2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Yogi Kuncoro Adi

The aim of this study is to describe character education content of the third grade elementary school curriculum 2013 textbook semester 1. The design of this study was content analysis by qualitative approach. Subject of this study is textbook of curriculum 2013 semester 1 for the third grade of elementary school students. Object of this study is character education content. The data collected by reading and recording of unit analysis. The unit analysis were materials and evaluation that integrated the values of character education in the textbooks. The instrument used in this research was the analysis sheet based on the theories. The validity of the instrument and the data used was semantic validity and expert judgment. The reliability of the data used the stability and reproducibility. The techniques of analyzing data consisted of unitizing, sampling, recording, reducing, inferring, and narrating. The results of this study show that most of the character education value was spread into every theme, although some indicators were not found. Distribution of each character value, by disregarding any indicators, evenly on all themes. However, these findings prove that a particular character value investment is not focused as in the relevant theory. Keywords: analysis, character education content

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 33
Endah Fauziningrum

The objective of this research was to find out the effectiveness of using STAD and TMR strategies to teach questions to the third grade of elementary school students. The data of the research were taken in Sompok state elementary school 03 and 04. The research design used was factorial design. It means that the writer had two groups, one was taught by using STAD strategy and the other was taught by using TMR strategy. STAD and TMR strategies had two sub-divisions, students who take English courses and students who do not take English courses. The number of the research sample for each cell was 12 students. There were four time lesson of periods for STAD and TMR classes. To investigate the effectiveness of using STAD and TMR strategies, the writer used F-test formula. The results were: 1) STAD was effective to teach question to students who take English courses. It was showed from the pre-test (10.83) and the post-test (12.75). 2) STAD was effective to teach question to students who do not take English courses. It was shown on the mean of pre-test (8.58) and the post-test (11.25). 3) TMR was effective to teach question to students who take English courses. It was shown on the mean of pre-test (10.67) and the post-test (11.50).  4) TMR was effective to teach question to students who do not take English courses. It was shown on the mean of pre-test (9.83) and post-test (10.42). There was not any interaction between the students who take English courses and who do not and and who were taught by using STAD and TMR showed from the ANOVA result. The result was the interaction between strategies and taking courses variables showed 0.325 with sig 0.571. Since, sig 0.571 > 0.05, then the interaction between strategies and taking courses variables do not effect the students achievement. Keywords:  Comparison; Third Grade Elementary School Students; STAD Strategy; TMR Strategy;the Effectiveness of Using Teaching Strategy 

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-54
Endah Fauziningrum

The objective of this research was to find out the effectiveness of using STAD and TMR strategies to teach questions to the third grade of elementary school students. The data of the research were taken in Sompok state elementary school 03 and 04. The research design used was factorial design. It means that the writer had two groups, one was taught by using STAD strategy and the other was taught by using TMR strategy. STAD and TMR strategies had two sub-divisions, students who take English courses and students who do not take English courses. The number of the research sample for each cell was 12 students. There were four time lesson of periods for STAD and TMR classes. To investigate the effectiveness of using STAD and TMR strategies, the writer used F-test formula. The results were: 1) STAD was effective to teach question to students who take English courses. It was showed from the pre-test (10.83) and the post-test (12.75). 2) STAD was effective to teach question to students who do not take English courses. It was shown on the mean of pre-test (8.58) and the post-test (11.25). 3) TMR was effective to teach question to students who take English courses. It was shown on the mean of pre-test (10.67) and the post-test (11.50).  4) TMR was effective to teach question to students who do not take English courses. It was shown on the mean of pre-test (9.83) and post-test (10.42). There was not any interaction between the students who take English courses and who do not and and who were taught by using STAD and TMR showed from the ANOVA result. The result was the interaction between strategies and taking courses variables showed 0.325 with sig 0.571. Since, sig 0.571 0.05, then the interaction between strategies and taking courses variables do not effect the students achievement. Keywords:  Comparison; Third Grade Elementary School Students; STAD Strategy; TMR Strategy;the Effectiveness of Using Teaching Strategy 

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 174
Meida Rachmawati ◽  
Suzana Widjajanti ◽  
Ahmad Ahmad ◽  
Aslan Aslan

This article aimed to promote English in elementary school students through a fun learning method, called the Fun English Camp. Several studies had been conducted to encounter the best solution to handle this issue. The researchers used PRISMA Protocol as an instrument to collect the data that has been widely used in the process of selecting relevant articles. The researchers reviewed twenty five scientific publications, related to Fun English Camp that has become an English learning approach for beginner students. Through a review of twenty five scientific publications, for instance book and journal, the researchers got scientific evidence that introduction of a learning method with the term Fun English camp has an impact on promoting language learning for elementary school children in Indonesia. Thus, the fun English camp method can be an interesting method to be applied by elementary school curriculum design in Indonesia. Keywords: English Camps, Learning Method, Fun English Learning

1977 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-140 ◽  
Janice K. Freeman ◽  
William H. Freeman

The “awareness” of drugs among rural elementary school students was studied with a word-association test of drug slang and words with no drug connotations given to students randomly selected from each of the six grades. The first grades were conscious primarily of alcohol. The significant rise in drug-related responses came between the third and fourth grades, while the biggest shift to non-alcohol drug responses came between the fourth and fifth grades. The study suggests that rural students are not immune to the influence of the drug culture. Curriculum planners should determine when the local students develop an awareness of drugs.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Nur Hidayah

Background The lack of home learning readiness highly influences the learning process. The preventive way by self-home learning may bring positive effects, namely they will be able to understand the teacher’s explanation or tutorial and do what is being instructed in accomplishing assignments or answering questions. Purpose: was to find out the effects of anticipatory guidance on the learning readiness in the third-grade students of elementary school. Method Quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest control group design. The population involved all third-grade students of SDN Sidomoro 1, Kebomas sub-district, Gresik in which 98 respondents were taken as the samples by applying the total sampling technique. The respondents were then classified into two groups: control group and study group, 48 students each. The instrument: observation sheet. The data analysis using descriptive statistic. Result findings the pre-test value of the study group on good learning readiness was shown by 9 students (34.7%). Compared to the post-test value with the same group, 40 students (81.6%) were in good category. On the other hand, among the control group, the pre-test value showed that 20 students (40.8%) also had good learning readiness, whereas the post-test value described that 17 students (36.7%) were also in good learning readiness. Conclusion Based on the result presented above, providing of anticipatory guidance for students of elementary school is very important to increase the readiness of student’s self-learning for the positive effect, learning achievement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-34
Sri Subiyanti ◽  
Murtono Murtono ◽  
Suad Suad

The purpose of this study was to develop and test the effectiveness of the character education module based on the school literacy movement. This type of research uses Research and Development (RnD). The research subjects used were fifth grade elementary school students in the RA Kartini Cluster, Jaken District, Pati Regency. Data collection techniques by means of observation, interviews, documentation, and questionnaires. The data was collected using observation sheets, interview sheets, photos of activities, and filling out questionnaires. Sources of data obtained from filling out questionnaires, observations, and responses from school principals, class teachers, subject teachers, students, and school committees on the implementation of the module. The resulting module is validated by material experts and module experts. Small group trials were conducted in fifth grade SDN Mojoluhur, Jaken District, Pati Regency. Meanwhile, product use trials were carried out in fifth grade SDNs in the RA Kartini Cluster, Jaken District, Pati Regency. Data analysis techniques are data collection, data presentation, and drawing conclusions and using the t-test to determine the effectiveness of the module. The questionnaire instrument test used validity and reliability, while the quality of the module in the study used expert validation. The results showed: (1) a character education module developed based on the school literacy movement for elementary schools; (2) the character education module based on the school literacy movement is declared valid, the percentage of eligibility criteria for the validator is 75% (feasible) and 83% (very feasible); (3) the character education module based on the school literacy movement is effective for instilling character education in elementary school students. This is shown in the t test the effectiveness of -121.696 1.86 was obtained and the average student character questionnaire before and after using the module increased by 30.08%; (4) the results of teacher responses from observations showed 75.6% (good).

Academia Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Aliefa Rahmadewi ◽  
Supriyadi Supriyadi

This study aims to describe the values ​​of character education in the fairy tale Bawang Merah Bawang Putih and its relevance for strengthening the character of elementary school students. The data of this research is the story of Bawang Merah Bawang Putih which was obtained from the fairy tale book by Runna Aulia and Ghais Ramadhani. The data collection technique used is documentation. This stage of the data analysis technique is carried out by data condensation. Presentation of data, as well as conclusions and verification of research results. The results of this study are 5 character values ​​contained in the fairy tale Bawang Merah Bawang Putih, such as the value of the character of hard work, the value of the character of discipline, the value of the character of responsibility, the value of the character of social care, the value of the character of curiosity. This study also found 5 character values ​​that exist in strengthening character education, such as the value of telligiosity, nationalism, integrity, independence and mutual cooperation. The characters in this fairy tale can also be used as learning content at school. there are good examples so that students can find good learning to be applied to everyday life such as the school environment, community and family environment.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-61
Diana del Pilar Iscalá -Tobito

Resumen: El presente artículo titulado “Fortalecimiento del pensamiento numérico a través de estrategias didácticas que desarrollen competencias comunicativas en los estudiantes del grado tercero de educación primaria”, se refiere a una investigación que se encuentra en proceso, la cual surge de las experiencias pedagógicas vividas por su autora, quien ha venido observando las dificultades comunicativas que presentan los educandos de este grado y nivel de estudio, por lo cual considera pertinente diseñar diversas estrategias didácticas, que les permitirán no solamente fortalecer su pensamiento numérico, sino también facilitaran su proceso comunicacional que se proyectará en su vida diaria. Para el logro de este objetivo se propone una metodología de investigación acción, desde el enfoque cualitativo, donde el objeto de estudio es el proceso de aprendizaje de 14 estudiantes del grado tercero, de la jornada de la mañana de la Sede José Eusebio Caro No. 23, cuyas edades promedio está entre los 8 y 11años. Se utilizan como instrumentos de recolección de información los resultados obtenidos en las pruebas SABER con su respectivo análisis, el conversatorio, la prueba diagnóstica, la observación directa, el diario pedagógico y la aplicación de talleres en clase.Palabras clave Pensamiento numérico, Estrategias didácticas, Competencias Comunicativas, Educación PrimariaAbstract: This article entitled “Strengthening numerical thinking through didactic strategies that develop communicative skills in students in the third grade of primary education”, refers to a research that is in process, which arises from the pedagogical experiences experienced by its author, who has been observing the communicative difficulties presented by the students of this degree and level of study, for which it considers pertinent to design various teaching strategies, which will allow them not only to strengthen their numerical thinking, but also to facilitate their communicational process that will be projected in your daily life. To achieve this goal, an action research methodology is proposed, from the qualitative approach, where the object of study is the learning process of 14 students of the third grade, of the morning session of the Headquarters José Eusebio Caro No. 23, whose average ages are between 8 and 11 years. The results obtained in the SABER tests with their respective analysis, the discussion, the diagnostic test, the direct observation, the pedagogical diary and the application of workshops in class are used as instruments for gathering information.Keywords Numerical thinking, didactic strategies, communication skills, primary education.

2017 ◽  
pp. 317-332
Vesna Pilipovic ◽  
Tatjana Glusac

Reading literacy, consisting of prose and document literacy, is an integral part of functional literacy that has become one of the key goals and success criteria of contemporary educational systems around the world. Lower level of functional literacy limits not only the opportunities of an individual, but also the development and successful functioning of the whole society. This paper analyzes the average degree of prose and document literacy of the third grade secondary school students (N=703) in Novi Sad who are nearing the end of their secondary education. Their literacy rate is therefore likely to determine their forthcoming chances related to academic education or success in the labor market. The instrument employed in this research was a questionnaire consisting of 20 extracts from a variety of texts, 10 of which were related to prose and 10 to document literacy. The analysis of the results focused on average achievements in different types of schools as well as on specific problems observed in text processing and potential solutions. The findings indicate that the level of reading literacy of an average third grade student is relatively low, which might lead to their limited professional opportunities in the future. The analysis of the results also shows that students have serious difficulties in processing prose and scientific texts, particularly if the information is not displayed explicitly. Skills that were found to be insufficiently developed involve comparing, integrating or synthesizing information.

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