2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Agus Saiful Abib

<p>Indonesia adalah negara hukum (<em>rechtsstaat</em>), oleh karena itu hukum nasional harus berdaulat dan menjadi panglima dalam menyelesaiaikan seluruh permasalahan bangsa. Akan tetapi penyelesaian perselisihan antara negara dengan warga negara asing mengenai penanaman modal dalam hegemoni hukum arbitrase internasinal, dimana pemerintah menyerahkan mekanismenya kepada <em>International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputte</em> (ICSID). Fokus permasalahan makalah ini adalah Bagaimanakah keuntungan dan kerugian pemerintah Indonesia dalam penyelesian perselisihan antara negara dengan warganegara asing mengenai penanaman modal melalui ICSID? Bagaimanakah konsep penyelesian perselisihan antara negara dengan warga negara asing mengenai penanaman modal dalam sistem hukum nasional berbasis Pancasila?</p><p>Metode yang digunakan dalam makalah ini adalah Analisa kualitatif dengan menggunakan paradigma postpositivisme (Guba &amp; Lincoln) yang disinergikan dengan pendekatan sosiolegal. Penulisan makalah ini mengungkapkan Hukum nasional merupakan hukum yang dibangun oleh bangsa Indonesia sendiri berdasarkan nilai ketuhanan, nilai kemanusiaan dan nilai kemasyarakatan yang merupakan nilai agung Pancasila sebagai pandangan hidup bangsa Indonesia guna mewujudkan tujuan negara. Indonesia mengalami kerugian sangat besar ketika penyelesaian perselisihan antara negara dengan warganegara asing mengenai penanaman modal diserahkan kepada ICSID, Oleh karena itu, perselisihan penanaman modal sebaiknya diselesaikan oleh badan arbitrase ASEAN.</p><p>Indonesia is a state of law (rechtsstaat), therefore the national law must be sovereign and be the commander in solving all the problems of the nation. However, the settlement of disputes between the state and foreign citizens concerning investment in the hegemony of the international arbitration law, in which the government submits its mechanism to the International Center for Settlements of Investment Disputes (ICSID). The focus of this paper issue is how are the gains and losses of the Indonesian government in settling disputes between the state and foreign citizens on investment through ICSID? What is the concept of dispute settlement between state and foreign citizen regarding investment in national legal system based on Pancasila?</p><p>               The method used in this paper is qualitative analysis using postpositivism paradigm (Guba &amp; Lincoln) synergized with sociolegal approach. The writing of this paper reveals the national law is a law that was built by the Indonesian people themselves based on the value of divinity, humanitarian values and community values which is the great value of Pancasila as a view of life of the Indonesian nation in order to realize the purpose of the state. Indonesia suffers enormous losses when the settlement of disputes between the state and foreign citizens concerning investment is left to ICSID. Therefore, investment disputes should be resolved by the ASEAN arbitration body.</p><pre> </pre>

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Agus Saiful Abib

<p>Indonesia adalah negara hukum (<em>rechtsstaat</em>), oleh karena itu hukum nasional harus berdaulat dan menjadi panglima dalam menyelesaiaikan seluruh permasalahan bangsa. Akan tetapi penyelesaian perselisihan antara negara dengan warga negara asing mengenai penanaman modal dalam hegemoni hukum arbitrase internasinal, dimana pemerintah menyerahkan mekanismenya kepada <em>International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputte</em> (ICSID). Fokus permasalahan makalah ini adalah Bagaimanakah keuntungan dan kerugian pemerintah Indonesia dalam penyelesian perselisihan antara negara dengan warganegara asing mengenai penanaman modal melalui ICSID? Bagaimanakah konsep penyelesian perselisihan antara negara dengan warga negara asing mengenai penanaman modal dalam sistem hukum nasional berbasis Pancasila. Metode yang digunakan dalam makalah ini adalah Analisa kualitatif dengan menggunakan paradigma postpositivisme (Guba &amp; Lincoln) yang disinergikan dengan pendekatan sosiolegal. Penulisan makalah ini mengungkapkan Hukum nasional merupakan hukum yang dibangun oleh bangsa Indonesia sendiri berdasarkan nilai ketuhanan, nilai kemanusiaan dan nilai kemasyarakatan yang merupakan nilai agung Pancasila sebagai pandangan hidup bangsa Indonesia guna mewujudkan tujuan negara. Indonesia mengalami kerugian sangat besar ketika penyelesaian perselisihan antara negara dengan warganegara asing mengenai penanaman modal diserahkan kepada ICSID, Oleh karena itu, perselisihan penanaman modal sebaiknya diselesaikan oleh badan arbitrase ASEAN.</p><p>Indonesia is a state of law (rechtsstaat), therefore the national law must be sovereign and be the commander in solving all the problems of the nation. However, the settlement of disputes between the state and foreign citizens concerning investment in the hegemony of the international arbitration law, in which the government submits its mechanism to the International Center for Settlements of Investment Disputes (ICSID). The focus of this paper issue is how are the gains and losses of the Indonesian government in settling disputes between the state and foreign citizens on investment through ICSID? What is the concept of dispute settlement between state and foreign citizen regarding investment in national legal system based on Pancasila? The method used in this paper is qualitative analysis using postpositivism paradigm (Guba &amp; Lincoln) synergized with sociolegal approach. The writing of this paper reveals the national law is a law that was built by the Indonesian people themselves based on the value of divinity, humanitarian values and community values which is the great value of Pancasila as a view of life of the Indonesian nation in order to realize the purpose of the state. Indonesia suffers enormous losses when the settlement of disputes between the state and foreign citizens concerning investment is left to ICSID. Therefore, investment disputes should be resolved by the ASEAN arbitration body.</p><pre> </pre>

2008 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Budi Darmono

AbstrakThe Constitution of 1945 was not amended for 54 years. Some people evenregarded it as 'sacred' constitution because it was 'untouchable '. Somepeople said that it was not amended because it was advantageous for therulers. This Constitution was, in fact, concise. It consisted of three parts. Thefirst is Pembukaan or Preamble. The Preamble contained, and still containsthe Pancasila, the state 's fundamental norms. The second part is the BatangTubuh or Body. This consisted of only 37 articles of primary provisions, 4articles of transitional provisions, and 2 articles of additional provisions.The third part was the Penjelasan or Elucidation (explanatorymemorandum). According to point IV of the Elucidation, the reason for theConstitution's conciseness was to avoid rigidity. The Elucidation describedsociety as dynamic and volatile, especially in time of revolution. Therefore, ifdetailed matters were stipulated in the Constitution, the state might not havebeen able to keep up with the changes in society. Furthermore, point IV ofElucidation stated that despite the Constitution is concise, the most importantthing in running the government is the semangat or spirit of those who runthe government.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-90
Ramadhani Puji Astutik ◽  
Anita Trisiana

The formation of Indonesia's national legal system cannot be separated from the politics of law, because it is used as a guide in the process of making and enforcing the law to achieve a dream and national goal. The formation of the legal system in Indonesia has not gone well, Indonesia should have its own law. By having its own law, Indonesia will have national identity and will be seen as advanced by other countries. The formation of the national legal system in Indonesia is heavily influenced by external elements. It should maintain all the material sources of law that already exist in Indonesia. The objective of this study is to describe the formation of the national legal system in the State of Indonesia. This study uses a normative approach by using secondary data from library materials. The results of this study indicate that the formation of a national legal system is a process of developing a legal system and along with its element. With the development of the national legal system, it must be able to replace the Dutch colonial legal products with its own legal products. The development of the national legal system is a way to make changes in Indonesian legal products that must be in accordance with the values that are in people's lives. In the process of legal development, it is impossible to be separated from a legal politics.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Laras Susanti

The Covid-19 pandemic has cost human lives and threaten the world’s economy. Responding to this unprecedented history, governments are expected to take both public health and economic recovery actions. This article conveys analysis on how Indonesian courts might examine government tort cases on the government’s liability in handling the pandemic. A normative juridical method is used to analyze primary and secondary legal sources. The writer finds that with the enactment of Law Number 30 of 2014 on Government Administration, a government concrete action is also an object to suing government before the state administrative court. Furthermore, the recent Supreme Court Regulation Number 2 of 2019 on Guidance Dispute Settlement Mechanism of Government Action and Competence to Adjudicate Government Tort governs that the state administrative court is the only court that has competence over government tort. As a result, claims of government tort submitted to the general court must be dismissed. In fact, this recent development created confusion on the side of justice seekers and judges as well that might affect the outcome of Covid-19 government tort claims. Studying previous government tort cases and focusing its exploration on the development of government immunity and liability, this article finds that Indonesian courts use Article 1365 Civil Code equipped with laws and regulations in administrative governance and specific fields legal frameworks to examine government tort cases. Even though such laws may state that the government may not be sued, the courts may use the Constitution of 1945 to establish a right to sue. During the Covid-19 pandemic, laws and regulations related to disaster and public health management along with the public interest principle must be examined to determine government tort.

2006 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-151
Hans Christian Korsholm Nielsen

AbstractThe elders of the villages and towns of Upper Egypt frequently convene councils for the settlement of disputes. These councils, which are independent of the state, deal with such matters as rights in water and land and also with succession disputes. Larger councils settle conflicts arising from homicide or feuds. I argue here that these councils should be analyzed as an integral part of society and that their relationship to the state is many-facetted. The continued importance of these institutions cannot be understood if one views customary law and reconciliation councils as no more than a reaction to a corrupt and unjust official legal system

2017 ◽  
Vol 71 (0) ◽  
pp. 61-71
Robert Grzeszczak

The article concerns primarily the effects of the membership of the European Union on national (Polish) law and, to a limited extent, on the political system of a state. The conclusions presented in the article are of universal value. Although the article deals with Polish affairs, the principles, tendencies and consequences identified are typical of the relationship state – the EU, both before and after accession, regardless of the state concerned. It should be, however, noted that the path to membership and the membership itself are different in each case. The practice of the Polish membership of the European Union, its systemic dimension and the changes in the national legal system (Europeanisation) do not differ significantly than in the case of other Member States. Europeanisation of Polish law, politics, economy, culture and society has been in progress since the 1990s. One can differentiate between two stages of Europeanisation: before and after Poland’s EU accession, each characterised by different conditions. Over time, this process, on the whole, has been undergoing numerous changes but it has never weakened in importance. Poland faces issues such as poor legitimation of integration processes, supremacy of the government over the parliament, passivity of parliamentary committees in controlling the government and EU institutions in the decision making process, as well as dilution of responsibility for decisions taken within the EU. The process of Europeanisation relies mostly on direct application of the standards of EU law in the national legal system, implementation of directives into national law and harmonisation or standardisation of national legal solutions so that they comply with the EU framework. It is also reception of a common, European (Union) axiology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 175-186
Airton Roberto Guelfi ◽  
Gisele Tafarelo Guelfi ◽  
Nathalia Horizonte Bacelar

This article introducea theoretical discussion that starts from the historical-social moment present in the face of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 in face of the uncontrolled increase in contamination worldwide and, consequently, the increasing number of deaths. It became necessary to go beyond the field of health sciences for a legal analysis, tracing a path that is established with governmental measures through administrative acts edited by the Federal and State Executive as means to confrontthe pandemic. With the publication of these administrative acts, there are important criminal consequences that must in fact be observed so that they do not become a dead letter in the legal system. All efforts by the State asthe manager of a health policy must be supported in that State as the manager and executor of a criminal policy. Based on this factor, the study written here seeks to conduct a discussion on the repercussions that affect the field of Criminal Law as a result of non-compliance with the measures imposed by the Government and the consequent liability of the offending agent.

2016 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 162
Yulies Tiena Masriani

Today the Indonesian economic system recognizes and applies the principles of Sharia into the National Legal System. Those principles are based on the value of justice, mutuality, equality, benefit and universalism (rahmatan lil ‘alamin), particular in agreement (Akad). An Akad is laid down into an notary deed, the the parties are deemed to have agreed its contents and consequences. If one of the parties does not perform his obligation, there can emerge a dispute in the implementation of Sharia economic transactions. Therefore, the position of a notary deed is very important as an evidence in the dispute settlement. Saat ini sistem ekonomi Indonesia mengakui dan menerapkan prinsip-prinsipnya Syariah ke dalam Sistem Hukum Nasional. Prinsip Syariah berlandaskan pada nilai nilai keadilan, kebersamaan, pemerataan, kemanfaatan dan keuniversalan (rahmatan lil ‘alamin) khususnya Akad. Akad dituangkan dalam suatu akta notariil, maka para pihak dianggap telah menyetujui semua isi Akad dan konsekuensinya. Para pihak harus melaksanakan hak dan kewajibannya sesuai dengan isi akta tersebut. Apabila salah satu pihak tidak melaksanakan Akad tersebut, maka menimbulkan terjadinya sengketa dalam pelaksanaan transaksi ekonomi syariah. Oleh sebab itu, kedudukan akta notariil sangat penting sebagai alat bukti dalam penyelesain sengketa tersebut.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 395-425 ◽  

AbstractThe World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement process allows a defending Member a ‘reasonable period of time’ (RPT) to implement any findings that its contested measures are inconsistent with WTO law. If agreement on this RPT cannot be reached, Article 21.3(c) of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU) provides for the possibility of arbitration on the length of the RPT. The DSU provides limited guidelines on the RPT, stating only that it should not normally exceed 15 months. In practice, Arbitrators have developed the standard that the RPT should reflect the shortest possible period under the domestic legal system of the defending Member to make the changes necessary to comply with the WTO rulings. Our research confirms that in practice Arbitrators have determined this period by ‘splitting the difference’ approximately between the periods suggested by the complaining and defending Member. In addition, the process appears to reward defending Members that request an RPT that exceeds the 15-month guideline in Article 21.3(c).

1972 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-129 ◽  
Simon Roberts

In almost all the former British African territories the colonial power tried to make use of the traditional dispute settlement agencies which it found on arrival. The history of these efforts is familiar, following a generally similar course in most territories. The arrangements made in the early years were haphazard; a good deal of formalization took place around 1930; more profound changes were initiated in the early 1960's and have continued since. But the familiar legislative history yields little information about what has been happening on the ground. We know very little of the way in which the traditional agencies drawn into the official system actually reacted towards this process of incorporation. Leaving aside what the statute may have said, have they remained the agencies to which Africans actually resorted for the settlement of their disputes? Has the type of business coming before them changed? Similarly we know little about those agencies, typically at the lower levels, which did not undergo incorporation. Have they continued to function, or have they simply died away?

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