scholarly journals Dahija and daija - "A tyrant" and "A hero"

2010 ◽  
pp. 373-386
Snezana Petrovic

The noun dahija ?head of the janissary; tyrant? is present in Serbian primarily as a title of the characters from the popular epic poetry and literature from the 19th century, although it is not frequently used in the standard language any more. A form daija ?hero, knight?, on the other hand, is attested only in two Serbian dialectal dictionaries from the region of Kosovo and Metohija. The paper analyzes forms, meanings and the etymology of those two words. Discussed are the reasons for the appearance of the non-etymological h in the widespread form dahija. Enlightened are historical, cultural and linguistic circumstances that lead to the borrowing of these two words in different, even opposite, meanings.

2013 ◽  
Vol 54 (128) ◽  
pp. 401-417
Paul van Tongeren

Is friendship still possible under nihilistic conditions? Kant and Nietzsche are important stages in the history of the idealization of friendship, which leads inevitably to the problem of nihilism. Nietzsche himself claims on the one hand that only something like friendship can save us in our nihilistic condition, but on the other hand that precisely friendship has been unmasked and become impossible by these very conditions. It seems we are struck in the nihilistic paradox of not being allowed to believe in the possibility of what we cannot do without. Literary imagination since the 19th century seems to make us even more skeptical. Maybe Beckett provides an illustration of a way out that fits well to Nietzsche's claim that only "the most moderate, those who do not require any extreme articles of faith" will be able to cope with nihilism.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-24
Akmal Hawi

The 19th century to the 20th century is a moment in which Muslims enter a new gate, the gate of renewal. This phase is often referred to as the century of modernism, a century where people are confronted with the fact that the West is far ahead of them. This situation made various responses emerging, various Islamic groups responded in different ways based on their Islamic nature. Some respond with accommodative stance and recognize that the people are indeed doomed and must follow the West in order to rise from the downturn. Others respond by rejecting anything coming from the West because they think it is outside of Islam. These circles believe Islam is the best and the people must return to the foundations of revelation, this circle is often called the revivalists. One of the figures who is an important figure in Islamic reform, Jamaluddin Al-Afghani, a reformer who has its own uniqueness, uniqueness, and mystery. Departing from the division of Islamic features above, Afghani occupies a unique position in responding to Western domination of Islam. On the one hand, Afghani is very moderate by accommodating ideas coming from the West, this is done to improve the decline of the ummah. On the other hand, however, Afghani appeared so loudly when it came to the question of nationality or on matters relating to Islam. As a result, Afghani traces his legs on two different sides, he is a modernist but also a fundamentalist. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 135 (1) ◽  
pp. 195-222
María Martínez-Atienza

Abstract In this paper we analyze the religious ideology present in four dictionaries of Spanish published in the 19th century, specifically in the second half (1846 is the year for the publication of the first and 1895 for the last). To do this, we will refer to the context in which these works were published, and we will also refer to the ideology of the authors. On one hand, we will study the macrostructure of the dictionaries, particularly the prologues of the works and, on the other hand, the microstructure; in this respect we will select a series of lexicographical entries that reflect the ideology present in the dictionaries and we will check whether there is correspondence between the declaration of intentions of the prologues and the content of such entries.

1971 ◽  
Vol 1 (03) ◽  
pp. 369-388
H. Alimen

Between the two wars, studies on the Quaternary were scarcely in favor in France. However. from the beginning of the 19th century recent terrains had held the attention of our country’s eminent geologists, and later that of the prehistorians, and starting in the 1850s these terrains were given the first chronological classifications based, on the one hand, on the evolution of Mammals. and on the other hand, on the succession of prehistoric civilizations.

2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-98 ◽  
Leo Catana

Abstract This article critically explores the history and nature of a hermeneutic assumption which frequently guided interpretations of Plotinus from the 18th century onwards, namely that Plotinus advanced a system of philosophy. It is argued that this assumption was introduced relatively late, in the 18th and 19th centuries, and that it was primarily made possible by Brucker’s methodology for the history of philosophy, dating from the 1740s, to which the concept of a ‘system of philosophy’ was essential. It is observed that the concept is absent from Ficino’s commentary from the 15th century, and that it remained absent in interpretations produced between the 15th and 18th centuries. It is also argued that the assumption of a ‘system of philosophy’ in Plotinus is historically incorrect—we do not find this concept in Plotinus’ writings, and his own statements about method point in other directions. Eduard Zeller (active in the second half of the 19th century) is typically regarded as the first to give a satisfying account of Plotinus’ philosophy as a whole. In this article, on the other hand, Zeller is seen as having finalised a tradition initiated in the 18th century. Very few Plotinus scholars have examined the interpretative development prior to Zeller. Schiavone (1952) and Bonetti (1971), for instance, have given little attention to Brucker’s introduction of the concept of a ‘system of philosophy’. The present analysis, then, has value for an understanding of Plotinus’ Enneads. It also explains why “pre-Bruckerian” interpretations of Plotinus appear alien to the modern reader; the analysis may even serve to make some sense of the hermeneutics employed by Renaissance Platonists and commentators, who are often eclipsed from the tradition of Platonism.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
Yetti Hasnah

Arabic Fusha is a language that is maintained and in principle same as Arabic which is used in the time of Jahiliya and the beginning of Islam. Whereas Arabic Amiya is Arabic has undergone many changes from the form of the Fusha, both from the aspect of vocabulary and structure. At the end of the 19th century there was an appeal to use Arabic Amiya as an oral and written language. The reason is because it is used by the Arab community in general and because of its simple form and structure. On the other hand, there are many defenders of Arabic Fusha who offer a number of weaknesses in Arabic Amiya as the reason for their rejection. In fact, both types of Arabic language still exist in Arabic society with their respective functions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 116
Rahimah Hamdan ◽  
Arba’ie Sujud

This paper was aimed at identifying the guidance to parenting that emerged in the first Malay autobiography, the Hikayat Abdullah, and subsequently, to analyse those instructions on parenting in the context of the traditional Malay society of the 19th century. The recognition accorded to Abdullah Munshi as the Father of Modern Malay Literature has attracted various reactions from scholars. Some scholars regard Abdullah Munshi as the one who brought renewal to Malay literature through his courageous criticism of the customs and culture that had been in practice for generations. On the other hand, there are scholars who disapprove of that recognition being given to him and who consider Abdullah Munshi’s criticisms in his works as a deviation from the reality expressed in previous works. Nevertheless, not a single study has suggested that perhaps Abdullah Munshi firmly emphasized those criticisms with the intention of providing some sort of guidance. Hence, by analysing certain texts in the Hikayat Abdullah and by reviewing the evidence from the perspective of Swettenham (1895), who objectively evaluated the thinking and culture of the Malay community, this study was able to rectify the image of Abdullah Munshi, who, all this while, was considered to be pro-British because of his harsh criticism of the Malay community. Moreover, those criticisms were meant to provide guidance for the family institution, especially for parents. This indirectly proves that Abdullah Munshi took a serious view of parenting and believed that improvements were necessary to produce a dignified and civilized generation. In conclusion, the autobiography, the Hikayat Abdullah, was not just a new form of writing that deviated from the conventions of traditional Malay literature, but was the fruit of the wisdom of the author that was meant to benefit his readers.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 669 ◽  
Aleksandar Palavestra

Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia-Herzegovina by the end of the 19th century, presided by Benjamin Kallay, the Empire’s Minister of Finance and governor of Bosnia and Herzegovina, strived to gain wider international justification for its years’ long project of “civilizing” Bosnia and Herzegovina, or particular “historizing” of this proximal colony. In the summer of 1894 the Austro-Hungarian government in Bosnia and Herzegovina organized the Congress of Archaeologists and Anthropologists in the Landesmuseum in Sarajevo. The aim of the Congress was to inform archaeologists and anthropologists about the results of archaeological investigations in the country, and to seek their advice in directing further work. The wider ideological, political, as well as theoretical context of this congress, however, was much more complex and layered, with the aim to present the constructed image of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a country of tamed and civilized European Orient of rich past and luxurious folklore. The participants of the Congress discussed the archaeological and anthropological data presented to them by the hosts, including the specially organized excavations at Butmir and Glasinac. It is interesting to analyze, from the point of view of the history of archaeological ideas, the endeavours of the participants to adapt the archaeological finds before them to the wishes of the hosts, and, on the other hand, to their favoured archaeological paradigms dominant at the time.

Katarzyna Seroka

The presented selection of correspondence constitutes an interesting source concerning the relationship between publishers and authors within the area of Poland and partitioned Polish lands in the 19th century. This shows how complicated this relationship was and how a publishing office worked, including the issues of selection of paper, fonts or covers. On the other hand, it reveals formal difficulties related to issuing and printing books (among others, censorship, customs frontiers and currencies). The selection of letters dates back to 1870-1871. The presented correspondence is a part of handwritten legacy of J.I. Kraszewski, which can be currently found in the Jagiellonian Library.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-224
Kari Kinn ◽  
Ida Larsson

This paper is concerned with pronominal demonstatives (referred to as psychologically distal demonstratives by Johannessen 2008a, b) in older Norwegian spoken language, and written Swedish from the 19th century and the present-day. We show that pronominal demonstratives can be attested in speakers born in different parts of Norway in the 19th century, and in Swedish texts from the same period. However, the pronominal forms do not seem to be used in precisely the same way in the two languages. In Swedish, han/hon ‘he/she’ do not seem to behave formally like demonstratives. Instead, we propose that they are syntactically reduced pronouns at the edge of the DP, above the position for demonstratives, and that they double features lower down in the noun phrase. In Norwegian, on the other hand, han/hun are used as demonstratives already in the 19th century, in the way described for present-day Norwegian by Johannessen (2008a, b).

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