scholarly journals Implementasi Pengamanan Transmisi Sinyal EKG (Elektrokardiogram) secara Daring dengan Metode Anonimasi


ABSTRAKData World Health Organization (WHO) pada tahun 2014 menunjukkan bahwa di Indonesia sebanyak 37% dari seluruh penyebab kematian adalah penyakit yang berhubungan dengan jantung. Kehadiran teknologi dan pemanfaatan Internet of Things (IoT) diharapkan dapat membantu mengurangi resiko kematian akibat penyakit jantung tersebut. Pada penelitian ini, pengukuran dan pengamatan sinyal jantung melalui tele-auskultasi sinyal elektrokardiogram (EKG) dilakukan. Untuk mengamankan sinyal EKG dalam proses transmisi melalui jaringan Internet digunakan metode anonimasi sinyal berbasis algoritma Jusak-Seedahmed. Hasil pengujian menunjukkkan bahwa algoritma Jusak-Seedahmed dapat melakukan proses anonimasi dan proses rekonstruksi sinyal dengan baik. Pengujian korelasi silang antara sinyal hasil rekonstruksi dan sinyal EKG asli sebelum anonimasi menghasilkan korelasi sebesar 1 pada lag=0. Sinyal EKG hasil rekonstruksi ditampilkan dalam aplikasi mobile untuk memudahkan analisis oleh dokter.Kata kunci: elektrokardiogram, keamanan, anonimasi, IoT, FFT ABSTRACTBased on the latest data released by the World Health Organization in 2014, deaths caused by cardiovascular disease in 2012 have reached 37% of the total number of non-communicable diseases deaths in Indonesia. Therefore, it is expected that the applications of the Internet of Things (IoT) might be used to reduce the risk of death due to the heart related problems. In this research, a tele-auscultation technique for measuring and monitoring electrocardiogram (ECG) signal was built. To secure transmission of the ECG signal over the Internet, we implemented a recently proposed Jusak-Seedahmed algorithm. Our examinations showed that the algorithm performed the anonymization and reconstruction processes well. Crosscorrelation analysis showed that correlation between the reconstructed and the original ECG signal at lag=0 was 1. Furthermore, a mobile-based application had been built to display the reconstructed ECG signal for further analysis.Keywords: electrocardiogram, security, anonimization, IoT, FFT

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. e776
Taher A. Ghaleb ◽  
Rasha A. Bin-Thalab ◽  
Ghadir AbdulhakimAbdo Abdullah Alselwi

The cornovirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has had a severe impact on our daily lives. As a result, there has been an increasing demand for technological solutions to overcome such challenges. The Internet of Things (IoT) has recently emerged to improve many aspects of human’s day-to-day activities and routines. IoT makes it easier to follow the safety guidelines and precautions provided by the World Health Organization (WHO). Prior reports have shown that the world nowadays may need more IoT facilities than ever before. However, little is known about the reaction of the IoT community towards defeating the COVID-19 pandemic, technologies being used, solutions being provided, and how our societies perceive the IoT means available to them. In this paper, we conduct an empirical study to investigate the IoT response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, we study the characteristics of the IoT solutions hosted on a large online IoT community (i.e., throughout the year of 2020. The study: (a) explores the proportion, types, and nations of IoT solutions/engineers that contributed to defeating COVID-19, (b) characterizes the complexity of COVID-19 IoT solutions, and (c) identifies how IoT solutions are perceived by the surrounding community. Our results indicate that IoT engineers have been actively working towards providing solutions to help their societies, especially in the most affected nations. Our findings (i) provide insights into the aspects IoT practitioners need to pay more attention to when developing IoT solutions for COVID-19 and to (ii) outlines the common IoT solutions and technologies available to humans to deal with the current challenges.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-51
Endang Sri Rahayu ◽  
Nurul Amalia

Diabetes merupakan penyakit “silent killer” yang ditandai dengan peningkatan kadar glukosa darahdan kegagalan sekresi insulin. World Health Organization (WHO) pada tahun 2016 menyatakanbahwa diabetes menduduki urutan ke-6 sebagai penyakit mematikan di Indonesia. Sehingga upayapencegahan dan penanganan diabetes perlu mendapat perhatian yang serius. Internet of Things (IoT)dapat dijadikan sarana penunjang dalam penanganan penyakit diabetes. Inovasi ini memungkinkanperangkat perawatan kesehatan terhubung dengan jaringan internet, sehingga data pasien dapatdiperbaharui dan diakses secara real-time. Selain mempermudah akses, penggunaan IoT juga akanmemberikan nilai tambah pada efisiensi biaya pelayanan kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmerancang software sistem monitoring gula darah berbasis web yang terintegrasi dengan IoT,sehingga pasien dapat melakukan pemeriksaan, konsultasi dengan dokter dan melihat data rekammedis dari jarak jauh. Data hasil pemeriksaan akan disimpan didalam cloud dan ditampilkan secaraonline. Penelitian ini menggunakan Node MCU ESP8266 sebagai mikrokontroller yang telahdilengkapi dengan modul WiFi, Thingspeak sebagai cloud, aplikasi online dengan “Diamons” sebagaidashboard yang mampu menampilkan presentasi data grafis, dibangun dengan bahasa HypertextPreprocessor (PHP) sebagai bahasa pemogramannya. Penelitian ini akan melibatkan pihak medisdalam pengambilan keputusan. Umpan balik yang diberikan kepada pasien berupa anjuran sepertiresep obat, pola makan, dan kegiatan fisik yang harus dilakukan oleh pasien.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (21) ◽  
pp. 4506
Chen Wei ◽  
Wendong Yang ◽  
Yueming Cai

This paper investigates the secure transmission for buffer-aided relay networks in the Internet of Things (IoT) in the presence of multiple passive eavesdroppers. For security enhancement, we adopt the max-link relay selection policy and propose three secure transmission schemes: (1) non-jamming (NJ); (2) source cooperative jamming (SCJ); and (3) source cooperative jamming with optimal power allocation (SCJ-OPA). Moreover, to analyze the secrecy performance comprehensively, two eavesdropping scenarios, i.e., non-colluding eavesdroppers (NCE) and colluding eavesdroppers (CE) are considered. Based on this, by modeling the dynamic buffer state transition as a Markov chain, we derive the exact closed-form expressions of the secrecy outage probability, the average secrecy throughput, and the end-to-end delay for each schemes. The analytical analysis and simulation shows that the SCJ-OPA scheme achieves similar performance as the NJ scheme when the total transmit power is small. On the other hand, when the transmit power is high, the performance achieved by SCJ-OPA is similar to that of SCJ. Thereby, the SCJ-OPA scheme can achieve better performance across the entire total transmit power, which makes up the defects of NJ and SCJ exactly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (7) ◽  
pp. 318-319
Chris Alderman

The World Health Organization highlighted that older people have the highest risk of death or serious injury from falls, and the associated risks increase with age. The effects of medications are an important contributor in the overall equation for the risk of falls-related morbidity and mortality, and that is consistently demonstrated in research from around the world. In this edition of The Senior Care Pharmacist, there is further evidence presented, and the importance of this information cannot be challenged. However, the question remains: why has effective remediation of this risk consistently defeated the clinical community around the world?

Sivaganesan D

The internet of things constitutes for more and advanced opportunities paving way for a competitive advantage in numerous industrious in the prevailing and the upcoming markets. The internet of things and the technologies associated with it are not only creating alterations in the internetwork alone but also with the things that are connected to it. As the internet of things includes the generation and the analysis of the data as the important process, it finds difficulties in administering and protecting the data that are flowing from different levels. This in turn causes difficulties in the secure transmission of the information from its source to the authorized destination and the authorized person at the right time. So the above reasons bring in the capability of the block chain into the IOT, to improve the security as well as implant the transparency. The paper put forward a block chain enabled IOT for the pharmaceutical sector to elude the issue of counterfeit in the medicines.

Safrina ◽  
Tengku Sri Wahyuni

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) have recommended that children start breastfeeding within the first hour after birth and be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life (no food or other fluids are given). , including water) (UNICEF & WHO, 2018). An estimated 78 million babies - or three in five babies - are not breastfed in the first hour of life. This puts them at a higher risk of death and disease and makes them less likely to continue breastfeeding (World Health Organization, 2018a). Data from WHO shows that only 40% of infants have received early initiation of breastfeeding (IMD). WHO itself targets that by 2030 70% of infants have received early initiation of breastfeeding (WHO & UNICEF, 2018). The type of research used is descriptive, namely research that clearly describes the variables studied without doing statistical tests. This research was conducted at BPM Pematangsiantar City. The study was conducted in March 2021 with a sample size of 29 people. The sampling method in this study was non-probability sampling, namely by consecutive sampling. The description of the IMD implementation shows that the majority of respondents are aged 20-35 years (65.5%) and the least is <20 years old (6.9), the highest parity is 3 (34.5%) and the least parity is 5 (6.9%). ), all respondents gave birth at term pregnancy (100%), and all respondents did early initiation of breastfeeding (100%) while the implementation of IMD was mostly carried out immediately after birth (89.7%) and the longest IMD implementation was between 30 minutes to 30 minutes. d 1 hour (69%) but there are also those who carry out IMD less than 30 minutes (10.3%). Type of Research Analytical survey with cross sectional design. It is hoped that health workers will carry out an IMD in every delivery immediately after the baby is born and the need for husband and family support in accompanying the delivery process in carrying out IMD.

IEEE Access ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 11862-11870 ◽  
Dechuan Chen ◽  
Weiwei Yang ◽  
Jianwei Hu ◽  
Yueming Cai ◽  
Xuanxuan Tang

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