scholarly journals Gingival and oral hygiene conditions in patients with fixed orthodontic appliance wearers

2011 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
Rini Anggraeni ◽  
Isnaniyah Malik ◽  
Ina Hendiani

The aim of this study was to get the description of gingival condition and oral hygiene in patients with the fixed orthodontic appliance at Orthodontics Specialist Clinic of Oral and Dental Hospital Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran (RSGM FKG UNPAD) Bandung. This descriptive study with a survey method included 30 patients with fixed orthodontic appliances consist of 8 male and 22 females. The sample collected by purposive sampling. The data was collected based on filling questioner forms and clinical examination with an assessed degree of gingival enlargement by Carranza assessed Gingival Index by Loe and Silness, measured pocket depth, and assessed Plaque Index by Silness and Loe. The result showed that 90% of samples had gingival enlargement with variants of gingival enlargement degree from grade 1, 2, 3 and mostly present in the posterior area. Prevalence of gingivitis was 100% divided into 76.67% suffering mild gingivitis and 23.33% suffering moderate gingivitis. In an examination of pocket depth, 6.67% had 1.1-2 mm of pocket depth; 70% had 2.1-3 mm of pocket depth, and 23.33% had 3.1-4 mm. In an examination of oral hygiene, 43.33% had good oral hygiene; 46.67% had moderate oral hygiene, and 10% had poor oral hygiene. The conclusion of this research was the orthodontics wearer suffering from gingival enlargement and mild gingivitis.

2014 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 102-107 ◽  
Leandro Silva Marques ◽  
Saul Martins Paiva ◽  
Raquel Gonçalves Vieira-Andrade ◽  
Luciano José Pereira ◽  
Maria Letícia Ramos-Jorge

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the determinant factors of discomfort attributed to the use of fixed orthodontic appliance and the effect on the quality of life of adolescents. MATERIAL AND METHODS : Two hundred and seventy-two individuals aged between 9 and 18 years old, enrolled in public and private schools and undergoing orthodontic treatment with fixed appliance participated in this cross-sectional study. The participants were randomly selected from a sample comprising 62,496 individuals of the same age group. Data was collected by means of questionnaires and an interview. Discomfort intensity and bio-psychosocial variables were assessed using the Oral Impact on Daily Performance questionnaire. Self-esteem was determined using the Global Negative Self-Evaluation questionnaire. Statistical analysis involved the chi-square test and both simple and multiple Poisson regression analyses. RESULTS: Although most individuals did not present discomfort, there was a prevalence of 15.9% of impact on individuals' daily life exclusively due to the use of fixed orthodontic appliance . Age [PR: 3.2 (95% CI: 1.2-8.5)], speech impairment [PR: 2.2 (95% CI: 1.1-4.6)], poor oral hygiene [PR: 2.4 (95% CI: 1.2-4.8)] and tooth mobility [PR: 3.9 (95% CI: 1.8-8.1)] remained independently associated with a greater prevalence of discomfort (P ≤ 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Discomfort associated with the use of fixed orthodontic appliances exerted a negative influence on the quality of life of the adolescents comprising the present study. The determinants of this association were age, poor oral hygiene, speech impairment and tooth mobility.

2011 ◽  
Vol 68 (3) ◽  
pp. 214-219 ◽  
Sava Matic ◽  
Mirjana Ivanovic ◽  
Predrag Nikolic

Background/Aim. Orthodontic treatment enables the establishment of functional occlusion and improvement of oral health, however, it increases the risk of periodontal disease development. The aim of this paper was to examine the efficiency of the applied programme for the prevention of gingivitis in children undergoing the fixed orthodontic appliance therapy and to determine the most efficient devices and techniques for maintaining oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment. Methods. The study included 80 patients of both genders - 60 patients comprised the experimental group and 20 patients comprised the control group. All of them were patients of the Clinic for Orthodontics at the School of Dentistry in Belgrade, aged between 13 and 18. The Silness-L?e Plaque Index (PI) was utilised for the assessment of oral hygiene quality and Silness-L?e Gingival Index (GI) and M?hlemann Papilla Bleeding Index (PBI) were utilised for the assessment of gingival state. Checkups were conducted as a single-blind study at the beginning and after the first, the third and the sixth month of the preventive and prophylactic programme. Results. During the observed period, a statistically significant change in PI, GI and PBI values was noticed (p < 0.005), as well as the difference in the dynamics of value changes during the periods between the observed groups. Conclusion. The preventive programme, applied to children undergoing the fixed orthodontic appliance therapy, had a positive effect both on oral hygiene quality and gingival state. The values of the examined parameters of the patients from the experimental group were significantly lower in comparison with those of the patients from the control group. The most efficient combination of devices for oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment was: a Curaprox CP5460 toothbrush, CD Ortho 60 orthodontic toothbrush and Curaprox CPS 14 interdental brush.

e-GIGI ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Ravenske E. C Momongan ◽  
Benedictus S. Lampus ◽  
Juliatri .

Abstract: Fixed orthodontic appliance has been widely used in society, but they are often not aware of the risk of the use of fixed orthodontic appliances such as dental and oral hygiene problems. Design tool fixed orthodontic makethe dental cleaning procedure becomes more difficult. Oral hygiene is maintained in the user less dental appliance, such as the user orthodontic appliances can cause periodontal tissue damage and increasing the number of caries during treatment. This study is a descriptive study in order to determine the status of oral and dental hygiene students of Public Senior High School 9 Manado users fixed orthodontic appliances. The study population is the students of Public Senior High School 9 Manado fixed orthodontic appliance users who were attending school classes XI and XII. Samples numbered 39 people and sampling carried out with total sampling method. The research instrument was a check list form and interview. Assessment of dental and oral hygiene status was obtained by measuring the score Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S). The results showed that the average of OHI-S scores in SMA Negeri 9 Manado was 1,22. By sex as much as 3 boys (7,7%) had a score of OHI-S 0,83 and a total of 36 girls (92,3%) had a score of OHI-S 1,23; based on the socio-economic level as much as 6 students (15,4%) with moderate socioeconomic level had OHI-S score of 1,97 and a total of 33 students (84,6%) in the high socioeconomic level had OHI-S score of 1,06. Period of <1 year usage by 25 students (64,1%) had a score of OHI-S 1.05; 1-2 years as many as 12 respondents (30.8%) had a score of OHI-S 1,15 and >2 years two respondents (5, 1%) had a score of OHI-S 1.5.Oral hygiene status of the student-sex male and female average is fair. Oral hygiene statuses of students with socio-economic level of parents are on average quite good and students with low socioeconomic level average moderate. Oral hygiene status of students who use a fixed orthodontic appliance under 1 year and 1-2 years on average quite good and more than 2 years on average moderate. Oral hygiene status of the student users fixed orthodontic appliances in general quite good. Keywords : Fixed orthodontic, dental and oral hygiene.Abstrak: Alat ortodontik cekat sudah banyak digunakan dalam masyarakat, namun mereka sering tidak menyadari risiko penggunaan alat ortodontik cekat seperti masalah kebersihan gigi dan mulut. Desain alat ortodontik cekat menyebabkan prosedur pembersihan gigi dan mulut menjadi lebih sulit. Kebersihan gigi dan mulut yang kurang terjaga pada pengguna dental appliance, seperti pada pengguna alat ortodontik dapat menyebabkan kerusakan jaringan periodontal dan meningkatnya jumlah karies selama perawatan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui status kebersihan gigi dan mulut siswa SMA Negeri 9 Manado pengguna alat ortodontik cekat. Populasi penelitian yaitu siswa SMA Negeri 9 Manado pengguna alat ortodontik cekat yang duduk dibangku sekolah kelas XI dan XII. Sampel berjumlah 39 orang dan pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode total sampling. Instrumen penelitian berupa formulir check list dan wawancara. Penilaian status kebersihan gigi dan mulut diperoleh dengan pengukuran skor Oral Hygiene Index Simplified (OHI-S). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan skor OHI-S rata-rata siswa SMA Negeri 9 Manado sebesar 1,22. Berdasarkan jenis kelamin sebanyak 3 siswa laki-laki (7,7%) memiliki skor OHI-S 0,83 dan sebanyak 36 siswa perempuan (92,3%) memiliki skor OHI-S 1,23; berdasarkan tingkat sosial ekonomi sebanyak 6 siswa (15,4%) dengan tingkat sosial ekonomi sedang memiliki skor OHI-S 1,97 dan sebanyak 33 siswa (84,6%) pada tingkat sosial ekonomi tinggi memiliki skor OHI-S 1,06. Lama penggunaan < 1 tahun sebanyak 25 siswa (64,1%) memiliki skor OHI-S 1,05; 1 – 2 tahun sebanyak 12 responden (30,8%) memiliki skor OHI-S 1,15 dan > 2 tahun ada 2 responden (5, 1%) memiliki skor OHI-S 1,5. Status kebersihan gigi dan mulut siswa berjenis kelamin laki-laki dan perempuan rata-rata tergolong baik. Status kebersihan gigi dan mulut siswa dengan tingkat sosial ekonomi orang tua sedang rata-rata tergolong baik dan siswa dengan tingkat sosial ekonomi rendah rata-rata tergolong sedang. Status kebersihan gigi dan mulut siswa yang menggunakan alat ortodontik cekat di bawah 1 tahun dan 1- 2 tahun rata-rata tergolong baik dan lebih dari 2 tahun rata-rata tergolong sedang. Status kebersihan gigi dan mulut siswa pengguna alat ortodontik cekat pada umumnya tergolong baik.Kata kunci: alat ortodontik cekat, kebersihan gigi dan mulut.

2008 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-132 ◽  
Sava Matic ◽  
Mirjana Ivanovic ◽  
Jelena Mandic ◽  
Predrag Nikolic

Introduction: During orthodontic treatment, the risk of gingivitis, periodontal disease and dental caries is increased. For good gingival health during orthodontic therapy, patients must be educated about the importance of daily oral hygiene and also given instructions on plaquecontrol techniques and how to use plaque removal devices properly. Objectives: The aim of this study was to present risk factors for gingivitis during treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances as well as methods and resources for prevention of this widespread disease. Conclusion: Maintaining proper oral hygiene is of great benefit not only for gingival health but also for the success of orthodontic treatment and maintenance of treatment results. Beside healthy gingiva, favorable habits in oral hygiene remain life-long.

2007 ◽  
Vol 77 (4) ◽  
pp. 646-652 ◽  
Michael Knösel ◽  
Rengin Attin ◽  
Klaus Becker ◽  
Thomas Attin

Abstract Objective: To evaluate the effect of external bleaching on the color and luminosity of inactive white-spot lesions (WSLs) present after fixed orthodontic appliance treatment as means for achieving color matching of the WSLs with adjacent tooth surfaces. Materials and Methods: Ten patients with inactive WSLs after therapy with fixed orthodontic appliances were selected. At baseline, the lightness of maxillary incisors and canines was assessed with a colorimeter. Color determinations were performed in the area of the initial lesions (F1) and at adjacent, sound enamel areas (F2). Then, anterior teeth were bleached once with a bleaching gel for 60 minutes. After a break of 14 days, in-office bleaching was followed by a 2-week home bleaching period with daily home bleaching for 1 hour. After this, color determinations were repeated. Additionally, patients were asked to fill out a questionnaire to provide information about their degree of contentment with the treatment. Results: The lightness values of both the F1 and F2 regions were significantly higher after bleaching as compared with baseline. F2 L-values increased significantly more as compared with F1, indicating a better color matching of these two areas in comparison with baseline. All patients were satisfied with the outcome of the bleaching therapy. Conclusion: External bleaching is able to satisfactorily camouflage WSLs visible after therapy with fixed orthodontic appliances.

2007 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
Dwi Mutia Ramdhini ◽  
S. Sunardhi Widyaputra ◽  
Murnisari Dardjan

The use of fixed orthodontic appliances can improve someone's mastication, speech and appearance. However, this appliance acts as a strange object that may cause irritation to the mucosa epithelial of oral cavity, because of the friction and pressure from the components of the fixed orthodontic appliances which are in direct contact with the oral mucosa. Irritation in the oral mucosa could stimulate the increase of cytokeratin. The appearance of cytokeratin is then used to identify the condition of these cells. This study was a descriptive research to find the expression of cytokeratin 19 with immunohistochemical method in oral mucosa epithelial of fixed orthodontic appliances users. Sample in this study was chosen from 30 fixed orthodontic appliances users. The result of this study was determined by calculating the number of positive cells (brown), compared with total number of cells. The account of positive cells would present the reaction of the epithelial cells according to the inflamation stage which caused by the use of orthodontic appliances. As a conclusion of this study, the use of fixed orthodontic appliances may cause changes in epithelial mucosa which form an adaptation process by increasing the number of progenitor cells marked by cytokeratin 19.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-5 ◽  
S. Nagarajan M. P. Sockalingam ◽  
Khairil Aznan Mohamed Khan ◽  
Elavarasi Kuppusamy

Anterior crossbite is relatively a common presentation in the mixed dentition stage. If left untreated, it can lead to a host of problems and may complicate future orthodontic treatment. One of the major difficulties in performing anterior crossbite correction in young children is treatment compliance. In most cases, poor compliance is due to the unacceptability of the removable appliance used. This article describes three cases of successful correction of anterior crossbite of patients in mixed dentition using short-span wire-fixed orthodontic appliances. This sectional appliance provides an alternative method of correcting anterior crossbite of dental origin and offers many advantages compared to the use of removable appliances.

2013 ◽  
Vol 84 (1) ◽  
pp. 140-148 ◽  
Marcin Mikulewicz ◽  
Katarzyna Chojnacka ◽  
Paulina Wołowiec

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the release of metal ions from fixed orthodontic appliances. Materials and Methods: A new system for in vitro testing of dental materials was constructed and consisted of a thermostatic glass reactor that enabled immersion of the studied material. Experimental conditions reflected the human oral cavity, with a temperature of 37°C and a saliva flow rate of 0.5mL/min. The simulated fixed orthodontic appliance made of stainless steel was evaluated. Sampling was performed at several time points during the 28-day study, and the metal ion concentration was determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. Results: The total mass of released metal ions from the appliance during 4 weeks of the experiment was as follows nickel 18.7 μg, chromium 5.47 μg, copper 31.3 μg. Conclusions: The estimated doses of nickel, chromium, and copper determined by extrapolation of experimental data released during the treatment period were far below the toxic dose to humans. This shows that orthodontic treatment might not be a significant source of exposure to these metal ions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-41
Shahida R. Hussein ◽  
Bayan A. Hassan

Fixed orthodontic appliances corrupt plaque removal, proper oral hygiene, and gingival health so periodontal evaluation is important to be checked in every appointment. The aim of the present study was to assess gingival health among patients with a fixed orthodontic appliance. A clinical comparative study conducted on 25 patients with an aged ranged from 15 to 25 years. Clinical parameters included plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), and bleeding on probing (BOP) were recorded at base line before starting orthodontic treatment and after 1 month of treatment. A double paired t-test was applied to the data collected for statistical analysis. The mean value of PI (1.11), GI (1.155), and BOP (0.600) scores was increased after placement of fixed orthodontic appliance, but with no statistically significant difference with base line for PI (P-value = 0.596), GI (P-value = 0.355), and BOP (P-value = 0.256), respectively. Regarding age group, mean PI (1.46), GI (1.22), and BOP (0.875) were increased with increasing age, patients who age’s ≥20 showed statistical significant difference for gingival and plaque means P-value = 0.006 and P-value = 0.03) for ≥20, respectively. The finding of this study had shown that patients with fixed orthodontic appliances had non-significant increase in the mean value of plaque, gingival, and BOP indices scores. All mean scores were increased with increasing age, but with non-significantly for BOP only.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Dr. Munad Jihad AL_Duliamy ◽  
Dr. Rehab Adil Shuker ◽  
Dr. Bassam Abdulrazzaq Abdulrazzaq

Aim: This clinical study is to investigate the effect of fasting (Sawm) Ramadan on thecount of streptococcus mutans in plaque surrounding fixed orthodontic appliances.Materials and Methods: Fifteen patients with orthodontic appliances wereparticipated in this study. Plaque specimens were collected from those patients attwo occasions, during Rmadan fasting (Sawm) and after they break there fastingafter Ramadan. The plaque Streptococcus mutans number of colony-formingunits (CFU) was analyzed by using Dentocult SM Strip mutans test.Results: This study demonstrated highly significant difference in Streptococcusmutans (CFU) counts in plaque between the values obtained from fasting patientsduring Ramadan and when they are breaking the fast after Ramadan.Conclusions: during Ramadan fasting, persons change timing and types of their foodand beverages consuming as well as teeth cleaning habits. Therefore orthodontistshould be aware of their patients’ oral hygiene during Ramadan by promoting andmaintaining satisfactory teeth cleaning during fasting (Sawm) and Iftar hours.

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