scholarly journals Hybrid Control of a Segway Platform Developed in MRDS

2021 ◽  
Douglas James Ormiston Thomson

<p>A Segway RMP200 has been bought by Victoria University for the purpose of making an autonomous robot. The focus of this project was to create reusable services that use existing navigation algorithms to control the Segway within an indoor environment.  A SICK LMS100 laser rangefinder was added to detect obstacles and allow localization of the Segway within a known map. A hybrid navigation algorithm consisting of an A* path planner with a dynamic window is used for motion planning and obstacle avoidance.  The control system followed a Service Oriented Architecture implemented in Microsoft Robotics Studio using the C# .NET programming language.  Four services were created during the project to interface with the SICK LMS100 scanner, control the Segway RMP200, implement the hybrid navigation algorithm and provide a graphic user interface for the system.  Tests show that the Segway is able to navigate and maintain localisation within the operating environment by identifying and associating corner and door landmarks within the environment.</p>

2021 ◽  
Douglas James Ormiston Thomson

<p>A Segway RMP200 has been bought by Victoria University for the purpose of making an autonomous robot. The focus of this project was to create reusable services that use existing navigation algorithms to control the Segway within an indoor environment.  A SICK LMS100 laser rangefinder was added to detect obstacles and allow localization of the Segway within a known map. A hybrid navigation algorithm consisting of an A* path planner with a dynamic window is used for motion planning and obstacle avoidance.  The control system followed a Service Oriented Architecture implemented in Microsoft Robotics Studio using the C# .NET programming language.  Four services were created during the project to interface with the SICK LMS100 scanner, control the Segway RMP200, implement the hybrid navigation algorithm and provide a graphic user interface for the system.  Tests show that the Segway is able to navigate and maintain localisation within the operating environment by identifying and associating corner and door landmarks within the environment.</p>

Kostyantyn Kharchenko

The approach to organizing the automated calculations’ execution process using the web services (in particular, REST-services) is reviewed. The given solution will simplify the procedure of introduction of the new functionality in applied systems built according to the service-oriented architecture and microservice architecture principles. The main idea of the proposed solution is in maximum division of the server-side logic development and the client-side logic, when clients are used to set the abstract computation goals without any dependencies to existing applied services. It is proposed to rely on the centralized scheme to organize the computations (named as orchestration) and to put to the knowledge base the set of rules used to build (in multiple steps) the concrete computational scenario from the abstract goal. It is proposed to include the computing task’s execution subsystem to the software architecture of the applied system. This subsystem is composed of the service which is processing the incoming requests for execution, the service registry and the orchestration service. The clients send requests to the execution subsystem without any references to the real-world services to be called. The service registry searches the knowledge base for the corresponding input request template, then the abstract operation description search for the request template is performed. Each abstract operation may already have its implementation in the form of workflow composed of invocations of the real applied services’ operations. In case of absence of the corresponding workflow in the database, this workflow implementation could be synthesized dynamically according to the input and output data and the functionality description of the abstract operation and registered applied services. The workflows are executed by the orchestrator service. Thus, adding some new functions to the client side can be possible without any changes at the server side. And vice versa, adding new services can impact the execution of the calculations without updating the clients.

2011 ◽  
J. Bryant ◽  
V. Combs ◽  
J. Hanna ◽  
G. Hasseler ◽  
R. Hillman ◽  

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