Ш.Г. Идармачев ◽  
В.И. Черкашин ◽  
М.А. Мусаев ◽  
И.Ш. Идармачев

В статье сделан анализ данных непрерывных электрометрических наблюдений в скважине, расположенной в районе правого борта плотины Чиркейской ГЭС за период времени 20102013 гг., которые коррелируют с сезонным изменением уровня воды в водохранилище. Один из механизмов связи между изменениями уровня воды в водохранилище и кажущимся сопротивлением пород может быть деформационный, т.е., сезонное изменение нагрузки, создаваемое весом водохранилища приводит к упругой деформации земной коры. Численные оценки показывают, что значение вертикальной относительной деформации земной коры в районе плотины ГЭС может достигать величин 1,2105 The article presents an analysis of data continuous electrometric observations in the borehole located in the right side of the dam of the Chirkei hydroelectric power station for the period 20102013, which correlate with seasonal changes in water level in the reservoir. One of the mechanisms of the link between changes in water level in the reservoir and the apparent resistance of rocks can be deformation, i.e., the seasonal change of the load created by the weight of the reservoir leads to elastic deformation of the earths crust. Numerical estimates show that the value of relative vertical crustal deformation in the area of the hydroelectric dam may reach values of 1,2105.

Vestnik NSUEM ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 177-182
A. V. Logachov ◽  
O. M. Logachova ◽  
P. A. Karpik

The dependence of the average water level in the Ob River at the Novosibirsk water post on the discharge rate to a hydroelectric power station is being investigated. The stochastic approach is used to model this dependence. As a result of the analysis of an array of statistical data a two-component mathematical model has been obtained. The simultaneous use of the Probit probability determination model and the construction of a regression straight line result in a nonlinear relationship between the water level and the discharge rate, which allows for a more accurate flood forecast.

1974 ◽  
Vol 8 (10) ◽  
pp. 914-916
I. S. Ronzhin ◽  
A. D. Osipov ◽  
V. Kh. Gol'tsman ◽  
A. B. Yumatov

2008 ◽  
pp. 101-107
Dubravka Polic ◽  
Ruzica Igic ◽  
Slobodanka Stojanovic ◽  
Dejana Lazic

Labudovo okno locality (50 m-84 m elevation) is situated in the south-eastern part of the edge of the Pannonian Plains, resting along the left bank of the Danube between 1982 km and 1078 km. The investigated locality is the result of rise of the Danube level after dam building of the hydroelectric power station Djerdap I. The vegetation comprises aquatic associations of the classes Hydrochari-Lemnetea Oberd. 1967 and Potametea Tx. et Prsg. 1942. The class Hydrochari-Lemnetea Oberd. 1967 includes the following phytocoenoses: Lemno-Spirodeletum W. Koch 1954, Salvinio-Spirodeletum polyrrhizae Slavnic 1956, Lemno minoris-Azolletum filiculoides Br.-Bl. 1952, Ceratophylletum demersi (So? 27) Hild 1956. The class Potametea Tx. et Prsg. 1942 includes the associations Myriophyllo-Potametum So? 1934, Nympaeetum albo-luteae Nowinski 1928, Trapetum natantis M?lleret G?rs 1960.

2020 ◽  
Vol 223 ◽  
pp. 03002
Gachenko Andrey ◽  
Hmelnov Alexey

In this work, the authors present a technology for riverside terrain model building that has been tested on a number of scientific projects to study the littoral area of tail race of the Irkutsk Hydroelectric Power Station and the Bratsk Reservoir. This model is used for forecasting changes in the reservoir shorelines associated with wastewater in the cascade of hydroelectric power stations. The technology described in the work was approved to solve a number of practical problems and showed its effectiveness. Specialized application software was developed and terrain data from various sources were used to specify and detail the end result.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (7-2020) ◽  
pp. 19-32
Olga E. Konovalova ◽  
Nikolai M. Kuznetsov ◽  

The article tells the story of the creation of the Nizhne-Tulomskaya hydroelectric power station (HPP). The main energy parameters of the hydroelectric power station, the layoutof the main structures of the station, and archival photos of the construction time are given. Data on the production and consumption of electricity for own needs, the cost of 1 kW·h during the great Patriotic war are shown. It is told about the reconstruction and current state of the station.

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