Partition Coefficients of Methylated DNA Bases Obtained from Free Energy Calculations with Molecular Electron Density Derived Atomic Charges.

2018 ◽  
Alejandro Lara ◽  
Maximiliano Riquelme ◽  
Esteban Vöhringer-Martinez

<div> <div> <div> <p>Partition coefficients serve in various areas as pharmacology and environmental sciences to predict the hydrophobicity of different substances. Recently, they have been also used to address the accuracy of force fields for various organic compounds and specifically the methylated DNA bases. In this study atomic charges were derived by different partitioning methods (Hirshfeld and Minimal Basis Iterative Stockholder) directly from the electron density obtained by electronic structure calculations in vac- uum, with an implicit solvation model or with explicit solvation taking the dynamics of the solute and the solvent into account. To test the ability of these charges to describe electrostatic interactions in force fields for condensed phases the original atomic charges of the AMBER99 force field were replaced with the new atomic charges and combined with different solvent models to obtain the hydration and chloroform solvation free energies by molecular dynamics simulations. Chloroform-water partition coefficients derived from the obtained free energies were compared to experimental and previously reported values obtained with the GAFF or the AMBER-99 force field. The results show that good agreement with experimental data is obtained when the polarization of the electron density by the solvent has been taken into account deriving the atomic charges of polar DNA bases and when the energy needed to polarize the electron den- sity of the solute has been considered in the transfer free energy. These results were further confirmed by hydration free energies of polar and aromatic amino acid side chain analogues. Comparison of the two partitioning methods Hirsheld-I and Minimal Basis Iterative Stockholder (MBIS) revealed some deficiencies in the Hirshfeld-I method related to nonexistent isolated anionic nitrogen pro-atoms used in the method. Hydration free energies and partitioning coefficients obtained with atomic charges from the MBIS partitioning method accounting for polarization by the implicit solvation model are in good agreement with the experimental values. </p> </div> </div> </div>

2018 ◽  
Alejandro Lara ◽  
Maximiliano Riquelme ◽  
Esteban Vöhringer-Martinez

<div> <div> <div> <p>Partition coefficients serve in various areas as pharmacology and environmental sciences to predict the hydrophobicity of different substances. Recently, they have been also used to address the accuracy of force fields for various organic compounds and specifically the methylated DNA bases. In this study atomic charges were derived by different partitioning methods (Hirshfeld and Minimal Basis Iterative Stockholder) directly from the electron density obtained by electronic structure calculations in vac- uum, with an implicit solvation model or with explicit solvation taking the dynamics of the solute and the solvent into account. To test the ability of these charges to describe electrostatic interactions in force fields for condensed phases the original atomic charges of the AMBER99 force field were replaced with the new atomic charges and combined with different solvent models to obtain the hydration and chloroform solvation free energies by molecular dynamics simulations. Chloroform-water partition coefficients derived from the obtained free energies were compared to experimental and previously reported values obtained with the GAFF or the AMBER-99 force field. The results show that good agreement with experimental data is obtained when the polarization of the electron density by the solvent has been taken into account deriving the atomic charges of polar DNA bases and when the energy needed to polarize the electron den- sity of the solute has been considered in the transfer free energy. These results were further confirmed by hydration free energies of polar and aromatic amino acid side chain analogues. Comparison of the two partitioning methods Hirsheld-I and Minimal Basis Iterative Stockholder (MBIS) revealed some deficiencies in the Hirshfeld-I method related to nonexistent isolated anionic nitrogen pro-atoms used in the method. Hydration free energies and partitioning coefficients obtained with atomic charges from the MBIS partitioning method accounting for polarization by the implicit solvation model are in good agreement with the experimental values. </p> </div> </div> </div>

2019 ◽  
Maximiliano Riquelme ◽  
Esteban Vöhringer-Martinez

In molecular modeling the description of the interactions between molecules forms the basis for a correct prediction of macroscopic observables. Here, we derive atomic charges from the implicitly polarized electron density of eleven molecules in the SAMPL6 challenge using the Hirshfeld-I and Minimal Basis Set Iterative Stockholder(MBIS) partitioning method. These atomic charges combined with other parameters in the GAFF force field and different water/octanol models were then used in alchemical free energy calculations to obtain hydration and solvation free energies, which after correction for the polarization cost, result in the blind prediction of the partition coefficient. From the tested partitioning methods and water models the S-MBIS atomic charges with the TIP3P water model presented the smallest deviation from the experiment. Conformational dependence of the free energies and the energetic cost associated with the polarization of the electron density are discussed.

2019 ◽  
Maximiliano Riquelme ◽  
Esteban Vöhringer-Martinez

In molecular modeling the description of the interactions between molecules forms the basis for a correct prediction of macroscopic observables. Here, we derive atomic charges from the implicitly polarized electron density of eleven molecules in the SAMPL6 challenge using the Hirshfeld-I and Minimal Basis Set Iterative Stockholder(MBIS) partitioning method. These atomic charges combined with other parameters in the GAFF force field and different water/octanol models were then used in alchemical free energy calculations to obtain hydration and solvation free energies, which after correction for the polarization cost, result in the blind prediction of the partition coefficient. From the tested partitioning methods and water models the S-MBIS atomic charges with the TIP3P water model presented the smallest deviation from the experiment. Conformational dependence of the free energies and the energetic cost associated with the polarization of the electron density are discussed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 96 (12) ◽  
pp. 1001-1009
Berkane Ariche ◽  
Ali Rahmouni

SMD and IEF-PCM continuum solvation models have been used, in combination with three quantum chemistry methods (B3LYP, M062X, and CBS-QB3), to study the acidities of pyrrole, indole, and carbazole, as well as their hydrocarbon analogues in DMSO, following a direct thermodynamic method. Theoretical parameters such as aromaticity indices (HOMA and SA), molecular electrostatic potential (MEP), and atomic charges have been calculated using B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level of theory. Calculated pKa values indicate that there is generally good agreement with experimental data, with all deviations being less than the acceptable error for directly calculated pKa values. The M062X functional combined with the SMD solvation model provided the most accurate pKa values. The MEP surfaces clearly show the electron density change accompanying the deprotonation process and explain the relative stability of conjugate bases. The HOMA aromaticity indices seem to be directly related to acidity strength. The collected data have been used to elucidate the pKa trends for the series of molecules under consideration.

2018 ◽  
Maximiliano Riquelme ◽  
Alejandro Lara ◽  
David L. Mobley ◽  
Toon Vestraelen ◽  
Adelio R Matamala ◽  

<div>Computer simulations of bio-molecular systems often use force fields, which are combinations of simple empirical atom-based functions to describe the molecular interactions. Even though polarizable force fields give a more detailed description of intermolecular interactions, nonpolarizable force fields, developed several decades ago, are often still preferred because of their reduced computation cost. Electrostatic interactions play a major role in bio-molecular systems and are therein described by atomic point charges.</div><div>In this work, we address the performance of different atomic charges to reproduce experimental hydration free energies in the FreeSolv database in combination with the GAFF force field. Atomic charges were calculated by two atoms-in-molecules approaches, Hirshfeld-I and Minimal Basis Iterative Stockholder (MBIS). To account for polarization effects, the charges were derived from the solute's electron density computed with an implicit solvent model and the energy required to polarize the solute was added to the free energy cycle. The calculated hydration free energies were analyzed with an error model, revealing systematic errors associated with specific functional groups or chemical elements. The best agreement with the experimental data is observed for the MBIS atomic charge method, including the solvent polarization, with a root mean square error of 2.0 kcal mol<sup>-1</sup> for the 613 organic molecules studied. The largest deviation was observed for phosphor-containing molecules and the molecules with amide, ester and amine functional groups.</div>

2012 ◽  
Vol 11 (02) ◽  
pp. 283-295 ◽  

In this work, calculations of p K b values have been performed for aniline and its substituted derivatives and sulfonamide drugs by using Gaussian 98 software package. Gas-phase energies were calculated with HF /6-31 G ** and B3LYP /6-31 G ** levels of theory. Free energies of solvation have been computed using the polarizable continuum model (PCM), conductor-like polarizable continuum model (CPCM) and the integral equation formalism-polarizable continuum model (IEFPCM) at the same levels which have been used for geometry determination in the gas-phase. The results show that the calculated p K b values using the B3LYP /6-31 G ** are better than those using the corresponding HF /6-31 G **. At first, the correlation equation was found to determine the p K b values of the investigated anilines. Then, this correlation equation was used to calculate the p K b values of the sulfonamide drugs. The results obtained indicate that the PCM model is a suitable solvation model for calculating p K b values in comparison to the other solvation models. For the investigated compounds a good agreement between the experimental and the calculated p K b values was also observed.

2000 ◽  
Vol 113 (9) ◽  
pp. 3930-3930
Tianhai Zhu ◽  
Jiabo Li ◽  
Gregory D. Hawkins ◽  
Christopher J. Cramer ◽  
Donald G. Truhlar

1995 ◽  
Vol 99 (18) ◽  
pp. 7137-7146 ◽  
David J. Giesen ◽  
Christopher J. Cramer ◽  
Donald G. Truhlar

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