scholarly journals New provincial records of the cave cricket Dolichopoda euxina Semenov, 1901 (Orthoptera) from Republic of Adygea (Russia) with notes on its conservation status

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 267-269 ◽  
M.I. Shapovalov ◽  
A.S. Zamotajlov ◽  
A.S. Bondarenko ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 296-302
Dao Nhan Loi ◽  
Vu Dinh Thong

The internationally renowned Muong Phang Cultural and Historical Site is located in the Dien Bien Phu region, northwestern Vietnam, and has received special attention from the public because of its great biodiversity. This site has a large forest area and other habitats including lakes, streams, rivers and paddyfield. These habitats would be ideal homes for bats and other biological taxa. However, in general, the wildlife of the Muong Phang Cultural and Historical Site receives little attention from scientists and authorities. Between 2014 and 2016, we conducted  series of surveys for bats in Muong Phang. Bat capture and sound recordings were the main procedure to obtain materials and data necessary for the assessment of diversity and conservation status. The results of the surveys this time revealed that there are 19 species of bats belonging to 7 genera, 5 families in the study area. Of these, a Myotis sp. is different from all the previously recorded Myotis bats from Vietnam, and, a Rhinolophus sp. is different from every described species of the family Rhinolophidae. This paper provides the first records of bats from Muong Phang with remarks on their taxonomy and conservation status.   Citation: Dao Nhan Loi, Vu Dinh Thong, 2017. First records of bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from Muong Phang cultural and historical site, Dien Bien province, Northwestern Vietnam. Tap chi Sinh hoc, 39(3): 296-302. DOI: 10.15625/0866-7160/v39n3.10641. *Corresponding author: [email protected]. Received 29 August 2017, accepted 10 September 2017 

2020 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 537-543
Karinne Sampaio Valdemarin ◽  
Jair Eustáquio Quintino Faria ◽  
Fiorella Fernanda Mazine ◽  
Vinicius Castro Souza

Abstract—A new species of Eugenia from the Atlantic forest of Brazil is described and illustrated. Eugenia flavicarpa is restricted to the Floresta de Tabuleiro (lowland forests) of Espírito Santo state and is nested in Eugenia subg. Pseudeugenia. Considering all other species of the subgenus that occur in forest vegetation types of the Atlantic forest phytogeographic domain, Eugenia flavicarpa can be distinguished mainly by the combination of smooth leaves with indumentum on both surfaces, with two marginal veins, usually ramiflorous inflorescences, pedicels 4.5‐9.7 mm long, flower buds 3.5‐4 mm in diameter, and by the calyx lobes that are 2‐3 mm long with rounded to obtuse apices. Morphological analyses were performed to explore the significance of quantitative diagnostic features between the new species and the closely related species, Eugenia farneyi. Notes on the habitat, distribution, phenology, and conservation status of Eugenia flavicarpa are provided, as well as a key for all species of Eugenia subg. Pseudeugenia from forest vegetation of the Atlantic forest phytogeographic domain.

2018 ◽  
pp. 47-52

Epimedium elatum (Morren & Decne) of family Berberidaceace is a rare perennial medicinal plant, endemic to high altitude forests of Northwestern Himalayas in India. Ethnobotanically, it has been used as an ingredient for treatment of bone-joint disorders, impotence and kidney disorders in Kashmir Himalayas. Phytochemically, it is rich in Epimedin ABC and Icariin; all of these have been demonstrated to possess remarkable biological activities like PDE-5 inhibition (treatment of erectile dysfunction), anticancer, antiosteoporosis antioxidant and antiviral properties. The present investigation reports its traditional usage, comprehensive distribution and conservation status from twenty ecogeographical regions in Kashmir Himalayas, India. The species was reported from Gurez valley for the first time. Numerous threats like excessive grazing, deforestration, habitat fragmentation, tourism encroachment, landslides and excessive exploitation have decreased its natural populations in most of the surveyed habitats. Consequently, its existence may become threatened in near future if timely conservation steps are not taken immediately by concerned stakeholders involved in medicinal plant research. Moreover, use of plant tissue culture techniques is recommended for development of its in vitro propagation protocols. Therefore, introduction of this medicinal plant in botanical gardens, protected sites and development of monitoring programmes are needed for its immediate conservation in Northwestern Himalayas, India.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Gamaliel Castañeda Gaytan ◽  
Ernesto Becerra-López ◽  
Sara Valenzuela-Ceballos ◽  
Miguel Borja-Jiménez ◽  
Bruno Rodríguez-López ◽  

The existing nature conservation objects that are part of the Dnistrovskyi Regional Landscape Park are characterized and mapped. There are more than sixty different types of WFD objects in and around the park. All objects are tabulated. Also, geological, geomorphological, hydrological objects have been identified that have scientific, recreational and educational value, which gives grounds for granting them conservation status. This is a large number of rocks of different ages (Silurian, Devonian, Jurassic, Cretaceous), which makes it possible to study the history and condition sof the territory. The location is mapped. Also on the map as places of interest are the places of manifestation of modern geomorphological processes. Fluvial, karst, gravity, erosion and other processes are most evidentin the park. The dynamics of karst processes haveled to the formation of numerous caves and cave formations, which are valuable from the scientific and recreational plan. A mong the hydrological and hydro-geological features are waterfalls, marshe sand ground water exits to the surface in the form of springs. Historical and cultural sites occurring with in and around the park are characterized and mapped. The seare objects of Paleolithic heritage (the oldestin Bukivna, Horodnytsia), Kievan Rus' period, ruins of ancient castles (Rakovetsky and Chekrnelitsky) and fotresses, lordlye states, ancient churches, of which there are more than thirty, existing and in active in the region. The most ancient are the village of Michalce), monuments of liberation competitions (hiding places) and places of great historical battles. It maps and describes the existing route sand objects of the tourist infrastructure of the Dnistrovskyi RLP. The park and surrounding areas haves ignificant natural and recreational potential. The presence of a large number of diverse natural sites make sit possible to create attractions for tourism development in the region. The presence of historical and cultural heritage en hances the use of the territory. New routes and proposals for improvement of the tourist infrastructure of the territory were developed: creation of an eco-educational visit center, placement of agroosel complexes, arrangement of places for stops during the Dniester alloys, creation of a network of tourist points at the places of passage of route sand places of rest of residents, development and in stallation of new information standsne are xisting tourist natural and historical sites in the study area. Key words: Dnistrovskyi RLR, Nature Reserve objects, historical and cultural sites, nature monuments, recreational resources, tourism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 111
Juan Sebastián Moreno ◽  
Stephania Sandoval-Arango ◽  
Rubén Darío Palacio ◽  
Nestor Fabio Alzate ◽  
Milton Rincón ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-30
Toni Koren ◽  
Matea Martinović

The caterpillars of the Southern Swallowtail, Papilio alexanor have been recorded in the vicinity of Trebinje, Bosnia & Herzegovina. This is the first recent observation of this species in the country and the third observation so far. Opopanax chironium is confirmed as the larval host plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was expected due to the recent observations from Croatia. Its status and distribution in the country are still not clear, and further surveys are recommended in order to reconfirm the historical records as well as to assess its current conservation status. Due to the limited extent of its occurrence, we propose to include it in the Red list of fauna of Bosnia & Herzegovina as Vulnerable (VU).

2019 ◽  
Vol 01 (1) ◽  
pp. 001-003
Paula Cruz ◽  
Pablo Teta ◽  
Lucía Palacio ◽  
Agustín Paviolo ◽  
Mario Di Bitetti

2020 ◽  
Vol 105 (3) ◽  
pp. 281-299
Javier Carreño-Barrera ◽  
Luis Alberto Núñez-Avellaneda ◽  
Maria José Sanín ◽  
Artur Campos D. Maia

Solitary, dioecious, and mostly endemic to Andean cloud forests, wax palms (Ceroxylon Bonpl. ex DC. spp.) are currently under worrisome conservation status. The establishment of management plans for their dwindling populations rely on detailed biological data, including their reproductive ecology. As in the case of numerous other Neotropical palm taxa, small beetles are assumed to be selective pollinators of wax palms, but their identity and relevance in successful fruit yield were unknown. During three consecutive reproductive seasons we collected data on population phenology and reproductive and floral biology of three syntopic species of wax palms native to the Colombian Andes. We also determined the composition of the associated flower-visiting entomofauna, quantifying the extent of the role of individual species as effective pollinators through standardized value indexes that take into consideration abundance, constancy, and pollen transport efficiency. The studied populations of C. parvifrons (Engel) H. Wendl., C. ventricosum Burret, and C. vogelianum (Engel) H. Wendl. exhibit seasonal reproductive cycles with marked temporal patterns of flower and fruit production. The composition of the associated flower-visiting entomofauna, comprised by ca. 50 morphotypes, was constant across flowering seasons and differed only marginally among species. Nonetheless, a fraction of the insect species associated with pistillate inflorescences actually carried pollen, and calculated pollinator importance indexes demonstrated that one insect species alone, Mystrops rotundula Sharp, accounted for 94%–99% of the effective pollination services for all three species of wax palms. The sequential asynchronous flowering of C. parvifrons, C. ventricosum, and C. vogelianum provides an abundant and constant supply of pollen, pivotal for the maintenance of large populations of their shared pollinators, a cooperative strategy proven effective by high fruit yield rates (up to 79%). Reproductive success might be compromised for all species by the population decline of one of them, as it would tamper with the temporal orchestration of pollen offer.

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