scholarly journals The Moderating Role of Capital Adequacy in the Effect of Liquidity on the Profitability of Islamic Banking

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-125
Rury Diwira Registanaranti Yastika ◽  
Maria Rio Rita ◽  
Imanuel Madea Sakti

This study aims to examine the effect of liquidity on profitability with capital adequacy as a moderating variable in Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia. The research sample was 14 Islamic commercial banks during the 2016 - 2018 observation period. The dependent variable is profitability measured using Return On Assets (ROA), the independent variable is liquidity measured using the Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), the moderating variable is measured using the Capital Aquendency Ratio (CAR), and several control variables. Non Performing Financing (NPF), Operational Efficiency (BOPO), and Bank Size (SIZE). Hypothesis testing uses multiple linear regression with a random effect model. The results showed that bank liquidity was not proven to increase bank profitability and capital adequacy was not proven to moderate the relationship between the two. The results indicated that the efficiency factor and problematic financing The results indicate that the efficiency factor and non-performing financing are the main factors in influencing bank profitability.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 112-129
Imanuel Madea Sakti

Abstract: The research on the Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) hypothesis in the banking industry has been done many times, including in Indonesia. However, it still focuses on commercial banks. This research aims to examine the relationship between market structure and bank performance by involving commercial banks and rural banks (Bank Perkreditan Rakyat/BPR) when they are in the same market in the regency/city level. It uses panel data from 565 banks in Central Java: 261 BPR and 304 Commercial Banks, divided into 34 regencies/cities during 2012-2016. Independent variables involve market concentration and market share which is also as moderating variable, and the dependent variable is bank performance. The hypotheses are examined by multiple linear regression with a random effect model. In general, the results support that the market structure has a significant positive effect on bank performance. Another result has found no collusive behavior among dominant banks. Keywords: Structure-Conduct-Performance, Commercial Bank, Rural Bank, Market Structure, Bank Performance Pengaruh Struktur Pasar terhadap Kinerja Bank di Jawa Tengah Abstrak: Penelitian mengenai hipotesis Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) pada industri perbankan telah banyak dilakukan, termasuk di Indonesia. Namun, penelitian tersebut hanya berfokus pada bank umum saja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara struktur pasar dan kinerja bank dengan melibatkan bank umum dan Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) ketika berada di pasar yang sama di tingkat kabupaten/kota. Penelitian ini menggunakan data panel terdiri dari 565 bank di Jawa Tengah: 261 BPR dan 304 Bank umum, yang terbagi ke dalam 34 kabupaten/kota selama tahun 2012-2016. Variabel independen yaitu konsentrasi pasar dan pangsa pasar yang sekaligus sebagai variabel moderasi, dan variabel dependen adalah kinerja bank. Hipotesis diuji menggunakan regresi linier berganda dengan random effect model. Secara umum, hasil mendukung bahwa struktur pasar berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja bank. Hasil lainnya menunjukkan tidak terdapat perilaku kolusif di antara bank-bank besar. Kata kunci: . Structure-Conduct-Performance, Bank Umum, BPR, Struktur Pasar, Kinerja Bank.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 77
Nur Diyana Athirah Binti Adnan ◽  
Wei-Theng Lau ◽  
Siong-Hook Law

This paper aims to investigate the bank-specific characteristics and macroeconomic factors affecting the profitability performance of the Southeast Asian banking sector. The sample markets cover the five original members of ASEAN, i.e. Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand, whereas the sample period encompasses the years between 2010 and 2017. While a healthy financial system is important for the economic sustainability and growth, there are still limited studies to understand how banks generally perform in this region. Our findings largely support the existing hypotheses about the importance of certain micro- and macro variables while contributing new empirical evidence to the current literature. The bank size, loan to assets, loan loss provision, non-interest incomes and expenses, and capital adequacy remain relevant in influencing bank profitability in the ASEAN-5 region. Macroeconomic variables of inflation, interest rate, market concentration and GDP per capita play considerable roles in profitability when they are assessed separately from the bank-specific factors. It is worth noting that the bank-level factors remain important and outplay the macroeconomic factors when they are considered at the same time. The result robustness is of a certain level of satisfaction because comparisons have been performed across individual countries and across different regression models of pooled ordinary least squares model, random effect model, and fixed effect model for all the tentative tests. Both the return on assets and return on equity are examined. Combining both micro- and macroeconomic variables in the regressions also indicates an overall improvement in the r-squared under the same models.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Darmawati Muchtar ◽  
Fahmi Azhari ◽  
Iswadi Bensaadi

This study aims to analyze the effect of capital adequacy ratio (CAR), operating cost of operating income (BOPO) on profitability and examine the role of non performing financing (NPF) in influencing the relationship between CAR and BOPO on profitability of sharia bank in Indonesia. The data used in this study is a panel data that consisting of 10 sharia banks for the period 2010-2018 with 99 observations. The method of analysis data is multiple regression analysis with random effect model. The results of this study in model one show that BOPO has negative and significantly affects profitability, meanwhile CAR has positive but insignificant effect, while and NPF has negative effect on profitability but insignificant in model two. Furthermore, when NPF interected with CAR shows interesting results, in which CAR has negative and significant effect on profitability, while BOPO is still consistent with negative and significant effect on profitability. This suggests that the NPF moderates the influence of CAR and BOPO on profitability. This implies that increase NPF would decrease the effect of CAR on profitability and the effect of BOPO on profitability would be strangted of syaria bank in Indonesia. Keywords: Capital adequacy ratio; BOPO; non performing financing, profitability

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 86-101
ASM Towhid ◽  
Shinta Amalina Hazrati Havidz ◽  
Mohammed Ameen Qasem Ahmed Alnawah

The prime objective of this research is to identify the main determinants of non-performing loans in the commercial banking system of Bangladesh for the period 2011-2016 using panel data modeling. This paper uses balanced panel data method to examine both bank-specific (return on average assets, net loans to deposit ratio, bank size, cost-to-income ratio, and capital adequacy ratio) and macroeconomic (real GDP growth rate and inflation rate) variables. To attain the objectives, the present research analyzed historical data and panel data model using secondary data. To examine panel data modeling, the researcher considers 16 private commercial banks in Bangladesh and executed pooled OLS model, fixed effect model, random effect model and random effect with the robust standard error. The researcher found a negative significant relationship for return on average assets, net loans to deposit ratio and inflation rate in relation to NPLs and results are supporting the previous researcher. Based on the findings, the study offers some valuable strategies to the management to improve return on average assets, net loans to deposit ratio and inflation rate to reduce the NPLs at least under the tolerance level. The study also delineates the limitations of this work and direction for future research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Sandi Fitra Yusuf ◽  
Mike Triani

This study explains the extent of the influence of macroeconomic variables on the profitability of BUKU 4 banks in Indonesia. The macroeconomic variables consist of economic growth (X1), inflation (X2), Bank Indonesia Interest Rate (BI Rate) (X3, and Profitability is measured by the ROA (Return) ratio. On Asset). This study combines cross section data of 7 banks with time series from 2010-2019, with the Panel Regression method with the Random Effect model selection test. The results show that: (1) Economic growth has a positive and significant effect on bank profitability. conventional BUKU 4 in Indonesia, (2) Inflation has a positive and insignificant effect on the profitability of conventional BUKU 4 banks in Indonesia, (3) the Bank Indonesia Interest Rate (BI Rate) has a positive and insignificant effect on the profitability of conventional BUKU 4 banks in Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 162
Nadya Dianitasari ◽  
Hersugondo Hersugondo

<p><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of banks model, the different types of ownership, and ownership concentration on bank financial performance. State ownership, domestic ownership and foreign ownersip were used as the ownership indicators and Return On Asset (ROA) ratio were used as the proxied of financial performance. The Population that was used in this research consisted of all conventional and islamic commercial banks which is listed in Directory of Indonesian Banking 2018 and published the financial statements during 2014-2019. After passed the purposive sampling method there were 94 banks obtained as samples. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistic, classical assumption test and panel regression test with random effect model. The result of this research showed that banks model and state ownership have positively significant impact on ROA and foreign ownership has negatively significant impact while domestic ownership and ownership concentration have insignificantly impact on bank financial performance</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><em>Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan yaitu untuk menganalisis pengaruh struktur kepemilikan bank yang terdiri dari kepemilikan pemerintah, domestik dan asing, lalu model bank dan konsentrasi kepemilikan terhadap kinerja keuangan perbankan. Kinerja keuangan tersebut diukur dengan rasio profitabilitas yang diproksikan dengan Return On Assets (ROA). Populasi penelitian yang digunakan adalah bank umum syariah dan konvensional di Indonesia yang terdapat pada daftar Direktori Perbankan tahun 2018. Penelitian ini menggunakan sejumlah 94 sampel dengan metode purposive sampling. Metode analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah statistik deskriptif, uji asumsi klasik dan regresi data panel dengan model efek random. Hasil yang didapat pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa model bank dan kepemilikan pemerintah berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap ROA dan kepemilikan asing berpengaruh negatif signifikan, sedangkan kepemilikan domestik dan konsentrasi kepemilikan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja bank.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 164
Muhammad Dzulfaqori Jatnika

Tujuan penelitian ini  adalah menganalisis pengaruh faktor makroekonomi yaitu nilai tukar, inflasi, suku bunga, dan GDP per kapita terhadap dana pihak ketiga di bank umum Syariah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan data sekunder yang berupa data panel. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah metode analisis linier berganda Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Hasil uji Hausman menunjukan model yang tepat dalam penelitian ini adalah random effect model. Semua variabel signifikan, variabel inflasi dan nilai tukar memiliki pengaruh positif sedangkan variabel suku bunga dan GDP per kapita memiliki pengaruh yang negatif terhadap dana pihak ketiga di bank umum Syariah. Hasil penelitian ini memiliki implikasi bagi para pelaku usaha perbankan untuk menentukan waktu yang tepat dalam menarik dan menyalurkan dana pihak ketiga dari masyarakat. Dan dapat menjadi acuan untuk mengeluarkan kebijakan terkait bisnisnya. Dan bagi peneliti selanjutnya dapat menjadi acuan untuk mengembangkan kembali penelitian berikutnya. Pada penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat menambah variabel-variabel terkait lainnya selain variabel yang telah diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Kebaruan dalam penelitian ini adalah tambahan variabel yang mempengaruhi dana pihak ketiga dan juga tambahan sampel bank umum Syariah sehingga diharapkan penelitian ini lebih mendalam daripada penelitian sebelumnya.  The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of macroeconomic factors, namely the exchange rate, inflation, interest rates, and GDP per capita on third party funds in Islamic commercial banks. This research is a quantitative study with secondary data in the form of panel data. The analysis technique used is the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) multiple linear analysis method. The Hausman test results showed the right model in this study was the random effect model. All variables are significant, inflation and exchange rates have a positive effect while interest rates and GDP per capita have a negative effect on third-party funds in Islamic commercial banks. The results of this study have implications for banking businesses to determine the right time in attracting and channelling third party funds from the public. And can be a reference for issuing policies related to business. And for further researchers can be a reference to develop further research. In the next research, it is expected to be able to add other related variables besides the variables that have been examined in this study. The novelty in this study is the addition of variables that affect third party funds and also additional samples of Islamic commercial banks so that this research is expected to be more in-depth than previous research.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Ying Sun ◽  
Qing Lu ◽  
Xuefei Tao ◽  
Biao Cheng ◽  
Guoxing Yang

In recent years, the relationship between Cyp2C19*2 gene polymorphism and clopidogrel resistance reflected by platelet function assay has been studied extensively, but there is no clear conclusion yet. In order to evaluate the relationship between Cyp2C19*2 gene polymorphism and clopidogrel resistance more accurately, meta-analysis was conducted in this study. The I2 value taking 50% as the limit, the heterogeneity is judged as high or low, and then a random effect model or a fixed effect model is selected for statistical analysis. PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, CNKI, and China Wanfang database were searched, and the related literatures from the establishment of the database to May 2020 were collected and analyzed by STATA 15.0 software. A total of 3,073 patients were involved in 12 studies, including 1,174 patients with clopidogrel resistance and 1,899 patients with non-clopidogrel resistance. The results of this study showed that allele model (A vs. G): OR = 2.42 (95%CI: 1.97–2.98); dominant model (AA+GA vs. GG): OR = 2.74 (95%CI: 2.09–3.59); recessive model (AA vs. GA+GG): OR = 4.07 (95%CI: 3.06–5.41); homozygous model (AA vs. GG): OR = 5.70 (95%CI: 4.22–7.71); heterozygote model (GA vs. GG): OR = 2.32 (95%CI: 1.76–3.07), the differences were statistically significant. Also, the analysis of the Ethnicity subgroup indicated that the Asian allele model and the other four gene models were statistically significant. In conclusion, Cyp2C19*2 gene polymorphism is strongly associated with clopidogrel resistance. Allele A, genotype GA, AA, and GG + GA can increase clopidogrel resistance, especially in the Asian population.

Prizka rismawati Arum

Residents are all people who live in the geographical area of Indonesia for six months or more and or those who have been domiciled for less than six months but aim to settle. Population growth is caused by two components, namely: fertility and mortality. To find out how big the relationship between the  population and the number of births and deaths in each sub-district of Semarang, must observed in several specific time periods and places at once. So in this study, the panel data regression method was used. In panel data regression testing, the results show that the panel data regression model formed to determine the factors that influence the level of population is the random effect model. In this model all assumptions are fulfilled. Significant factors affecting population are number of births. Births and deaths affect the population of 99.95% and the remaining 0.05% is influenced by other factors not examined Penduduk adalah semua orang yang berdomisili di wilayah geografis Indonesia selama enam bulan atau lebih dan atau mereka yang berdomisili kurang dari enam bulan tetapi bertujuan menetap. Pertumbuhan penduduk diakibatkan oleh dua komponen yaitu: fertilitas dan mortalitas. Untuk mengetahui seberapa besar keterkaitan antara jumlah penduduk dengan jumlah kelahiran dan kematian di setiap kecamataan Kota Semarang, harus diamati dalam beberapa periode waktu tertentu dan beberapa tempat secara bersamaan. Sehingga dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode regresi data panel. Dalam pengujian regresi data panel, didapatkan hasil bahwa Model regresi data panel yang terbentuk untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat jumlah penduduk adalah model random Effect. Pada model tersebut semua asumsi terpenuhi. Faktor yang signifikan mempengaruhi jumlah penduduk adalah jumlah kelahiran. Kelahiran dan kematian mempengaruhi jumlah penduduk sebesar 99.95% dan sisanya sebesar 0.05% dipengaruhi oleh faktor- faktor lain yang tidak di teliti.    

Bishnu Prasad Bhattarai

The study has examined the effects of capital structure on financial performance of insurance companies in Nepal. Data were collected from the annual report of the respective insurance companies' web site. The panel data of 14 Nepalese insurance companies from 2007/08 to 2015/16, leading to a total of 126 observations. The data were analyzed using pooled OLS model, random effect model and fixed effect model. The study has been return on assets as dependent variable whereas total debt ratio, equity to total assets, leverage, firm size, liquidity ratio and assets tangibility are independent variables. The result concluded that equity to total assets, leverage, and assets tangibility have effects the financial performance in Nepalese insurance companies' cases.

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