The analysis of the flow of a micropolar fluid between two orthogonally moving porous disks with counter rotating directions
AbstractThe present work investigates the unsteady, imcompressible flow of a micropolar fluid between two orthogonally moving porous coaxial disks. The lower and upper disks are rotating with the same angular speed in counter directions. The flows are driven by the contraction and the rotation of the disks. An extension of the Von Kármán type similarity transformation is proposed and is applied to reduce the governing partial differential equations (PDEs) to a set of non-linear coupled ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in dimensionless form. These differential equations with appropriate boundary conditions are responsible for the flow behavior between large but finite coaxial rotating disks. The analytical solutions are obtained by employing the homotopy analysis method. The effects of some various physical parameters like the expansion ratio, the rotational Reynolds number, the permeability Reynolds number, and micropolar parameters on the velocity fields are observed in graphs and discussed in detail.