scholarly journals On Privacy Notions in Anonymous Communication

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-125 ◽  
Christiane Kuhn ◽  
Martin Beck ◽  
Stefan Schiffner ◽  
Eduard Jorswieck ◽  
Thorsten Strufe

Abstract Many anonymous communication networks (ACNs) with different privacy goals have been developed. Still, there are no accepted formal definitions of privacy goals, and ACNs often define their goals ad hoc. However, the formal definition of privacy goals benefits the understanding and comparison of different flavors of privacy and, as a result, the improvement of ACNs. In this paper, we work towards defining and comparing privacy goals by formalizing them as privacy notions and identifying their building blocks. For any pair of notions we prove whether one is strictly stronger, and, if so, which. Hence, we are able to present a complete hierarchy. Using this rigorous comparison between notions, we revise inconsistencies between the existing works and improve the understanding of privacy goals.

Nikolaos Folinas ◽  
Panos Vassiliadis ◽  
Evaggelia Pitoura ◽  
Evangelos Papapetrou ◽  
Apostolos Zarras

In this article, we deal with context-aware query processing in ad-hoc peer-to-peer networks. Each peer in such an environment has a database over which users execute queries. This database involves (a) relations which are locally stored and (b) virtual relations, all the tuples of which are collected from peers that are present in the network at the time when a query is posed. The objective of our work is to perform query processing in such an environment and, to this end, we start with a formal definition of the system model. Next, we formally define SQLP, an extension of SQL that covers the termination of queries, the failure of individual peers and the semantic characteristics of the peers of such a network. Moreover, we present a query execution algorithm as well as the formal definition of all the operators that take place in a query execution plan.

2021 ◽  
pp. 17-38
Christopher J. Bickerton ◽  
Carlo Invernizzi Accetti

This chapter offers a formal definition of the concept of technopopulism. We begin by surveying the various ways in which this concept has already been employed in the existing academic literature. Since we identify several layers of confusion in this domain, we propose to systematize it by defining technopopulism as an organizing logic of electoral competition based on the combination of populist and technocratic discursive tropes and modes of political organization. To clarify what we mean by this, we first explain what we take an organizing logic of electoral competition to be. We then offer formal definitions of the two main modes of political action that characterize the technopopulist political logic; i.e. populism and technocracy. Finally, we contrast the technopopulist political logic with what we take to be its main historical antecedent and contemporary rival; that is what we call the ideological political logic.

Arno Berger ◽  
Theodore P. Hill

Benford's law is a statement about the statistical distribution of significant (decimal) digits or, equivalently, about significands, namely fraction parts in floating-point arithmetic. Thus, a natural starting point for any study of Benford's law is the formal definition of significant digits and the significand function. This chapter contains formal definitions, examples, and graphs of significant digits and the significand (mantissa) function, and the probability spaces needed to formulate Benford's law precisely, including the crucial natural domain of “events,” the so-called significand σ‎-algebra.

2009 ◽  
pp. 1844-1866
Nikolaos Folinas ◽  
Panos Vassiliadis ◽  
Evaggelia Pitoura ◽  
Evangelos Papapetrou ◽  
Apostolos Zarras

In this article, we deal with context-aware query processing in ad-hoc peer-to-peer networks. Each peer in such an environment has a database over which users execute queries. This database involves (a) relations which are locally stored and (b) virtual relations, all the tuples of which are collected from peers that are present in the network at the time when a query is posed. The objective of our work is to perform query processing in such an environment and, to this end, we start with a formal definition of the system model. Next, we formally define SQLP, an extension of SQL that covers the termination of queries, the failure of individual peers and the semantic characteristics of the peers of such a network. Moreover, we present a query execution algorithm as well as the formal definition of all the operators that take place in a query execution plan.

2016 ◽  
David Barner

Perceptual representations – e.g., of objects or approximate magnitudes –are often invoked as building blocks that children combine with linguisticsymbols when they acquire the positive integers. Systems of numericalperception are either assumed to contain the logical foundations ofarithmetic innately, or to supply the basis for their induction. Here Ipropose an alternative to this general framework, and argue that theintegers are not learned from perceptual systems, but instead arise toexplain perception as part of language acquisition. Drawing oncross-linguistic data and developmental data, I show that small numbers(1-4) and large numbers (~5+) arise both historically and in individualchildren via entirely distinct mechanisms, constituting independentlearning problems, neither of which begins with perceptual building blocks.Specifically, I propose that children begin by learning small numbers(i.e., *one, two, three*) using the same logical resources that supportother linguistic markers of number (e.g., singular, plural). Several yearslater, children discover the logic of counting by inferring the logicalrelations between larger number words from their roles in blind countingprocedures, and only incidentally associate number words with perception ofapproximate magnitudes, in an *ad hoc* and highly malleable fashion.Counting provides a form of explanation for perception but is not causallyderived from perceptual systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1752 (1) ◽  
pp. 012082
Nurdin ◽  
S F Assagaf ◽  
F Arwadi

2014 ◽  
Vol 532 ◽  
pp. 113-117
Zhou Jin ◽  
Ru Jing Wang ◽  
Jie Zhang

The rotating machineries in a factory usually have the characteristics of complex structure and highly automated logic, which generated a large amounts of monitoring data. It is an infeasible task for uses to deal with the massive data and locate fault timely. In this paper, we explore the causality between symptom and fault in the context of fault diagnosis in rotating machinery. We introduce data mining into fault diagnosis and provide a formal definition of causal diagnosis rule based on statistic test. A general framework for diagnosis rule discovery based on causality is provided and a simple implementation is explored with the purpose of providing some enlightenment to the application of causality discovery in fault diagnosis of rotating machinery.

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