scholarly journals Creation of new jobs and creativity of the urban space

Liya Pavlova ◽  
Artem Belov

Over the last decades industries, that affect human capital development, have stepped into the spotlight. Engineering companies, creative and service enterprises have assumed a crucial role in the urban economy and its potential. As for large urban agglomerations, new forms of production and creative class mobilization represent the key objectives due to the reduction or liquidation of the majority of industrial urban enterprises. Urban planning as a science is responsive to economic changes. The paradigm of functional zoning has been replaced by theories based on land use intensity, business and cultural activities of population. Hence, the idea is to ensure the polyfunctional operation of industrial, high-tech research companies in residential areas and to relocate housing to areas occupied by old industrial enterprises. In this work, the co-authors analyze the phenomenon of the location value in a modern city, regularities that govern the choice of locations for new enterprises; they also suggest approaches to the zoning of urban areas depending on their potential ability to develop new types of industrial production.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 31-39
Katarzyna Kosk

Constant population growth in urban areas is one of the main global problems, and its importance grows with the depletion of non-renewable resources. The efficient, effective and responsible use of land is supposed to be an aim, the achievement of which will profit cities. The crucial question is, how cities can achieve this aim. The author of this article intends to discuss the individual problems which prevent achieving an appropriate density in Warsaw, and find ways of solving or reducing these problems. A proposed main hypothesis is, that the introduction of an alternative type of housing, namely co-housing can become a way to obtain a good density in the cities. Confirmation of this hypothesis is derived on the basis of the analysis of residential estates created following the rules of co-housing developed in Germany, in relation to similar problems. The purpose of the article was also to remind that Warsaw has a rich tradition in creating social efforts developments. The main social ideas was presented on the basic of the project of Polish housing estate designed in the Rakowiec district in Warsaw by H. and Sz. Syrkus, which was established in 1934-1938 The research part of the article was conducted through a comparison of spatial elements of Warsaw, employing the same criteria, which were adopted based on the several, selected characteristics of good density published in the ULI report, such as: mixed use of land, planned, cohesive, liveable, spacious, flexibility, design, green. The conducted comparison demonstrates, that Warsaw has a lot of different problems with obtaining a good density. These are: mono-functional areas in the suburbs, social disparity, the housing market dominated by developers, lack of enough, well-arranged public spaces combined with residential areas, lack of identity neighborhoods, insufficient attention to the local context in the process of designing new buildings, insufficient attention to the environment in terms of creation of buildings, too little green spaces and gardens in the inner city. The presented analyses show that the introducing concept of co-housing can help Warsaw with obtaining a good density. In order to obtain a high quality of the urban space, decisions regarding it should therefore be made simultaneously on three scales: spatial planning, urban planning and architectural planning. Architecture must cooperate with the existing urban fabric. All users of urban life should participate in its creation: development companies, municipal authorities that are responsible for spatial order, architects and residents.

2018 ◽  
pp. 60-70

Оптимизация рекреационного потенциала зеленой зоны городских территорий затрагивает эстетику и экологию пространства, логистику потоков отдыхающих на основе продуманной транспортной сети. В разработках планов градостроительства г. Саратова в 30-80-е годы ХХ века зеленым насаждениям отводилось видное место в комплексе города. Зеленые массивы того или иного функционального назначения являются органической частью города, как в границах застройки, так и за ее пределами. Социально-экономические перемены в стране вносили коррективы в использование объектов зеленой зоны в т.ч. лесных массивов и лесопарка «Кумысная поляна». Цель – провести оценку рекреационного потенциала зеленой зоны г. Саратова и разработать пути его оптимизации на примере лесопарка «Кумысная поляна». Выявлен недостаток площадей в пределах зеленой зоны, предназначенных для отдыха. Дана оценка рекреационного потенциала лесопарка «Кумысная поляна» с учетом существующего функционального деления его территории. Получены модели динамики рекреационных нагрузок в функциональных зонах. Рекреационный потенциал территории лесопарка «Кумысная поляна» колеблется от 65% до 84,38% от максимальных значений. Существующее функциональное зонирование не в полной степени гарантирует сохранение коренных типов насаждений и ландшафтов и одновременно не обеспечивает максимальную рекреационную емкость. Выявление специфики оптимизации рекреационной емкости показывает, что изменение границ функциональных зон, проведение работ по благоустройству и расширению дорожно-тропиночной сети даст возможность повысить потенциальную рекреационную емкость до 117,4 тыс. чел. Предложены мероприятия по повышению рекреационной емкости зеленой зоны и ее устойчивости к высоким рекреационным нагрузкам. Рекомендовано проводить санитарные и ландшафтные рубки древостоя, развивать сеть пешеходных дорожек, велодорог, повышать уровень благоустройства территории, используя методы  и приемы ландшафтного  проектирования и внести изменения в функциональное зонирование территории лесопарка «Кумысная поляна». Обоснованность и достоверность результатов исследований обеспечена и подвержена комплексными исследованиями с применением компьютерной обработки полученных данных. Optimization of the recreational potential of the green zone of urban areas affects the aesthetics and ecology of space, the logistics of holiday flows on the basis of a well-thought-out transport network. In the development of urban planning plans in Saratov in the 30-80-ies of the twentieth century, green spaces were given a prominent place in the city's complex. Green massifs of a particular functional purpose are an organic part of the city, both within the boundaries of the building and beyond. Socio-economic changes in the country were making adjustments to the use of green area objects, incl. forests and forest park "Kumysnaya Polyana". The aim is to assess the recreational potential of the green zone of Saratov and to develop ways to optimize it using the example of the forest park Kumysnaya Polyana. A lack of areas within the green zone intended for recreation has been identified. The estimation of recreational potential of forest park "Kumysnaya Polyana" is given taking into account the existing functional division of its territory. Models of the dynamics of recreational loads in functional zones are obtained. The recreation potential of the territory of the forest park "Kumysnaya Polyana" ranges from 65% to 84.38% of the maximum values. The existing functional zoning does not fully guarantee the preservation of indigenous types of plantations and landscapes and at the same time does not provide the maximum recreational capacity. Revealing the specificity of optimization of recreational capacity shows that changing the boundaries of functional zones, carrying out works on improvement and expansion of the road-tropic network will enable to increase the potential recreational capacity to 117.4 thousand people. Measures are proposed to increase the recreational capacity of the green zone and its resistance to high recreational loads. It is recommended to carry out sanitary and landscape cutting of the tree stand, develop a network of footpaths, bicycles, improve the level of landscaping, using methods and techniques of landscape design and make changes in the functional zoning of the forest park Kumysnaya Polyana. The validity and reliability of the research results is provided and subject to comprehensive research using computer processing of the data obtained.

Tran Minh Tung

Urban renewal projects are becoming more and more active, especially in public-owned gold land plots in Vietnam's cities center. The re-development of these land resources known as the residentialization: transformation of different land-use functions into new residential areas (also new neighborhoods) - the KDTM ({Khu Do Thi Moi} abbreviated in Vietnamese) - is increasing the urban density in these areas. Vietnam uses three factors to control urban density: building density; number of floors and/or height of the building; floor area ratio. The current tasks of land-use policies are the determination of an urban density that can adapt to the development of urban space; take full advantage of the land value increment, boost investments without causing any consequences because of the overcrowded population. The residential units will be called compact units when their (occupancy) density exceeds the threshold of 300 persons/ha. For the Compact-KDT concept (compacted KDTM), it is recommended to have: (1) the average level of compactness corresponding to the density of 300 to 600 persons/ha; (2a) the high level of compactness to be controlled - 600 to 1200 persons/ha; (2b) the high level of compactness to be strictly controlled and applied in some exceptional cases - 1200 to 2000 persons/ha; (3) the extremely high level of compactness to be avoided - more than 2000 persons/ha. A Compact-KDT always guarantees the functions of a "normal" KDTM, there are some functionalities that should be added: organization of land-use and spatial functions; public spaces; internal traffic; and reducing energy consumption and the use of non-recyclable natural resources. Rather than being passive to fluctuations in urban density, this increase can be accommodated with a calm and fair attitude by analyzing adverse consequences and the benefits of this process, not just negative effects for the development of urban space, the concentration of population and the economic growth of cities. Keywords: urban renewal; urban density; new urban areas/new residential areas (KDTM - Khu Do Thi Moi); residentialization; (new) compact urban areas (Compacted KDTM/Compact-KDT).

ICCD ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 456-461
Sri Kurniasih ◽  
Inggit Musdinar ◽  
Dody Kurniawan

The phenomenon of urban areas in Indonesia today tends to experience a typical problem, namely the high rate of population growth mainly due to the flow of urbanization so that the management of urban space becomes heavier. The high number of urban population that continues to increase from time to time has implications for the high pressure on the use of urban space, so that the spatial planning of urban areas needs special attention, especially those related to the provision of residential areas, public and social facilities and spaces open public in urban areas. In general, public open spaces in urban areas consist of green open spaces and non-green open spaces. Urban Green Open Space is part of open spaces of an urban area filled with plants, plants and vegetation (endemic and introduced) to support ecological, socio-cultural and architectural benefits that can provide economic benefits (welfare) for the community. Communities in urban areas are heterogeneous with heterogeneous educational backgrounds as well as environmental conditions in the RT. 05 RW. 04 Tugu Selatan Village, Koja Subdistrict, North Jakarta, where the condition of the land is narrow at each resident's house, so the provision of reforestation is not a top priority for them. RT community problems. 05 RW. 04 Tugu Selatan Village, Koja Subdistrict, North Jakarta at the moment is the lack of public knowledge about the concept of environmentally friendly settlements, which can be realized by providing reforestation on narrow land with vertical gardens. The facilitation and utilization of vertical gardens as greening on narrow land in Jakarta is carried out with the aim of increasing people's understanding of the concept of environmentally friendly settlements through the application of vertical gardens as a form of greening on narrow land and assisting the community in applying vertical gardens on narrow land. With the application of the concept of Tri Daya in the activities of Assistance and Utilization of Vertical Garden as Greening on Narrow Land in Jakarta, the implementation of community service activities through the licensing stage to the local RW and RT for the implementation of community service activities, survey of target community locations to obtain community service data to the community, coordinating with the local RT and RW to organize this training activity, training in the use of vertical gardens for greening, preparation of community service activities at Budi Luhur University, vertical garden utilization workshops for greening and monitoring the results of making vertical gardens in target communities. As a result of this activity, the community has better understood the reforestation that can be carried out in a narrow area, the community can apply the creation of a vertical garden using simple tools and materials. So that the target people can easily practice themselves in their homes.

А.В. Терешкин ◽  
А.Л. Калмыкова ◽  
Т.А. Андрушко

Вертикальное озеленение с участием различных видов лиан в современных условиях имеет важное эстетическое и санитарно-гигиеническое значение. Особо актуально решение вопросов обогащения флоры городских территорий лианами в степных районах в связи с бедным видовым составом и резким ухудшением экологической ситуации. Объектами исследований являлись 7 видов лиан, различных жизненных форм (однолетние, многолетние), произрастающие в населенных пунктах Саратовской области (Аткарск, Саратов). Цель исследований – изучение эколого-биологических особенностей и мелиоративных свойств лиан и выявление перспектив их использования в вертикальном озеленении селитебных территорий Саратовской области. В ходе исследования видового состава, были выявлены наиболее популярные виды однолетних лиан: ипомея красно-голубая (Ipomea tricolor (L.) Roth) и ипомея пурпурная (Ipomea purpurea (L.) Roth), горошек душистый (Lathyrus edoratus L.), настурция (Tropacolum peregrinum L.) и фасоль огненно-красная (Phaseolus coccineus). Большинство (70%) из них произрастают в местах ограниченного пользования. Изученные виды лиан в исследуемых регионах достигают средних природных показателей (при наличии надлежащего ухода), обладают хорошими показателями жизненного состояния, обильно цветут и плодоносят. При воздействии токсикантами различной концентрации на листовые пластинки лиан установлено их степень устойчивости. Выявлено, что однолетние лианы лучше использовать в декоративных целях, а не в санитарно-гигиенических. Сравнительная оценка однолетних видов с многолетними лианами (девичий виноград пятилисточковый и клематис тангутский) показывает устойчивость многолетних видов (в среднем на 3 балла - 40%). Разработаны варианты декоративных композиций с участием травянистых лиан. По степени декоративности выделены однолетние лианы – Ipomea tricolor, I. purpurea (37 – 41 балл), средней степенью отличаются – Lathyrus edoratus (33 балла), Tropacolum peregrinum (30 баллов) и Phaseolus coccineus (20 – 27 баллов). Преимущество многолетних лиан заключается в их устойчивости к резким изменениям климатических условий (на 40 %) по сравнению с однолетними формами. Поэтому они более предпочтительны для озеленения городской среды. Для усиления декоративного эффекта в сезонном аспекте рекомендуются сочетать расширение видового и формового разнообразия растений (многолетние и однолетние лианы, древесно-кустарниковая, цветочная растительность). Установлено, что природно-климатические условия зоны степи и лесостепи в пределах Саратовской области являются достаточно благоприятными для нормального роста и развития древесно-кустарниковой растительности, в том числе травянистых лиан. Таким образом, обоснованное применение древесных лиан в комплексе с традиционными видами насаждений позволит создать комфортные условия проживания населения, регулировать оптимальный температурный баланс и создавать благоприятные микроклиматические условия. Vertical gardening with different types of vines in modern conditions is important aesthetic and sanitary-hygienic value. It is especially important to address the issues of enrichment of the flora of urban areas with vines in the steppe regions due to poor species composition and a sharp deterioration of the ecological situation. The objects of research were 7 species of lianas, various life forms (annual, perennial), growing in the settlements of the Saratov region (Atkarsk, Saratov). The aim of the research is to study the ecological and biological features and reclamation properties of vines and identify the prospects for their use in vertical gardening residential areas of the Saratov region. In the study, species composition was the most popular species of annual vines: morning glory red-blue (Ipomea tricolor (L.) Roth) and purple morning glory (Ipomea purpurea (L.) Roth), the fragrant pea (Lathyrus edoratus L.), nasturtium (Tropacolum peregrinum L.) and runner beans (Phaseolus coccineus). Most (70%) of them grow in restricted areas. Studied species of vines in the study regions reach average natural performance (with proper care), have good indicators of vital condition, bloom abundantly and bear fruit. When exposed to toxicants of different concentrations on the leaf blades of vines established their degree of stability. It was revealed that the annual vines are better used for decorative purposes, and not in the sanitary-hygienic. A comparative assessment of annual species with perennial vines (maiden grapes and clematis Tangut) shows the stability of perennial species (an average of 3 points-40%). The options and decorative compositions with the participation of herbaceous vines. According to the degree of decoration of the allocated annual vine – Ipomea tricolor, I. purpurea (37 – 41 points), the average degree of differ – Lathyrus edoratus (33 points), Tropacolum peregrinum (30 points) and Phaseolus coccineus (20 to 27 points). The advantage of perennial vines is their resistance to sudden changes in climatic conditions (40 %) compared to annual forms. Therefore, they are more preferable for greening the urban environment. To enhance the decorative effect in the seasonal aspect, it is recommended to combine the expansion of species and form diversity of plants (perennial and annual lianas, tree and shrub, floral vegetation). It is established that the climatic conditions of the steppe and forest-steppe zone within the Saratov region are quite favorable for the normal growth and development of tree and shrub vegetation, including herbaceous lianas. Thus, the reasonable use of wood vines in combination with traditional types of plantings will create comfortable living conditions for the population, regulate the optimal temperature balance and create favorable microclimatic conditions.

Urban Science ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 5
Hadi Zamanifard ◽  
Edward A. Morgan ◽  
Wade L. Hadwen

Modern stormwater treatment assets are a form of water sensitive urban design (WSUD) features that aim to reduce the volumes of sediment, nutrients and gross pollutants discharged into receiving waterways. Local governments and developers in urban areas are installing and maintaining a large number of stormwater treatment assets, with the aim of improving urban runoff water quality. Many of these assets take up significant urban space and are highly visible and as a result, community acceptance is essential for effective WSUD design and implementation. However, community perceptions and knowledge about these assets have not been widely studied. This study used a survey to investigate community perceptions and knowledge about stormwater treatment assets in Brisbane, Australia. The results suggest that there is limited community knowledge of these assets, but that communities notice them and value their natural features when well-maintained. This study suggests that local governments may be able to better inform residents about the importance of these assets, and that designing for multiple purposes may improve community acceptance and support for the use of Council funds to maintain them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 6930
Shinsuke Kyoi

This study evaluates people’s preferences regarding the proximity of their residence to agricultural urban green infrastructure (UGI), such as agricultural land and satoyama, and discusses the availability of these types of land as UGI. UGI is vital for reducing the negative environmental impacts of urban areas, as these impacts are too large to ignore. In this study, we conducted an online survey and a choice experiment to investigate people’s perceptions regarding the proximity of their residence to agricultural UGI (AUGI). The respondents of the choice experiment were 802 inhabitants of Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, which has rich agricultural resources. To examine explicitly the spatial autocorrelation of people’s preferences, in this study, we used the spatial econometrics method. The main empirical findings are that people prefer agricultural land far away from their residence—more than 1000 m, not within 1000 m—which reflects the not-in-my-backyard phenomenon. Meanwhile, people’s preferences regarding proximity to satoyama are complicated and their preferences are positively spatially autocorrelated. The results indicate that policymakers and urban planners should manage and provide AUGI far away from residential areas; otherwise, they must address people’s avoidance of neighboring AUGI.

2010 ◽  
Vol 30 (5) ◽  
pp. 811-841 ◽  

ABSTRACTThe consequences of adult children's migration from rural areas for older parents who remain behind are keenly debated. While the mass media and international advocacy organisations favour an ‘alarmist’ view of desertion, the academic literature makes more sanguine assessments using the ‘household strategy’ and ‘modified extended family’ perspectives. We examine the relationship between the migration of adult children and various dimensions of older parents' wellbeing in Thailand using evidence from a survey that focused on the issues. The results provide little support for the alarmist view, but instead suggest that parents and adult children adapt to the social and economic changes associated with development in ways not necessarily detrimental to intergenerational relations. The migration of children, especially to urban areas, often benefits parents' material support while the recent spread of cell phones has radically increased their ability to maintain social contact. Nevertheless, changing living arrangements through increased migration and the smaller family sizes of the youngest age groups of older people pose serious challenges for aspects of filial support, especially at advanced ages when chronic illness and frailty require long-term personal care. Dealing with this emerging situation in a context of social, economic and technological change is among the most critical issues facing those concerned with the implications of rapid population ageing in Thailand and elsewhere.

2013 ◽  
Vol 357-360 ◽  
pp. 1465-1469
Yong Du ◽  
Wen Xue Yu

As cities are expanding of China, many industrial enterprises have been surrounded in the center of the, which have a big effect on the environment of the city. As a result, its necessary to remove these enterprises. The second urban land resource development is an efficient solution to the problem. This article takes the secondary development of land in High-tech Zone of SuZhou for example and defines second development of land. In addition, puts forward suitable type of settling down the moving enterprises because of urban land second development. The study aims at promoting the rational use of land, adjusting space distribution of construction land, disposing land resource reasonably, increasing using rate of the construction land and makeing ecological environment of the city be better.

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