2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 433
Faridatul Maghfiroh ◽  
Muslimin Ibrahim ◽  
Soetjipto Soetjipto

This research is based on the fact that the indicators of student’s independence and attention are low in learning process. This research aimed to describe the level of student’s independence (aspect of self confidence and responsibility), level of student’s attention (sustained attention and executive attention), cognitive learning outcome, student’s response, learning process, and the problems of learning process. The research design used is one group pretest-post test design, and analyzed using descriptive qualitative. The research was conducted on the students of senior high school (Madrasah Aliyah) class X in second semester. The result of research shows the level of student’s independence, attention and test score of student learning outcome either male or female students were improving. The student’s response of learning by using the integrated group investigation of power teaching also gets a good response and the learning process is categorized as very good category. Problem faced is only about creating the media of presentation but it can solved by student’s creativity to create the media. The conclusion of this research, is that by using The Integrated group Investigation of power teaching can keep the student’s independence, attention, and student learning outcome in ecosystem material. Thus method also gets a good response, and learning process is categorized as a very good category, and the problem of learning process can be solve by student’s creativity.: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kenyataan bahwa masih terdapat indikator – indikator kemandirian dan atensi siswa yang rendah dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat kemandirian siswa (aspek percaya diri dan tanggung jawab), tingkat atensi siswa (aspek atensi berkelanjutan dan atensi eksekutif), hasil belajar kognitif, respon siswa, keterlaksanaan rencana pembelajaran, dan kendala-kendala pada proses pembelajaran. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah One Group Pretest-Postest Design, dan analisis data secara deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada siswa MA (Madrasah Aliyah) kelas X pada semester genap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat kemandirian, tingkat atensi, dan tes hasil belajar siswa baik kelas putra ataupun kelas putri mengalami peningkatan. Respon siswa terkait pembelajaran menggunanakan Group Investigation terintegrasi Power Teaching juga mendapatkan respon yang baik, dan keterlaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran tergolong pada kategori baik sekali. Kendala yang dihadapi hanya terkait pada pembuatan media presentasi, akan tetapi hal tersebut dapat diatasi dengan kreatifitas masing – masing siswa dalam pembuatan media tersebut. Simpulan penelitian ini, bahwa metode pembelajaran Group Investigation terintegrasi Power Teaching dapat mempertahankan kemandirian, atensi, dan hasil belajar kognitif siswa pada materi ekosistem. Metode tersebut juga mendapatkan respon yang baik, dan keterlaksanaan  rencana pembelajaran yang juga tergolong baik sekali, serta kendala pembelajaran yang bisa diselesaikan dengan kreativitas siswa.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-48
Ahmad Ali Akbar ◽  
Tarman Tarman

Penggunaan media gambar sangat membantu untuk meningkat­kan hasil belajar siswa, Karena melibatkan  seluruh potensi yang dimiliki oleh siswa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengatahui pengaruh penggunaan Media gambar terhadap hasil belajar Bahasa Indonesia, Karna hasil belajar siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Sungguminasa III Kecamatan Somba Opu Kabupaten Gowa tergolong rendah dengan nilai 6,83. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah pre eksperimental dengan jenis one group pre test-post test design. Teknik yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah teknik tes. Data yang dikumpul akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik statistik deskriptif jenis uji t-tes. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media gambar pada proses pembelajaran pada hasil belajar berpengaruh. Hal ini tampak pada tingkat kemampuan siswa sebelum menggunakan metode pembelajaran yaitu hanya mencapai 6,83, selanjutnya setelah menggunakan media gambar pada proses pembelajaran mencapai nilai rata-rata yang diperoleh sebesar 16,35. Hal ini berarti bahwa tingkat kemampuan siswa meningkat. Pengaruh media gambar dalam proses pembelajaran diketahui pula berdasarkan hasil perhitungaan uji t. Hasil penelitian diperoleh, tHitung= 16,41 dan tTabel= 3,792 maka t Hitung ≥ tTabel atau 16,41≥ 3,792. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ho di tolak dan Ha diterima. Ini berarti bahwa penggunaan media gambar dapat memberi pengaruh dalam meningkatkan kemampuan siswa pada pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. The use of image media is very helpful to improve student learning outcomes, because it involves all the potential possessed by students. The purpose of this study to mengatahui effect of the use of media images of learning outcomes Indonesian, Karna student learning outcomes fourth grade SD Negeri Sungguminasa III Somba Opu District Gowa is low with a value of 6.83. The type of research used is pre experimental with type one group pre test-post test design. The technique used to collect data is a test technique. The collected data will be analyzed using descriptive statistical technique of test t-test type. The results of this study indicate that the use of image media on the learning process on learning results have an effect. This is seen in the level of students' ability before using the learning method that is only reached 6.83, then after using the media images on the learning process to reach the average value obtained for 16.35. This means that the level of student ability increases. The influence of image media in the learning process is also known based on the results of t test calculation. The results obtained, t = 16.41 and tTable = 3.792 then t Count ≥ tTable or 16.41 ≥ 3.792. So it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. This means that the use of image media can have an effect on improving students' skills in Indonesian language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Didik Dwi Prastyo ◽  
Mohamad Amin ◽  
Hendra Susanto

We investigate the effectiveness of module to reduce misconception and improve learning outcomes in genetic material using multiple choice test with CRI. This study using pre-experiment study with one group pretest post test design. This study reports the results of analysis of misconception level of XII grades in SMA Negeri 5 Malang reduce from 33.42 percent to 12.92 percent. Learning outcome increase from 38.30 into 72.96.  These results indicate that the genetic module is effective to reducing the level of misconceptions and improving student cognitive learning outcomes.Keywords: Misconception, learning outcomes, genetic

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 369-374
Agus Setiawan

  The motivation for this research is the lack of optimal learning by teachers and the lack of value for students in learning volleyball. Many students are passive when learning activities occur.  The purpose of this research is to use the Think Pair Share cooperative learning method in SMP N 1 Japah to determine the progress of students' learning outcomes in Class VIII. The results of showed that before the study of the Think Pair Share method, the average learning outcome increased to 64, and after the study of the Think Pair Share learning model, it increased to 70. Therefore, the increase of 6 The type of research is quantitative research. In this study, the researchers used a pre- and post-test design. The advice given by the researchers is that teachers should optimize learning. Students are more active in the learning process.    

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Ratna Juita

This study aimed to (1) describe the learning outcome of writing a report before a portfolio-based learning model of the students of class VIII B at MTs Negeri 2 Bengkulu was conducted, (2) describe the result of the learning model in writing a report after portfolio-based learning in class VIII B MTs Negeri 2 Bengkulu was conducted, (3) describe the improvement in the ability to write a report based on the portfolio-based learning model of the students of class VIII B at MTs Negeri 2 Bengkulu. (1) The research was an action research, with descriptive analysis technique. The results of this study were the mean of the result of the pre-test in writing report material was 64 in sufficient category and the percentage of classical mastery was 75%. (2) The mean score of the students’ discussion result on writing report subject with the portfolio-based learning model in the first cycle was 74 in medium category. (3) The mean score of students’ discussion result on writing report subject with the portfolio-based learning model in cycle II was 80 in good category. (4) The mean result of the post-test on writing report material with the portfolio-based learning model was 80 in good category. (5) The percentage of classical mastery was 100% achived in cycle II. (6) The portfolio-based learning model was accurate enough to be implemented in improving student learning outcome. The conclusion of this study was that the portfolio-based learning model was accurate enough to be implemented in improving student learning outcome. Keyword: The ability to write a report, portfolio-based learning model

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 152
Ruslan Rusmana ◽  
James Tangkudung ◽  
Firmansyah Dlis

The The purpose of this study was to learn about the use of large media games in order to improve students' dribbling skills in basketball games. The number of participants was 30 people consisting of 18 female students and 12 students of SMK IT Nurul Imam, the research method used experiments with pre-test and post-test one design group. With training, the media provides snake ladder games in the learning process. The research process lasted for 5 weeks with the results of data analysis showing the average value obtained by students compilation of the students who did the pre-test at 22.33 and post-test at 26.56. It can be improved even though it's not too large with an average increase of 4.2. So it can be excluded from the use of the media ultimat significant importance to the results of basic basketball dribbling skills of students. Data analysis techniques used with pre-test and post-test with student instruments dribbled on zig zag tracks

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 555
Arlinda Arlinda

The background of this study is the low learning outcomes of students' IPS, from 22 students only 10 (45.45%) reaching the determined KKM, in addition the average student learning outcome is 62.50. The study aims to improve the learning outcomes of IPS Through the application of TSTS learning model. This research is a classroom action research, this research is conducted in SDN 21 Sitorajo Kecamatan Kuantan Tengah. Subjects in this study were students of class IV B with a total of 22 students. This research is conducted two cycles with four stages, namely: planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The result of research stated that after applied cooperative learning model type TSTS can improve learning result of IPS. This is evidenced by: (a) teacher activity in cycle I is 62,50, in cycle II equal to 82,81. Student activity in cycle I earn 65,62, in cycle II equal to 85,93; (b) result of student learning on prasiklus equal to 62,50, at cycle I equal to 72,50 and at second cycle equal to 82,18.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 35
Sigit Trimayanto ◽  
Dian Novita

This study aims to produce the Practical KIT along with its devices that are effectively used as learning media to train students SPS on the sub material of the Reaction Rate Law. The method used in this study is Research and Development design. The research instrument used consisted of a sheet of pre-test and post-test. Data analysis was carried out in descriptive quantitative to determine the effectiveness of Practical KIT along with the devices developed. The media is said to be effective if it meets 2 requirements, namely the percentage of classical completeness <85% and N-gain value <0.3. The developed media has been declared effective as indicated by the increase in the value of cognitive learning outcomes in the "Medium" and "High" categories with 100% classical completeness, an increase in the value of science process skills of students after using the Practical KIT media. "With classical completeness reaching 91.67%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-24
Khusnul Tri Hartanti ◽  
Udjang Pairin M. Basir ◽  
Claudya Zahrani Susilo

Many students find it difficult to accept fraction material from the teacher because student are more receptive to material through the surrounding environment such as fruit, bread, marbles, stones, etc. The purpose of this researchs to determine student learning outcome whether thereis influence when use the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) model of mathematics subject matter in the 4th grade SDN Jombatan IV Jombang. This type of research is PreExperimental Design, the design used is one-group pretest -posttest design. The study focus on student learning outcomes in fraction material with the CTL model. Based on research that has been done, it can seen than more than 90% of students can achieve KKM value. In testing the test-t if the value of t is greater than t table then the hypothesis is accepted. It is evident from the results of the study that tcount = 5.344219271 and ttable = 2.178812827, which means that it has a strong signification shows that there is an influencer on student learning outcomes. The one-party test, it turns out that tcount falls in the area of acceptance of Ha, which the result test shows menunjukkan thitung ˃ ttabel so that the conclusion are Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. So it can be said that learning uses Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) can affect of student learning outcomes.

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