2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 26-37
Ahadin Ahadin

Motor ability is an individual capacity to develop the ability of the skills that are possessed in an effort to heighten or accelerate the mastery of a skill. Individual capacities that are motor capability consist of: speed (speed), agility, power, balance (balance), flexibility (flexibility), and coordination (coordination). Motor development is a change in motor behaviour that occurs because of maturity and child interaction with the environment. Maturity is a change that occurs in the body within a period of time. While the environment consists of: family, friends play, and community environment. The function of motor capability for children in kindergarten is to promote labor, facilitate, accelerate in the mastery of various motor skills studied. Motor skills are a child's ability to display or demonstrate a skill. Motor capability occurs or is acquired through an integrated or associated process along with an exercise or enhancement through experience. Motor capability will occur with a change from time to time relatively permanent in the capacity to showcase a skilled motor skill.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-60
Yeni Hendayani ◽  
Heri Yusuf Muslihin ◽  
Taopik Rahman

ABSTRACTThis research is motivated by difficulties in fine motor skills, problems that occur in group A in Kindergarten IP Assalaam Tasikmalaya City, there are still many children who are less in fine motor development especially in motion skills of both hands, fingers and skill to coordinate the speed or dexterity of hands with eye movements. This is suspected because the learning in the classroom is still monotonous and the teacher still has not used the media, especially for the fine motor development. The purpose of this research is improve the fine motor skills of children through Balok Bergambar media in group A age 4-5 year in kindergarten IP Assalaam City Tasikmalaya. Classroom Action Research (PTK) conducted in collaboration with teachers, implemented 3 cycles using the Kemmis and MC Taggart Model. The subjects of the research were children of A kindergarten IP Assalaam Tasikmalaya City group consisting of 18 people, as many as eight male and 10 female and one teacher as a partner teacher. The object of research is the fine motor ability of the child through Balok Bergambar media. Data collection techniques used observation and documentation, while data analysis techniques using descriptive qualitative. Each cycle consisting of four and stages: planning, implementation stage, observation stage, and reflection stage. The results of the research have shown that the use of Balok Bergambar media can improve the fine motor ability of the child. This is evidenced by the increase in the ability of teachers in planning daily learning, the ability of teachers in the process of implementation of learning by using Balok Bergambar media and the ability to fine motor children aged 4-5 years from each cycle. Can be concluded the Balok Bergambar media can improve the fine motor ability of children aged 4-5 years in kindergarten IP Assalaam Tasikmalaya City. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi adanya kesulitan dalam kemampuan motorik halus, permasalahan yang terjadi pada kelompok A di TK IP Assalaam Kota Tasikmalaya, masih banyak anak yang kurang dalam perkembangan motorik halusnya khususnya dalam keterampilan gerak kedua tangan, keterampilan jari jemari dan keterampilan mengkoordinasikan kecepatan atau kecekatan tangan dengan gerakan mata. Hal ini diduga disebabkan karena pembelajaran di kelas masih monoton dan guru masih belum menggunakan media, khususnya untuk perkembangan motorik halusnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan motorik halus anak melalui media balok bergambar pada kelompok A usia 4-5 tahun di TKIP Assalaam Kota Tasikmalaya. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilakukan bekerjasama dengan guru, dilaksanakan sebanyak 3 siklus dengan menggunakan model Kemmis dan Mc. Taggart. Subjek penelitian adalah anak kelompok A TKIP Assalaam Kota Tasikmalaya yang terdiri dari 18 orang yaitu sebanyak  delapan orang laki-laki dan 10 orang perempuan dan  satu orang guru sebagai guru mitra.  Objek penelitian adalah kemampuan motorik halus anak melalui media balok bergambar. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan dokmentasi, sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif  kualitatif. Setiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu perencanaan, tahap pelaksanaan, tahap observasi, dan tahap refleksi. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media balok bergambar dapat meningkatkan kemampuan motorik halus anak. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya peningkatan kemampuan guru dalam  merencanakan pembelajaran harian, kemampuan guru dalam proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media balok bergambar dan kemampuan motork halus anak usia 4-5 tahun dari setiap siklusnya. Maka dapat disimpulkan media balok bergambar dapat meningkatkan kemampuan motorik halus anak usia 4-5 tahun di TKIP Assalaam Kota Tasikmalaya.

Vladan Pelemiš ◽  
Darijan Ujsasi ◽  
Velibor Srdić ◽  
Danica Džinović ◽  
Slobodan Pavlović

The aim of the research is to determine whether there are gender differences between younger school-age children, and whether those differences within the sub-sample are influenced by the state of mass and motor skills. The whole sample included 285 respondents age 7.27±0.43, of which 144 boys (50.52%), and 141 girls (49.48%) who attended the first grade on the territory of the Province of Vojvodina (Republic of Serbia). The Eurofit battery of tests was used. The research results show that the prevalence of children with severe thinness in the whole sample is low 3.87%; children with normal mass 65.26%; pre-obese children only 18.59% and obese children only 12.28%, so that gender differences in motor skills considering the whole sample, apart from the mass, are between average values for boys considering explosive strength of the lower extremities, repetitive strength of the body and agility. Statistically significant differences within the sub-sample considering motor abilities were seen neither in boys nor in girls of different mass. The research findings show that there is significant percentage of children with normal mass and that the flow of their mass is within their growth and development. Their motor development within the sub-sample also flows equally, and gender differences are present because of differentiation of motor skills, which appears in this period. The authors think that greater differences and variables in respect to mass and motor activities are to be seen in the period of pre-puberty.

2019 ◽  
Vol XIX (1 (Supplement)) ◽  
pp. 107
Mihai-Lucian Ciuntea

Tennis 10 is a method based on the principle of "Game Based Approach", used mainly for children between the age of 7-10 (sometimes in the case of adults also) and using game materials adapted to the players' age (lower nets, sponge balls, smaller wooden or plastic rackets), thus making it easier for the players to learn the game. The method is effective for the quick learning of tennis because the use of materials adapted to the players' size allows more time to react, giving the players self-confidence and increasing their motivation to play and progress. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of the Tennis 10 method on the development of general motor skills in children, considering that the general physical training helps develop the body harmoniously, being also a premise and a condition for getting remarkable results in tennis.

Retos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. 634-642
Jayson Bernate ◽  
Ingrid Fonseca

  La concepción de cuerpo no ha sido la misma a lo largo de la historia, esta ha sido constante cambiante y transformado debido a las necesidades primarias del ser humano, este a su vez viene instaurando un paradigma para la supervivencia en la sociedad. En los últimos años la Educación Física aporta de manera significativa la formación del ser íntegro holístico, en lugar de la mentalidad deportivista. El objetivo de esta investigación es indagar sobre las tendencias educativas en corporeidad para el desarrollo de una sociedad ética y formal a través de las teorías motrices. La metodología empleada fue una revisión documental-bibliográfica la cual abarcó artículos indexados en las bases de datos como los son Scopus, Dialnet, Sport Discus, WoS, EBSCO, Redalyc entre otras entre los años de 2005-2019. Como principal hallazgo se logró evidenciar que la repercusión de la motricidad y la formación de la expresión corporal en el rol docente, cumple un papel determinante en el ciclo de vida de los seres humanos, ya que influye de manera directa, tanto en el desarrollo motor, como en la concepción epistémica del concepto de cuerpo, generando en los seres humanos conciencia motriz. Como principal conclusión se determina que la formación corporal en todas las etapas de la vida es fundamental para un desarrollo integral en las personas. Abstract. The conception of the body has not been the same throughout history, it has been constantly changing and transformed due to the primary needs of the human being, this in turn has been establishing a paradigm for survival in society. In recent years, Physical Education contributes significantly to the formation of the whole holistic being, instead of the sportsmanship mentality. The objective of this research is to investigate the educational trends in corporeity for the development of an ethical and formal society through motor theories. The methodology used was a documentary-bibliographic review which included articles indexed in databases such as Scopus, Dialnet, Sport Discus, WoS, EBSCO, Redalyc, among others, between the years 2005-2019. As the main finding, it was possible to show that the impact of motor skills and the formation of body expression in the teaching role plays a determining role in the life cycle of human beings, since it directly influences both motor development, as in the epistemic conception of the body concept, generating motor consciousness in human beings. As the main conclusion, it is determined that body training in all stages of life is essential for an integral development in people.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-201
Kasmiati Kasmiati

Gross motor development in children is one of the important aspects that need to be considered by educators and parents. Children who have good gross motor skills will make it easier to get along with their friends. The children will be able to be good in the association. This research was used Class Action Research (CAR) approach by describing the motor learning process. The data collection was used observation and documentation. The rubric of children assessment contains 3 aspects of balance, Jumping (strength), and body agility, using 4 categories there are: Very Good Developing (VGD), Developing as Expected (DE), Starting to Develop (SD), Not Developing (ND), Data analysis is carried out from observations obtained through observation sheets in cycles I and II, after the data collected is to analyzed qualitatively to find out the process of action, then the data is processed using presentation techniques, the processed results are then analyzed descriptively to determine the presentation of the success of the action. The results shows that based on data analysis the results of the discussion that through motor learning methods can improve children's gross motor skills, in Pre-Action, The body balance aspects of the children, the category for VGD 10%, DE 10%, SD 5%,  and for ND 30%. The strength aspects the body of children, the category for VGD 5 %, DE 15%, SD 20%, and for ND 30%. The body agility aspects for children, the category for VGD 10 %, DE 15 %, SD 1 %, and for ND 50%. After taking action using APE in cycle I, the child's gross motor ability increased, the child increased even though it was not as expected. By finished all the weaknesses in cycle I, the action is continued to cycle II, and the results of observation in cycle II show there is a good improvement, The body balance aspects of the children VGD categories 30%, DE 45%, SD 15%, ND 10%, The strength aspects the body of childres, VGD categories 5%, DE 40%, SD 20%, ND 15 %. The body agility aspects for children,, VGD categories5%, DE 40%, SD 20%, and for ND 15 %. Peningkatan gross motor child of cycle I to cycle II, for VGD categories increased to 11,7%, for DE increased to 13,4%,for SD increased to 1,7%, for ND increased to 7,8 %.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-146
Niza Fitria Auliani ◽  
Ardisal Ardisal

This research reveals that the child is mental retardation in the SLB of Hikmah Reformasi Padang that has problems with the rough motor capability that is the balance of the body when jumping. The research is aimed at finding out if the elastic rope jumping game is effective for enhancing the rough motor skills in the child is mental retardation. The research method used is Single Subject Research using A-B-A design. Tests given in the form of action tests are performing a rubber rope jumping game starting with standing upright, jumping with two legs as a rejection, the movement hovering in the air with both legs slightly attached, regulating the balance of the body when And the flexibility of the child in the jumping movement. Then the researcher conducting data analysis ie at A1 the initial condition of the rough motor ability of the child to obtain the result 22.22%, on condition B given the child treatment through the game of rubber rope jump obtained yield 88.88%. Next on condition A2 observations of child ability after not given the game (treatment) obtained the result 88.88%. From these results known children's abilities have improved using a rubber dance jumping game.

2010 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-261 ◽  

ABSTRACTDuring the first eighteen months of life, infants acquire and refine a whole set of new motor skills that significantly change the ways in which the body moves in and interacts with the environment. In this review article, I argue that motor acquisitions provide infants with an opportunity to practice skills relevant to language acquisition before they are needed for that purpose; and that the emergence of new motor skills changes infants' experience with objects and people in ways that are relevant for both general communicative development and the acquisition of language. Implications of this perspective for current views of co-occurring language and motor impairments and for methodology in the field of child language research are also considered.

2021 ◽  
Carmen Mariana GEORGESCU ◽  

A good knowledge of the level of development of motor skills of students allows us to identify/improve/establish the level ofmanifestation of its components and the relationships between them. Physical fitness is a strong indicator of health in childhood and adolescence and a main objective for the specialist in the field. In this context, the present study was carried out in 2018-2019and aimed to determine the level of development of motor skills in fourth-grade students from several school units in Craiova, compared tothe requirements of the national evaluation system. Materials and methods.In order to ascertain the level of somatic and motor development of the group included in the present approach, anthropometric measurements and motor testswere applied, namely: height, weight, torso/chest height, abdominal perimeter, arm span,thestanding long jump, supine trunk lifts, the 25mrunning speedand the long-distancerunning. The recording methods applied were those already standardized. Results. Following the analysis of the recorded data we can state that,as far as somatic indicators are concerned, the investigated group presents values below the average of students of the same age in both girls and boys, and there are no significant differences between sexes. However, there is a downward trend inthe average values in the motor tests, many of the recorded values being above therequirements of the national evaluation system. Also, the body mass index calculated for the target group has values that place the studentsin a comfortable range, the average being below the underweight threshold. Conclusions. We consider such approaches very useful, both for a diagnosis of what is actually happening in the school, and forapplying targeted intervention programs to improve any deficiencies.

Edupedia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-77
Farhatin Masrurah ◽  
Khulusinniyah Khulusinniyah

The first five years of a children’s age is the period of rapid growth with physical and motor development. Those process will develop well if stimulated continuously. Early childhood always identic with high activity requires the opportunity to express their abilities. Therefore playing method is very urgent inchildren’s gross motor skills and fine motor skills development through a variety of playing activities both indoors and outdoors. Playing is an activity that cannot be separated from early childhood’s world. All playing activities will be carried out happily. By the same token learning by playing will be done happily without any sense of being forced or oppressed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 76
Nila Fitria ◽  
Rohita Rohita

<p><em>Abstrak</em><strong> - Pertumbuhan perkembangan dan belajar melalui aktivitas jasmani akan mempengaruhi tiga ranah dalam pendidikan yang meliputi ranah kognitif (menyadari gerak), ranah psikomotor (pertumbuhan biologis, kesehatan, kebugaran jasmani), dan ranah afektif (rasa senang, aktualisasi diri, konsep diri) [1]. Permasalahan yang tampak di era digital ini, terbatasnya kemampuan motorik anak dikarenakan anak-anak usia dini sudah terpapar oleh <em>gadget </em>sejak dini. Sehingga kemampuan motorik anak era digital terbatas karena pengaruh <em>gadget. </em>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan guru keterampilan gerak dasar anak TK. </strong><strong>Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian survei. Penelitian survei merupakan penelitian yang menggunakan kuesioner sebagai instrumen penelitian. </strong><strong>Penelitian yang dilakukan di Taman Kanak-Kanak yang berada pada Gugus Cut Nyak Dien. 32 guru TK yang berada di Gugus Cut Nyak Dien dengan latar belakang pendidikan dari sarjana pendidikan, 65% masa kerjanya 2 tahun. Terdapat 15 guru TK yang memiiki pengetahuan yang tinggi dalam pengetahuan keterampilan gerak dasar. Terdapat 6 guru TK yang memiliki pengetahuan dalam kategori sedang terhadap pengetahuan keterampilan gerak dasar pada motorik kasar. Serta terdapat 12 guru TK yang memiliki pengetahuan yang rendah terhadap pengetahuan keterampilan gerak dasar dalam motorik kasar anak TK. Sejumlah 18% dari jumlah guru memiliki pengetahuan mengenai gerak lokomotor dan 15% dari jumlah guru belum memiliki pengetahuan mengenai gerakan non-lokomotor. Guru dapat mengimplementasikan ketiga keterampilan gerak dasar dalam berbagai kegiatan motorik melalui menari, senam, dan bentuk permainan yang diciptakan oleh guru. Penilaian keterampilan gerak dasar dilakukan guru TK dan guru melalui pengamatan. Sejumlah 75% guru TK mengetahui tujuan stimulasi keterampilan gerak dasar anak yaitu untuk meningkatkan perkembangan motorik anak.</strong></p><p> </p><p><em>Abstract <strong>- </strong></em><strong>Developmental growth and learning through physical activity will affect the three domains in education which include cognitive domains (aware of motion), psychomotor domains (biological growth, health, physical fitness), and affective domain (pleasure, self-actualization, self-concept) </strong>[1]<strong>. Problems that appear in this digital era, limited motoric abilities of children because early childhood have been exposed to gadgets early. So that the digital motor skills of children are limited due to the influence of gadgets. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of teacher knowledge of basic movement skills of kindergarten children. This research was conducted with quantitative methods with the type of survey research. Survey research is a study that uses a questionnaire as a research instrument.</strong><strong><em> </em></strong><strong>Research carried out in kindergartens in Cut Nyak Dien's Cluster. 32 kindergarten teachers who are in Cut Nyak Dien Group with educational background from undergraduate education, 65% working period is 2 years. There are 15 kindergarten teachers who have high knowledge in basic motion skills knowledge. There are 6 kindergarten teachers who have knowledge in the moderate category of basic motion skills knowledge in gross motor skills. And there are 12 kindergarten teachers who have low knowledge of basic motion skills knowledge in rough motoric kindergarten children.A total of 18% of teachers have knowledge of locomotor motion and 15% of teachers have no knowledge of non-locomotor movements. TK teachers can implement all three basic motion skills in various motor activities through dancing, gymnastics, and forms of games created by the teacher. Assessment of basic motion skills is done by kindergarten teachers and teachers through observation. 75% of kindergarten teachers know the purpose of stimulating children's basic motion skills, namely to improve children's motor development.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><em>Keywords - </em></strong><em>Knowledge, Teacher, Skills, Basic movement</em></p>

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