The Role of Intellect and Fortuity in Legal Change: An Incident from the Law of Slavery

1984 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
David J. Langum
Lawrence Gostin

The objectives of this chapter are to help you understand: the impact of legislation, regulations, and litigation on the public’s health; the powers, duties, and restraints imposed by the law on public health officials; the potential of legal change to improve the public’s health; the role of international law and institutions in securing public health in the face of increasing globalization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-45
Xandra Miguel-Lorenzo

This article analyses a spectacle, a wrestling match, that brings out the problem of violence against women and the role of activist organisations such as the Centro de Información y Desarrollo de la Mujer (CIDEM) to raise awareness among people and to influence the Bolivian state to change the gender of the law. In effect, it considers CIDEM’s vigilant role, by visualising cases of femicides in partnership with the press, is translated in wrestling matches. The article considers one such wrestling match I witnessed in El Alto, Bolivia, and argues that CIDEM’s vigilant role extends to overlooking and complementing the vigilant roles of the state and customary legal systems in El Alto that are unable to prevent femicides: women being killed by men because of their gender.

2013 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 442-465 ◽  
Maksymilian Del Mar

AbstractThis paper offers a definition of legal fictions and an evaluation of the role of legal fictions in legal practice, especially insofar as they enable legal change. The first part of the paper defines legal fictions as any suspension of one or more of the required operative facts leading to the imposition of an associated normative consequence, whether this suspension is introduced because of (1) the absence of proof of some previously required fact; or (2) the presence of proof to the contrary. The second part argues that legal fictions have an unjustifiably bad reputation as enablers of legal change. This paper makes a plea for seeing legal fictions as forms of tentative cognition that enable courts to communicate with each other, exploring whether a certain change in the law (i.e. precisely a suspension of a required operative fact in the imposition of a certain normative consequence) ought to be introduced at a more explicit level. Under the guise of this relational reading of legal reasoning, legal fictions become an instrument of careful experimentation – a way of testing the extent to which the potential introduction of a rule will be beneficial. Seen in this light, legal fictions are by no means signs of the immaturity of the system; they are, instead, dynamic resources that allow courts, over time, to balance flexibility and responsiveness with stability and predictability.

Lawrence Gostin

The objectives of this chapter are to help you understand the impact of legislation, regulations, and litigation on the public’s health, the powers, duties, and restraints imposed by the law on public health officials, the potential of legal change to improve the public’s health, andthe role of international law in securing public health in the face of increasing globalization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Rizky Maulana Hakim

We realize that in the community, it is still close to the night world which can plunge the nation's next generation, through drinking, gambling, and especially Narcotics. There are many rules related to this problem, it is still possible that the minimum knowledge of the community is what causes users to become victims of the rigors of using drugs.In discussing this paper, we will take and discuss the theme of "Legal Certainty and Role of Laws on Narcotics (Narcotics and Drugs / Hazardous Materials) by Users and Distributors." The purpose of accepting this paper is, first, to be agreed by the reader which can be understood about the dangers that need to be discussed regarding the subjectivity of the drug itself; secondly, asking the reader to get a clue about actually addressing the urgency about the distribution of drugs; round, which is about knowing what the rules of the law and also the awareness in the surrounding community.Keywords: Narcotics, Role of Laws, Problem, Minimum Knowledge, awareness

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 232-250
Stephanie Dropuljic

This article examines the role of women in raising criminal actions of homicide before the central criminal court, in early modern Scotland. In doing so, it highlights the two main forms of standing women held; pursing an action for homicide alone and as part of a wider group of kin and family. The evidence presented therein challenges our current understanding of the role of women in the pursuit of crime and contributes to an under-researched area of Scots criminal legal history, gender and the law.

Ravi Malhotra

Honor Brabazon, ed. Neoliberal Legality: Understanding the Role of law in the neoliberal project (New York: Routledge, 2017). 214pp. Paperback.$49.95 Katharina Pistor. The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019). 297 pp. Hardcover.$29.95 Astra Taylor. Democracy May Not Exist, but We'll Miss It When It's Gone (New York: Metropolitan Books--Macmillan, 2019). Hardcover$27.00

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 243-253
Grzegorz Stefanowicz

This article undertakes to show the way that has led to the statutory decriminalization of euthanasia-related murder and assisted suicide in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It presents the evolution of the views held by Dutch society on the euthanasia related practice, in the consequence of which death on demand has become legal after less than thirty years. Due attention is paid to the role of organs of public authority in these changes, with a particular emphasis put on the role of the Dutch Parliament – the States General. Because of scarcity of space and limited length of the article, the change in the attitudes toward euthanasia, which has taken place in the Netherlands, is presented in a synthetic way – from the first discussions on admissibility of a euthanasia-related murder carried out in the 1970s, through the practice of killing patients at their request, which was against the law at that time, but with years began more and more acceptable, up to the statutory decriminalization of euthanasia by the Dutch Parliament, made with the support of the majority of society.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Yusup Sugiarto ◽  
Gunarto Gunarto

ABSTRAKKebutuhan akan lembaga notariat tidak terlepas dari kebutuhan akan perlunya pembuktian tertulis dalam lapangan hukum perdata. Mengingat keadaan ini maka notaris tidak saja berperan sebagai orang yang membuat alat bukti autentik namun juga sebagai penemu hukum. Notaris dalam profesinya sesungguhnya merupakan instansi yang dengan akta-aktanya menimbulkan alat-alat pembuktian tertulis dengan mempunyai sifat autentik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan penandatanganan akta notaris dalam pembuatan SKMHT dan akibat hukum penandatanganan akta SKMHT oleh penerima kuasa tidak di hadapan notaris dalam perjanjian kredit pemilikan rumah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan yuridis normatif, sedangkan sifat dari penelitiannya sendiri bersifat deskriptif analisis. Penandatanganan akta notaris oleh penerima kuasa dalam akta SKMHT dimungkinkan untuk dilakukan tidak di hadapan notaris, karena lazimnya suatu akta SKMHT ada kaitannya dengan akta perjanjian kredit yang telah dibuat terlebih dahulu oleh para pihak. Akibat hukumnya penerima kuasa dalam akta SKMHT menjadi terikat untuk mematuhi ketentuan-ketentuan yang ada dalam SKMHT.Kata kunci: notaris, akta, perdata, kredit, perjanjian. ABSTRACTThe need for notarial institutions is inseparable from the need for the necessity of verification in the field of civil law. In view of this situation the notary not only plays the role of the person who makes authentic evidence but also the inventor of the law. Notary in his profession is in fact an institution which with its deeds evokes written proof means with authentic nature. This study aims to analyse the execution of the signing of notary deed in the making of SKMHT and the effect of the signing of SKMHT deed by the power of attorney not before the notary in the mortgage agreement. The method used in this study is the normative juridical approach, while the nature of the research itself is descriptive analysis. The signing of notarial deed by the power of attorney in the deed of SKMHT is possible to be done not in the presence of a notary, because usually a deed of SKMHT is related to the credit agreement which has been made beforehand by the parties. As a result of the law the power of attorney in the SKMHT deed becomes bound to comply with the provisions contained in SKMHT.Keywords: notary, deed, civil, credit, agreement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 88-93
K.N. Golikov ◽  

The subject of this article is the problems of the nature, essence and purpose of prosecutorial activity. The purpose of the article is to study and justify the role of the human rights function in prosecutorial activities in the concept of a modern legal state. At the heart of prosecutorial activity is the implementation of the main function of the Prosecutor’s office – its rights and freedoms, their protection. This means that any type (branch) of Prosecutor's supervision is permeated with human rights content in relation to a citizen, society, or the state. This is confirmed by the fact that the Federal law “On the Prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation” establishes an independent type of Prosecutor's supervision-supervision over the observance of human and civil rights and freedoms. It is argued that the legislation enshrines the human rights activities of the Prosecutor's office as its most important function. It is proposed to add this to the Law “On the Prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation”.

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