scholarly journals The role of free radical oxidation in damage of the stomach and duodenum after limiting resection of the liver (experimental study)

Л.О. Барская ◽  
Т.П. Храмых ◽  
П.А. Ермолаев ◽  
С.В. Пальянов

Предельно допустимые резекции печени являются операциями выбора у пациентов с очаговыми образованиями, при этом остается актуальной проблема язвенных желудочно-кишечных кровотечений после таких операций. В условиях периоперационного стресса активируются процессы свободнорадикального окисления, что оказывает повреждающий эффект на органы и ткани организма. Поэтому целью нашего исследования стала оценка параметров свободнорадикального окисления в желудке и двенадцатиперстной кишке в раннем послеоперационном периоде после предельно допустимой резекции печени с определением срока начальных изменений в этих органах. Методика. Исследование было выполнено на 70 белых беспородных крысах-самцах массой 200-230 г. Резекцию печени по оригинальной методике выполняли 60 животным, 10 интактных крыс составляли группу контроля. Через 6 часов, 12 часов, 1, 3, 7 и 30 суток извлекали желудок и двенадцатиперстную кишку для исследования хемилюминесценции гомогенатов, а также готовили гистологические препараты. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о том, что активация процессов свободнорадикального окисления происходит уже через 12 часов после операции, при этом пик изменений приходится на срок 12 часов в двенадцатиперстной кишке, и на 1 сутки - в желудке. Структурные изменения в этих органах наблюдаются через 12 часов и проявляются формированием эрозий и язв. В желудке эти изменения необратимы, поскольку замещаются рубцом, а в двенадцатиперстной кишке обратимы, так как в позднем послеоперационном периоде замещаются практически зрелым эпителием. Maximum allowable liver resections are the operation of choice for patients with focal formations while the problem of ulcerative gastrointestinal bleeding after such operations remains relevant. Under the conditions of perioperative stress, free radical oxidation processes are activated and exert a detrimental effect on organs and tissues. Therefore, the aim of our study was to evaluate parameters of free radical oxidation in the stomach and duodenum in the early postoperative period after the maximum allowable liver resection and to determine the time of initial changes in these organs. The study was performed on 70 white outbred male rats weighing 200-230 g. Liver resection was performed according to the original method in 60 rats; the control group consisted of 10 intact rats. After 6, 12 h, 1, 3, 7, and 30 days, the stomach and duodenum were excised for a chemiluminescence study of homogenates and a histological study of preparations. Results of the study showed that the activation of free radical oxidation occurred already at 12 h after the surgery. The peak changes occurred at 12 h in the duodenum and at 24 h in the stomach. Structural changes in these organs were observed at 12 h and were evident as erosions and ulcers. In the stomach, these changes were irreversible, since they were replaced with a scar whereas in the duodenum, they were reversible, since they were replaced with almost mature epithelium in the late postoperative period.

L. K. Parkhomenko ◽  
L. A. Strashok ◽  
S. I. Turchina ◽  
G. V. Kosovtsova ◽  

Recently, interest in the problem of free radical oxidation in biological membranes, which is directly related to both the normal functioning of cells and the occurrence, course and outcome of many pathological conditions, has increased again in clinical medicine. The aim was to determine the role and impact of antioxidant defense in boys with hypoandrogenism. The study involved 75 adolescents with hypoandrogenism aged 13–18 years, who underwent a complex of clinical and laboratory examinations. All patients were conducted complex of anthropometric research and determination of the degree of delayed puberty, laboratory and instrumental examination. Free radical oxidation was determined by the levels of malondialdehyde, conjugated dienes, carbonated proteins, superoxide dismutase and catalase in the serum, and restored glutathione and glutathione peroxidase in whole blood. Based on their determination, the coefficient of oxidative stress was calculated. Statistical processing of results was performed using parametric and nonparametric methods. The study of indicators of the free radical oxidation process found that adolescents with hypoandrogenism have multidirectional changes in the oxidation of proteins and lipids, namely: the level of conjugated dienes increases, the concentration of malondialdehyde remains at the level of the control group, and the level of carbonated proteins tends to decrease. As for the activity of antioxidant protection enzymes, a significant decrease in the level of glutathione peroxidase was detected, while the level of superoxide dismutase and catalase remained at the level of normative indicators. Oxidative stress accompanies and is one of the pathogenetic links in the formation or maintenance of the state of hypoandrogenism in boys. This requires the use of antioxidants, the complex of which must be selected individually.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 29-32
Marina Samotrueva ◽  
Anna Yasenyavskaya ◽  
Aleksandra Tsibizova ◽  
Jumazia Erizhepova ◽  
Nikolai Myasoedov ◽  

The experiment is devoted to the study of the antioxidant properties of neuropeptides from melanocortins ACTH(4-7)-Pro-Gly-Pro (Semax) and ACTH(6-9)-ProGly-Pro under conditions of experimental depression. The study was carried out on white outbred male rats. In the process of modeling experimental depression (social stress) inter-male confrontations were observed as a result of which groups of animals with aggressive and submissive behaviors were formed. The free radical oxidation processes were assessed by determining the activity of catalase, the initial content of malondialdehyde (MDA), the rate of spontaneous and ascorbate-dependent lipid peroxidation (LPO) in the hypothalamic and prefrontal regions of the brain by spectrophotometric method. It was found that under the influence of melanocortins, there is a pronounced suppression of the processes of free radical oxidation in the hypothalamic and prefrontal regions of the brain, which arose against the background of a stressful load which is manifested by a decrease in the indicators of the oxidative process.

O. M. Larycheva ◽  
L. D. Chebotar ◽  
T. Ya. Yaroshenko

Introduction.Pathological changes in human body due to light exposure at night are triggered by circadian disruption, inhibition of melatonin secretion by the pineal gland at night that leads to its reduction in blood. Clinical and experimental data indicate high importance of free radical oxidation inthe pathogenesis of pulmonary diseases. The aim of the study – to explore the influence of a melatonin deficiencyin addition to pleurisy on free radical oxidation in the tissues of the lungs of rats exposed to light for 30 days.Research Methods. Experiments were carried out on male albino Wistar rats. The animals were randomized into four groups with 7 animals in each: an intact group, 30 day pineal gland hypofunction, carrageenan pleurisy, 30 day pineal gland hypofunction with carrageenan pleurisy. Pineal gland hypofunction was modeled by 1500 lx fluorescent lamps around the clock. The experimental pleurisy was induced in anesthetized animals by intrapleural injection of 0.1 ml of carrageenan. Superoxide (•О2-) products were determined by the reaction with nitro blue tetrazolium under the influence of NADH, NADP and pirogenal. The concentration of diene conjugates was determined by I.D. Stalna technique, TBA-active products – by I.D. Stalna, T.H. Harishvili method, trienes, ketodienes, - by a modified method based on the molar extinction coefficient.Results and Discussion.Assessingthe intensity of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, a significantincrease of the •О2-level in all sources of its generation in the tissues of the lungs has been observed both in the control group with pleurisy and in the rats with 30-day pineal gland hypofunctionandpleurisy, compared to the intact animals.The chronic pineal gland hypofunction in the animals with experimental pleurisy lead to •О2- generationby the microsomal electron transport chain (ETC) by 54.6 % (р<0.05) when compared with carrageenan group of rats. No significant changes in concentration of the lipid peroxidation products has been observed in the animals with pleurisy during long-term light exposure.Conclusions. Chronic hypofunction of the pineal gland with the carrageenan-induced pleurisy causes activation of the free radical processes in the rats’ lung tissues and occur as hyperproduction of the superoxide anion radical by the microsomal chain of oxidation. This fact denotes probable abnormalities in the function of the microsomal electron transport chains especially under the condition change of properties of dehydrogenases. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 133-137
Anastasiya S. Brichagina ◽  
Mariya I. Dolgikh ◽  
Larisa R. Kolesnikova ◽  
Larisa V. Natyaganova

Various pathologies, in particular hypertension, accompany violation of the processes of free radical oxidation. The state of the system lipid peroxidation – antioxidant protection can be assessed only by a complex of biochemical methods. The chemiluminescent method is used to obtain a faster result. The method has a number of advantages: measurement of chemiluminescence parameters is carried out in natural conditions and does not require sample preparation, is highly selective, it can be used to identify the presence of free radical pathology, analysis of the intensity of lipid peroxidation processes, the effectiveness of treatment with antioxidant medicament. The aim of the research was to study the lipid peroxidation under hypertension and stress by chemiluminescence. The experiment was conducted on male rats of the ISIAH line. The experiment consisted of 2 stages: stage of alarm and stage of chronic stress. We found that, depending on the type of stress, the state of the system lipid peroxidation-antioxidant protection differed. The role of stress in violation of the processes of lipoperoxidation in hypertension was established. The efficacy of the chemiluminescence method as an alternative to a complex of biochemical methods is shown. Express assessment of pro- and antioxidant status is possible for patients with hypertension.

D Wickens ◽  
M H Wilkins ◽  
J Lunec ◽  
G Ball ◽  
T L Dormandy

Using recently developed methods for measuring free-radical oxidation products in biological material, plasma extracts were studied in 24 women in the first two trimesters of pregnancy, in 124 women in the third trimester of pregnancy, in 20 women with pre-eclamptic toxaemia (PET), and in a control group. There was a significant progressive rise of two groups of free-radical oxidation products throughout pregnancy and a significantly greater rise in PET. In women whose diastolic blood pressure rose to above 70 mmHg there was a highly significant relation between two groups of free-radical reaction products and blood pressure.

Ye. O. Loza ◽  
M. I. Marushchak

Introduction. Wound healing according to modern concepts is a coordinated process that passes through certain stages with the participation of different cells and products of its vital functions that regulate the healing process. It is well known that in patients with diabetes there is a violation of the process of wound healing, although until now, all the features of diabetes underlying such an inclination have not been fully understood.The aim of the study – to identify the features of oxidative stress on the background of diabetes mellitus in the rat's homogenate when different methods of closing wounds had been used. Research Methods. The experiment was conducted on 60 male rats weighing 280–320 g, which pre-simulated diabetes mellitus and surgical wounds. To detect the activation of free radical oxidation processes, the content of active forms of oxygen (AFC), lipid hydroperoxides (HPL), diene conjugates (DK) and trienic conjugates (TC) and oxidation modifications of proteins (OMP370 and OMP430). To study the antioxidant defense system, activity of superoxide dismutase was determined. Also, the activity of catalase and sulfhydryl groups (SH-groups) was determined.Results and Discussion. The research conducted by us showed that during the wounded process, on the background of diabetes, the activity of free radical oxidation processes increased. However, in the animal skin homogenates, which are labeled "Dermabond", all indices are significantly lower than in the group of animals that have been sewed over the course of all research periods. In the early stages of scar formation (3 days), an increase in the activity of the antioxidant defense system in both groups was observed. At the same time, in the experimental group of animals, which imposed the nodal seams, the activity of SOD and catalase significantly exceeded the skin index of animals, which applied glue and made (199.81±7.59) UM and (175.02±8.31) cat/kg, respectively.Conclusion. The use of skin glue reduces the intensity of the course of free radical oxidation in the cells of the scar tissue of the postoperative wound in conditions of diabetes mellitus in comparison with the imposition of nodal sutures on it: in the skin of animals, which is applied to the "Dermabond" glue, all indicators are significantly lower than in the group of animals, which imposed seam joints, throughout all research periods. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 12-17
A. V. Elikov

Objective: to study the main indicators of free radical oxidation and antioxidant protection in the erythrocytes of former athletes, depending on the period of termination of sports.Materials and methods: 24 former male athletes aged 19–29 years were examined, who were divided into 2 groups of 12 people each (1st group — former athletes who stopped training for up to 2 years; 2nd — over 2 years). The control group consisted of 15 practically healthy untrained student volunteers of the same age. In erythrocytes, spectrophotometrically (spectrophotometer Shimadzu 1240, Japan), the activity of antioxidant enzymes was determined: superoxide dismutase (SOD) (K.F. — by inhibiting the reduction of nitro blue tetrazolium by superoxide anion radical at λ = 540 nm, after preliminary processing of erythrocytes by the method of Dubinina E.E. and others [8]; catalase (K.F. — according to the rate of utilization of hydrogen peroxide at λ = 260 nm; glutathione peroxidase (HP) (KF — by the change in the content of reduced glutathione in samples before and after incubation of the substrate with dithiobis-nitrobenzoic acid at λ = 412 nm; glutathione reductase (GR) (K.F. — according to the catalytic NADPH ∙ H+-dependent transformation of the oxidized form of glutathione into the reduced form, the intensity of which was estimated by the rate of decrease in the extinction of samples at λ = 340 nm, at which the NADPH H+ solution has a maximum light absorption (Warburg test).Results: the direction of the shifts in the state of the oxidative balance was established depending on the period of detraining. A significantly lower value of the total antioxidant activity was revealed in the former athletes of the 1st group. This phenomenon is probably associated with a decrease in the efficiency of the enzymatic link of the antioxidant defense in the absence of regular physical exertion, and, as a consequence, an increased consumption of non-enzymatic antioxidants. It was found that the early post-sports period is characterized by significantly lower, in comparison with the control group, the values of the activity of the first-order enzymes (superoxide dismutase) against the background of the increased activity of the second-order enzymes (catalase).Conclusions: the obtained data can be recommended for monitoring the state of athletes who stopped playing sports and taken into account when prescribing rehabilitation measures for the corresponding contingent.

2019 ◽  
Vol 100 (3) ◽  
pp. 439-444
S E Lorents ◽  
E N Mazko ◽  
O G Makarova ◽  
A Yu Zharikov ◽  
Yu V Korenovskiy ◽  

Aim. To determine the effect of Leu-Ile-Lys tripeptide on indicators of oxidative stress and expression of cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 in the gastric mucosa on the background of experimental indomethacin-induced ulcer. Methods. Experiments were performed on 35 male Wistar rats with a body mass of 200-250 g aged 2-3 months that were divided into 3 groups: the control group (intact rats, 8 animals), control group (simulation of indomethacin-induced gastropathy, 12 animals) experimental group (simulation of indomethacin-induced gastropathy + administration of Leu-Ile-Lys tripeptide, 15 animals). The tripeptide Leu-Ile-Lys obtained by chemical synthesis (sample purity at least 98%) was administered intragastrically daily for 7 days before the simulation of indomethacin-induced damage of the gastric mucosa in a dose of 11.5 mg/kg. The model of indomethacin-induced damage to the rodent gastric mucosa was reproduced by a single intragastric administration of indomethacin in a dose of 60 mg/kg in 1 ml of saline. In the stomach homogenate the activity of free radical oxidation was determined by conventional methods. For quantitative determination of cyclooxygenase-1, -2 in gastric homogenate the method of enzyme immunoassay was used. The concentration was determined spectrometrically by the color intensity of the samples. Results. With a prophylactic administration of tripeptide Leu-Ile-Lys, concentration of tiobarbiturate-reactive products was normalized, total antioxidant activity increased and the activity of antioxidant enzymes decreased compared to the control group. The concentration of cyclooxygenase-2 in gastric homogenate from the experimental animals was 2.3 times lower than that of the control rats. Conclusion. Use of Leu-Ile-Lys tripeptide in experimental indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer showed a significant decrease of oxidative damage and inflammation in the gastric mucosa.

O. V. Dzhyhaliuk ◽  
H. I. Stepaniuk ◽  
N. V. Zaichko ◽  
S. I. Kovalenko ◽  
K. P. Shabelnyk

According to the literature the leading cause of mortality among the population of Ukraine are cardiovascular diseases, what incidence tripled over the past 25 years and today stands at801.6 in100 000. It necessitates a search for new chemical compounds, suitable for creating manufacturing with a better safety profile and a high degree of efficiency.The aim of the study was to describe the effect of 4-[4-oxo-4N-quinazoline-3- il] benzoic acid (PC-66), compared with kordaron on the processes of free radical oxidation, endothelial nitric oxide production and activity of marker enzymes cytolysis cardiomyocytes adrenaline myocardiodystrophy (AMD) in rats.The study was conducted on 28 nonlinear rats of both sexes (weight – 165–220 grams), divided into four groups: group I (n = 7) – intact rats; group II (n = 7) – rats with untreated AMD (control); group III (n = 7) – rats with AMD treated with entity PC-66 (10 mg/kg intraperitoneally (i/p)); Group IV (n = 7) – rats with AMD treated with kordaron (10 mg/kg, i/p).Research shown that the development of a pilot AMD in rats was characterized by increased free radical oxidation processes, depletion of antioxidant defense system (with decreased content of G-SH, activity of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase), oppression of endothelial NO production. The most expressive metabolic disturbances were registered in the acute period of AMD (as of 2nd day). The use of 4-[4-oxo-4N-quinazoline-3-il] benzoic acid (PC-66, 10 mg/kg, i/p) provided an expressive cardioprotective effect which was compared with kordaron (10 mg/kg, i/p) at various stages of AMD.The mechanisms of cardioprotective action 4-[4-oxo-4N-quinazoline-3-il] benzoic acid can be realized due to the stabilization of cellular and subcellular membranes (as evidenced by the dynamics of marker enzymes cytolysis cardiomyocytes in serum and reduction of TBA-reactive substances in the myocardium), increasing the efficiency of the antioxidant system and correction of cellular redox buffer (as evidenced by the increasing pool of reduced glutathione, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activity increased) and anti-ischemic activity associated with increased activity of endothelial NO synthase in cardiac muscle.

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