scholarly journals Revisiting a Simple Degree-Day Model for Integrating Satellite Data: Implementation of Swe-Sca Hystereses

2019 ◽  
Vol 67 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-81 ◽  
Philippe Riboust ◽  
Guillaume Thirel ◽  
Nicolas Le Moine ◽  
Pierre Ribstein

Abstract Conceptual degree-day snow models are often calibrated using runoff observations. This makes the snow models dependent on the rainfall-runoff model they are coupled with. Numerous studies have shown that using Snow Cover Area (SCA) remote sensing observation from MODIS satellites helps to better constrain parameters. The objective of this study was to calibrate the CemaNeige degree-day snow model with SCA and runoff observations. In order to calibrate the snow model with SCA observations, the original CemaNeige SCA formulation was revisited to take into account the hysteresis that exists between SCA and the snow water equivalent (SWE) during the accumulation and melt phases. Several parametrizations of the hysteresis between SWE and SCA were taken from land surface model literature. We showed that they improve the performances of SCA simulation without degrading the river runoff simulation. With this improvement, a new calibration method of the snow model was developed using jointly SCA and runoff observations. Further analysis showed that the CemaNeige calibrated parameter sets are more robust for simulating independent periods than parameter sets obtained from discharge calibration only. Calibrating the snow model using only SCA data gave mixed results, with similar performances as using median parameters from all watersheds calibration.

2011 ◽  
Vol 38 (4) ◽  
pp. 470-483 ◽  
E. M. Gusev ◽  
O. N. Nasonova ◽  
L. Ya. Dzhogan ◽  
E. E. Kovalev

2015 ◽  
Vol 28 (20) ◽  
pp. 8037-8051 ◽  
L. R. Mudryk ◽  
C. Derksen ◽  
P. J. Kushner ◽  
R. Brown

Abstract Five, daily, gridded, Northern Hemisphere snow water equivalent (SWE) datasets are analyzed over the 1981–2010 period in order to quantify the spatial and temporal consistency of satellite retrievals, land surface assimilation systems, physical snow models, and reanalyses. While the climatologies of total Northern Hemisphere snow water mass (SWM) vary among the datasets by as much as 50%, their interannual variability and daily anomalies are comparable, showing moderate to good temporal correlations (between 0.60 and 0.85) on both interannual and intraseasonal time scales. Wintertime trends of total Northern Hemisphere SWM are consistently negative over the 1981–2010 period among the five datasets but vary in strength by a factor of 2–3. Examining spatial patterns of SWE indicates that the datasets are most consistent with one another over boreal forest regions compared to Arctic and alpine regions. Additionally, the datasets derived using relatively recent reanalyses are strongly correlated with one another and show better correlations with the satellite product [the European Space Agency (ESA)’s Global Snow Monitoring for Climate Research (GlobSnow)] than do those using older reanalyses. Finally, a comparison of eight reanalysis datasets over the 2001–10 period shows that land surface model differences control the majority of spread in the climatological value of SWM, while meteorological forcing differences control the majority of the spread in temporal correlations of SWM anomalies.

2014 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 631-649 ◽  
Claire Magand ◽  
Agnès Ducharne ◽  
Nicolas Le Moine ◽  
Simon Gascoin

Abstract The Durance watershed (14 000 km2), located in the French Alps, generates 10% of French hydropower and provides drinking water to 3 million people. The Catchment land surface model (CLSM), a distributed land surface model (LSM) with a multilayer, physically based snow model, has been applied in the upstream part of this watershed, where snowfall accounts for 50% of the precipitation. The CLSM subdivides the upper Durance watershed, where elevations range from 800 to 4000 m within 3580 km2, into elementary catchments with an average area of 500 km2. The authors first show the difference between the dynamics of the accumulation and ablation of the snow cover using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images and snow-depth measurements. The extent of snow cover increases faster during accumulation than during ablation because melting occurs at preferential locations. This difference corresponds to the presence of a hysteresis in the snow-cover depletion curve of these catchments, and the CLSM was adapted by implementing such a hysteresis in the snow-cover depletion curve of the model. Different simulations were performed to assess the influence of the parameterizations on the water budget and the evolution of the extent of the snow cover. Using six gauging stations, the authors demonstrate that introducing a hysteresis in the snow-cover depletion curve improves melting dynamics. They conclude that their adaptation of the CLSM contributes to a better representation of snowpack dynamics in an LSM that enables mountainous catchments to be modeled for impact studies such as those of climate change.

2009 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 130-148 ◽  
Benjamin F. Zaitchik ◽  
Matthew Rodell

Abstract Snow cover over land has a significant impact on the surface radiation budget, turbulent energy fluxes to the atmosphere, and local hydrological fluxes. For this reason, inaccuracies in the representation of snow-covered area (SCA) within a land surface model (LSM) can lead to substantial errors in both offline and coupled simulations. Data assimilation algorithms have the potential to address this problem. However, the assimilation of SCA observations is complicated by an information deficit in the observation—SCA indicates only the presence or absence of snow, not snow water equivalent—and by the fact that assimilated SCA observations can introduce inconsistencies with atmospheric forcing data, leading to nonphysical artifacts in the local water balance. In this paper, a novel assimilation algorithm is presented that introduces Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) SCA observations to the Noah LSM in global, uncoupled simulations. The algorithm uses observations from up to 72 h ahead of the model simulation to correct against emerging errors in the simulation of snow cover while preserving the local hydrologic balance. This is accomplished by using future snow observations to adjust air temperature and, when necessary, precipitation within the LSM. In global, offline integrations, this new assimilation algorithm provided improved simulation of SCA and snow water equivalent relative to open loop integrations and integrations that used an earlier SCA assimilation algorithm. These improvements, in turn, influenced the simulation of surface water and energy fluxes during the snow season and, in some regions, on into the following spring.

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (9) ◽  
pp. 2425-2452 ◽  
Rachel R. McCrary ◽  
Seth McGinnis ◽  
Linda O. Mearns

Abstract This study evaluates snow water equivalent (SWE) over North America in the reanalysis-driven NARCCAP regional climate model (RCM) experiments. Examination of SWE in these runs allows for the identification of bias due to RCM configuration, separate from inherited GCM bias. SWE from the models is compared to SWE from a new ensemble observational product to evaluate the RCMs’ ability to capture the magnitude, spatial distribution, duration, and timing of the snow season. This new dataset includes data from 14 different sources in five different types. Consideration of the associated uncertainty in observed SWE strongly influences the appearance of bias in RCM-generated SWE. Of the six NARCCAP RCMs, the version of MM5 run by Iowa State University (MM5I) is found to best represent SWE despite its use of the Noah land surface model. CRCM overestimates SWE because of cold temperature biases and surface temperature parameterization options, while RegCM3 (RCM3) does so because of excessive precipitation. HadRM3 (HRM3) underestimates SWE because of warm temperature biases, while in the version of WRF using the Grell scheme (WRFG) and ECPC-RSM (ECP2), the misrepresentation of snow in the Noah land surface model plays the dominant role in SWE bias, particularly in ECP2 where sublimation is too high.

2011 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-83 ◽  
Shraddhanand Shukla ◽  
Anne C. Steinemann ◽  
Dennis P. Lettenmaier

Abstract A drought monitoring system (DMS) can help to detect and characterize drought conditions and reduce adverse drought impacts. The authors evaluate how a DMS for Washington State, based on a land surface model (LSM), would perform. The LSM represents current soil moisture (SM), snow water equivalent (SWE), and runoff over the state. The DMS incorporates the standardized precipitation index (SPI), standardized runoff index (SRI), and soil moisture percentile (SMP) taken from the LSM. Four historical drought events (1976–77, 1987–89, 2000–01, and 2004–05) are constructed using DMS indicators of SPI/SRI-3, SPI/SRI-6, SPI/SRI-12, SPI/SRI-24, SPI/SRI-36, and SMP, with monthly updates, in each of the state’s 62 Water Resource Inventory Areas (WRIAs). The authors also compare drought triggers based on DMS indicators with the evolution of drought conditions and management decisions during the four droughts. The results show that the DMS would have detected the onset and recovery of drought conditions, in many cases, up to four months before state declarations.

2013 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 203-219 ◽  
Eric Brun ◽  
Vincent Vionnet ◽  
Aaron Boone ◽  
Bertrand Decharme ◽  
Yannick Peings ◽  

Abstract The Crocus snowpack model within the Interactions between Soil–Biosphere–Atmosphere (ISBA) land surface model was run over northern Eurasia from 1979 to 1993, using forcing data extracted from hydrometeorological datasets and meteorological reanalyses. Simulated snow depth, snow water equivalent, and density over open fields were compared with local observations from over 1000 monitoring sites, available either once a day or three times per month. The best performance is obtained with European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Interim Re-Analysis (ERA-Interim). Provided blowing snow sublimation is taken into account, the simulations show a small bias and high correlations in terms of snow depth, snow water equivalent, and density. Local snow cover durations as well as the onset and vanishing dates of continuous snow cover are also well reproduced. A major result is that the overall performance of the simulations is very similar to the performance of existing gridded snow products, which, in contrast, assimilate local snow depth observations. Soil temperature at 20-cm depth is reasonably well simulated. The methodology developed in this study is an efficient way to evaluate different meteorological datasets, especially in terms of snow precipitation. It reveals that the temporal disaggregation of monthly precipitation in the hydrometeorological dataset from Princeton University significantly impacts the rain–snow partitioning, deteriorating the simulation of the onset of snow cover as well as snow depth throughout the cold season.

2014 ◽  
Vol 27 (9) ◽  
pp. 3318-3330 ◽  
T. Nitta ◽  
K. Yoshimura ◽  
K. Takata ◽  
R. O’ishi ◽  
T. Sueyoshi ◽  

Abstract Subgrid snow cover is one of the key parameters in global land models since snow cover has large impacts on the surface energy and moisture budgets, and hence the surface temperature. In this study, the Subgrid Snow Distribution (SSNOWD) snow cover parameterization was incorporated into the Minimal Advanced Treatments of Surface Interaction and Runoff (MATSIRO) land surface model. SSNOWD assumes that the subgrid snow water equivalent (SWE) distribution follows a lognormal distribution function, and its parameters are physically derived from geoclimatic information. Two 29-yr global offline simulations, with and without SSNOWD, were performed while forced with the Japanese 25-yr Reanalysis (JRA-25) dataset combined with an observed precipitation dataset. The simulated spatial patterns of mean monthly snow cover fraction were compared with satellite-based Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) observations. The snow cover fraction was improved by the inclusion of SSNOWD, particularly for the accumulation season and/or regions with relatively small amounts of snowfall; snow cover fraction was typically underestimated in the simulation without SSNOWD. In the Northern Hemisphere, the daily snow-covered area was validated using Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS) snow analysis datasets. In the simulation with SSNOWD, snow-covered area largely agreed with the IMS snow analysis and the seasonal cycle in the Northern Hemisphere was improved. This was because SSNOWD formulates the snow cover fraction differently for the accumulation season and ablation season, and represents the hysteresis of the snow cover fraction between different seasons. The effects of including SSNOWD on hydrological properties and snow mass were also examined.

Gonzalo Leonardini ◽  
François Anctil ◽  
Vincent Vionnet ◽  
Maria Abrahamowicz ◽  
Daniel F. Nadeau ◽  

AbstractThe Soil, Vegetation, and Snow (SVS) land surface model was recently developed at Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) for operational numerical weather prediction and hydrological forecasting. This study examined the performance of the snow scheme in the SVS model over multiple years at ten well-instrumented sites from the Earth System Model-Snow Model Intercomparison Project (ESM-SnowMIP), which covers alpine, maritime and taiga climates. The SVS snow scheme is a simple single-layer snowpack scheme that uses the force-restore method. Stand-alone, point-scale verification tests showed that the model is able to realistically reproduce the main characteristics of the snow cover at these sites, namely snow water equivalent, density, snow depth, surface temperature, and albedo. SVS accurately simulated snow water equivalent, density and snow depth at open sites, but exhibited lower performance for subcanopy snowpacks (forested sites). The lower performance was attributed mainly to the limitations of the compaction scheme and the absence of a snow interception scheme. At open sites, the SVS snow surface temperatures were well represented but exhibited a cold bias, which was due to poor representation at night. SVS produced a reasonably accurate representation of snow albedo, but there was a tendency to overestimate late winter albedo. Sensitivity tests suggested improvements associated with the snow melting formulation in SVS.

2010 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 352-369 ◽  
Gabriëlle J. M. De Lannoy ◽  
Rolf H. Reichle ◽  
Paul R. Houser ◽  
Kristi R. Arsenault ◽  
Niko E. C. Verhoest ◽  

Abstract Four methods based on the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) are tested to assimilate coarse-scale (25 km) snow water equivalent (SWE) observations (typical of passive microwave satellite retrievals) into finescale (1 km) land model simulations. Synthetic coarse-scale observations are assimilated directly using an observation operator for mapping between the coarse and fine scales or, alternatively, after disaggregation (regridding) to the finescale model resolution prior to data assimilation. In either case, observations are assimilated either simultaneously or independently for each location. Results indicate that assimilating disaggregated finescale observations independently (method 1D-F1) is less efficient than assimilating a collection of neighboring disaggregated observations (method 3D-Fm). Direct assimilation of coarse-scale observations is superior to a priori disaggregation. Independent assimilation of individual coarse-scale observations (method 3D-C1) can bring the overall mean analyzed field close to the truth, but does not necessarily improve estimates of the finescale structure. There is a clear benefit to simultaneously assimilating multiple coarse-scale observations (method 3D-Cm) even as the entire domain is observed, indicating that underlying spatial error correlations can be exploited to improve SWE estimates. Method 3D-Cm avoids artificial transitions at the coarse observation pixel boundaries and can reduce the RMSE by 60% when compared to the open loop in this study.

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