scholarly journals Association rule mining to identify potential under-coding of conditions in the problem list in primary care electronic medical records

Colin Weaver ◽  
Stephanie Garies ◽  
Tyler Williamson ◽  
Kerry McBrien ◽  
Mingkai Peng

IntroductionThe problem list of a patient’s primary care electronic medical record (EMR) generally reflects their important medical conditions. We will use association rule mining to assess between-provider and between-clinic variation in the coding of select conditions in the EMR problem list, in order to identify possible under-coding outliers. Objectives and ApproachEMR data from participating clinics in the Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network (CPCSSN) will be used, with a focus on three commonly-occurring conditions (hypertension, diabetes, and depression). Association rule mining will be used to develop association rules between these conditions and other clinical information available in the EMR, such as other diagnoses in the problem list, billing codes, medications, and laboratory results (e.g., a rule of “diabetic medication→diabetes” indicates that patients prescribed a diabetic medication are likely to have diabetes in the problem list). Under-coding outliers at the provider and clinic levels will be identified by comparing rule enforcement. ResultsResults from this work in progress will be presented at the conference. An estimated 270 clinics, 1340 providers, and 1.8 million patients will be included from the CPCSSN database. Rule ‘confidence’ will be used to identify outliers; the confidence of a rule X→Y is the proportion of individuals with X who also have Y (Pr(Y|X)). For example, we may find that on average 80% of patients prescribed a diabetic medication will also have a diagnosis of diabetes in the problem list (average confidence of 80%), but an outlier clinic may have a confidence of 40%; this low rule confidence may indicate under-coding of diabetes in the problem list. Confounding by patient demographics (e.g., age, sex, urban/rural) will be assessed and adjusted for, if necessary. Conclusion/ImplicationsThis work examines a novel method to identify potential under-coding in the EMR problem list. Providers/clinics could use this information to update patients’ problem list or inform quality improvement interventions. Researchers using primary care EMR data need to be aware of potential under-coding and take steps to mitigate the effects.

Association rule mining techniques are important part of data mining to derive relationship between attributes of large databases. Association related rule mining have evolved huge interest among researchers as many challenging problems can be solved using them. Numerous algorithms have been discovered for deriving association rules effectively. It has been evaluated that not all algorithms can give similar results in all scenarios, so decoding these merits becomes important. In this paper two association rule mining algorithms were analyzed, one is popular Apriori algorithm and the other is EARMGA (Evolutionary Association Rules Mining with Genetic Algorithm). Comparison of these two algorithms were experimentally performed based on different datasets and different parameters like Number of rules generated, Average support, Average Confidence, Covered records were detailed.

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Rizal Setya Perdana ◽  
Umi Laili Yuhana

Kualitas perangkat lunak merupakan salah satu penelitian pada bidangrekayasa perangkat lunak yang memiliki peranan yang cukup besar dalamterbangunnya sistem perangkat lunak yang berkualitas baik. Prediksi defectperangkat lunak yang disebabkan karena terdapat penyimpangan dari prosesspesifikasi atau sesuatu yang mungkin menyebabkan kegagalan dalam operasionaltelah lebih dari 30 tahun menjadi topik riset penelitian. Makalah ini akandifokuskan pada prediksi defect yang terjadi pada kode program (code defect).Metode penanganan permasalahan defect pada kode program akan memanfaatkanpola-pola kode perangkat lunak yang berpotensi menimbulkan defect pada data setNASA untuk memprediksi defect. Metode yang digunakan dalam pencarian polaadalah memanfaatkan Association Rule Mining dengan Cumulative SupportThresholds yang secara otomatis menghasilkan nilai support dan nilai confidencepaling optimal tanpa membutuhkan masukan dari pengguna. Hasil pengujian darihasil pemrediksian defect kode perangkat lunak secara otomatis memiliki nilaiakurasi 82,35%.

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