2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 173
Firman Mansir ◽  
Tumin Tumin ◽  
Halim Purnomo

Abstract:This study discussed about the use of active learning methods in Fiqh learning in Islamic Boarding School. This research used qualitative approach by collecting data through library research. The primary data was articles about active learning methods. Data collection procedures were carried out by collecting various books, articles, theses, and dissertations that discussed about Fiqh subject and Islamic education in Islamic boarding school (pesantren). Research data were analyzed through deductive and inductive process. The result indicated that Active Learning method could be used to teach Fiqh subject in the Islamic Boarding School. The material taught should be appropriated with the Active Learning Method used. By using active learning method, it was expected that the students of Islamic boarding school were engaged, motivated, and interested to learn Fiqh subject.Abstrak:Penelitian ini membahas tentang penggunaan metode pembelajaran aktif dalam pembelajaran Fiqh di Pondok Pesantren. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan mengumpulkan data melalui penelitian kepustakaan. Data primer adalah artikel tentang metode pembelajaran aktif. Prosedur pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan berbagai buku, artikel, tesis, dan disertasi yang membahas tentang mata pelajaran Fiqh dan pendidikan Islam di pondok pesantren. Data penelitian dianalisis melalui proses deduktif dan induktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode Pembelajaran Aktif dapat digunakan untuk mengajar mata pelajaran Fiqh di Pondok Pesantren. Materi yang diajarkan harus disesuaikan dengan Metode Pembelajaran Aktif yang digunakan. Dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran aktif, diharapkan para siswa pondok pesantren terlibat, termotivasi, dan tertarik untuk belajar mata pelajaran Fiqh.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Imam Mawardi ◽  
Akhmad Baihaqi ◽  
Rochim Widaryanto

ABSTRACTThis article is the result of the community partnership program (PKM) which aims to improve teacher competency in the development of active learning methods characterized by Islam rahmatan lil'alamin at SD Muhammadiyah Pujotomo and MI Muhammadiyah Danurejo of  Mertoyudan-Magelang. These two institutions have problems, one of which is related to competence in managing learning; the teachers tend to be conventional in applying learning methods and cannot yet relate learning to Islamic approaches. Even though the content in Islamic education institutions should show the characteristics of Islamic nuances of learning. The solution to overcome this problem is to equip teachers with the active learning method with the character of Islam rahmatan lil ‘alamin; as a form of actualization of the development of teacher's pedagogical abilities. The method in this PKM uses the Participatory Rural Apraissal (PRA) model, by involving partners in determining the problem solving faced. The results obtained indicate an increase in the ability of teachers in designing and developing active learning methods characterized by the character of Islam rahmatan lil'alamin, and is an innovation step in the development of the 2013 curriculum which emphasizes the strengthening of character education. Keywords: active learning method, Islam rahmatan lil'alamin, empowering teachers ABSTRAKArtikel ini merupakan hasil dari program kemitraan masyarakat (PKM) yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru dalam pengembangan metode pembelajaran aktif berkarakter Islam rahmatan lil’alamin di SD Muhammadiyah Pujotomo dan MI Muhammadiyah Danurejo, Kecamatan Mertoyudan Kabupaten Magelang. Dua lembaga ini mempunyai masalah, salah satunya adalah berkaitan dengan kompetensi dalam mengelola pembelajaan; para guru cenderung konvensional dalam menerapkan metode pembelajaran dan belum bisa mengaitkan pembelajaran dengan pendekatan Islami. Padahal seharusnya muatan di lembaga pendidikan Islam harus menunjukkan karakteristik pembelajaran yang bernuansa islami. Solusi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah membekali para guru dengan metode pembelajaran aktif berkarakter Islam rahmatan lil ‘alamin; sebagai bentuk aktualisasi pengembangan kemampuan pedagogik guru. Metode dalam PKM ini mengunakan model Participatory Rural Apraissal (PRA), dengan melibatkan mitra dalam penentuan pemecahan masalah yang dihadapi. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kemampuan guru dalam merancang dan mengembangkan metode pembelajaran aktif berkarakter Islam rahmatan lil’alamin, dan merupakan suatu langkah inovasi pengembangan kurikulum 2013 yang mengedepankan penguatan pendidikan karakter.  Kata Kunci: metode pembelajaran aktif, Islam rahmatan lil’alamin, pemberdayaan guru

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Marzuqi Agung Prasetya

<p>Artikel ini bertujuan menelaah tentang pembelajaran elektronik (<em>e-learning</em>)   sebagai  sebuah  inovasi metode   pembelajaran <em>active learning</em>. Kajian ini lebih bersifat <em>library  research </em>dengan fokus untuk mengetahui bagaimana teknologi informasi (TI) turut serta mendukung proses <em>collaborative learning </em>yang telah mentransformasikan pola   belajar   “<em>teacher-centered</em>” menjadi “<em>student-centered</em>” dengan menciptakan budaya belajar mandiri. Dalam  hal  ini pembelajaran   berbasis TI  difokuskan pada <em>e-learning </em>sebagai sebuah  inovasi metode pembelajaran, sehingga terlihat dengan  jelas bagaimana <em>e-learning   </em>serta  aplikasinya dalam pembelajaran.  Dari kajian ini dapat diketahui bahwa <em>e-learning  </em>adalah pembelajaran  jarak jauh yang menggunakan rangkaian elektronik dan  dilakukan melalui  media internet untuk menyampaikan isi pembelajaran, interaksi atau bimbingan dengan bahan ajar yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan.  <em>E-learning </em>merupakan suatu inovasi pembelajaran serta alternatif solusi bagi perkembangan kebutuhan belajar. Banyaknya faktor perubahan di era globalisasi turut serta berfungsi sebagai katalisator untuk revolusi sistem pembelajaran  dari yang sebelumnya bersifat manual dan konvensional menjadi suatu sistem yang efektif dan efisien dengan dukungan TI.</p><p align="center"><strong>K</strong><strong>at</strong><strong>a kunci:  teknologi  informasi, inovasi  pembelajaran,</strong><strong><em> e-learning </em>dan internet</strong></p><p><em>E</em><em>-</em><em>LE</em><em>A</em><em>R</em><em>N</em><em>I</em><em>NG</em><em> </em><em>A</em><em>S AN INNOVATION OF ACTIVE LEARNING METHOD.  This  article  aims  to describe  the  electronic learning (e-learning) as an innovation of active learning method. This study is library  research  with the focus to know the  role of information technology  (IT)  in supporting  the  collaborative  learning  process which has been transformed the learning pattern of teacher-centered to student-centered by creating an autonomous  learning culture. In this case, the learning process based on IT is focused on e-learning as an innovation of learning method, so it is seem clearly how e-learning is and its application in learning process. From this research can be known that e-learning  is a long distance learning which  uses an electronic connection  and it is  conducted  via electronic media  in delivering the  learning content, interaction  or consultation with the teaching materials that suit the need. E-learning is a learning innovation and also an alternative solution for the developmental learning need. The many of changing factors in globalization era has a role as a catalyst for a revolution from the previous learning system that was manual and conventional into a system that is effective and efficient with an IT support.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>:  information  technology, learning innovation, e-learning </em><em>a</em><em>n</em><em>d </em><em>i</em><em>n</em><em>t</em><em>er</em><em>n</em><em>et</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Zhenxi Zhang ◽  
Jie Li ◽  
Chunna Tian ◽  
Zhusi Zhong ◽  
Zhicheng Jiao ◽  

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-150
Kusnan Kusnan

Arabic is the language of Muslim’s holy book, and reading  it is obligatory for Muslims. In Islamic education, Arabic is the language that should be mastered as a means of understanding the original texts of the source of Islamic law. One of the important thing in learning Arabic is the method. Zam-Zam Muhammadiyyah Modern Islamic Boarding School implements a diffent model and method of learning Arabic compared to other Islamic boarding schools in the district of Cilongok. This is a qualitative research, through a case study using interview, observation and documentation techniques for collecting data and interactive analysis for analying data. The findings of this research are three models of Arabic learning in Pondok Pesantren. The first model is khiwar or muhadatsah, the second is mufrodat walls intended to make students familiar with Arabic vocabulary, and the third is Lughoh. The method and model of Arabic learning in the institution as described above is a combined method. There are at least three methods used, i.e. Communicative Problem-Based Learning Method, Audiolingual Method, and Grammar-Translation Method.

Munganatl Khoeriyah

Pesantren, the Islamic boarding school, is the oldest Islamic education in Indonesia and is constantly undergoing changes from time to time. This research uses the qualitative approach. This study aims to describe the application of the heutagogy method in the growth of pesantren education. The results of this study indicate that the Al-Luqmaniyyah salaf Boarding School has already applied the heutagogy learning method, it means that pesantren education precedes the Westerners in terms of its utilization. Through the study and discussion of Kitab Kuning (yellow-colored textbooks about Islamic knowledge), students determine their systems, study materials, and problems to find a solution. Sources of learning for students are not only limited by the Kitab Kuning, but students can also have access through the internet, online books and applications with trusted sources. PSDS is responsible for managing the talents and interests of the santri (a term used in Pesantren to call an apprentice), as well as training santri skills by making films, recording, creativity, writing, making advertisements, making interesting contents on social media. LP2M Al-Luqmaniyyah with its various divisions is required to channel and facilitate what the community needs from the students as they can also learn from the community it self. Keywords: Heutagogy, Islamic boarding school education.

2016 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Irham Irham

<p>This article explains the devolopment of Islamic education in Indonesia, especially in pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) which is salafi manhaj. It aims at finding islamic education model developed at salafi manhaj pesantren. It uses library research. This article concludes that salafi manhaj pesantren currently becomes new model of Islamic education in Indonesia. This model differs from those applied in most pesantrens in Indonesia. The factor triggering its development is the effect of the transnational of Islam. This factor can further complete the theory of Islamic education change in Indonesia proposed by Karel Steenbrink.</p><p>Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang perkembangan pendidikan Islam di Indonesia. Fokus pembahasannya adalah pesantren yang bermanhaj salafi. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menemukan bentuk pendidikan Islam yang berkembang pada pesantren yang berideologi salafi (manhaj salafi). Kajian ini menggunakan metode kepustakaan. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwasanya pesantren bermanhaj salafi merupakan bentuk pendidikan Islam model baru di Indonesia saat ini. Model pesantren ini berbeda dengan pesantren pada umumnya yang sudah lama berkembang di Indonesia. Faktor pemicu perkembangannya adalah pengaruh dari Islam arus global, dan faktor ini dapat melengkapi teori perubahan pendidikan Islam di Indonesia menurut Karel Steenbrink.</p>

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