2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
I Dewa Gede Rat Dwiyana Putra

<p>English is not a compulsory subject in early childhood education (ECD) curriculum in Indonesia. However, practically, many ECD schools implement English language learning which adds value to the existence of the ECD School itself, in addition to the demand of parents. Therefore, many problems arise in the ELT practice in ECD schools, one of which is the problem of the appropriateness of approaches and methods of ELT applied to the young learner. This article aims to promote the English learning approaches in teaching English for young learner (TEYL) that have been presented by Professor Jack C. Richard in his official web page, complemented by methods that can be implemented by ECD school Teachers. Several related studies on the effectiveness of the method are also presented to provide empirical evidence from various contexts. Finally, conclusions and suggestions about TEYL approaches and methods are addressed to readers, especially for ECD practitioners and researchers interested in TEYL.<br />Keywords: Approach, Method, English Languge Teaching, Early Childhood.<br />Abstrak<br />Bahasa Inggris merupakan mata pelajaran yang tidak diwajibkan dalam kurikulum PAUD di Indonesia. Namun, dalam praktiknya banyak Sekolah PAUD melaksanakan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang memberikan nilai tambah untuk keberadaan Sekolah PAUD itu sendiri disamping karena adanya permintaan orang tua siswa. Oleh karena itu, banyak permasalahan yang muncul dalam praktiknya di sekolah-sekolah PAUD, salah satunya adalah permasalahan tentang kesesuaian pendekatan dan metode pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang diterapkan untuk AUD. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan kembali pendekatan-pendekatan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk AUD yang telah disampaikan oleh Professor Jack C. Richard pada halaman web-nya, dilengkapi dengan metode-metode yang dapat diimplementasikan oleh Guru PAUD. Beberapa penelitian yang terkait tentang effektivitas dari metode tersebut juga dipaparkan untuk memberikan bukti empiris dari berbagai konteks. Pada bagian akhir, kesimpulan dan saran mengenai mengenai metode ini disampaikan kepada pembaca, terutama dari kalangan praktisi PAUD dan peneliti yang tertarik pada bidang pendidikan Bahasa Inggris untuk Anak Usia Dini.<br />Kata Kunci: Pendekatan, Metode, Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, Anak Usia Dini.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
I Dewa Gede Rat Dwiyana Putra

<p>Abstract<br />English is not a compulsory subject in early childhood education (ECD) curriculum in Indonesia. However, practically, many ECD schools implement English language learning which adds value to the existence of the ECD School itself, in addition to the demand of parents. Therefore, many problems arise in the ELT practice in ECD schools, one of which is the problem of the appropriateness of approaches and methods of ELT applied to the young learner. This article aims to promote the English learning approaches in teaching English for young learner (TEYL) that have been presented by Professor Jack C. Richard in his official web page, complemented by methods that can be implemented by ECD school Teachers. Several related studies on the effectiveness of the method are also presented to provide empirical evidence from various contexts. Finally, conclusions and suggestions about TEYL approaches and methods are addressed to readers, especially for ECD practitioners and researchers interested in TEYL.<br />Keywords: Approach, Method, English Languge Teaching, Early Childhood.<br />Abstrak<br />Bahasa Inggris merupakan mata pelajaran yang tidak diwajibkan dalam kurikulum PAUD di Indonesia. Namun, dalam praktiknya banyak Sekolah PAUD melaksanakan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang memberikan nilai tambah untuk keberadaan Sekolah PAUD itu sendiri disamping karena adanya permintaan orang tua siswa. Oleh karena itu, banyak permasalahan yang muncul dalam praktiknya di sekolah-sekolah PAUD, salah satunya adalah permasalahan tentang kesesuaian pendekatan dan metode pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang diterapkan untuk AUD. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan kembali pendekatan-pendekatan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk AUD yang telah disampaikan oleh Professor Jack C. Richard pada halaman web-nya, dilengkapi dengan metode-metode yang dapat diimplementasikan oleh Guru PAUD. Beberapa penelitian yang terkait tentang effektivitas dari metode tersebut juga dipaparkan untuk memberikan bukti empiris dari berbagai konteks. Pada bagian akhir, kesimpulan dan saran mengenai mengenai metode ini disampaikan kepada pembaca, terutama dari kalangan praktisi PAUD dan peneliti yang tertarik pada bidang pendidikan Bahasa Inggris untuk Anak Usia Dini.<br />Kata Kunci: Pendekatan, Metode, Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, Anak Usia Dini.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 124
Nur Lailatul Aqromi ◽  
Dwija Wisnu Brata ◽  
Achmad Nurchoelis

Learning in early childhood requires special understanding due to the character of children who are easily bored; particularly in case of English learning process that is not their mother tongue. One of children’s character is that they love all forms of games, so the game could be considered as one way to attract the their curiousity. Thus, game can be used as a medium for young learner especially in kindergarten to learn English. This paper provides an elaboration how to use a game to improve English learning process for young learner. The method of this study used Classroom Action Research. The game is Java-based and the content of the game is based on kindergarten curriculum that contains of some important basic aspects covered by English Language development aspect for kindergarten. To sum up, through game, the students of kindergarten feel fun and challenging to fulfill the the game, and in other side unconsciously they have learned English as well.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-194
Iin Almeina Lubis ◽  
Febby Madonna Yuma ◽  
Guntur Maha Putra

Abstract: The aim of this Community Service is to provide IT-based English language learning media training using Microsoft PowerPoint and make simple videos. This dedication was given to Early Childhood Education Teachers in the Buntu Pane District. The dedication session consisted of distributing material to participants, stages of making Microsoft PowerPoint, and making simple videos. The model used is the training model, delivering material, question and answer session, and direct practice. In general, participants claimed that the training schedule was appropriate, time was shared (delivering material, demonstrations, questions and answers, and direct practice). The participants of the activity were satisfied with the topic presented and felt that most of the expectations and objectives of the service had been fulfilled. The evaluation results showed that the material presented could be well followed. Keywords: english language; microsoft powerpoint; early childhood education teachers  Abstrak: Tujuan dari Pengabdian Masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pelatihan media pembelajaran bahasa inggris berbasis IT menggunakan Mcrosoft PowerPoint dan membuat video sederhana. Pengabdian ini diberikan kepada Guru Guru PAUD ( Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini ) Se-Kecamatan Buntu Pane. Sesi Pengabdian terdiri dari membagikan materi kepada peserta, tahapan-tahapan membuat Microsoft PowerPoint, dan membuat video sederhana. Model yang digunakan adalah model pelatihan, menyampaikan materi, sesi tanya jawab, dan praktek langsung. Secara umum, peserta mengklaim bahwa jadwal pelatihan sudah tepat, pembagian waktu ( menyampaikan materi, demonstrasi, tanya jawab, dan praktek langsung). Peserta kegiatan puas dengan topik yang disajikan dan merasa bahwa sebagian besar harapan dan tujuan pengabdian sudah terpenuhi. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa materi yang disampaikan dapat diikuti dengan baik. Kata kunci: bahasa inggris; microsoft powerpoint;  guru pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD) 

Andini Dwi Arumsari ◽  
Bustomi Arifin ◽  
Zulidyana Dwi Rusnalasari

<p>English has been used as a language of communication since early childhood. These demands make parents vying to include their children to schools that use English as a medium of language in learning. Learning English as a foreign language in Indonesia began to reach the level of early childhood education. Children aged 0-6 years which is a golden age (golden age) and is a critical period in the stage of human life that will determine the development of the next child. All aspects of language use should be introduced to the child before this golden age ends. English on the AUD has begun to be introduced at the kindergarten level. In learning English requires appropriate learning methods to increase interest and desire of students in using English in learning activities that are fun and interested students, both oral and written fluently and in accordance with its social context. This research seeks to gain knowledge about early childhood education related to English language learning in kindergarten education in Sukolilo sub-district of Surabaya city. Data collection techniques were conducted by interviews to obtain verbal information directly. From the total number of 57 kindergartens in Sukolilo sub-district, there are 28 kindergarten that become the research place. From the data obtained, as many as 28 kindergarten who became the subject of research has provided learning English during the learning proces.</p>

Amanda Maraschin Bruscato

English language learning is valued globally, being this subject compulsory in the Brazilian basic education from the 6th year of elementary school, according to the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education. In private institutions, however, English language teaching begins significantly earlier, already in early childhood education. This article presents theoretical reflections from the practice of an English language teacher at a kindergarten school in Porto Alegre, where she attends children from 2 to 6 years old. The class diary was used to the analysis, and as theoretical references are Anthony (2011), Asher (1968), Krashen (1982) and Larsen-Freeman (2003). It is expected that the study will also help other teachers to reflect on their teaching practice from the concepts of approach, method and teaching techniques.

Needs Analysis in the context of language-learning-teaching is an important process to design a certain course and syllabus. It helps course designers to set objectives, choose content, method of instruction, appropriate teaching aids, and classroom activities for different courses. This paper reports the perceptions of the researchers on the English language learning needs of the English undergraduate students of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University Sheringal, Pakistan. The data is based on the researchers’ personal experience and first-hand observation of the population as the researchers have been teaching in the target context for about a decade. Furthermore, the researchers have always been in discussion with their students and colleagues about the target students’ English learning needs, preferred learning styles, motivation in learning English, interest, strengths/weaknesses, and attitude toward English learning in the target setting. Learners’ assignments, exam answer sheets, and presentations have also been used is a source of data collection. A needs analysis model proposed by Hutchinson and Waters (1987) has been applied in order to analyze the data. The results show that the students lack well grammatical sentences, have poor spellings, capitalization problems, limited vocabulary, unaware of collocations, poor/slow reading comprehension, and lack of effective presentation skills. Furthermore, most of the students have a lack of involvement in classroom activities and feel shy about speaking the English language. It was reported that the provision of authentic material, interesting activities, suitable audio-visual aids, relevant texts, language labs, and other logistic arrangements can better help them in learning the English language. The findings demonstrate that the students wished to have a learner-centered-course that helps them excel in their academic life and learning the English language.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Ida Royani ◽  
T. Silvana Sinar

This study investigated the English students’ attitudes of IAIN Padangsidimpuan towards both English language teaching in terms of (a) language-centered, (b) learner-centered, and (c) learning-centered method; and learning English in terms of scales (a) attitudes toward long-term English learning, (b) interest in culture and communication, (c) perception about studying in school context, (d) images associated with English, (e) English learning activities, (f) exposure to English outside school, (g) self-rated four English skills, (h) self-reported academic English grade, and (i) identification of English role models. The data were obtained by questionnaire and interview from 10 selected students in which 4 male and 6 female students in 7th semester and were analyzed by steps provided by Gay, L.R and Airasian (1996). The result showed:  first, English students’ attitudes towards English language teaching had been found highly onlearning-centered method, followed by learner-centered method in second range, and almost negative view in language-centered method.Second, English students’ attitudes towards English language learningwere positivein scales; long-term English learning, interest in communication, and images associated with English.  Third, role of students’ gender on English language learning were not found. Reasons for this statement are (i) status of English as international language and (ii) equalization of getting education for male and female. Keywords: attitude, language teaching, language learning, and gender

Fahad SS Alfallaj ◽  
Ahmed AH Al-Ma'amari ◽  
Fahad IA Aldhali

This study aims to identify the epistemological and cultural beliefs that act as barriers in English learning by Saudi undergraduate learners. English is a compulsory component of education from the early school years in Saudi Arabia, and the Ministry of Education invests a great deal of workforce and financial resources in this sector in a concerted effort to ensure that Saudi students attain language proficiency. The study employed a mixed-method research design and was conducted with 85 undergraduate learners at Qassim University. It used a questionnaire and interviews to obtain insight into the factors that inhibit the English learning experience. Results revealed that the respondents' resistance to the learning of others' culture stems mainly from the epistemic and cultural barriers embedded in English language learning. Implications of the study will provide the basis to policymakers, educationists, institutions, and learners for contextualizing the English language curriculum of Saudi Arabia.

2013 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Camilla Björklund

Title: Didactical discussion on pre-school teachers’ prerequisites for working with mathematics in Finnish early childhood educationAbstract: Finnish teachers encounter an increased focus on learning aspects and a revised legislation strengthens teachers’ professional role for early learning, which also has impact on pre-school teachers’ work in early childhood education (children 0–5 years). The paradigm in early childhood education in recent years emphasizes development, learning and teaching. Mathematics is one content area that has been given a lot of attention in Nordic discussions on education for early years. However, the Finnish national curricula and guidelines for early childhood education give limited support for developing stimulating and goal-oriented educational practice in so called academic fields of knowledge, for example mathematics. This article aims at pointing at some of the prerequisites for working with mathematics in Finnish early childhood education in relation to new research on mathematical development and didactics suitable for early childhood education. Three authentic examples of traditional pre-school activities with toddlers are taken as a starting point for the didactical discussion.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 16
Aruna Ankiah-Gangadeen ◽  
Michael Anthony Samuel

Language policies in education in multilingual postcolonial contexts are often driven by ideological considerations more veered towards socio-economic and political viability for the country than towards the practicality at implementation level. Centuries after the advent of colonisation, when culturally and linguistically homogenous countries helped to maintain the dominion of colonisers, the English language still has a stronghold in numerous countries due to the material rewards it offers. How then are the diversity of languages – often with different statuses and functions in society – reconciled in the teaching and learning process? How do teachers deal with the intricacies that are generated within a situation where children are taught in a language that is foreign to them? This paper is based on a study involving pre-primary teachers in Mauritius, a developing multilingual African country. The aim was to understand how their approach to the teaching of English was shaped by their biographical experiences of learning the language. The narrative inquiry methodology offered rich possibilities to foray into these experiences, including the manifestations of negotiating their classroom pedagogy in relation to their own personal historical biographies of language teaching and learning, the policy environment, and the pragmatic classroom specificities of diverse, multilingual learners. These insights become resources for early childhood education and teacher development in multilingual contexts caught within the tensions between language policy and pedagogy.

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