, 10% dengan pengeringan selama 6 jam dan pengeringan selama 8 jam. Dengan parameter uji Kadar air, pH, Organoleptik dan Tekstur. Hasil yang diperoleh dari ikan tongkol asap cair cangkang pala konsentrasi 6, 8, 10%. Kadar air dengan pengeringan selama 6 jam memiliki kadar air tertinggi kosentrasi 6%, 44,75%. 8%, 38,75%. 10%, 36,25%. Dan pengeringan selama 8 jam memiliki kadar air terendah. Hasil pH dari ikan tongkol asap cair cangkang Pala dengan konsentrasi 6%, 8%, 10%. Dengan pengeringan selama 6 jam memiliki nilai tertinggi yaitu konsentrasi 6%, 5,76. 8%, 5,65. 10%, 5,61. dan pengeringan selama 8 jam memiliki nilai terendah. Organoleptik kenampakan setelah dari uji direngking diperoleh konsentrasi 10% yang dikeringkan 6 jam memiliki nilai tertinggi yaitu 66,5 Untuk organoleptik bau setelah di uji rengking konsentrasi 6% dikeringkan selama 6 jam memiliki nilai tertinggi yaitu 59,5. Organoleptik rasa setelah dari uji rengking dengan konsentrasi 6% dengan lama pengeringan 6 jam memiliki nilai tertinggi 75,5. Dan untuk tekstur dimana konsentrasi 10 % dengan pengeringan 8 jam memiliki nilai terendah 0,28 dari konsentrasi lainnya. Kata Kunci: Ikan tongkol, asap cair, cangkang pala.

Diah Ikasari ◽  
Theresia Dwi Suryaningrum

Quality asessment of pangasius (Pangasius hypopthalmus) fillets stored in ice has been conducted. Fish were fasted for one day and slaughtered using bleeding techniques, drained for 10 minutes and filleted in various types of fillet: skin on, skinless, trimmed and untrimmed condition. Fillets were then washed and packed in vacuum plastics, stored in ice (0-4 ºC) for 18 days and observed for its sensory, chemical and microbiological parameters every 3 days. The sensory evaluation was conducted both for fresh or cooked fillets using scoring test on attribute of appearance, odor and texture as well as hedonic test. The chemical parameters observed were proximate; pH and Total Volatile Base (TVB); while microbiological parameter was Total Plate Count (TPC). Results showed that type of fillet did not significantly affect the quality of pangasius fillets. The quality of all treated fillet decreased in line with time of storage, all products were rejected after being stored for 18 days. At the time of rejection, the quality parameters: moisture content ranging from 80.1 to 81.3%, TVB from 11.1 to 11.5 mg N/100g and TPC from 1.41 to 4.6x105 CFU/ml. It is suggested to preserve pangasius fillets in ice less than 18 days.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 111
Joshua Ferdinand Abednego Wior ◽  
Helen Jenny Lohoo ◽  
Engel Victor Pandey ◽  
Netty Salindeho ◽  
Josefa Tety Kaparang ◽  

Surimi is an export product and has a high economic value because it has high quality content, but surimi products can be contaminated. This study aims to determine the moisture content, pH, Total Plate Count, and Salmonella from self-made surimi of tuna fish and surimi from retailed store. The value of self-made surimi is 820 cfu/g as from supermarkets is 120 cfu/g but it meets the Indonesian National Standard, which is max. 50,000 cfu/g. The pH value for self-made surimi is 6.36, and for surimi from retailed store is 7.36. The moisture content of homemade surimi was 75.83% while surimi from retailed store was 70.33%. Furthermore, there is no Salmonella detected of surimi both sample. It can be concluded that both samples can be consumed after proper cooking. Surimi adalah produk ekspor dan memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi karena memiliki konten berkualitas tinggi, tetapi produk surimi dapat terkontaminasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kadar air, pH, Angka Lempeng Total, dan Salmonella dari surimi buatan ikan tuna dan surimi yang diambil dari supermarket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rendemen ikan surimi Tuna adalah (63,50%). Nilai surimi buatan sendiri adalah 820 cfu/g karena dari supermarket adalah 120 cfu/g tetapi memenuhi Standar Nasional Indonesia, yaitu Max. 50.000 cfu/g. Nilai pH untuk surimi buatan sendiri adalah 6.36, dan untuk surimi yang diambil dari supermarket adalah 7.36. Juga, ini menunjukkan bahwa pH surimi buatan rumah bersifat asam sementara surimi dari supermarket basah. Nilai rata-rata untuk kadar air surimi buatan sendiri adalah 75,83% dengan surimi diambil dari supermarket yaitu 70,33% karena surimi diambil dari supermarket, memiliki kadar air lebih rendah dari surimi buatan sendiri. Produk dapat dikonsumsi dengan aman setelah proses pemasakan yang benar

Jurnal MIPA ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Christiviany A. Lalompoh

Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang kualitas ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) melalui proses presto pada beberapa hari penyimpanan. Ikan presto merupakan ikan yang direbus pada suhu dan tekanan tinggi sehingga menghasilkan ikan dengan duri yang lunak dan mudah untuk dikonsumsi. Pengolahan ikan dilakukan dengan menggunakan bumbu dan tanpa bumbu. Lama penyimpanan bergantung pada kerusakan ikan. Kualitas ikan yang diukur adalah kadar protein, kadar air, kadar malondialdehid (MDA), dan Total Plate Count (TPC). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar protein ikan cakalang presto pada semua perlakuan, mengalami peningkatan setelah melalui proses presto. Kadar air dan nilai TPC pada semua perlakuan dan kadar MDA pada pemberian bumbu, belum melewati batas mutu, sedangkan kadar MDA ikan Cakalang presto tanpa pemberian bumbu, sudah melewati batas mutu yang ada.Studies about the quality of Cakalang fish (Katsuwonus pelamis) through presto process on several days storage has been carried out. Presto fish is a fish boiled at high temperature and pressure to produces spines fish that soft and easily consumed. Fish processed by using seasoning and without seasoning. The storage time depends on the desstruction of fish. Fish quality that measured are protein content, water content, malondialdehid (MDA) content, and Total Plate Count (TPC). The results showed that the protein content of Cakalang presto of all treatmens increased through the presto process. Water content and TPC value of all treatments and MDA content of seasoning treatment yet to pass the quality line, while MDA content of Cakalang presto without seasoning treatment has passed the existing quality line.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 54
Mulyana Mulyana ◽  
Dwi Indah Widya Yanti

Mackerel fish is sea fishs species which are pelagic marine fish groupwhich has a distinctive taste so favored by the people. frozen mackerel is a fishs that is easily damaged. Thus the fishs need to be handling it well. Fishskeep the temperature will affect the quality of the fishs. during storage in the storage and distribution processing. can affect product quality. To decrease the quality of frozen mackerel fishs products need to note the changes that occur either through physical, chemical and biological. It explains research to analyze the quality of fishs products frozen mackerel observe  aspects of Microbiology testing and Appearance. Based on the results of microbiological and organoleptic frozen mackerel fish, it can be conclude that test for microbiological test total plate count (TPC) is below the standard value in accordance with ISO 4110, 2014. for Uju E, coli is negative, Salmonella Test is Begatif, Vibrio Colera test is also negative and Appearance Test Values above 7 quality fish so the test results of Microbiology and poduct organoleptic frozen mackerel safe for consumption as the above test result.

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