2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 284-296
Kholid Mawardi

This study investigated the construction of thoughts by KH. Ahmad Masrur and al-Qodir Islamic Boarding School to accomodate folk art; to reveal the relationship among KH. Ahmad Masrur, al-Qodir Islamic Boarding School, and folk art communities in Wukirsari village; and to find out the approaches of accommodation implemented in the folk art Village. The findings of this study led to some conclusions. First, on the one hand, Mr. Masrur (an Islamic expert) wanted to send the goodness and the beauty of Islam not only to be achieved by Moslems but also by other religious community. On the other hand, the folk art community wanted to maintain their existence in the diverse society. Therefore, those two intentions are linked to each other in order to accomplish those goals. Second, the relationship among Mr. Masrur, al-Qodir Islamic Boarding School, and Wukirsari village folk art community; in terms of historical context, it was the repetition of the relationship pattern in the past time that occured during the Islamisation process in Java. It was carried out by placing the locality as the basis of Islam. Mr. Masrur, al-Qodir Islamic Boarding School put themselves as the exponents of folk art; Mr. Masrur had the role as the patron and the community folk art had the role as the clients, and the overall relationship was accomplished based on mutually beneficial relationship. Third, the forms of accommodation  roposed by Mr. Masrur towards folk art in Wukirsari village were through compromise and tolerance. The form of the compromise was visible through the willingness of both parties to feel and understand the circumstances of one to each other party. As for the form of tolerance, it was implemented by Mr. Masrur and al-Qodir Islamic Boarding School deliberately to avoid various disputes and conflicts.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 284-296
Kholid Mawardi

This study investigated the construction of thoughts by KH. Ahmad Masrur and al-Qodir Islamic Boarding School to accomodate folk art; to reveal the relationship among KH. Ahmad Masrur, al-Qodir Islamic Boarding School, and folk art communities in Wukirsari village; and to find out the approaches of accommodation implemented in the folk art Village. The findings of this study led to some conclusions. First, on the one hand, Mr. Masrur (an Islamic expert) wanted to send the goodness and the beauty of Islam not only to be achieved by Moslems but also by other religious community. On the other hand, the folk art community wanted to maintain their existence in the diverse society. Therefore, those two intentions are linked to each other in order to accomplish those goals. Second, the relationship among Mr. Masrur, al-Qodir Islamic Boarding School, and Wukirsari village folk art community; in terms of historical context, it was the repetition of the relationship pattern in the past time that occured during the Islamisation process in Java. It was carried out by placing the locality as the basis of Islam. Mr. Masrur, al-Qodir Islamic Boarding School put themselves as the exponents of folk art; Mr. Masrur had the role as the patron and the community folk art had the role as the clients, and the overall relationship was accomplished based on mutually beneficial relationship. Third, the forms of accommodation  roposed by Mr. Masrur towards folk art in Wukirsari village were through compromise and tolerance. The form of the compromise was visible through the willingness of both parties to feel and understand the circumstances of one to each other party. As for the form of tolerance, it was implemented by Mr. Masrur and al-Qodir Islamic Boarding School deliberately to avoid various disputes and conflicts.

1979 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-98 ◽  
Constant Hames

In spite of the fact that Islam represents the second largest religious community in France, as a result of the African Muslim immigration, we do not know anything about its dif ferent national components, nor about the reactions or the transformations it undergoes in a foreign country. This article presents a few elements of a survey devoted to the case of the Mauritanian Soninké. The author emphasizes the relationship which exists between religion and a certain social category, the moodi, i.e. those who are depositaries of religious knowledge. Religious action is seen under two aspects : Muslim teaching as it is provided by the moodi, on the one hand, and certain magic practices which claim to be attached more or less to Islam, on the other. While the latter practices enjoy the possibility of being spread through im migration, the teaching nevertheless continues to be given in the context of the homes that are provided for the immigrants. As a result, Islam seems to be advancing amidst the soninké immigration, except for the practices of ramadân. This is due not only to the permanent character of the soninké social structures which are reproduced during immigration — the moodi continue to play their role, but also to a shift in Muslim values, which tend to identify themselves with the sociological essence of the community which confronts a French society perceived as a danger for the soninké identity.

Arts ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 129
Sigrún Alba Sigurðardóttir

The past 20 years have seen a shift in Icelandic photography from postmodern aesthetics towards a more phenomenological perspective that explores the relationship between subjective and affective truth on the one hand, and the outside world on the other hand. Rather than telling a story about the world as it is or as the photographer wants it to appear, the focus is on communicating with the world, and with the viewer. The photograph is seen as a creative medium that can be used to reflect how we experience and make sense of the world, or how we are and dwell in the world. In this paper, I introduce the theme of poetic storytelling in the context of contemporary photography in Iceland and other Nordic Countries. Poetic storytelling is a term I have been developing to describe a certain lyrical way to use a photograph as a narrative medium in reaction to the climate crisis and to a general lack of relation to oneself and to the world in times of increased acceleration in the society. In my article I analyze works by a few leading Icelandic photographers (Katrín Elvarsdóttir, Heiða Helgadóttir and Hallgerður Hallgrímsdóttir) and put them in context with works by artists from Denmark (Joakim Eskildsen, Christina Capetillo and Astrid Kruse Jensen), Sweden (Helene Schmitz) and Finland (Hertta Kiiski) artists within the frame of poetic storytelling. Poetic storytelling is about a way to use a photograph as a narrative medium in an attempt to grasp a reality which is neither fully objective nor subjective, but rather a bit of both.

2018 ◽  
Vol 71 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-160
Jaime Gómez de Caso Zuriaga

Abstract The aim of the present contribution is twofold. On the one hand we shall discuss the background of some Islamic legends about places and wondrous objects – holy relics of the past – that had once been in the possession of the Gothic monarchy by inheritance, but were subsequently lost or looted out of al-Andalus by the Muslim leaders. On the other hand our study is concerned with the relationship between the content of the legends in question and the “loss of Spain” in a more general sense, i.e. not only the loss of these objects by the Christian Goths subsequent to their loss of power in Spain, but also their disappearance from Muslim ownership. Besides, the legends possess a moral core, which is interesting in its own right: the way in which they are viewed in the Muslim sources, the locations and objects they describe, and their relationship to the Gothic monarchy may provide the modern reader with an insight into the striking vision of the past held by the invading Muslim culture.

Armine Garibyan

The relationship between sentence processing and cognitive demand has received a lot of attention in the past decades. In valency theory, some elements of the sentence are determined by the verbs either in terms of their form or by their presence (Herbst & Schüller 2008). It has to be said that little attention has been paid to the processing of such fundamental categories in the theory of syntax. On the one hand, this is remarkable since given the amount of research, we still do not know whether this distinction is psychologically real, or whether it only serves a lexicographic and pedagogical purpose. On the other hand, there is a consensus among linguists about the problematic character of the distinction itself even on a more theoretical level (Dowty 2000; Herbst & Schüller 2008). Therefore, this study attempts to explore whether complements and adjuncts are associated with different kinds of processing. To answer the research questions, an experiment consisting in a mouse-controlled reading task has been designed. To the best of our knowledge, this is a new method in psycholinguistic research. The paper presents the results of a pilot study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4(17)) ◽  
pp. 57-72
Melida Travančić

This paperwork presents the literary constructions of Kulin Ban's personality in contemporary Bosnian literature on the example of three novels: Zlatko Topčić Kulin (1994), Mirsad Sinanović Kulin (2007), and Irfan Hrozović Sokolarov sonnet (2016). The themes of these novels are real historical events and historical figures, and we try to present the way(s) of narration and shape the image of the past and the way the past-history-literature triangle works. Documentary discourse is often involved in the relationship between faction and fiction in the novel. Yet, as can be seen from all three novels, it is a subjective discourse on the perception of Kulin Ban today and the period of his reign, a period that could be characterized as a mimetic time in which great, sudden, and radical changes take place. If the poetic extremes of postmodernist prose are on the one hand flirting with trivia, and on the other sophisticated meta- and intertextual prose, then the Bosnian-Herzegovinian romance of the personality of Kulina Ban fully confirms just such a range of stylistic-narrative tendencies of narrative texts of today's era.

1985 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 401-429 ◽  
Michael Roberts
The Past ◽  
The One ◽  

I. Some recent essays on the relationship between history on the one hand and anthropology and/or sociology on the other concentrate on the differences in the material with which the typical practitioner deals and the types of issues likely to be addressed (Thompson 1972, 1976, 1977; Davis 1981). They have tended to compare the perspectives that anthropologists1 and historians bring into their work. And both E. P. Thompson and Natalie Z. Davis advocate increasing mutual borrowing from each discipline: they wish the one discipline to deepen its sensitivity and to avoid the usual pitfalls by drawing on the strengths of the other. Thus, by way of illustration, one finds Thompson arguing that historians tend to be more attentive to the paradoxes and ambivalences of actual men, and that they are attuned to the discipline of context because of this attentiveness to heterogeneity, a strength which sociologists—who, he says, tend to overgeneralise and to swallow heterogeneity through the manufacture of neat typologies—would be well advised to draw upon (1976:387,394).

2013 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 6 ◽  
Mariagrazia Santagati

O artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa qualitativa, que reconstrói biografias de jovens brasileiros que são descendentes de italianos, com a cidadania italiana ou à espera de retorno ou de partida para a Itália. A análise propõe uma exploração dos múltiplos sentidos, instrumentais e simbólicos, da cidadania e aprofunda o relacionamento dos oriundi com o seus antepassados: por um lado, os jovens entrevistados são colocados em um "mercado da cidadania", dirigido por profissionais mais ou menos competentes e honestos, que se propõem buscar a documentação necessária para a aquisição da cidadania, vendendo a um preço elevado o "sonho italiano". Por outro lado, eles pretendem viajar para a Itália em busca de suas raízes, impulsionados pela memória e lembranças de família, em uma mobilidade facilitada por redes transnacionais de familiares e amigos. O estudo de caso mostra que as migrações nunca são definitivas, mas são viagens de ida e volta: o caminho para a Itália destes jovens é um caminho oposto aos avós e bisavós, que vieram no passado do Brasil, e caracteriza a trajetória de pessoas que, ao mesmo tempo, reivindicam um vínculo formal e emocional com a terra de seus antepassados, mas estão procurando melhores oportunidades de vida na Itália e na Europa.Palavras-chave: Jovens. Cidadania. Migrações. Redes transnacionais.YOUNG BRAZILIANS WITH ITALIAN ORIGINS: transnational relationships and meanings of dual citizenshipAbstract: The article presents the outcomes of a qualitative investigation whose objective was to write the biography of young Brazilians with Italian origins, young Brazilians waiting for or already possessing Italian citizenship and young Brazilians waiting to get back to Italy. The study examines the multiple meanings of citizenship and analyzes the relationship of Italian Oriundi Brazilians with the country of their ancestors:on the one hand, the interviewees live in a sort of "market of citizenship", managed by officers with variable levels of expertise and honesty. These officers are responsible for searching the documents required to obtain Italian citizenship and sell the "Italian dream" at great cost. On the other hand, young Brazilians consider their journey to Italy as a way back to their origins, guided by their memories and those of their family and supported by transnational networks of relatives and friends. The case study here presented highlights how migrations are actually endless. These are instead more similar to round trips: young Brazilians'way back to Italy is opposite to that of their grandparents and great grandparents travelling to Brazil in the past; furthermore, it is a way for them to restore an emotional bond as well as a formal link with the land of their ancestors, but also to search for better opportunities in Italy and in Europe.Keywords: Youngs. Citizenship. Migrations. Transnational networks.JÓVENES BRASILEÑOS, DESCENDIENTES DE ITALIANOS: relaciones transnacionales y sentido de la doble ciudadaníaResumen: Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación cualitativa, que ha tenido el objetivo principal de recoger algunas biografías de jóvenes brasileños, descendientes de italianos, con ciudadanía italiana o en espera de obtenerla, sino también de regreso o en espera de la partida hacia Italia. El análisis ofrece una exploración de una moltitud de sentidos, instrumentales y simbólicos, de la ciudadanía y profundiza la relación de los oriundi con el país de sus ancestros: por una parte, los jóvenes entrevistados se colocan en un "mercado de la ciudadanía", administrado por expertos más o menos eficientes y honestos, que se proponen lograr la documentación necesaria a la adquisición de la ciudadanía, vendiendo a precios altos el "sueño italiano". Por la otra, ellos miran al viaje hacia Italia como a un recorrido para encontrar sus orígenes, acompañados por la memoria y los recuerdos familiares, facilitados en la movilidad gracias a las redes transnacionales de familiares y conocidos. A través del caso examinado, se ve que las migraciones nunca son definitivas, sino viajes de ida y vuelta: el recorrido hacia Italia de estos jóvenes representa un camino inverso respecto a lo de los abuelos y bisabuelos que han llegado en pasado a Brasil y caracteriza la trayectoria de personas que, en el mismo tiempo, reclaman una relación afectiva y formal con la tierra de los ancestros, pero buscan también mejores oportunidades de vida en Italia y Europa.Palabras clave: Jóvenes. Ciudadanía. Migraciones. Redes transnacionales.

Susan Helft

Scholarship on the ancient Near East has not yet considered how the formation of a discrete set of objects and monuments has shaped our understanding of Anatolian civilizations. This chapter explores this issue by “testing” the canon of ancient Anatolian art and archaeology, with a focus on art. What is the canon, how was it formed, and does it meet the needs of today’s art historians and archaeologists? This exercise makes clear that the lists of Anatolian objects and sites chosen for modern consumption are the result of Mesopocentric viewpoints on the one hand, and of Turkish nationalist agendas on the other. For the canon of ancient Anatolia to more accurately represent the diversity of Anatolian cultures, the current canon needs to shed its Mesopotamian baggage and be more geographically and typologically inclusive. This chapter also advocates for a move away from comparisons between canons (which have contributed to a derivative view of ancient Anatolian art) and toward a thematic view. A case study on the topos of the hunt is meant to reset the relationship between the Anatolian and Mesopotamian canons and demonstrate the potential for more conceptual approaches to reinvigorate the canon for the future.

Zutot ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-17
Yael Shenker

This article addresses Israeli novelist Haim Beʾer’s relation to national-religious identity and the rifts and the pain it causes him, as can be discerned from his fiction and journalism, and certainly from interviews with him. His relation to national-religious identity also reflects a sort of mirror image, at times inverted, of the relationship between religious and national identities. Beʾer’s movement between religious community and nation criticizes on the one hand prevalent conceptions of secularization and national identity in Zionist discourse, and, on the other hand, conceptions of redemption in religious discourse.

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