scholarly journals The Education Rights of Street-Involved Children

2007 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Sonja Grover

This paper provides an overview of certain key aspects of the practical and legal situation of street-involved children globally. The inadequate protection of these children under both domestic and international law is addressed. The diversity of the population of street-involved children is considered as is the fact that this group is composed of both legally stateless and de facto stateless children. The relationship of street involvement to child labor, various health risks and victimization is discussed. The educational needs of older street-involved children are addressed including their right to participate in decision-making regarding aspects of educational service design and delivery. The overall objective of this paper is to encourage those who are involved in, or could impact upon educational policy to include street-involved children in their educational planning implementation and advocacy efforts.

Martti Koskenniemi

This chapter introduces the themes and the chapters of the book. It points out that there has been no clear tradition of research on the relations of ‘international law’ and ‘religion’. Hence, for the production of this work, there was no stable ground. The editors have tried to avoid pronouncing on the value of ‘more’ or ‘less’ intense engagement between international law and religion; instead the point has been to focus the various, often hidden forms of their alliance. Any study of ‘religion’ and ‘international law’ must confront the fact that both terms are complex wholes of ideas and practices whose scope and meaning is contested by people most intimately connected to them. Even to ask the question of the ‘relationship of international law and religion’ is scarcely more than to gesture towards further inquiries and research agendas about how each entity should be best approached.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Ayu Ratuati Setiawan ◽  
Feny Tunjungsari ◽  
Mochamad Aleq Sander

BACKGROUND: Cancer is a disease caused by abnormal growth of body cells that turn malignant and continue to grow uncontrollably. One of the treatments for breast cancer is mastectomy. The quickness of decision-making determines the survival rate of prognosis patients. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine the relationship of self-acceptance with decision-making duration in cancer patients to perform a mastectomy. METHODS: An analytic observation method with cross-sectional design. The samples were taken by purposive sampling method with 50 samples of breast cancer patients. Data collected include age, last level of education, marital status, profession, stage of cancer during mastectomy, self-acceptance score, and decision-making duration to perform a mastectomy. RESULTS: The data analyzed with the Kruskal–Wallis test. The test showed the relationship of self-acceptance (p = 0.027) with decision-making duration in breast cancer patients to perform a mastectomy. CONCLUSION: In Conclusion, there is a relationship of self-acceptance with decision-making duration in breast cancer patients to perform a mastectomy.

2010 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 507-527 ◽  

AbstractThis article considers the relationship of international law and the media through the prism of human rights. In the first section the international regulation of the media is examined and visions of good, bad, and new media emerge. In the second section, the enquiry is reversed and the article explores the ways in which the media is shaping international legal forms and processes in the field of human rights. This is termed the ‘mediatization of international law’. Yet despite hopes for new media and the Internet to transform international law, the theoretical work of Jodi Dean warns of the danger to democracy of commodification through the spread of ‘communicative capitalism’.

1979 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 207-211 ◽  
A.J.R. Finlayson ◽  
G. Bartolucci ◽  
D.L. Streiner

A lessening of personal discomfort felt by residents on-call in the Emergency Psychiatric Service has resulted from changes in the frequency of being on-call, exclusion of beginning residents from duty and arranging for the presence of a faculty psychiatrist for one or two hours during each on-call period. Coincidental significant reductions in the number of cases admitted to hospital and reductions in the proportion of discrepancies between diagnoses made by the emergency resident and those made later by inpatient unit staff have been described. The relationship of the changes in resident experience to the reduction in admissions and decreased proportion of diagnostic discrepancy has been discussed using a model of the process of emergency psychiatric admission described earlier by Bartolucci et al. (1). Less isolation, anxiety and some increased experience on the part of the psychiatric residents on duty in the Emergency Psychiatric Service results in greater awareness and better appraisal of the nonmedical aspects of psychiatric emergencies.

2009 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 225-249 ◽  

AbstractHans Kelsen is known both as a legal theorist and as an international lawyer. This article shows that his theory of international law is an integral part of the Kelsenian Pure Theory of Law. Two areas of international law are analysed: first, Kelsen's coercive order paradigm and its relationship to the bellum iustum doctrine; second, the Kelsenian notion of the unity of all law vis-à-vis theories of the relationship of international and municipal law. In a second step, the results of Kelsenian general legal theory of the late period – as interpreted and developed by the present author – are reapplied to selected doctrines of international law. Thus is the coercive order paradigm resolved, the unity of law dissolved, and the UN Charter reinterpreted to show that the concretization of norms as positive international law cannot be unmade by a scholarship usurping the right to make law.

2019 ◽  
Vol 113 ◽  
pp. 180-191 ◽  
Hazmimi Kasim ◽  
Che Rosmani Che Hassan ◽  
Mahar Diana Hamid ◽  
Sina Davazdah Emami ◽  
Mahmood Danaee

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