2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Hans-Georg Weigand

Advantages and disadvantages of the use of digital technologies (DT) in mathematics lessons are worldwidedissussed controversially. Many empirical studies show the benefitof the use of DT in classrooms. However, despite of inspiringresults, classroom suggestions, lesson plans and research reports,the use of DT has not succeeded, as many had expected during thelast decades. One reason is or might be that we have not been ableto convince teachers and lecturers at universities of the benefit ofDT in the classrooms in a sufficient way. However, to show thisbenefit has to be a crucial goal in teacher education because it willbe a condition for preparing teachers for industrial revolution 4.0.In the following we suggest a competence model, which classifies– for a special content (like function, equation or derivative) –the relation between levels of understanding (of the concept),representations of DT and different kind of classroom activities.The flesxible use of digital technologies will be seen in relationto this competence model, results of empirical investigations willbe intergrated and examples of the use of technologies in the upcoming digital age will be given.

Patricio Herbst ◽  
Daniel Chazan ◽  
Vu Minh Chieu ◽  
Amanda Milewski ◽  
Karl W. Kosko ◽  

This chapter focuses on how digital technologies provide affordances for Practice-Based Mathematics Teacher Education (PBMTE) and maps needed research on technologically mediated teacher education. The chapter elaborates on Grossman's pedagogies of practice, describing how they can be enacted in digital environments. Using LessonSketch as a prototype of an online platform for PBMTE, the chapter describes what those pedagogies look like when mediated through technology by narrating three cases. The chapter maps needed research by describing how various research approaches including design research, teaching effectiveness, ecological, and instrumental genesis might be used to organize research on environments that support technologically mediated, practice-based mathematics teacher education.

Patricio Herbst ◽  
Daniel Chazan ◽  
Vu Minh Chieu ◽  
Amanda Milewski ◽  
Karl W. Kosko ◽  

This chapter focuses on how digital technologies provide affordances for Practice-Based Mathematics Teacher Education (PBMTE) and maps needed research on technologically mediated teacher education. The chapter elaborates on Grossman's pedagogies of practice, describing how they can be enacted in digital environments. Using LessonSketch as a prototype of an online platform for PBMTE, the chapter describes what those pedagogies look like when mediated through technology by narrating three cases. The chapter maps needed research by describing how various research approaches including design research, teaching effectiveness, ecological, and instrumental genesis might be used to organize research on environments that support technologically mediated, practice-based mathematics teacher education.

Juliane Colling ◽  
Adriana Richit

O artigo, que se baseia nos resultados de uma pesquisa de mestrado sobre as perspectivas de utilização das tecnologias digitais na formação inicial docente em matemática, evidencia e discute aspectos transversais da articulação das tecnologias digitais ao processo de desenvolvimento de conhecimentos profissionais na formação de professores. Tomando por referencial o conceito de conhecimento profissional de Lee Shulman e o construto sobre os conhecimentos pedagógico, tecnológico e do conteúdo – TPACK, a pesquisa buscou evidenciar as perspectivas de articulação dos conhecimentos tecnológico, pedagógico e do conteúdo (matemático) nas diversas atividades formativas de um Curso de Licenciatura em Matemática de uma universidade pública federal do Sul do Brasil. O material empírico da investigação, de natureza qualitativa e baseada em uma análise de conteúdo bardiniana, constituiu-se mediante a aplicação de questionários e realização de entrevistas com docentes e discentes do referido Curso, bem como análise dos Planos de Ensino das diversas componentes curriculares e demais atividades promovidas ao longo do processo formativo. Como resultado, identificamos quatro categorias de análise, sendo: perspectiva voltada à prática docente na Educação Básica; perspectiva voltada ao desenvolvimento de conhecimentos da Matemática; perspectiva voltada ao desenvolvimento de conhecimentos sobre as tecnologias e suas possibilidades pedagógicas; e perspectiva associada a aspectos transversais da formação e profissão docente, sendo esta última apresentada e discutida neste artigo. A análise dessa perspectiva mostrou que a articulação entre os conhecimentos pedagógicos, tecnológicos e do conteúdo é intrínseca ao próprio processo formativo no respectivo Curso, que relaciona estes conhecimentos de forma transversal nas distintas atividades no decorrer do percurso formativo. Os professores do Curso compreendem e evidenciam a importância de promover a formação dos futuros professores de matemática contemplando diferentes aspectos do conhecimento profissional, e o fazem numa perspectiva de transversalidade na medida em que promovem o uso de diferentes tecnologias também nas atividades de planejamento e gestão do ensino. Os acadêmicos do Curso, por sua vez, percebem as possibilidades de uso dos recursos digitais de forma articulada à prática docente, tendo uma percepção crítica e reflexiva de uso destes recursos nas suas práticas sociais, em sua organização profissional e nas práticas profissionais cotidianas. Os documentos analisados, igualmente, apontam para a importância e as possibilidades da articulação das tecnologias no desenvolvimento de diferentes conhecimentos profissionais subjacentes à formação docente em matemática, bem como à futura prática de sala aula na educação básica dos acadêmicos do Curso.   Palavras-chave: Conhecimento Pedagógico, Tecnológico e do Conteúdo. TPACK. Formação Inicial de Professores de Matemática. Tecnologias Digitais.   Abstract This paper, which is based on master research results concerning the perspectives of using digital technologies in mathematics teacher education, evidences and discusses transversal aspects of the articulation of digital technologies to the process of developing professional knowledge in teacher education. Based on the professional knowledge concept of Lee Shulman and on the theoretical construct related to pedagogical, technological and content knowledge – TPACK, the investigation aimed highlight perspectives to articulate technological, pedagogical and content (of math) knowledge in the distinct formative activities of a Mathematic Degree Course in a Brazil South’ federal public university. The empirical material of the research, which pursues a qualitative nature and bases on Bardin’ content analysis, was constituted from questionnaires and interviews realized with teachers and students of the Course, as well as analyses on teaching plans of all curricular components and distinct activities promoted during the Course. As result, we identified four categories: a perspective on teaching practice in Basic Education; perspective focused on the development of mathematical knowledge; perspective aimed at developing knowledge about technologies and their pedagogical possibilities; and perspective associated with transversal aspects to the teacher education and professional practice. In this article, we will discuss the last category. The analysis on this perspective highlighted that the articulation among pedagogical, technological, and content knowledge is inherent to the teacher education process of the Course, which relates this knowledge in a transversal way within the course’ disciplines. Teachers of the Course comprehend and evidence the importance to promote the education of prospective mathematics teachers taking into account the distinct professional knowledge aspects, and they do this on a perspective of transversally insofar as they also use technologies to plan and manage the teaching. Furthermore, students perceive the possibilities to use digital technologies in an integrated way to the teaching practice, developing a critical and reflexive perception related to the use of these resources in their social practices, professional organization, and everyday professional practices. Also, the documents analyzed point to the importance and possibilities arising from the articulation of digital technologies in the development of professional knowledge underlying to mathematics teacher education and future classroom practice in basic education of the Course’ students.   Keywords: Pedagogical, technological and content knowledge. TPACK. Prospective Teacher Education. Digital Technologies.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 68-74
Rochelle Gutiérrez

We are in an interesting historical moment in mathematics teacher education. On the one and, there is greater realization within our field of the connections between systems of power and mathematics (O'Neil, 2016). We are starting to acknowledge how mathematics education can be viewed as dehumanizing for both students and teachers as well as what might constitute rehumanizing practices (Gutiérrez, in press). Our professional organizations are calling for teachers to move beyond simplistic notions of equity to understand these power dimensions and challenge the system on behalf of (and in community with) Black,1 Indigenous,2 and Latinx3 students in particular

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