2016 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
Lourenildo W.B. Leite ◽  
Wildney W.S. Vieira ◽  
Boris Sibiryakov

ABSTRACT. The present paper is part of a major research study that has for objective the prediction of stress in sedimentary basins, as a contribution to geological and engineering methods and techniques for oil and gas exploration. Such an attractive and important scientific theme is based on the knowledge of the compressional...Keywords: sedimentary basin modeling, pressure prediction, subsurface stress. RESUMO. O presente trabalho faz parte de um projeto de estudomaior que tem por objetivo a predição de tensões embacias sedimentares, como uma contribuição aos métodos e técnicas da geologia e da engenharia de exploração de óleo e gás. Este assunto científico, atrativo e importante, é baseado...Palavras-chave: modelagem de bacia sedimentar, predição de pressão, tensão na subsuperfície.

10.1144/sp509 ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 509 (1) ◽  
pp. NP-NP
J. Hendry ◽  
P. Burgess ◽  
D. Hunt ◽  
X. Janson ◽  
V. Zampetti

Modern seismic data have become an essential toolkit for studying carbonate platforms and reservoirs in impressive detail. Whilst driven primarily by oil and gas exploration and development, data sharing and collaboration are delivering fundamental geological knowledge on carbonate systems, revealing platform geomorphologies and how their evolution on millennial time scales, as well as kilometric length scales, was forced by long-term eustatic, oceanographic or tectonic factors. Quantitative interrogation of modern seismic attributes in carbonate reservoirs permits flow units and barriers arising from depositional and diagenetic processes to be imaged and extrapolated between wells.This volume reviews the variety of carbonate platform and reservoir characteristics that can be interpreted from modern seismic data, illustrating the benefits of creative interaction between geophysical and carbonate geological experts at all stages of a seismic campaign. Papers cover carbonate exploration, including the uniquely challenging South Atlantic pre-salt reservoirs, seismic modelling of carbonates, and seismic indicators of fluid flow and diagenesis.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-45
Qin Su ◽  
Huahui Zeng ◽  
Yancan Tian ◽  
HaiLiang Li ◽  
Lei Lyu ◽  

Seismic processing and interpretation techniques provide important tools for the oil and gas exploration of the Songliao Basin in eastern China, which is dominated by terrestrial facies. In the Songliao Basin, a large number of thin-sand reservoirs are widely distributed, which are the primary targets of potential oil and gas exploration and exploitation. An important job of the exploration in the Songliao Basin is to accurately describe the distribution of these thin-sand belts and the sand-body shapes. However, the thickness of these thin-sand reservoirs are generally below the resolution of the conventional seismic processing. Most of the reservoirs are thin-interbeds of sand and mudstones with strong vertical and lateral variations. This makes it difficult to accurately predict the vertical and horizontal distribution of the thin-sand bodies using the conventional seismic processing and interpretation methods. Additionally, these lithologic traps are difficult to identify due to the complex controlling factor and distribution characteristics, and strong concealment. These challenges motivate us to improve the seismic data quality to help delineate the thin-sand reservoirs. In this paper, we use the broadband, wide-azimuth, and high-density integrated seismic exploration technique to help delineate the thin-reservoirs. We first use field single-point excitation and single-point receiver acquisition to obtain seismic data with wide frequency-bands, wide-azimuth angles, and high folds, which contain rich geological information. Next, we perform the near-surface Q-compensation, viscoelastic prestack time migration, seismic attributes, and seismic waveform indication inversion on the new acquired seismic data. The 3D case study indicates the benefits of improving the imaging of thin-sand body and the accuracy of inversion and reservoir characterization using the method in this paper.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. SJ81-SJ90 ◽  
Kainan Wang ◽  
Jesse Lomask ◽  
Felix Segovia

Well-log-to-seismic tying is a key step in many interpretation workflows for oil and gas exploration. Synthetic seismic traces from the wells are often manually tied to seismic data; this process can be very time consuming and, in some cases, inaccurate. Automatic methods, such as dynamic time warping (DTW), can match synthetic traces to seismic data. Although these methods are extremely fast, they tend to create interval velocities that are not geologically realistic. We have described the modification of DTW to create a blocked dynamic warping (BDW) method. BDW generates an automatic, optimal well tie that honors geologically consistent velocity constraints. Consequently, it results in updated velocities that are more realistic than other methods. BDW constrains the updated velocity to be constant or linearly variable inside each geologic layer. With an optimal correlation between synthetic seismograms and surface seismic data, this algorithm returns an automatically updated time-depth curve and an updated interval velocity model that still retains the original geologic velocity boundaries. In other words, the algorithm finds the optimal solution for tying the synthetic to the seismic data while restricting the interval velocity changes to coincide with the initial input blocking. We have determined the application of the BDW technique on a synthetic data example and field data set.

2003 ◽  
Yuan‐Chi Chang ◽  
Matthew Hill ◽  
Chung‐Sheng Li ◽  
Randy Pepper

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. SA49-SA61
Huihuang Tan ◽  
Donghong Zhou ◽  
Shengqiang Zhang ◽  
Zhijun Zhang ◽  
Xinyi Duan ◽  

Amplitude-variation-with-offset (AVO) technique is one of the primary quantitative hydrocarbon discrimination methods with prestack seismic data. However, the prestack seismic data are usually have low data quality, such as nonflat gathers and nonpreserved amplitude due to absorption, attenuation, and/or many other reasons, which usually lead to a wrong AVO response. The Neogene formations in the Huanghekou area of the Bohai Bay Basin are unconsolidated clastics with a high average porosity, and we find that the attenuation on seismic signal is very strong, which causes an inconsistency of AVO responses between seismic gathers and its corresponding synthetics. Our research results indicate that the synthetic AVO response can match the field seismic gathers in the low-frequency end, but not in the high-frequency components. Thus, we have developed an AVO response correction method based on high-resolution complex spectral decomposition and low-frequency constraint. This method can help to achieve a correct high-resolution AVO response. Its application in Bohai oil fields reveals that it is an efficient way to identify hydrocarbons in rocks, which provides an important technique for support in oil and gas exploration and production in this area.

2016 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 180-189
Huy Nhu Tran ◽  
Xuan Van Tran ◽  
San Thuong Ngo ◽  
Huong Thi Mai Tran

New exploration results proved the presence of Tertiary sedimentary basins with hydrocarbon potential in the boundaries of Vietnam continental shelf. These basins were perhaps formed in the Early Oligocene on the Mesozoic basement of continental crust and were filled with mainly deltaic clastic sediments. Since very early Miocene these basins have linked together and extended wider. Sediments of marine and prograding delta facies accumulated and widespreaded on the whole continental shelf. At the Middle Miocene to present-day the opening of the Bien Dong Sea (Vietnam East Sea), the regional tectonic subsidence and the eustatic fluctuation had created sedimentary formations of open and deep marine facies with turbidite shale, platform carbonate including reef build-up. Andesite and basalt extrusion occurred in form of dykes resulting from tectonic inversions in Late Oligocene, in the beginning of Middle Miocene, particularly in Late Miocene-Pliocene. These Tertiary sedimentary basins are expected to have hydrocarbon potential and need to be investigated and explored adequately. The main risk is the drilling technology, the exploitation in the deep sea and high investment cost. The recently exploration results in illustrated a better potential in Lower Oligocene reservoir in South East margin of Cuu Long basin and many new signs. These signs need to be highlight researched for predicting accumulation distribution in study area, in purpose of oil and gas exploration for next stages.

2013 ◽  
Vol 448-453 ◽  
pp. 3723-3727 ◽  
Yun Pan ◽  
Zong Xiu Wang ◽  
Mao Pan

There are a lot of Permian volcanic rocks which are widely distributed in Tarim Basin. Because of the shielding effect of the volcanic rocks to the underlying structure, the distribution of the volcanic rocks in Tarim Basin is very important to the deep oil and gas exploration. However, with the progress of oil exploration in Tarim oil field in recent years, much more logging and seismic data is available. Based on the model of logging-seismic integrated identification, the distribution of the Permian volcanic rocks is revised by using the drilling, logging and seismic data. It shows that the rhyolite is mainly distributed in the north basin, and the basalt is widely distributed in the basin. Moreover, the basalt has larger area than which delineated by other people.

2017 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
Wildney W. S. Vieira ◽  
Lourenildo W. B. Leite ◽  
Boris Sibiryakov

ABSTRACT. We present in this paper a seismic-stratigraphical framework for pressure prediction for oil and gas exploration in sedimentary basins, that is based on seismic information, with application to a marine part of the Jequitinhonha basin (east of the State of Bahia, Brazil). For this purpose it is necessary the knowledge of velocity distributions (compressional vP and shear vS), that can be obtained from seismic sections, petrophysical information and empirical models, and the distribution of density (ρ). We show some details of the theoretical modeling method, with an example that shows how pressure varies in the subsurface. We highlight that pressure that does not necessarily increase linearly with depth, but in a complex way that requires specific numerical calculations to be able to see important details related to a reservoir and surroundings. The model considers the vertical gravity load as the source of pressure in the geological formations, and in the present case we do not take into account the effects of formation curvatures, faulting, diagenesis and lateral tectonic events. We show that the meaning of cap rock of a reservoir is not to be related to lithology, but directly to the physics of high and low pressure zones that results from the mechanics of solid bodies under a stress-strain system; in this direction, and as a curiosity, we also show how a basement rock can become a reservoir. It is important to emphasize that an accurate prediction needs a 3D model for a meaningful and complete practical application, in the other hand, it requires handling large matrices.   Keywords: basin modeling, seismic velocity analysis, pressure prediction, empirical models.   RESUMO. Este artigo tem como objetivo compor uma estratégia sismo-estratigráfica onde se visa a predição de pressão na exploração de gás e óleo em bacias sedimentares com base em informação sísmica, com aplicação a uma parte marinha da bacia de Jequitinhonha (leste do estado da Bahia, Brasil). Para esta finalidade ´e necessário o conhecimento das distribuições de velocidades (compressiva vP e cisalhante vS) que podem ser obtidas a partir de seções sísmicas, informações petrofísicas e modelos empíricos, e da distribuição de densidade (ρ). Apresentamos alguns detalhes da modelagem teórica, e um exemplo para mostrar como a pressão varia na subsuperfície, onde destacamos que a predição de pressão não aumenta necessariamente linearmente, mas de uma forma complexa que requer cálculos numéricas específicos para poder obter detalhes relacionados a um reservatório. O modelo apresenta a carga vertical da gravidade como a fonte de pressão nas formações geológicas, e neste caso não se leva em consideração os efeitos de curvaturas das camadas, falhas, diagênese e eventos tectônicos laterais. Mostramos que o significado de uma rocha selante de um reservatório não deve estar relacionado `a litologia, mas simplesmente à física de zonas de alta e baixa pressão como resultado da mecânica dos corpos sólidos sob o sistema de tensão-deformação; neste sentido, e como curiosidade, mostramos também como uma rocha do embasamento pode se tornar um reservatório de óleo e gás. É importante observar que uma predição com precisão necessita de um modelo 3D para uma aplicação prática significativa e completa, mas que requer o manuseio de matrizes grandes.   Palavras-chave: modelagem de bacia, análise de velocidade sísmica, predição de pressão, modelos empíricos.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (12) ◽  
Renfei Tian ◽  
Xue Lei ◽  
Min Ouyang

AbstractAiming at suppressing noise interference, improving the fault detection ability of seismic data, fully excavating the effective information in seismic data, and further improving the accuracy of fault detection, this study proposes a seismic fault detection method that combines the local binary pattern/variance (LBP/VAR) operator with guided filtering. The proposed method combines the advantages of LBP/VAR and guided filtering to remove noise from seismic data, and can simultaneously smooth the data and preserve linear features. When compared with several existing methods (coherent operator, LBP/VAR operator, LBP/VAR operator based on median filtering, and Canny operator based on guided filtering), the proposed method exhibits a better SNR, a better ability to identify small faults, and robustness to noise. This novel algorithm can control the balance between noise attenuation and effective signal preservation as well as effectively detect faults in seismic data. Therefore, the proposed method effectively improves the fault identification accuracy, facilitates the gas-bearing analysis of the structure, provides guidance for the actual well location deployment of the project, and has important practical significance for oil and gas exploration and development.

2015 ◽  
Vol 55 (1) ◽  
pp. 163 ◽  
Peter Stickland

In 2014, explorers in Australia experienced a range of highs and lows. There have been discoveries in new play types such as Phoenix South–1 in the Roebuck Basin, offshore WA, as well as discoveries that rejuvenate mature basins such as Seneco–3 in the onshore Perth Basin and a number of wells demonstrating unconventional gas flows in the Cooper Basin. Exploration lows include the inevitable unsuccessful wells, the general low level of drilling activity both offshore and in some states, frustrations at approval delays and constraints—particularly in NSW and Victoria—and the sharply contracting business environment towards the end of 2014 as the oil price rapidly fell to its lowest levels in five years. This PESA review looks in detail at the trends and highlights for oil and gas exploration both onshore and offshore Australia in 2014; not just outcomes with the drill bit, but also leading indicators such as seismic data acquisition and permit awards. It also seeks to be insightful and to make conclusions about the condition of oil and gas exploration in Australia, as well as comment on future implications for the industry.

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