Sample Data: Loblolly Tree Growth

1901 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-88
C. E. Hall

Methodology ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-6 ◽  
Merton S. Krause

There is another important artifactual contributor to the apparent improvement of persons subjected to an experimental intervention which may be mistaken for regression toward the mean. This is the phenomenon of random error and extreme selection, which does not at all involve the population regression of posttest on pretest scores but involves a quite different and independent reversion of subjects’ scores toward the population mean. These two independent threats to the internal validity of intervention evaluation studies, however, can be detected and differentiated on the sample data of such studies.

1893 ◽  
Vol 36 (918supp) ◽  
pp. 14674-14674

2018 ◽  
Vol 76 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-130 ◽  
G Guo ◽  
K Fang ◽  
J Li ◽  
HW Linderholm ◽  
D Li ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 81 ◽  
pp. 1-14
M Keyimu ◽  
Z Li ◽  
Y Zhao ◽  
Y Dong ◽  
B Fu ◽  

Historical temperature reconstructions at high altitudes are still insufficient in southwestern China, which is considered one of the most sensitive areas to climate change in the world. Here we developed a tree ring-width chronology of Faxon fir Abies fargesii var. faxoniana at the upper timber line on Zhegu Mountain, Miyaluo Scenic Area, western Sichuan, China. The climate-tree growth relationship analysis indicated temperature as the dominant regulator on radial tree growth in this region. The reconstruction of aggregated maximum temperature (TMX) of autumn and winter for the period 1856-2016 was achieved with a linear regression model that accounted for 43.6% of the actual variability in the common time series (1954-2016). The reconstruction identified 4 warm periods and 3 cold periods. Similarities of warm and cold periods with previously published reconstructions from nearby sites indicated the reliability of our reconstruction. The significant positive correlation between TMX reconstruction and the Asian-Pacific Oscillation index and the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation index suggested a linkage between large-scale climate circulations and the thermal variability at a multi-decadal scale on the western Sichuan Plateau. We also found that solar activity exerted a strong influence on decadal temperature variability in this region. The cold periods were matched well with historical large volcanic eruptions. Our results strengthen the historical climatic information in southwestern China and contribute to further understanding the regional thermal variability as well as its driving mechanism.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-52
Dedy Loebis

This paper presents the results of work undertaken to develop and test contrasting data analysis approaches for the detection of bursts/leaks and other anomalies within wate r supply systems at district meter area (DMA)level. This was conducted for Yorkshire Water (YW) sample data sets from the Harrogate and Dales (H&D), Yorkshire, United Kingdom water supply network as part of Project NEPTUNE EP/E003192/1 ). A data analysissystem based on Kalman filtering and statistical approach has been developed. The system has been applied to the analysis of flow and pressure data. The system was proved for one dataset case and have shown the ability to detect anomalies in flow and pres sure patterns, by correlating with other information. It will be shown that the Kalman/statistical approach is a promising approach at detecting subtle changes and higher frequency features, it has the potential to identify precursor features and smaller l eaks and hence could be useful for monitoring the development of leaks, prior to a large volume burst event.

G.G. Cossens ◽  
M.F. Hawke

During the first 20 years of a Pinus radiata tree rotation, tree growth and pasture yield were assessed under a range of tree spacings at Invermay and Akatore, two coastal sites in Eastern Otago. Pasture yield in association with trees thinned to 100 stems per hectare (sph) was comparable to that from open pasture up to a tree age of 12 years. By the 19th year, however, pasture production declined to 63% of open pasture yield at Invermay and to 42% at Akatore. At 200 and 400 sph at Akatore, pasture yield was similar to that from open pasture at tree age 12 years but declined to 27% and 0% of open pasture yield respectively by year 20. At both Invermay and Akatore, the ryegrass and clover content of open pasture was relatively constant throughout the term of the trial. However, both the ryegrass and clover content of pasture beneath trees began to decline by tree age 12 years with a very rapid decline at Akatore in the number of pasture species at 200 sph by the 19th year. No pasture remained at 400 sph, after 19 years. Livestock carrying capacity with sheep on tree treatments at Invermay decreased from 100% of open pasture at year 6 to 60% by year 10. At Akatore, livestock carrying capacity averaged over the 20-year life of the trial was 4.1 stock units per hectare with a maximum of 8.1 stock units at a tree age of 8 years. Tree growth at both sites was similar, averaging between 1 and 1.1 m/year in height over 20 years, with trees at Invermay at 100 sph averaging 9% greater height and diameter growth than at Akatore. Increasing tree stocking from 100 to 200 to 400 sph at Akatore, resulted in increased tree height, but decreased diameter at breast height. A comparison of the East Otago trees with those in a similar trial at Tikitere (Rotorua) 900 km further north indicated that the southern trees were about 6 years later in their growth pattern by tree age 20 years. On both sites, soil pH tended to be lower in the presence of trees and was significantly lower than in open pasture by year 20. The results and comparisons with the Tikitere data suggest that, in an integrated agroforestry regime, there will be livestock grazing under the trees further into the tree rotation in Otago than in North Island sites. However, slower tree growth would result in a longer rotation time to harvest. Current recommendations to farmers are to plant trees on the less productive areas of the farm and adopt a tree stocking rate which fully utilises the site. Keywords: agroforestry, livestock, pasture, Pinus radiata, soil pH, tree stocking

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 270
Muhammad Syukri Mustafa ◽  
I. Wayan Simpen

Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk melakukan prediksi terhadap kemungkian mahasiswa baru dapat menyelesaikan studi tepat waktu dengan menggunakan analisis data mining untuk menggali tumpukan histori data dengan menggunakan algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). Aplikasi yang dihasilkan pada penelitian ini akan menggunakan berbagai atribut yang klasifikasikan dalam suatu data mining antara lain nilai ujian nasional (UN), asal sekolah/ daerah, jenis kelamin, pekerjaan dan penghasilan orang tua, jumlah bersaudara, dan lain-lain sehingga dengan menerapkan analysis KNN dapat dilakukan suatu prediksi berdasarkan kedekatan histori data yang ada dengan data yang baru, apakah mahasiswa tersebut berpeluang untuk menyelesaikan studi tepat waktu atau tidak. Dari hasil pengujian dengan menerapkan algoritma KNN dan menggunakan data sampel alumni tahun wisuda 2004 s.d. 2010 untuk kasus lama dan data alumni tahun wisuda 2011 untuk kasus baru diperoleh tingkat akurasi sebesar 83,36%.This research is intended to predict the possibility of new students time to complete studies using data mining analysis to explore the history stack data using K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm (KNN). Applications generated in this study will use a variety of attributes in a data mining classified among other Ujian Nasional scores (UN), the origin of the school / area, gender, occupation and income of parents, number of siblings, and others that by applying the analysis KNN can do a prediction based on historical proximity of existing data with new data, whether the student is likely to complete the study on time or not. From the test results by applying the KNN algorithm and uses sample data alumnus graduation year 2004 s.d 2010 for the case of a long and alumni data graduation year 2011 for new cases obtained accuracy rate of 83.36%.

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