Saim Aksnudin

In the national development the role of land for the fulfillment of various purposes will increase, either as a place to live or for business activities. In relation to that will also increase the need for support in the form of guarantee of legal certainty in the field of land. The result of the research is the conception of the state of Indonesia is a state law, which contains the meaning in the administration of government and the state based on the law, the protection of the law is a universal concept of the rule of law. The legal certainty on land rights as intended by the UUPA encompasses three things, namely the certainty of the object of land rights, certainty on the subject of land rights and certainty about the status of landrights. Legal conception of land title certificate is a proof that issued by authorized legal institution, containing juridical data and physical data which isused as evidence of ownership of land rights in order to provide assurance of legal certainty and certainty of rights to a plot of land owned or possessed by a person or legal entity. With the certificate of rights, it is expected that the juridical can guarantee the legal certainty and the right by the state for the holder of the right to the land. This country's guarantee is granted to the owner or the holder of the certificate may be granted because the land is already registered in the state land administration system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-55
Irman Widi Kurniawan ◽  
Etty Mulyati ◽  
Betty Rubiati

ABSTRAKDi dalam bagian kedua UUPA mengatur tentang pelaksanaan konversi hak atas tanah menjadi wujud kepastian hukum sebagaimana ketentuan Pasal 33 ayat (3) UUD 1945. Namun kepastian hukum terhadap konversi Hak atas tanah barat terutama sertifikat Hak Eigendom Verponding masih menjadi problematika tersendiri bagi masyarakat yang memiliki bukti kepemilikan hak atas tanah barat tersebut apabila dijadikan sebuah jaminan guna memperoleh fasilitas kredit. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah yuridis normatif dengan kajian bahan hukum primer, sekunder serta tersier. Berdasarkan pembahasan tersebut bahwa Kepastian Hukum terkait konversi hak Eigendom Verponding telah memiliki kekuatan hukum mengikat dengan ketentuan diperlukan konversi sehingga dapat dijadikan objek jaminan namun dalam prakteknya masih terdapat objek jaminan dengan tidak memperhatikan asal mula objek jaminan tersebut serta akibat hukum terhadap konversi hak atas tanah tersebut adalah pemberlakuan UUPA menjadi dasar bahwasanya prinsip status quo hak atas tanah terdahulu memberikan jaminan kepastian hukum dengan ketentuan hak-hak lama menjadi tidak diakui keberadaannya. Kata Kunci: hak atas tanah; hak barat; kepastian hukum jaminan; konversi ABSTRACTIn the second section of the UUPA regulates the conversion of land rights into a form of legal certainty as stipulated in Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution. But the legal certainty of the conversion of the Right to western land, especially the Eigendom Verponding Rights certificate, remains a problem for people who have proof of ownership of the western land if it is used as a guarantee to obtain credit facilities. The research method used is normative juridical with the study of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. Based on the discussion that legal certainty related to the conversion of rights Eigendom Verponding has had a binding legal force with the necessary provisions of conversion so that it can be used as an object of guarantee but in practice there is still an object of guarantee by not taking into account the origin of the object of the guarantee and the legal consequences of the conversion of the right to land is the enactment of the UUPA being the basis that the principle of the status quo of the former land rights provides a guarantee of legal certainty with the provisions of old rights to be unclaimed civility. Keywords: conversion; guarantee legal certainty; land rights; western rights

Ninik Hartariningsih ◽  
Esti Ningrum ◽  
Wahyu Hariadi

ABSTRACT The number of cases or disputes in the field of land, one of which is due to the existence of multiple certificates, in which this problem can be caused by good ethics and good ethics. This is because land has a close relationship with humans, both for housing and for business. Therefore, the law requires the owner of land rights to register their land, so that they have legal guarantees and guarantees of their rights. Double certificates occur in the case of land being abandoned by a certified owner, for a period of more than 20 years so that the land grows with a thicket, which is then controlled by someone else in good faith for more than 20 years, then the person increases his right of ownership. This is justified by law because the person has controlled the land for more than 20 years, in addition, because the land has been neglected for more than 20 years, the right to annul the land is controlled by the State. Keywords: BPN/ATR, Solution, Double Certificate Abstrak. Banyaknya kasus/sengketa dibidang pertanahan, yang salah satunya adalah karena adanya sertifikat ganda, yang mana masalah ini dapat dikarenakan etikat tidak baik maupun etikat baik. Hal ini dikarenakan bahwa tanah mempunyai hubungan yang erat dengan manusia, baik untuk tempat tinggal maupun untuk berusaha. Oleh karenanya Undang- Undang mewajibkan sipemilik hak atas tanah untuk mendaftarkan tanahnya, agar mempunyai jaminan hukum dan jaminan haknya. Sertifikat ganda terjadi dalam hal tanah ditelantarkan oleh pemiliknya yang sudah bersertifikat, dalam jangka waktu lebih dari 20 tahun sehingga tanah tersebut tumbuh semak belukat, yang kemudian dikuasai oleh orang lain dengan itikat baik selama lebih dari 20 tahun, kemudian orang tersebut meningkatkan haknya menjadi hak milik.Hal ini dibenarkan oleh undang-undang karena org tersebut telah menguasai tanah tersebut selama lebih dari 20 tahun, selain itu karena tanah tersebut ditelntarkan selama lebih Dri 20 tahun, maka haknya hapus tanah dikuasai oleh Negara. Kata Kunci : BPN/ATR, Penyelesaian, Sertifikat Ganda

2009 ◽  
Vol 42 (3) ◽  
pp. 564-602
Dan Ernst

The Article argues for a new assessment of the significance of Israel's Law of Return—that the Law of Return reflects not the sovereign prerogative of a state to control immigration, but the right of every Jew to settle in the Land of Israel. This understanding of the Law of Return explains why Section 4 proclaims that as far as the Law is concerned, the status of Jews born within the State of Israel is the same as those arriving to Israel from abroad. Resolving the anomaly of Section 4 dispels several misinterpretations of the Law of Return and the critiques of the Law which grow out of these misinterpretations. The Article also surveys and answers several liberal objections to Israel's policy of granting preference in immigration and naturalization based on ethno-national identity and presents an argument, for giving priority to Jewish immigration and naturalization based on the extra benefits (religious, political, and communal) that Jews receive from such immigration and naturalization. Finally, it is submitted that the State of Israel has an obligation of justice to admit Jews into the state as full citizens upon their demand, since this was a reasonable expectation of those in past generations who had contributed to the existence and maintenance of the state.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 274
Muwaffiq Jufri ◽  
Mukhlish Mukhlish

Pemisahan agama dan kepercayaan dalam konstitusi adalah suatu kebijakan yang menimbulkan beragam permasalahan. Seringkali para penghayat kepercayaan mengalami intimidasi ataupun hal-hal lain yang mengganggu pelaksanaan hak sipilnya untuk menganut dan mengamalkan ajaran kepercayaan yang dianutnya. Dengan dalih kepercayaan bukan agama, para pelaku anarkisme seringkali melakukan pelarangan dan kekerasan terhadap para penganut kepercayaan. Kajian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif. Sedangkan hasil penelitiannya ialah bahwa 1) Alasan hukum pemisahan pengaturan antara agama dengan aliran kepercayaan disebabkan oleh politik pembedaan pendefinisian keduanya dimana kepercayaan diamsusikan sebagai tradisi dan ajaran luhur masyarakat yang bersumber dari budaya yang keberadaannya di luar agama. 2) Pemisahan agama dan kepercayaan berakibat hukum tidak diakuinya aliran kepercayaan sebagai agama resmi negara, padahal status aliran kepercayaan merupakan agama lokal yang diyakini sebagai agama oleh para penganutnya. Pemisahan ini juga mengakibatkan hadirnya beragam sikap diskriminatif yang berpotensi mengganggu dan merampas hak setiap warga negara dalam meyakini suatu agama, dalam hal ini hak beragama yang diganggu dan dirampas ialah hak untuk meyakini agama lokal sebagai agama warisan leluhur bangsa Indonesia. The separation of religion and indigenous religion in the constitution is a policy that causes various problems. Often the beliefs of the indigenous religion are intimidating or other things that interfere with the exercise of civil rights to embrace and put into practice the beliefs embraced. Under the pretext of non-religious convictions, the perpetrators of anarchism often make prohibitions and violence against believers. This research uses normative legal methods. The results of the research are: The first, the legal reason for the separation of rules between religion and indigeneous religion is caused by the politics of defining both of them in which beliefs are interpreted as traditions and noble teachings of society originating from cultures which are outside of religion; The second, that the separation of religion and indigenous religion that is caused in the law does not recognize the indigenous religion as the official religion of the state, while the status of the indigenous religion is a local religion that is considered as a religion by his believers. This separation also makes several of discriminatory attitudes come up to have potency in disrupting and robbing every citizen’s right to believe in a religion. In this case, the right which is bullied is the right to believe in local religion as the religion of the Indonesian ancestral heritage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 379-383
I Komang Edy Susanto ◽  
Ida Ayu Putu Widiati ◽  
Ni Gusti Ketut Sri Astiti

Basically, notaries also serve as Land Deed Making Official (hereafter called PPAT) after they carry out a test. Thus, in carrying out their role as PPAT, they are entitled to make deeds of transferring land rights. Based on this background, this research was conducted with the aim of describing how the position of the notary and PPAT in transferring land rights and how legal protection for parties who transfer land through sale and purchase. The research method used in this research was a normative legal method. The results of this study indicated that the position of a notary in the transfer of land rights as an official deed maker is mentioned in article 2 paragraph (1) of Law No. 2/2014 concerning the Position of Notary, which states that a notary is a public official who is authorized to make authentic deeds and has other powers as referred to in this Law or based on other Prevailing Laws. The position of the PPAT in essence has the task of carrying out land registration by making deeds as evidence and having carried out certain legal actions regarding land rights. Legal protection for parties transferring land through sale and purchase is stated in the 1945 Constitution, namely Article 27 paragraph (1) which states that each person has the right to recognition, guarantee, protection, and legal certainty that is just and equal treatment before the law.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Pusat Kajian Agraria FH UBB

The title of land rights in the form of letters made by notaries or sub-district heads with a variety of forms intended to create written evidence of lands controlled by citizens. The issuance of evidence of land acquisition there is made on the land that has not been converted or the lands controlled by the State and then the land is occupied by the community either intentionally or regulated by the Village Head and authorized by the Camat, as if the land has been Is a person's right or belongs to the category of customary rights. In its development the land title is known as Land Certificate. The subdistrict certi fi cate of the land is required as a basis for the rights to the transfer of uncertified lands which are still State lands which may be diverted or disadvantaged by or in the presence of the camat commonly referred to as a waiver of compensation. The camat's certificate of land is the base of the right to be used when it will be proposed to improve the status of the land into a certificate of land right at the local Land Office

2010 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
Trusto Subekti

Legal certainty is an indicator for a legal into good legal category, the fact about  the validity of marriage has led a multi interpretation among the experts and the society, especially among Muslims. This is shown in the society members statement that "the secret marriage" as a valid marriage according to religious even it is not listed. " Arranged marriage in a society is intended to solve problems within the scope of family law and marriage, not to create new problems in society. the problem is how the legitimacy of the marriage law seen from the viewpoint of the agreement, with expectations  to obtain certainty about the right interpretation of the validity of marriage, so the confusion about the validity of a marriage can be resolved. Seen from the viewpoint of the legal agreements, Marriage included in family laws agreements and according to the provisions this agreements are categorized as a formal agreements, it means that the agreement was born and legally binding if the requirements and procedures (formality) of marriage according Act No. 1 Year 1974 jo. No PP. 9 Year 1975 fulfilled. Afterwards, from the binding aspect, the function of marriage records juridically is a requirement in order to obtain recognition and protection from the state and binding the third party: (others). According to the regulatory aspects the procedure and the registration of marriages reflect a legal certainty, as the result the existence of marriage proved by  a marriage certificate.As a further consequence, in the law viewpoint a marriage is invalid if the marriage did not comply the procedure and registration of marriage.Keyword: Validity of marriages, Law Agreement

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-138
Ni Putu Tanjung Eka Wijayani

The nominee agreement is an agreement made between a person who by law can not be the subject of a particular land title (in this case the Right or the Right to Build). In this case a foreign national with an Indonesian citizen, which is intended for foreigners to possess the land of ownership or the right to use the building (de facto), but legally (de jure) of the land concerned on behalf of the Indonesian citizen. In other words, Indonesian citizen borrowed its name by foreigners citizen (acting as nominee). The existence of the obscurity of the norm in Article 26 paragraph (2) concerning whether the legal act of a foreigner / foreigner in a notarial deed called a nominee deed is valid for one year and thereafter if not transferred shall fall to the state having the same meaning and intent with the provision of Article 21 paragraph (3). This is particularly important to be considered since Article 26 paragraph (2) implicitly prohibits that legal acts directly or indirectly intended to transfer land rights from Indonesian citizens to foreigners / foreigners are null and void because the law and land fall to the State . Because the phrase that states other acts intended to directly or indirectly transfer the ownership rights to a stranger in Article 26 paragraph (2) of the BAL raises various interpretations (interpretations) so that there arises doubts that lead to the escape of norms (vague van normen).

Notaire ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 373
Muhammad Setya Ady Syarifuddin

There are several factors that can cause problems in the land sector in Indonesia, one of which is inheritance. This study aims to determine: 1) the legal position of the heirs of foreign citizens in the object of inheritance in the form of land rights obtained from inheritance with Indonesian citizenship; and 2) The validity of the control of land rights by foreign countries on objects originating from the inheritance of Indonesian citizens. The research method uses a normative juridical approach to the law (statute approach), conceptual approach (conceptual approach), and case study approach (case study). The results of the study are heirs who have changed their status to foreign citizens can also be proven by their lineage or have blood relations so that if they acquire property in the form of land originating from inheritance while those who control the property are foreign nationals, if possible, do so to discuss the object. through an exchange, grant, or auction within a maximum period of 1 (one) year, the status will automatically switch. If the land has been turned into state land, then the owner is considered to have relinquished his rights but the owner is still given the opportunity by law to be able to apply for the Right to Use the land.Keywords: Inheritance Law; Legality Of Ownership Of Land Rights; Foreign Nationalilty.Terdapat beberapa faktor yang dapat menimbulkan permasalahan di bidang pertanahan di Indonesia, salah satunya adalah pewarisan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) Kedudukan hukum ahli waris warga negara asing dalam pewarisan obyek waris berupa hak atas tanah yang diperoleh dari pewarisan berkewarganegaraan Indonesia; dan 2) Keabsahan penguasaan Hak Atas Tanah yang dilakukan oleh warga negara asing atas obyek yang berasal dari Pewarisan berkewarganegaraan Indonesia. Metode penelitian menggunakan yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach), pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach), dan pendekatan studi kasus (case study). Hasil penelitian yaitu ahli waris yang telah berubah status kewarganegaraan menjadi warga negara asing juga dapat menjadi ahli waris yang dibuktikan dengan adanya garis keturunan atau memiliki hubungan darah sehingga jika memperoleh harta berupa tanah yang berasal dari pewarisan sedangkan yang menguasai harta tersebut sudah menjadi warga negara asing maka sebaiknya dilakukan peralihan terhadap obyek tersebut melalui jual beli, tukar menukar, hibah, atau lelang dalam jangka waktu maksimal 1 (satu) tahun karena jika lebih dari jangka waktu tersebut maka status tanah akan beralih secara hukum menjadi tanah negara. Jika tanah tersebut telah beralih menjadi tanah negara maka si pemilik dianggap telah melepaskan haknya tetapi si pemilik masih diberi kesempatan oleh undang-undang untuk dapat mengajukan permohonan Hak Pakai atas tanah.Kata Kunci: Hukum Waris; Keabsahan Kepemilikan Hak Atas Tanah; Warga Negara Asing.

2017 ◽  
Rahmat Ramadhani

The product of the land registration process is a certificate of title granted to the right holder. The certificate according to Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997 is in the form of one sheet of documents containing information about the juridical data and physical data required on a parcel of registered land. Although the certificate of land rights is referred to as the strongest evidence but in reality the certificate of land rights has not fully guaranteed legal certainty. This is because the law still opens loopholes for other legal subjects to question it both personally and in groups within the judiciary. In order to ensure legal certainty of a right to land for the right holder, the certificate of land rights must be tested in three aspects: relating to; Legal Certainty of Object, Legal Certainty of Status of Rights and Legal Certainty on Subject.

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