Putu Gita Indraswari ◽  
I Nyoman Adiputra

Work engagement is influenced by job demand, job resources, and personal resources. However, there are differences in the results of previous studies on the relationship oflength of service with work engagement. This study aims to prove the difference ofwork engagement score on junior high school teachers in North Denpasar with 1-4 year,5-19 year, and more than 20 year length of service.  It has been  implemented anobservational study with cross-sectional design, conducted at the Junior High School, 38located in North Denpasar District, include SMPN 2 Denpasar, SMPN 3 Denpasar, SMPN 4 Denpasar, SMPN 5 Denpasar, SMPN 10 Denpasar, and SMPN 12 Denpasar. Total subjects were used in this study were 147 people. Work engagement scores were calculated using Utretch Work Engagement Scale (UWES). The length of service is classified into 1-4 years, 5-19 years, and more than 20 years. Total Work EngagementScores were compared using Kruskal-Wallis test with a significance level of 0.05. Showed that there was an increase in mean scores significantly in group 1-4 yearslength of service with a mean of 79.66 ± 12.98 and group over 20 years with a mean score of 87.01 ± 7.99 (p <0.05 ). A significant result was also obtained in the group of5-19-year length of service with mean score 80.84 ± 8.75 and group with over 20 years with  a mean score of  87.01  ±  7.99.  However,  based on the  correlation  test, the association  between  engagement and length of service is not  a significant.  It was concluded that there was difference in mean scores significantly in group work periodof 1-4 years and group over 20 and also group of 5-19-year length of service with and group with over 20 years. So that should be efforts to improve work engagement in the group of teachers with of 1-4 years and 5-19 years length of service

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-61
Kristiyan Adi Putra ◽  
Zainal Munir ◽  
Wiwin Nur Siam

Anemia often occurs in young women because in adolescence there has been rapid growth into the age of puberty including red blood cells will increase. In addition, in young women, menstrual cycles begin to occur that will release blood from the body with a considerable amount. One effort that can be done is to consume Fe tablets.The research design is a quantitative method in the form of Cross Sectional Design. The study was conducted on Class VII Adolescent Girls in Junior High School 1 Tapen - Tapen, Bondowoso in May 2019 with a sample of 33 respondents. The measuring instrument used was a questionnaire sheet which then carried out the Spearman Rho analysis test with a significance level of p≤ 0.05. The results obtained p-value 0.007 (P≤ 0.05). So Ho was rejected and H1 was accepted, so there was a correlation between the Compliance of consumption Fe tablets with the incidence of Anemia in Class VII Adolescent Girls in Junior High School 1 Tapen, Tapen, Bondowoso. There is a need for counseling on the importance of consumption of Fe tablets and collaboration with teachers regarding the consumption of Fe tablets. Keywords: Fe Tablet Consumption, Compliance, Incidence of Anemia

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 163
Rizqi Wahyu Hidayati ◽  
Retno Sumiyarini

Introduction: Physical and psychological alteration are commonly happen in adolescents. Some of them will feel over estimate, egocentric, peevish, and aggressive. This is influenced by society and family. Some of researches said that a child which is growth in verbal abusing, they will have psychological disorder such as anxiety, Post Trauma Distress Syndrome, depression, and personality disorder. Aim: The aim of this research was to know the association of parental verbal abuse and adolescent personality types in 2 Gamping Junior High School. Method: The method was a quantitative research which used cross sectional design. The sample was 89 person which lived with parents at home and they were 12 – 14 years old. The questioners were verbal abuse questioner and Myers Briggs Type Indicator Personality. Finally, it used coefficient contingency test. Result: Based on the result, the p was 0, 192 (sign. p <0,05). It was shown that there was unrelated between parental verbal abuse and adolescent personality types in 2 Gamping Junior High School. There were many factors which influencing the personality type in individual, such as genetic, social, and perceptions.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 168-178
Rina Khairunnisa Fadli ◽  
Anhari Achadi

ABSTRACT Smoking behavior at Junior High School area especially at Panongan Subdistrict has been apprehensive about enough. The study head for analyze the correlation between smoking behavior with used Lawrence Green Theory. The study used Cross Sectional Design that be supported with qualitative approach. There were 230 respondents and 6 informan to indepth interview. The result showed that smoking behavior more on boys students that have negative attitude and simple access to the cigarette, they have bad family and bad friends too. There was a significant correlation are age (p value = 0.044), sex (p value = 0.000), attitude (p value = 0.000), access (p value = 0.000), family interaction (p value = 0.006) and peer group (p value=0.000) to the smoking behavior. Meanwhile there wasn’t correlation in knowledge and school’s regulation. Access was the most important factor that influenced smoking behavior. There wasn’t specific regulation about smoking prohibition at school and there wasn’t socialization about regulation from Tangerang district to the junior high school at Panongan Subdistrict. Keywords: Cigarettes, Students, Cigarette Advertisement, School’s Regulation

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Maisuherni Maisuherni

This study aims to improve teacher competence in planning authentic assessments with group guidance. The research method used is classroom action research. The research subjects were 10 teachers at Mandau 011 Junior High School. The timing of the research is carried out in two cycles starting on Monday 11 February to Saturday 23 February 2019. Analysis of the data used is qualitative in the form of data reduction, data presentation, and data inference. While for quantitative data descriptive analysis is carried out by calculating the average value and percentage. The results of the study indicate an increase in the competency of 011 Mandau Junior High School teachers in planning authentic assessments with group guidance. there is a cycle I of the average teacher competence of 70,6 with sufficient categories. The average teacher competency in the second cycle is 76,3 which is included in the good category. Classically, as many as 90% of teachers have been able to plan authentic assessments properly.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 141
Pen-Chiang Chao ◽  
Yu-Chi Chou

instruction is implemented by elementary and junior high school teachers; (b)examine the frequency with which the components of self-determination are taught; and (c)investigate whether teachers’ gender, class setting, and teaching experience affect their classroom practices regarding the promotion of self-determination. The participants were 1,039 teachers recruited from elementary and junior high schools nationwide in Taiwan using a random sampling method. The Teaching Self-Determination Scale (TSDS) was used to gauge the extent to which educators teach knowledge and skills related to self-determination. Descriptive statistics, analyses of variance (ANOVAs) and multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVAs) were employed to analyze data collected. Findings showed that more than half of the teachers surveyed reported having often or always provided instruction to promote students’ self-determination. The most frequently taught skills are related to Psychological Empowerment (self-advocacy skills, expecting positive outcomes), while the least frequently taught skills were primarily located in the domain of Self-Regulation (goal setting and problem solving skills). Furthermore, our findings showed that teachers’ gender, class setting, and teaching experience were factors attecting the extent to which teachers delivered instruction to promote self-determination. Female teachers exhibited higher levels of implementation with respect to self-determination instruction. Teachers in general education classrooms showed significantly higher levels of applied self-determination instruction, followed by resource room teachers and self-contained classroom teachers. Additionally, teachers with more teaching experiences more frequently employed instructional activities promoting self-determination. Suggestions and implications are provided.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-192
Moh. Atikurrahman ◽  
Mar’atus Sholehah

The mentoring and training activities for junior high school teachers in the innovation of the Caring Community-based PBL learning model go through three stages, namely planning, implementation, and evaluation. At the planning stage, the process of identifying problems, making work plans (work plans), and classifying teaching practice tasks is carried out. There are 5 groups with the same target material. At the implementation stage, it consists of two stages; 1) training on caring community learning models with a student centered approach which includes group model class management techniques, learning media design. 2) mentoring the learning practices of junior high school teachers in the classroom based on the ability level group, group L, and group M. Evaluation activities are carried out at the end of the activity to make improvements to mistakes, teacher weaknesses in the process of implementing the learning model.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Ahmad Fauzan ◽  
Fridgo Tasman

PISA (Program for International Students Assessment) test result on 2018 put Indonesia in the 72th position of 78 countries. The report showed the importance to improve the level of students thinking ability. There are many possible ways to develop students’ thinking. One way to do that is by giving the students drill to solve PISA problems. However, this solution is difficult to implement because designing PISA problems is difficult for the teachers. Therefore, 24 junior high school mathematics and science teachers ware selected in order to give them training and workshop to improve their ability to design PISA like problems using action research methods. Three stages ware implemented in the training and workshop. First, introduction to PISA, Second, designing PISA Problems, and third, trying out and evaluating the test result. Product of the workshop are 48 PISA like problems of mathematics and 42 PISA like problems of science.

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