PENAFSIRAN KONTEKSTUAL: Studi Atas Konsep Hierarki Nilai Abdullah Saeed

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Anas Rolli Muchlisin

Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang buku Interpreting the Qur’an Towards A Contemporary Approach karya Abdullah Saeed yang menawarkan sebuah metodologi interpretasi konteksual, yang dia sebut sebagai contextual approach, secara lebih rinci dibandingkan para pengkaji Qur’an kontemporer lainnya. Dalam buku tersebut, dia menawarkan sebuah hierarki nilai dalam rangka memahami ayat-ayat ethico-legal. Penulis merasa adanya kebutuhan mendesak untuk mengenal lebih jauh tentang interpretasi kontekstual Abdullah Saeed sebagai counter atas maraknya interpretasi tekstual yang mewabah di kalangan umat Islam dewasa ini. Untuk itu, artikel ini akan mengkaji metodologi interpretasi kontekstual yang digagas oleh Abdullah Saeed secara umum, dan konsep hierarki nilai yang dia tawarkan secara khusus. Penulis melihat bahwa konsep hierarki nilai yang dia perkenalkan sebenarnya adalah kelanjutan dari ‘general principles’ yang digagas oleh Fazlur Rahman.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-30
Anas Rolli Muchlisin

Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang buku Interpreting the Qur’an Towards A Contemporary Approach karya Abdullah Saeed yang menawarkan sebuah metodologi interpretasi konteksual, yang dia sebut sebagai contextual approach, secara lebih rinci dibandingkan para pengkaji Qur’an kontemporer lainnya. Dalam buku tersebut, dia menawarkan sebuah hierarki nilai dalam rangka memahami ayat-ayat ethico-legal. Penulis merasa adanya kebutuhan mendesak untuk mengenal lebih jauh tentang interpretasi kontekstual Abdullah Saeed sebagai counter atas maraknya interpretasi tekstual yang mewabah di kalangan umat Islam dewasa ini. Untuk itu, artikel ini akan mengkaji metodologi interpretasi kontekstual yang digagas oleh Abdullah Saeed secara umum, dan konsep hierarki nilai yang dia tawarkan secara khusus. Penulis melihat bahwa konsep hierarki nilai yang dia perkenalkan sebenarnya adalah kelanjutan dari ‘general principles’ yang digagas oleh Fazlur Rahman.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 293
Sarminah Sarminah

The background of this research is the low of science learning result of grade 6 students of SDN 004 TembilahanKota. The purpose of this study is to improve the learning outcomes of science students of grade VI SDN 004Tembilahan Kota with the application of contextual approach. This research was conducted in class VI SDN004 Tembilahan Kota. This research is a Classroom Action Research with two cycles. The subjects of thisresearch are the sixth grade students of SDN 004 Tembilahan Kota lesson year which consist of 30 people with16 men and 14 women. Based on the results of the research from the teacher activity sheets appear to increase ateach meeting. At the first meeting of cycle I 64.3%, the second meeting of cycle I was 67.86%. At the firstmeeting of cycle II 71,43%, and second meeting of cycle II 78,57%. While the student activity also increasesevery meeting. At the first meeting of cycle I 67,86%, second meeting of cycle I 71,43%. At the first meeting ofthe second cycle of 75%, and the second meeting II cycle 78.57%. The learning outcomes in the first cycleincreased by 12.8% from the base score of 67.83% to 76.5%. In the second cycle increased by 17.2% to 79.5%.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 331
Ensiawati Ensiawati

Research problem is the low skill of writing poetry student in class V SDN 005 Koto Sentajo. The aim of thestudy is to improve poetry writing skills. The research method is classroom action research. The results of thefirst meeting data on the first cycle with a percentage of 39%, at the second meeting in cycle I percentage of61%, on the second cycle at the first meeting of 89% and increased to 93%, while the student activity on the firstcycle of the first meeting of 60% , increased to 71% at the second meeting. In cycle II, the first meeting of 89%increased to 92% student activity at the second meeting. Students complete in classical completeness of poetry inthe first daily re-completion reached 55% to 73% complete with classical thorough category. The conclusion ofthe research is that the application of contextual approach can improve poetry writing skills.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
Almunauwar Bin Rusli

Abstract. This Article examines the interpretation ushul fiqh of KH. Sahal Mahfudh in Indonesia includes concept, methodology and contribution. This article shows that (a) the concept ushul fiqih of KH. Sahal Mahfudh have two models that antrophosentrism based on benefit of the local community and idealization of implementation of Islamic law as a ethnics, control and social liberation (b) KH. Sahal Mahfudh used two methodology that textual and contextual approach (c) The contributin of Ushul Fiqih KH. Sahal Mahfudh includes management of zakat for poverty, envirom=nmental preservation and relocation of prostitution. In summary, KH. Sahal Mahfudh Shows creativity to operate fiqh for respond social problem throught rational, operational and measurable action.  Keywords : KH. Sahal Mahfudh, Concept, Methodology, Contributions  Abstrak. Artikel ini mengkaji nalar ushul fiqh KH. Sahal Mahfudh di Indonesia yang meliputi konsep, metodologi dan kontribusi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa (a) Konsep ushul fiqh KH. Sahal Mahfudh terbagi atas dua model yaitu antroposentris berbasis kemaslahatan masyarakat lokal dan mengidealisasi adanya penerapan pelaksanaan hukum Islam sebagai etika, kontrol, serta sarana pembebasan sosial (b) Metodologi yang digunakan oleh KH. Sahal Mahfudh terbagi atas dua jalan yaitu tekstual dan kontekstual (c) Kontribusi yang menonjol dalam pengembangan ushul fiqh dari KH. Sahal Mahfudh meliputi pendayagunaan zakat untuk pemecahan problem kemiskinan, pelestarian lingkungan hidup, dan relokasi prostitusi. Kesimpulannya adalah KH. Sahal Mahfudh mengapreasiasi  penggunaan metodologi berpikir dan qai’dah fiqhiyyah. KH. Sahal Mahfudh menunjukkan kreativitas dalam mengoperasionalisasikan fiqh untuk merespons problem sosial melalui tindakan rasional, operasional dan terukur.    Kata Kunci : KH. Sahal Mahfudh, Konsep, Metodologi, Kontribusi  

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-214
Afifur Rochman Sya'rani

Most of traditional Muslim exegetes interpret Q. 4:34 in terms of maintaining the superiority of men over women. Some progressive Muslim scholars then insist a contextual approach to the verse to criticize gender inequality. Among some progressive Muslim scholars, this article comparatively examines the interpretations of Amina Wadud and Mohammed Talbi of Q. 4:34. Although both of them propose a contextual reading of the verse, they have different intellectual background, approach and method in interpreting the Qur’ān. The questions are to what extent the similarities and differences of both Wadud’s and Talbi’s interpretation of Q. 4:34 and how far their interpretations reflect their respective intention and perspective? Applying Gadamer’s hermeneutical approach, the article concludes that [1] Both Wadud and Talbi argue that the verse does not establish the superiority of men over women, but acknowledges duties division among married couple; [2] the difference among their interpretations is on the status of relationship among married couple; [3] Wadud’s and Talbi’s interpretations represent their respective hermeneutical situations and the way they define ontologically the nature of  interpretation and Qur’anic hermeneutics affect on producing the meanings of the verse.

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