scholarly journals Idea of Artificial Intelligence

Studia Humana ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 37-65
Kazimierz Trzęsicki

AbstractArtificial Intelligence, both as a hope of making substantial progress, and a fear of the unknown and unimaginable, has its roots in human dreams. These dreams are materialized by means of rational intellectual efforts. We see the beginnings of such a process in Lullus’s fancies. Many scholars and enthusiasts participated in the development of Lullus’s art, ars combinatoria. Amongst them, Athanasius Kircher distinguished himself. Gottfried Leibniz ended the period in which the idea of artificial intelligence was shaped, and started the new period, in which artificial intelligence could be considered part of science, by today’s standards.

1987 ◽  
Vol 60 (3) ◽  
pp. 431 ◽  
Charles Burton

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Xiao Ma

The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasizes that building a powerful education country is a basic project for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We must give priority to education, deepen education reform, and speed up education modernization. Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, public security education in China, especially public security higher education, has gone through an extraordinary development road from scratch, from weak to strong, with the great attention of the party and the state. It has made remarkable achievements and made great contributions to the construction of the national public security team. In the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, it is an important task to summarize the problems existing in public security higher education in China and to think about the development strategy of public security higher education in the new era. In this paper, I will discuss the development strategy of public security higher education in the new period.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
Refik Turan

In this study carried out to put forward the general characteristics of the history education system implemented in Turkmenistan during the USSR period and the changes made in the history education system after Turkmenistan had declared its independence, the screening model and document review methods were benefited from. As result of the studies carried out on the curriculums and textbooks, it was understood that, as in other republics during the USSR period, there were two kinds of history classes in Turkmenistan being the General History and the History of USRR, and intense political-ideological guidance and various forms of the misuse of history were present in the curriculums and textbooks used during this period. In this period when topics related to the Turkmen history were only present in the scope of the USSR History and were so limited, many historical facts, primarily the Russian occupation of Turkmenistan, were distorted. After Turkmenistan had declared its independence on 27 October 1991, it implemented policies with the aim to get rid of the cultural and ideological influence of the USSR and build the national identity of the Turkmen nation. In this period, the History of Turkmenistan course began to be taught instead of the History of the USSR, and the course of the General History taught in the period of the USSR was taught by reorganising its content and weekly class hours. In this period when the ideological approach present in the history education in the USSR period was given up, the national history education was prioritised and it was attempted to pay regard to nationality-universality, knowledge-skill and value balances in the history education. Despite all these changes, it can be said that the understanding of the homeland history in the new period which took the geographical borders of the USSR period as a basis, historical periodization and the weight of the cult of personality continued to a certain extent in textbooks.   ÖzetTürkmenistan’da SSCB döneminde uygulanan tarih öğretim sisteminin genel özellikleri ile Türkmenistan’ın bağımsızlığını ilan etmesinden sonra tarih öğretim sisteminde gerçekleştirilen değişiklikleri ortaya koymak amacıyla gerçekleştirilen bu araştırmada  tarama modeli ve doküman incelemesi yöntemlerinden yararlanılmıştır. Öğretim programları ve ders kitapları üzerinde yapılan çalışmalar sonucu SSCB döneminde diğer cumhuriyetlerde olduğu gibi Türkmenistan’da da Umumi Tarih ve SSCB Tarihi isimleriyle iki çeşit tarih dersi okutulduğu, bu dönemde kullanılan öğretim programı ve ders kitaplarında yoğun siyasi-ideolojik yönlendirmelerin ve çeşitli tarihin kötüye kullanım biçimlerinin mevcut olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Türkmen tarihiyle ilgili konulara ancak SSCB Tarihi dersi kapsamında ve çok sınırlı olarak yer verilen bu dönemde başta Rusya’nın Türkmenistan’ı işgali konusu olmak üzere birçok tarihsel gerçeklik çarpıtılmıştır. Türkmenistan’ın 27 Ekim 1991 tarihinde bağımsızlığını ilan etmesinden sonra SSCB’nin kültürel ve ideolojik etkisinden kurtulmaya ve Türkmen ulusal kimliği inşa etmeye yönelik politikalar uygulamıştır. Bu dönemde SSCB Tarihi dersi kaldırılarak yerine Türkmenistan Tarihi dersi okutulmaya başlanmış, SSCB döneminde okutulan Umumi Tarih dersinin de içerikleri ve haftalık ders saati miktarları yeniden düzenlenerek okutulmuştur. SSCB döneminin tarih öğretimine olan ideolojik yaklaşımından vazgeçilen bu dönemde ulusal tarihin öğretimi ön plana alınmış ve tarih öğretiminde ulusallık-evrensellik, bilgi-beceri ve değer dengeleri gözetilmeye çalışılmıştır. Tüm bu değişikliklere rağmen yeni dönemde SSCB döneminin coğrafi sınırları temel alan vatan tarihi anlayışı, tarihsel dönemselleştirme ve ders kitaplarındaki kişi kültü ağırlığının belli ölçülerde devam ettiği söylenebilir.  

M S S El Namaki

Computing equipment capable of what one may term partial and quasi-intelligent behaviour, commonly referred to as Artificial Intelligence (AI), is assuming a key role in business. The probability is high that this Artificial Intelligence (AI) will lead to a fundamental change in the process of business strategy formulation as much as the very contents of this strategic behaviour. Product and market strategies and the resultant competitive behaviour will, more likely than not, be the outcome of those artificial intelligence processes and reiterations. A start is made and one can observe substantial progress in this direction. Who has done it and is there a conceptual framework behind this strategic behaviour? This will be the focus of this article The article starts with a brief definition of artificial intelligence and a basic framework of the concept. Seven case studies follow supporting the hypothesis that AI is penetrating the business strategy arena and leading to a fundamental change in the concept as much as the application. Those cases were drawn from different industries, and countries. A conceptual framework is accordingly derived and positioning of those case companies within this conceptual framework is done. The article is based on contemporary frameworks of AI and the cases are drawn from contemporary analysis of strategic behaviour. The conceptual model could provide an instrument for business AI application.

L. Pluta

The article is presented daily dynamics of the magnesium using of cow’s mammary gland during the new lactation period. During the time from milking to milking the breast tissue in the new lactation period absorbed and released Magnesium into the flowing out blood. In general, the use of Magnesium by the tissues of the cow’s mammary gland during the new lactation period during the time of the first milking ranged from 1.44±0.288 to 1.46±0.292 mmol/l. Magnesium from the incoming blood. For the fourth hour after milking, the breast tissue of the cows was absorbed only 0.01±0.002 mmol/l of Magnesium, or 0.68%. By the sixth hour after milking the breast tissue secrete 0.01 ± 0.002 mmol/l of Magnesium in the flowing out blood, and they absorbed the same amount of Magnesium for eight hours after milking. It should be noted that during the period from the first to the second milking breast tissue absorbed only 0.003±0.0006 mmol/l of Magnesium, which is 0.21 % of its content in arterial blood. From the second to the third milking breast tissue used Magnesium in small quantities. In the second hour after milking, they absorbed 0.02 ± 0.004 mmol/l of Magnesium from the incoming blood. In the fourth and sixth hours of the second milking only 0.70 % of Magnesium content in the arterial blood (0.01±0.002 mmol/l) was used by breast tissue. At eight hours after milking, breast tissue secretes 0.70 % of Magnesium (0.01±0.002 mmol/l) into the blood. From the second to the third milking, on average, the cow’s breast tissue of absorbed 0.007±0.0014 mmol/l of Magnesium, which is 1.48 % of its content in the arterial blood. During the period from the third evening to the first morning milking breast tissues for the second and fourth hours after the third milking absorbed 0.01±0.002 mmol/l of Magnesium. In the sixth and eighth hours after milking the cow’s breast tissue excreted 0.01±0.002 mmol/l of Magnesium into flowing out from the breast blood. During the period from the third to the first milking cow’s breast tissue absorbed only 0.005±0.001 mmol/l of Magnesium, which is 1.4 times less (p<0.001) than after the second milking, which is 0.35 %. On average per day cow’s breast tissue absorbed 0.005±0.001 mmol/l of Magnesium, which is only 0.35 % of its content in arterial blood. During the day, the breast tissue of cows in the period of milking isolated Magnesium in the blood from the breast at the level of 0.28 %.During the period of lactation recession the use of Magnesium by cows breast tissue had a corresponding characteristic. It should be noted, breast tissue of cows was excreted Magnesium in the flowing out blood only for the second hour after milking during the period from the first to the second milking (- 0.01±0.002 mmol/l, or 0.69 %). Breast tissue of cows absorbed Magnesium at the level 0.01±0.002 mmol/l in the next hour after the milking. Breast tissue of the cows did not absorb Magnesium from the incoming to them blood in the sixth and eighth hours after milking the. Breast tissue of cows did not adsorb Magnesium from the blood flowing to the breast the incoming blood in the period from the third to the first milking. Breast tissue absorbed it from incoming blood and released into the flowing out blood wavily during the period from the second to the third milking. In the second hour after milking the breast tissue of cows excreted 0.01±0.002 mmol/l of Magnesium into the blood, for the fourth hour absorbed Magnesium in the same amount. Magnesium only on the second hour after milking. In the following, at the fourth, sixth and eight hours after milking breast tissue was excreted in the flowing out from the breast of cows blood at the level of 0.02±0.004 mmol/l and 0.01±0.002 mmol/l of Magnesium. On average, from the third (evening) to the first (morning) milking of the breast tissue excreted Magnesium into the flowing out blood at the level -0.002±0.0004 mmol/l, or 0.13 %. In general during the day, breast tissue of cows during the period of lactation recession, Magnesium was excreted into the flowing out blood at the level of 0.02±0.004 mmol/l, or 0.14 %, which is 2.5 times and 1.5 times less than in the middle of lactation less than in the new-period of lactation (p<0.01).

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