Analyses of Mobile Satellite Signal Performance in the Presence of Ground Blockage: A GPS Approach

Wan Azlan Wan Zainal Abidin
Ibrahim Abba ◽  
Salisu Muhammad ◽  
Lawan Bashir D. Bala ◽  
Emmanuel Joseph ◽  

Lack of equipment to study mobile satellites signal propagation in colleges and universities prone this research work. A Handheld GPS receiver used as a tool for training college students to learn mobile satellite signal propagation using Global Positioning System (GPS) approach. These refer to the experimental setup of the equipment that is the connection done between the GPS receiver with a computer. The satellite propagation data received from the GPS machine can be recorded continuously with an updates rate of 2 seconds. The experiment was carried out in an open space environment at predetermine locations using simple setup, where a cheap, readily and available portable GPS receiver were connected to the computer to acquire propagation data. The computer was equipped with a self-developed package graphical user interface (GUI) monitoring the propagation information from the GPS satellites and saving the data. The developed system can be set up anywhere at any location. The sate-up will serve as a database for satellites view and analysis of mobile satellite data orbiting the sky of Northern part of Nigeria. Cost effective referring to a low-cost and readily available GPS receiver that can be easily set-up as compared to equipment designed specifically for an experimental purpose that is normally very expensive.

2009 ◽  
Vol 2009 ◽  
pp. 1-12 ◽  
Nedo Celandroni ◽  
Franco Davoli ◽  
Erina Ferro ◽  
Alberto Gotta

Transportation media are becoming “smart spaces”, where sophisticated services are offered to the passengers. We concentrate on video streaming provided on buses that move in urban, suburban, or highway environments. A content provider utilizes a DVB-S2 satellite link for transmitting video streams to a bus, where they are relayed to passengers' devices. We say that a bus works in smart mode if it takes advantage of the knowledge of the exact points where fixed obstacles will prevent receiving the satellite signal for a certain time period. This information is sent to the hub via a return channel. The hub, in its turn, suspends the transmissions to that specific bus for the given time interval, thus avoiding information losses and unnecessary bandwidth occupation. Buffering video packets, without any quality of service (QoS) degradation, seamlessly compensates channel blockages up to a given duration. We determine the most appropriate transmission parameters for video streaming with good video QoS in a mobile satellite environment; moreover, we evaluate how “smart” the system can be in terms of bandwidth saving, by comparing it with the situation where the bus does not exploit the description of its route, still maintaining the same QoS requirements.

Chun Loo ◽  
E.E. Matt ◽  
J.S. Butterworth ◽  
M. Dufour

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-12 ◽  
Wei Shi ◽  
Zuping Qian ◽  
Jun Zhou ◽  
Xinbo Qu ◽  
Yang Xiang ◽  

A compact polarization tracking active phased array for Ku-band mobile satellite signal reception is presented. In contrast with conventional mechanically tracking antennas, the approach presented here meets the requirements of beam tracking and polarization tracking simultaneously without any servo components. The two-layer stacked square patch fed by two probes is used as antenna element. The impedance bandwidth of 16% for the element covers the operating frequency range from 12.25 GHz to 12.75 GHz. In the presence of mutual coupling, the dimensional parameters for each element of the small 7 × 7 array are optimized during beam scanning and polarization tracking. The compact polarization tracking modules based on the low-temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC) system-in-package (SiP) technology are proposed. A small active phased array prototype with the size of 120 mm (length) × 120 mm (width) × 55 mm (height) is developed. The measured polarization tracking patterns of the prototype are given. The polarization tracking beam can be steered in the elevation up to 50°. The gain of no less than 16.0 dBi and the aperture efficiency of more than 50% are obtained. The measured and simulated polarization tracking patterns agreed well.

2015 ◽  
Vol 75 (8) ◽  
Nur Fadzilah Basri ◽  
Saturi Baco ◽  
W. A. Wan Zainal Abidin ◽  
Saufi Affendy Basri

This paper presents the method to analyse the effect of building on the L-band Mobile Satellite (MS) system using low-power Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. The method includes measurement, experimental and data analysis. The analysis of the signal performance under building effect measurement was carried out with respect to the signal to noise ratio (SNR), elevation and azimuth angle. In measurement method, the National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) sentences obtained from the satellite via GPS receiver was used to get the signal propagation parameters. The NMEA Extractor used to extract the NMEA data using C++ programming language and Ngraph software to construct the graphical presentation for analysis method. The analysis shows relationship between SNR and elevation and azimuth angle. The comparison between open space and building effect was carried out and the results have shown that the presence of the building affect the quality of the satellite signal received. 

2005 ◽  
Vol 63 (5) ◽  
pp. 389-403 ◽  
D. Djebouri ◽  
A. Djebbari ◽  
M. Djebbouri

1990 ◽  
John M. Ruddy ◽  
Robert T. Carlson ◽  
Thomas J. Ferguson ◽  
Ronald A. Haberkorn ◽  
Neal D. Hulkower ◽  

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