scholarly journals Personal Income Taxation Determinants in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 153-163
Irena Palić ◽  
Sabina Hodžić ◽  
Ksenija Dumičić

Abstract Background: In recent years’ income inequality has been an economic issue. The primary instrument for redistributing income is personal income tax. However, based on economic theory income inequality concerns indicators such as wages, transfer payments, taxes, social security contributions, and geographical mobility. Objectives: The objective of this paper is to examine the impact of certain labor market indicators on personal income taxation in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H). Methods/Approach: Since personal income taxation consists of a very broad definition and for the purpose of this research only, income from dependent (employment) activity is observed. The econometric analysis is conducted using error correction modeling, as well as forecast errors variance decomposition. Results: The error correction model is estimated, and the cointegrating equation indicates that monthly wage and number of employees statistically significantly positively affect personal income taxes in FB&H in the long-run. After two years, the selected labor market indicators explain a considerable part of forecasting error variance of personal income tax revenues. Conclusions: The implementation of reforms in the labor market and tax policies of the FB&H is suggested. In order to achieve necessary reforms, efficient governance and general stable political environment are required.

2021 ◽  
Vol 92 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-42
Yaroslav Yarema

The article analyses the current mechanism of personal income taxation in Ukraine, examining the impact of its individual elements on total revenues from personal income tax. The analysis of revenue contributions from personal income taxation to the consolidated state budget and local budgets indicates that the personal income tax remains the most important sources of revenue. In the structure of personal income tax revenues, wages are the main source of taxable income. The author analyses the mechanism of taxation for natural persons (businessmen) and tax receipts flowing to local budgets from incomes from business activity and highlights its shortcomings. In this context, he proposes introducing progressive tax rates, which will make it possible to shift the tax burden from individuals with low incomes to those who earn higher incomes.

2020 ◽  
pp. 77-87
Fedir TKACHYK ◽  

Introduction. In the current conditions of globalization of socio-economic development and formation of a new financial civilization, social aspects of tax policy take a important place. The system of taxation of income of citizens in Ukraine today is not fully coping with the performance of their functions. The experience of developed European countries on the formation of an effective mechanism of taxation of personal income will contribute to the establishment of the newest social and fiscal-oriented paradigm of taxation of citizens in Ukraine. The increased interest in the procedures for administering the personal income tax is also explained by the fact that this tax is one of the main sources of income to the budget of Ukraine. The purpose is to determine the peculiarities of taxation of personal income tax in Ukraine, to find out the common and different features tax system in Ukraine and European countries, to systematize recommendations on improving the mechanism of taxation of personal income. Results. The international typology of personal income tax systems is given. The general features of personal income taxation and mechanisms of application of personal income tax rates in some countries of the European Union are considered. It is argued that the implementation of the European tax experience will facilitate a faster transition to a new and effective system of personal income taxation in Ukraine. To improve personal income taxation in Ukraine, it is necessary to revise personal income tax rates, increase the amount of tax-free minimum incomes, ensure the full functioning of electronic declaration of personal incomes, optimize concessional policies, increase tax literacy and tax culture. Prospects. Further research will focus on the social aspects of taxing citizens' income in terms of differentiation of tax rates, the logic of using preferences in taxing personal income, the introduction of an effective threshold of the non-taxable minimum income, promoting the right to tax rebates, etc.

2021 ◽  
pp. 163-173
Volodymyr UHRYN

Introduction. Direct taxes are an important financial regulator of socio-economic processes, they are one of the most important sources of budgeting and an essential tool of state regulation. The personal income tax is the main tax through which social policy is implemented in the developed countries of the world. The advantages of this tax include its social justice and fiscal efficiency, as it is able to make the level of taxation directly dependent on the amount of income of taxpayers. In addition, progressive tax rates and benefits can reduce the tax burden on the poor and increase it on high-income earners. The purpose of the article is to considerate the theoretical and practical aspects of administration of the personal income tax in the conditions of reforming of fiscal policy of Ukraine, systematization of directions of improvement of collecting of the personal income tax to local and state budgets. Methods. Methods of dialectical analysis and synthesis, deduction, induction logical generalization, comparison and formalization are used in the article. Results. The article is devoted to the study of the essence and role of personal income tax administration. Peculiarities of citizens’ income formation as an object of taxation are considered. Monitoring and analysis of indicators of personal income tax to local and state budgets was carried out. The growth rates of nominal revenues of personal income tax and military duty, real and nominal wages are studied. It was found that the main factors reducing the level of fiscal efficiency of personal income tax in Ukraine are the shadowing of incomes and the outflow of labor, including skilled personnel. Ukraine’s tax policy for the last five years is fiscally oriented and does not take into account the social aspect of personal income taxation. As a result of the research, the directions of increasing the efficiency of personal income taxation in Ukraine based on foreign experience are systematized. Prospects. The current model of personal income tax does not sufficiently perform a socioeconomic function, does not provide a socially equitable distribution of income between different segments of the population. In recent years, the fiscal significance of the personal income tax has remained, but the system of personal income taxation requires the application of progressive rates. Therefore, promising areas of future research should be the development and improvement of the mechanism of personal income taxation in the context of ensuring their socio-economic interests.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 109-130
Tomasz Wołowiec

Personal income tax (hereinafter referred to as PIT) has a short history, as it appeared in tax systems of EU countries as late as at the end of the 18th century. As a specific universal structure it performs two economic functions: providing financial means for covering some public expenses (fiscal function), leveling inequalities – through its structure – in population incomes (a redistribution function). It also implements social functions of taxation through various tax reliefs and exemptions or the structure of the tax scale. Contemporary personal income tax in European countries has been shaped by many years of evolution. This proces is continuing, taking into account the process of European integration and the processes of standardizing and harmonizing tax systems in European Union countries. Most EU states only sporadically implement major reforms of personal income taxation. The scope of such changes is usually limited and determined by current fiscal needs or the need to stimulate a particular behavior of taxpayers. The current taxation of personal incomes is a very complex phenomenon which should be analyzed not only from the legal point of view, but also taking into account its social, cultural, economic and political system aspects.

OKOH Francis Ikechukwu ◽  
EDO Onome Christopher ◽  
AKHIGBODEMHE Emmanuel Justice ◽  
EDEOGHON Innocent Osaremen

Introduction - Income redistribution is central to the development of any nation. However, the issue of generating income and its redistribution in Nigeria has been challenging overtime, with the nation depending largely on oil with little consideration on other sources of income. Also, insufficient tax resources, tax collectors' illicit activities and a lack of awareness of the value of paying tax by taxpayers are some of the problems facing the country in terms of tax revenue generation. Objective - Our study therefore investigated the impact of direct taxes on income redistribution in the context of Nigeria, using company income tax, personal income tax, petroleum profit tax and education tax as direct tax variables. Methodology/Technique - The study covered the period 1990 to 2019 using annualized data set from Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) and Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin. The study employed the Fully Modified Least Squares (FMOLS) to analyze the data. Research Findings - Empirical results of our study revealed that, company income tax and education tax had insignificant negative effects on income redistribution, while personal income tax and petroleum profit tax had significant positive effects on income redistribution, thus reducing income inequality in the context of Nigeria. Recommendations - We thus recommended "inter alia" that, revenue generated from taxes should be effectively used by government in providing quality infrastructures like schools, railway, healthcare facilities and other business outfits across various states for the general wellbeing of the citizens as this is hoped to close the income distribution gap between the rich and the less privileged in the country. Type of Paper - Empirical. Keywords: Income redistribution; direct taxes; government expenditure on infrastructural goods; Fully Modified Least Squares (FMOLS), Nigeria; Income Inequality. JEL Classification: E21; E42; E62; O23 URI: DOI: Pages 182 – 196

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (42) ◽  
pp. 19-34
Dmitro Dema ◽  
Iryna Shevchuk

The article deals with the directions of development and elements of the personal income taxation mechanism. The role of the tax in the regulation of incomes of the population is determined and the state of use of its regulatory capabilities in the modern system of taxation is assessed. The peculiarities of the tax burden assessment are determined and the inconsistencies of the proportional system of the social justice principle are emphasized. The necessity of strengthening the tax regulatory function using the tax burden transfer to the prosperous strata of the population by the progressive taxation tools is substantiated. The necessity of the preferential policy improvement is emphasized by introducing a non-taxable minimum of citizens' income and revision of existing privileges on personal income tax. The foreign experience and trends of individual income tax in foreign countries are considered and summarized. The dynamics of the individual income tax receipt to the consolidated budget of Ukraine is analyzed taking into account its fiscal sense. The factors of increasing fiscal efficiency are considered and the influence of changes in the interbudgetary distribution of the tax on local budget revenues is estimated. The directions of the personal income tax reformation on the basis of improvement of certain elements of the taxation mechanism are proposed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 114-120
D. G. Chernik

The subject of the research is the procedure for personal income taxation. The purpose of the workwas to determine which personal taxation regime is more justified: progressive or proportional. The paperprovides the reasons for the transition from the progressive to the proportional tax. The risks and possibilities of transition to the progressive scale are analyzed. It is concluded that in order to achieve social justice and improve the welfare of the majority of peoplerather thana very small part of them, it is necessary to adopt a set of economic, fiscal and administrative measures aimed at solving a single task — ensuring the social and economic development of Russia. Discrete measures, such as the introduction of the progressive personal income tax will not lead to desired results. Moreover, the progressive tax cannot be introduced unlessit is ruled by law that large spendings of citizens must correspond to their incomes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-145
M. Krajňák ◽  

Legislation governing personal income taxation is often subject to changes. A significant personal income tax reform was carried out in the Czech Republic in 2021. The reform implements a progressive tax rate, changes the way the tax base is determined, and increases the tax relief for the taxpayer. The aim of the article is to evaluate the impact of the personal income tax reform on the effective tax rate and tax progressivity. To that end, methods of regression analysis have been used. The source of information for analysis was the data published by the Czech Statistical Office. It was found that in 2021, in comparison with 2020, the tax burden represented in this study by the effective tax rate, in all cases became lower, approximately by 5%. The main reason for this decline is the adjustment of the method of construction of the tax base, which, for the first time in the history of the Income Tax Act, is gross wages. Until the end of 2020, the tax base was a super-gross wage, or the gross wage increased by social security contribution borne by the employer at his costs. The second factor that reduces the tax burden is a CZK 3,000 increase in the deduction per taxpayer per year. This fact increases the degree of tax progressivity, as confirmed by the results of the progressivity analysis and the regression analysis. The changes that have taken place in the personal income tax this year have a positive impact on the taxpayer, but from the point of view of the state, this reform has reduced the state budget revenues.

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