scholarly journals The Application of Global Positioning System (GPS) in Mapping Survey of Historical and Archeological Site

2004 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Nurul Khakhim

Technical development of Global Positioning System (GPS) is the positional determination system of ground control point in the earth surface, which based on satellite. It leads to the significant influence on the methodological aspect of positional determination survey in the earth surface. Global Positioning System gives the three dimension position (X, K Z) or longitudinal, latitude and altitude which are formulated in the reference of World Geodetic System (WGS) in 1984. The data characteristic is the first data, which is required in the survey of limit mapping of historical and archeological site. This article tries to explain the possibility of using the technology of Global Positioning System (GPS) to map the archeological site which contains of potential, ohstacle, methodology and case study in Boko Prambanan temple area. It is also utilized to the possibility of using the Geographical Information System (GIS) to analyze the spatial existence site of environmental condition.

1997 ◽  
Vol 90 (6) ◽  
pp. 455-460
Gail D. Nord ◽  
David Jabon ◽  
John Nord

Teacher's Guide: The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a constellation of twenty-four satellites, orbiting approximately 20 200 km above sea level, that enable receivers to compute their position anywhere on the earth with remarkable accuracy. The mathematical theory and computation involved in the GPS are within the scope of the second-year-algebra curriculum. This activity illustrates an application of mathematics to modern navigation.

1977 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-47 ◽  
Edward M. Lassiter ◽  
Bradford Parkinson

The NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based navigation system that will provide extremely accurate three-dimensional position fixes and timing information to properly equipped users anywhere on or near the Earth. The system will be available continuously regardless of weather conditions and will find extensive utilization in improved weapons delivery accuracies, range instrumentation, &c. Furthermore it will provide an ultimate saving in the number and cost of navigation and position-fixing systems currently employed or projected. It is a Joint Service programme managed by the U.S.A.F. with deputies from the Navy, Army and Marines and the Defense Mapping Agency. The system concept evolved from U.S.A.F. and Navy studies initiated in the mid-1960s. Current programme plans call for the deployment of six satellites in 1977 to permit demonstration and evaluation tests over the continental United States. The system will then be expanded through the deployment of additional satellites into an operational 24-satellite system.

1996 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-52 ◽  
Helen Petrie ◽  
Valerie Johnson ◽  
Thomas Strothotte ◽  
Andreas Raab ◽  
Steffi Fritz ◽  

This paper presents the research for the development of a new travel aid to increase the independent mobility of blind and elderly travellers. This aid will build on the technologies of geographical information systems (GIS) and the Global Positioning System (GPS). The MOBIC Travel Aid (MOTA) consists of two interrelated components: the MOBIC Pre-journey System (MOPS) to assist users in planning journeys and the MOBIC Outdoor System (MOODS) to execute these plans by providing users with orientation and navigation assistance during journeys. The MOBIC travel aid is complementary to primary mobility aids such as the long cane or guide dog. Results of a study of user requirements are presented and their implications for the initial design of the system are discussed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 49-58
Didigwu Augustus Ugonna Sunday ◽  
Ogbe David .O

Total Station and Global Positioning System (GPS) are two instruments used to fix position on the earth. The total station employs electro-optical distance meter method, emitting laser beams to a target and detecting light reflected off it by measuring the deviation of the wavelength of the reflected light. Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based satellite for rapid position determination, its’ receiver calculates its position by precisely turning the signal sent by GPS satellite high above the earth. The study aims at the assessment of the two instruments: GPS and Total Station. To achieve this aim, two surveys were performed on the same parcel of land using the two instruments. In the first part of the survey, a closed-loop traverse was performed around a chosen parcel of land using a calibrated total station. The station determined only coordinates of points from where bearings and distances were extracted. Thereafter, DGPS equipment was then used to perform a similar survey as the total station. In this case, visible satellites were used to determine the coordinates of all the stations. The results of the two methods present the distances, bearings, and coordinates. The difference between each of the results was also analyzed. Thus the maximum average difference in distance of 5mm occurred throughout the chainage and maximum differences in the coordinate of 12mm Easting and 9mm Northing were found where there are tree covers. However, the study shows that even though the two instruments are good tools for positioning, each exhibited it’s own accuracy, efficiency, advantages and disadvantage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (9) ◽  
pp. 4318-4324
H. K. Yogish ◽  
M. Niranjanamurthy ◽  
K. L. Abhishek

Major significant challenge looked by the current reality is the developing measure of wastage (garbage) produced each day. Because of urbanization, population explosion and ill-advised methods for waste gathering, waste is being created on an enormous size. Hazardous infections, decrease in the nature of style in the earth, air and water contamination are for the most part resultant issues of unattended wastage primarily because of carelessness in wastage assortment. Hence, there are various accessible advances which go for successful accumulation of waste. In this paper, IoT have been utilized to handle smart wastage bins which are used to gather wastage and avoid it from spilling over. Global Positioning System (GPS), Arduino UNO microcontroller, ultrasonic sensor, ESP8266 Wi-Fi module chip and Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) has incorporated into a framework to employ these wastage bins.

K. N. Tahar ◽  
S. S. Kamarudin

The establishment of ground control points is a critical issue in mapping field, especially for large scale mapping. The fast and rapid technique for ground control point’s establishment is very important for small budget projects. UAV onboard GPS has the ability to determine the point positioning. The objective of this research is to assess the accuracy of unmanned aerial vehicle onboard global positioning system in positioning determination. Therefore, this research used UAV onboard GPS as an alternative to determine the point positioning at the selected area. UAV is one of the powerful tools for data acquisition and it is used in many applications all over the world. This research concentrates on the error contributed from the UAV onboard GPS during observation. There are several points that have been used to study the pattern of positioning error. All errors were analyzed in world geodetic system 84- coordinate system, which is the basic coordinate system used by the global positioning system. Based on this research, the result of UAV onboard GPS positioning could be used in ground control point establishment with the specific error. In conclusion, accurate GCP establishment could be achieved using UAV onboard GPS by applying a specific correction based on this research.

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