Cognitive Processes Associated with Gambling Behaviour

1998 ◽  
Vol 82 (1) ◽  
pp. 147-153 ◽  
Ruth Kweitel ◽  
Felicity C. L. Allen

Gambling behaviours can be pathological if positive response is extreme, but very little is known about the psychological precursors of pathological gambling in Australia. This study examined the relationships between self-reported gambling behaviours and scores on locus of control measures. The sample of 80 male and 75 female undergraduate students completed the South Oaks Gambling Screen and Levenson's multidimensional Locus of Control Scale. No significant association was found for the self-reported gambling behaviours with scores on the Internal scale but a positive one obtained between scores on the Powerful Others subscale. Self-reported gambling behaviours differed significantly for men reported that they gambled more than women. For these Australian undergraduates an additional question on borrowing money increased the apparent frequency of pathological gambling. Thus an avenue for further research is the development of a valid and reliable measure of gambling behaviours in an Australian sample.

Erin J. Shumlich ◽  
Samara Perez ◽  
Peter N. S. Hoaken

Texas Hold’em poker has become increasingly popular on university and college campuses. However, not much is known about personality correlates of engaging in Hold’em, which is commonly seen as more skill-based compared to other forms of gambling. The current study sought to determine where, how much, and which students are playing Hold’em, and to further distinguish these patterns among gamblers. The current study describes Canadian university students’ Hold’em-specific behaviour and beliefs, as well as determines whether locus of control and sensation seeking traits independently correlate with and predict gambling behaviour among a university sample. Undergraduate students (N = 96) completed an online questionnaire containing Rotter’s Internality-Externality scale (I-E), the Zuckerman Sensation Seeking Scale (SSS) and the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS). Participants played a round of Hold’em in lab and answered a survey about their perception of Hold’em and of the game they played. Sensation seeking and external locus of control were significantly positively correlated with gambling pathology. Participants overestimated the number of hands played and the time spent playing Hold’em. There was a significant positive correlation between gambling pathology and gambling success. The I-E and boredom susceptibility sensation seeking subscale significantly predicts some problem/pathological gambling. The current study suggests that more pathological gamblers display higher levels of sensation seeking and a more external locus of control than non-problem gamblers, and that the type of gambling activity and setting in which gambling occurs should be considered in future research looking at personality characteristics of certain problem/pathological gamblers. RésuméLa version de poker Texas Hold’em fait de plus en plus d’adeptes sur les campus. On ne connaît cependant pas grand-chose sur les corrélats de personnalité qui entrent en jeu dans le Hold’em, mais ils semblent généralement plus axés sur les compétences par rapport aux autres formes de jeux de hasard. Cette étude a cherché à déterminer les lieux, le nombre et le genre d’étudiants qui jouent au Hold’em et à caractériser plus en profondeur ces modèles parmi les joueurs. L’étude décrit le comportement et les croyances propres aux étudiants universitaires canadiens et détermine si le locus de contrôle et les caractéristiques de recherche de sensation sont en corrélation et prédisent indépendamment le comportement du jeu dans un échantillon universitaire. Pour l’étude, les étudiants de premier cycle (N = 96) ont rempli un questionnaire en ligne contenant l’échelle de Rotter (I-E) sur l’internalité-externalité, l’échelle de Zuckerman sur la recherche de sensation et le South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS). Les participants ont joué une partie de Hold’em en laboratoire et ont répondu à un sondage sur leur perception du Hold’em et de la partie qu’ils ont jouée. La recherche de sensations et le lieu de contrôle externe ont été corrélés positivement et substantiellement à la pathologie du jeu. Les participants ont surestimé le nombre de mains jouées et le temps consacré à jouer la partie. Il y a eu corrélation positive importante entre la pathologie du jeu et la réussite du jeu. L’échelle sur l’internalité-externalité et la sous-échelle de la disposition à l’ennui prédisent de manière significative certains problèmes ou pathologies liés au jeu. L’étude actuelle suggère que plus de joueurs pathologiques affichent des niveaux plus élevés de recherche de sensation et un locus de contrôle plus externe que les joueurs sans problème, et que ce type d’activité de jeu et le contexte dans lequel le jeu se produit devraient être pris en compte dans les recherches futures sur les caractéristiques de la personnalité de certains joueurs compulsifs/pathologiques.

Erin J. Shumlich ◽  
Samara Perez ◽  
Peter N. S. Hoaken

Texas Hold’em poker has become increasingly popular on university and college campuses. However, not much is known about personality correlates of engaging in Hold’em, which is commonly seen as more skill-based compared to other forms of gambling. The current study sought to determine where, how much, and which students are playing Hold’em, and to further distinguish these patterns among gamblers. The current study describes Canadian university students’ Hold’em-specific behaviour and beliefs, as well as determines whether locus of control and sensation seeking traits independently correlate with and predict gambling behaviour among a university sample. Undergraduate students (N = 96) completed an online questionnaire containing Rotter’s Internality-Externality scale (I-E), the Zuckerman Sensation Seeking Scale (SSS) and the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS). Participants played a round of Hold’em in lab and answered a survey about their perception of Hold’em and of the game they played. Sensation seeking and external locus of control were significantly positively correlated with gambling pathology. Participants overestimated the number of hands played and the time spent playing Hold’em. There was a significant positive correlation between gambling pathology and gambling success. The I-E and boredom susceptibility sensation seeking subscale significantly predicts some problem/pathological gambling. The current study suggests that more pathological gamblers display higher levels of sensation seeking and a more external locus of control than non-problem gamblers, and that the type of gambling activity and setting in which gambling occurs should be considered in future research looking at personality characteristics of certain problem/pathological gamblers. RésuméLa version de poker Texas Hold’em fait de plus en plus d’adeptes sur les campus. On ne connaît cependant pas grand-chose sur les corrélats de personnalité qui entrent en jeu dans le Hold’em, mais ils semblent généralement plus axés sur les compétences par rapport aux autres formes de jeux de hasard. Cette étude a cherché à déterminer les lieux, le nombre et le genre d’étudiants qui jouent au Hold’em et à caractériser plus en profondeur ces modèles parmi les joueurs. L’étude décrit le comportement et les croyances propres aux étudiants universitaires canadiens et détermine si le locus de contrôle et les caractéristiques de recherche de sensation sont en corrélation et prédisent indépendamment le comportement du jeu dans un échantillon universitaire. Pour l’étude, les étudiants de premier cycle (N = 96) ont rempli un questionnaire en ligne contenant l’échelle de Rotter (I-E) sur l’internalité-externalité, l’échelle de Zuckerman sur la recherche de sensation et le South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS). Les participants ont joué une partie de Hold’em en laboratoire et ont répondu à un sondage sur leur perception du Hold’em et de la partie qu’ils ont jouée. La recherche de sensations et le lieu de contrôle externe ont été corrélés positivement et substantiellement à la pathologie du jeu. Les participants ont surestimé le nombre de mains jouées et le temps consacré à jouer la partie. Il y a eu corrélation positive importante entre la pathologie du jeu et la réussite du jeu. L’échelle sur l’internalité-externalité et la sous-échelle de la disposition à l’ennui prédisent de manière significative certains problèmes ou pathologies liés au jeu. L’étude actuelle suggère que plus de joueurs pathologiques affichent des niveaux plus élevés de recherche de sensation et un locus de contrôle plus externe que les joueurs sans problème, et que ce type d’activité de jeu et le contexte dans lequel le jeu se produit devraient être pris en compte dans les recherches futures sur les caractéristiques de la personnalité de certains joueurs compulsifs/pathologiques.

1996 ◽  
Vol 79 (3) ◽  
pp. 834-834
Charles O. Anazonwu

The independence of three paired classroom belief items (Nos. 5, 10, and 23) inRotter's I-E Scale as a possible subclass was identified in a study in which 129 men and 131 women undergraduate students ( M age = 24.3 yr.) were subjects and illustrated here by applying the ratio of internal scores per item with the total 23 I-E items.

2020 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
Bernadeta Lelonek-Kuleta

Despite the abandonment of the criterion of committing illegal acts in the diagnosis of pathological gambling in fifth edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), research confirms the significant link between crime, gambling, and gambling addiction. In Poland, this connection is observed by psychologists working in the prison service, who simultaneously report the need for more structured interactions that would solve gambling problems among prisoners. The lack of any data on the involvement of persons committing crimes in gambling in Poland formed the basis for the implementation of a survey of gambling behaviour and gambling problems among male offenders in Polish correctional institutions. A total of 1,219 sentenced men took part in the study. The research tool included 75 questions, including queries from the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS). Based on SOGS, the prevalence rate of severe problem gambling was 29.4% over the lifetimes of the prisoners. As many as 13.1% of respondents admitted to having gambled in prison. This activity usually involved cards, bets or dice. More than 74% of incarcerated men who gambled in prison met the criteria for pathological gambling. Prisoners who gambled more in prison than at liberty made up 27.7%. As many as 69.3% of respondents declared that while in prison, they had met fellow convicts experiencing problems because of gambling. The study shows that criminals continue gambling after detention, especially those who are problem gamblers, an overall finding which implies the need to implement preventive and therapeutic interventions in correctional institutions.RésuméMalgré l’abandon du critère d’actes illégaux dans le diagnostic du jeu pathologique, dans la cinquième édition du Manuel diagnostique et statistique des troubles mentaux (DSM-V), la recherche confirme le lien important entre criminalité, jeu et dépendance. En Pologne, ce lien est observé par des psychologues travaillant dans le service pénitentiaire, signalant en même temps le besoin d’interactions plus structurées qui résoudraient les problèmes de jeu chez les détenus. L’absence de données sur la participation de personnes commettant des délits aux jeux d’argent en Pologne a servi de base à la mise en œuvre d’une enquête sur les comportements et les problèmes de jeu chez les délinquants de sexe masculin dans les établissements correctionnels polonais. Au total, 1 219 prisonniers ont participé à l’étude. L’outil de recherche comprenait 75 questions, dont des questions tirées du South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS). Selon le SOGS, le taux de prévalence du jeu problématique sévère était de 29,4 % au cours de la vie des détenus. Jusqu’à 13,1 % des répondants ont reconnu avoir joué en prison. Les jeux comprenaient généralement des cartes, des paris ou des dés. Plus de 74 % des hommes incarcérés qui ont joué en prison répondaient aux critères de jeu pathologique. Les détenus qui jouaient plus en prison qu’en liberté représentaient 27,7 %. Jusqu’à 69,3 % des répondants ont déclaré qu’en prison, ils ont rencontré des personnes éprouvant des problèmes de jeu. L’étude montre que les criminels continuent de jouer après la détention, en particulier ceux qui sont des joueurs compulsifs, ce qui laisse entrevoir la nécessité de mettre en œuvre des interventions préventives et thérapeutiques dans les établissements correctionnels.

1996 ◽  
Vol 78 (2) ◽  
pp. 531-534 ◽  
Stephen Madonna ◽  
Vincent D. Philpot

To study the use of the ratio of positive to negative self-statements, locus of control, and self-esteem in discriminating between scores on the Beck Depression Inventory 145 undergraduate college students were administered the Beck Depression Inventory, Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire-Revised, Coopersmith Self-esteem Inventory-Adult Form, and the Rotter Locus of Control scale in their classrooms. A stepwise discriminant analysis indicated that five variables combined to yield a statistically significant discrimination among low, middle, and high scores on the Beck Depression Inventory. The classification analysis indicated that 77.1% ( n = 111) of the undergraduate students were correctly classified; 93.2% (82 of 88) were correctly classified as low scorers and 73.3% (18 of 46) were correctly classified as high scorers.

1998 ◽  
Vol 82 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-86
Nadezhda Diakonova ◽  
Albert R. Gilgen

The relationships among scores on right-wing authoritarianism, locus of control, and beliefs relative to traditional Eastern and Western thinking were examined. Eastern thinking is defined as the monistic perspective common to Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and Confucianism, while Western thinking reflects the dualism intrinsic to the Judeo-Christian and ancient Greek underpinnings of European and American thought. Among 72 male and 130 female undergraduate students, women scoring high on the Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale tended to score more Western on the East-West Questionnaire. Subjects scoring high on the Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale, especially the men, tended to score internal on locus of control. Performance on the Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale could be used as a weak predictor of the scores obtained on the Locus of Control Scale. Duckitt's conceptualization of authoritarianism as an aspect of group cohesiveness served as the theoretical framework.

1979 ◽  
Vol 44 (3) ◽  
pp. 957-958 ◽  
Fredrick Koenig

A group of 112 undergraduate students was administered the Rotter Internal-External Control Scale. Students who scored above the median in the distribution were categorized as having an external locus of control. The same students also were given the Circles Test which involves having the subject draw circles representing the past, present, and future. If the circle representing the future was larger than the other two, the subject was designated as future-oriented. It was hypothesized that students with external controls would tend to be future-oriented. The hypothesis was supported by the findings.

1979 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 153-154 ◽  
George Morelli ◽  
Herb Krotinger ◽  
Sharon Moore

The relation between the scores on the Eysenck Personality Inventory and Levenson's Locus of Control scale was investigated among 67 undergraduate students. As expected, no relation between Extraversion and Leven-son's three scales was found, but Neuroticism was significantly related to internal control (—.27) and chance (.34) scales.

1993 ◽  
Vol 72 (3_suppl) ◽  
pp. 1294-1294 ◽  
Mary E. Silliman

To study the self-esteem and locus of control of adult women who reported childhood sexual abuse experiences, 66 undergraduate students in psychology completed the Tennessee Self-concept Scale, Rotter's Internal-External Locus of Control Scale, and a research questionnaire. Contrary to expectation, mean scores of 33 women who reported abuse were not significantly different from those of 33 control women who reported no such experience.

2005 ◽  
Vol 97 (2) ◽  
pp. 419-422 ◽  
Brian M. Hughes

Rotter's Locus of Control scale was administered to 64 first-born and 157 other undergraduate students, and data on the sex of participants' siblings were also obtained. The sex of participants' siblings was significantly correlated with locus of control among first-borns but not among other participants.

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