scholarly journals The contribution of work motivation and school work climate on school counselor performance

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Lisnanora Lisnanora ◽  
A Muri Yusuf ◽  
Sufyarma M

This study originated from research findings and interviews with several people teacher guidance and counseling in SMP South Coastal District which revealed that the performance of teacher guidance and counseling have not described a success made in carrying out their duties and responsibilities, one of them in implementing the guidance and counseling program in schools. The success of guidance and counseling teacher performance can be affected byfactors. Some of these factors is the work motivation and school work climate. There fore, researcher wanted to describe: (1) the performance of guidance and counseling teachers, work motivation, and school work climate, (2) the contribution of work motivation on guidance and counseling teacher performance, (3) contribution of school work climate to the guidance and counseling teacher  performance, and (4) the contribution of work motivation and school work climate on guidance and counseling teacher performance. This study was quantitative research with correlational method. The population research were all counseling teachers at SMP Payakumbuh City whose S.1 guidance and counseling educational background totaling 40 people, the sample were 40 people were selected by total sampling technique. The instrument that was used in this research was the Likert scale. Data were analyzed with simple regression and multiple regression. The findings showed that: (1) in average, the performance of teachers' guidance and counseling are in good enough category, the work motivatio non high category, and school work climate are in good enough, (2) there is contribution of work motivation on teacher performance guidance and counseling 20.8% (r= 0.457. significance 0.003), (3) contribution of school work climate on guidance and counseling teacher performance amounted to 10.72% (r= 0.327, significance 0.039), and 4) there is a contribution of work motivation and school work climate together on teacher performance guidance and counseling were 27% (R= 0.520, significance 0.003). The study results representan input forguidance and counseling teacher, and teachers further enhance employe school work climate and performancein performing their duties and responsibilities as teacher guidance and counseling in school.


Abstract: Guidance and Counseling Teaching profession is a profession with dignity and requiring scientific competence and qualifications. Many emerging negative perception, even from students of guidance and counseling to the profession of guidance and counseling. The problem in this research is formulated as follows: "What are the perceptions students of Guidance and Counselling, University of Muhammadiyah Metro the teaching profession Counseling?". The goal is to find out how students' perceptions of Guidance and Counselling, University of Muhammadiyah Metro the teaching profession Guidance and Counseling. The method used is quantitative descriptive. The population is students of guidance and counseling, the sample totaled 175 students. Instruments used in the form of Likert scale. The data analysis technique used percentages. The results showed that students' perceptions BK UM Metro is at a very high category to the teaching profession Guidance and Counseling. Suggestions put forward are: Based on these results, the researchers gave some suggestions are as follows: 1) for lecturers to add hours of practicum BK for students, and provide student guidance and counseling opportunities to interact more with teacher guidance and counseling directly in schools, and 2) the students are expected to apply to run a positive perception of the teaching profession Counseling well.Keywords: Perception, Student, Guidance and Counseling

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Andjar Prijatni PPs Universitas Negeri Semarang

Abstract: This research aims to: a) describe supervision, compensation, work climate, work satisfaction, work motivation, and teacher performance on state senior high school in Semarang City; b) find out direct and indirect effect of supervision, compensation, work climate, work satisfaction, work motivation to teacher performance on state senior high school in Semarang City. Data analisys use SEM and LISREL. The population cover all teacher of state senior high school in Semarang City and the population are 399 teachers.Research result shows: a) the result of descriptive statistic of supervision, compensation, work climate, work satisfaction, work motivation are good; b) the resulft of confirmation assesment on descriptive statistic of supervision, compensation, work climate, work satisfaction, work motivation are positively effect teacher performance. Abstrak: Penelitian ini untuk bertujuan: a) deskripsi supervisi, kompensasi, iklim kerja, kepuasan kerja, motivasi kerja dan kinerja guru SMA Negeri Kota Semarang; b) besarnya pengaruh langsung dan tak langsung supervisi, kompensasi, iklim kerja, kepuasan kerja dan motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja guru SMA Negeri Kota Semarang. Analisis data menggunakan SEM (Struktural Equation Model), program statistika LISREL (Linear Structural Realitionship). Populasi penelitian seluruh guru SMA Negeri Kota Semarang dan sampel penelitian ditentukan sejumlah 399 guru. Hasil penelitian: 1) hasil analisis statistik deskripsi variabel supervisi, kompensasi, iklim kerja, kepuasan kerja, motivasi kerja hasilnya baik. 2) analisis deskriptif hasil pengukuran konfirmatori variabel supervisi, kompensasi, iklim kerja, kepuasan kerja, motivasi kerja hasilya berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja guru. ?é?á Keywords: performance, supervision, compensation, work climate, work satisfaction, work motivation

Ramlani Lina Sinaulan

Performance is a form of behavior of a person or organization with achievement orientation. The study results are known (a) the school climate affect performance of teachers, b) there is influence of work stress on teacher performance, (c) work motivation effect on teacher performance, d) school climate influence on job motivation of teachers, and (e) work stress effect on work motivation of teachers. Suggestions studies (a) improving teacher performance should the top priority schools in school management efforts. This condition given that performance of teachers are the main pillars that determine the success of the school in improving quality of students. Therefore, performance of the teacher must always be good and necessary to update the knowledge of teachers on the latest information in education as benchmarks increase teacher performance, (b) job motivation of teachers needs to improved, among others, with reward and punishment impartial towards the success achieved by the teacher as well as the violations committed so that it becomes part of an effort to motivate teachers to work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 84-93
Hastuti Mulang

This research is motivated by efforts to improve the quality of education, and teacher performance has not been achieved as expected. This can be seen from the number of students' achievement decreases. Due to the teacher's performance has not yet produced a standard output of students who excel. The cause that occurs can not be separated from the competence, motivation, and learning environment that still has to be improved. These three variables directly or indirectly have an influence on teacher performance and the quality of education. This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of competence, motivation, learning environment on teacher performance, the quality of education, and indirect effects through teacher performance on the quality of education. The population of this study was all elementary school teachers at the Education Office of South Sulawesi Province. The total sample study is 393 respondents. The data were analyzed using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) utilizing AMOS 18. The study results found that direct or indirect effect the competence, motivation, learning environment had a positive and significant effect on teacher performance, as well as relationship antecedent variables on the quality of education. Including the performance of teachers, effect on quality of education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 464
Melly Miranda ◽  
Almasdi Syahza ◽  
Sumarno Sumarno

This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the performance of teachers in learning SMP Negeri in Bengkalis Regency. The population sample in this study is amounted to 56 people. They are all teachers who are Civil Servants who teach at Bengkalis Regency Public Junior High Schools consisting of Public Junior High Schools in Bukit Batu District and State Junior High Schools in Bandar Laksamana District. Data was collected using a questionnaire. The data analysis used in this research is descriptive quantitative and path analysis. The results of the study show: 1) the work climate has an effect on teacher job satisfaction by 43.1%; 2) work motivation has an effect on teacher job satisfaction by 42.5%; 3) work climate has an effect on teacher performance by 35.3%; 4) work motivation has an effect on teacher performance by 32.7%; 5) job satisfaction has an effect on teacher performance by 26.0%; 6) work climate has an effect on teacher performance through job satisfaction of 11.2%; 7) work motivation has an effect on teacher performance through job satisfaction of 11.0%. The meaning is that if the work climate has good quality, is comfortable, and pleasant, it will lead to satisfaction for a teacher, and this will trigger the teacher's enthusiasm in teaching which will have an impact on improving teacher performance.

Fina Fridayanti ◽  
Ngadino Surip Ditosumarto ◽  
Satrio Wibowo Edi

The This study aims to discuss about transformational leadership impact and compensation toward implementation of work motivation on XYZ Vocational School teacher performance. This object are XYZ Vocational School teacher of 60 respondents that have different work experience and educational background. This study used SEM data analysis techniques and used Smart PLS 3.2.7. Versions. The population used all XYZ Vocational School teachers of 60 respondents. The results of data examination and calculation, is acquired the output from the positive and significant impact of leadership toward teacher motivation and performance, and a motivation as endegenous variable that makes positive and significant impact on teacher performance. Exogenous variables (transformational leadership and compensation) toward motivation that is acquired by result R-square (R2) = 0.760. Then exogenous variables (transformational leadership and compensation) toward work performance teacher that is acquired by result R-square (R2) = 0.839. Base on this explains that determination of exogenous variable (transformational leadership and compensation) on endogenous variable (motivation and work performance) are moderately high.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-59
Nona Nurfadhilla

This article aims to look at how to improve self-efficacy through guidance and counseling services at SMP 1 Pleret, Yogyakarta. This type of research is qualitative descriptive, data collection methods through interviews and observations. Data analysis techniques using data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Results and discussion that there are still many students who have low self-efficacy so they are difficult to achieve good learning outcomes. This is proven by some students rarely doing school work and rarely doing homework also do not have the motivation to excel. BK teachers try through guidance and counseling services in the form of a preventive approach for those with high self-efficacy and a curative approach for students with low self-efficacy. Such as helping students to convince themselves that students are able to do tasks even though it is difficult and able to excel and to convince students to avoid feeling inferior about themselves. Guidance and counseling provided by BK teachers shows significant changes in some students who already have high self-efficacy. So it can be concluded that through guidance and counseling can be an effort to improve student self-efficacy.

R S Wijaya ◽  
W D Husniah ◽  
R Taherong ◽  
C Nuryadin ◽  
L Hanifa ◽  

Lidy Zijlmans ◽  
Anneke Neijt ◽  
Roeland van Hout

AbstractThis article reports on an investigation of the challenges and benefits of university students taking a degree course in a language other than their mother tongue. Our study was conducted from the point of view of the non-native students themselves, and our primary concern was the role of language. We investigated the academic achievement of German students studying in a Dutch-English academic environment. Dutch is the main language of instruction, and English the main language of the literature used. In search of predictors for successful learning of Dutch (our first research question), LexTALE tests were administered to determine linguistic competence in the students’ first language, German, and their second language, English. In addition, we collected data on their educational background and language learning history. None of the LexTALE scores stood out as ‘the’ predictor for success in learning Dutch; German was a slightly better predictor than English. The best predictor appeared to be the students’ general educational level, expressed in mean grades for final exams in secondary education. We then studied the role of proficiency in the foreign languages needed for academic success. Language data on L3 Dutch were gathered at the start and were compared to study results after the first six months and at the end of the first year. The level of Dutch as a second language correlated with study results, expressed in ECTS; the correlation was even higher with mean grades on exams. This indicates that language proficiency does play a role in study success.

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