scholarly journals Competence Approach in Teaching Higher Mathematics Students of Bachelors of Direction of Preparation 13.03.02 – “Power and Electrical Engineering” in Oil and Gas University

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 542-546
Татьяна Анатольевна Бродская

The purpose of mathematical training of bachelors of technical specialties in the framework of the competence approach is the formation of mathematical competence of the specialist, which is expressed in the ability of graduates to apply mathematical methods in professional activities. Competences are acquired by students in the process of mastering the content of education fixed in educational standards and curricula of disciplines. Using new methods and forms of organization of the educational process, using new teaching tools, competencies are formed in lectures and practical classes in higher mathematics.

2020 ◽  
Igor' Beilin

The monograph presents new and improved methodological approaches to modeling the economic efficiency of innovative production processes in oil and gas regions on the example of the Volga Federal district. The results of the study may be in demand in the professional activities of state authorities at both the regional and Federal levels, as well as top management of budget-forming oil and gas companies and companies interacting with them. The materials of the monograph are recommended for use in the educational process of bachelor's and master's degrees in the areas of "Economics", "Management", "State and municipal management", "innovation", as well as in research work in the scientific specialties "Economic theory", "Economics and management of national economy", "Mathematical and instrumental methods of Economics", etc.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-41
А. Ганеев ◽  
A. Ganeev ◽  
В. Власенко ◽  
V. Vlasenko

Turning to reality the new goals set by the federal state educational standards requires using means (methods or instruments) adequate to the relevant anticipations by the teacher as well as the active assimilation and inclusion of the new educational technologies into his/her professional activities and implementation of activity-based models for arranging the teaching and learning process. The article addresses the transformation of the modern educational process and the role of digitalization in achieving the educational results in line with the modern society’s requirements.

2012 ◽  
Vol 36 (4) ◽  
pp. 265-274 ◽  
Jerry Joseph Batzel ◽  
Helmut Hinghofer-Szalkay ◽  
Franz Kappel ◽  
Daniel Schneditz ◽  
Thomas Kenner ◽  

The goal of this report is to discuss educational approaches for bridging the different perspectives of the physiological and mathematical disciplines. These approaches can enhance the learning experience for physiology, medical, and mathematics students and simultaneously act to stimulate mathematical/physiological/clinical interdisciplinary research. While physiology education incorporates mathematics, via equations and formulas, it does not typically provide a foundation for interdisciplinary research linking mathematics and physiology. Here, we provide insights and ideas derived from interdisciplinary seminars involving mathematicians and physiologists that have been conducted over the last decade. The approaches described here can be used as templates for giving physiology and medical students insights into how sophisticated tools from mathematics can be applied and how the disciplines of mathematics and physiology can be integrated in research, thereby fostering a foundation for interdisciplinary collaboration. These templates are equally applicable to linking mathematical methods with other life and health sciences in the educational process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (40) ◽  
pp. 263-279
Vasyl Zaplatynskyi ◽  
Inga Uriadnikova ◽  
Vladimir Lebedev ◽  
Juliusz Piwowarski

The formation of safety-related competencies is a difficult task. These specific safety competencies, unlike other competencies, are difficult to fully develop by providing safety learners and students. Simulation Technologies could be the solution to make it easier for students to develop competencies related to human safety. In this thesis, the following methods were used: analysis of scientific literature, projective methods, mathematical methods – in particular registration and ranking, theoretical methods including: analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, conclusions, modeling, induction, deduction. The study showed that the use of simulation technologies allows creating conditions for the formation of the necessary competencies without increased risk for applicants and others. One of the most promising technologies for the formation of safety-related competencies is the use of virtual reality. The use of simulation technologies in the educational process will intensify it and improve the quality of education. Simulation technologies should take a special place in the training of specialists whose professional activities are associated with increased risk, as well as with significant negative consequences of erroneous decisions, in particular in the training of rescuers, military specialists, police, operators of complex systems (including transport, nuclear, etc.), medical workers, in the aerospace industry, etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 8-23
Alexander Shevchenko ◽  
Liudmyla Shtefan ◽  

Competence approach is generally accepted in modern education. Competence is the ability to perform a variety of practical tasks in life and professional activities at a sufficient professional level, which is due to cognitive abilities and skills, social interaction, motivation and will. There are lingual, informational (digital), communicational, cultural, ecological, valeological (health saving) and other competencies should be formed in the student, regardless of the profile of his education. In Ukrainian legislation, valeological competence is referred to the category of "civic and social competences". Valeological competence in educational standards given less importance than, for example, ecological competence. We have not found a clear definition of valeological competence. In our opinion, valeological competence is the ability to lead a healthy lifestyle, practice safe behavior and provide emergency care. For its formation in students of non-medical higher educational institutions we have proposed the initial academic discipline "Health Pedagogy". The study is theoretical, based on the analysis of scientific sources and regulations of Ukraine, including national educational standards. Preliminary data on the introduction of the author's program of the discipline "Pedagogy of Health" in the educational process of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy for students of "011 - Educational, Pedagogical Sciences" specialty "Bachelor" and "Master" educational levels are also taken into account. Requirements for valeological competence formation in non-medical students on accordance with the level of education, the proposed components of the curriculum and components of competence (cognitive, activity, motivational-value and personal) are formulated. The author's definition of valeological competence is supplemented with a list of its components subject to qualimetric assessment. The list of competencies, necessary for the valeological competence formation, as well as those competencies that are formed or improved simultaneously with the valeological competence during the study of valeological discipline "Health Pedagogy" by non-medical students.

Галина Никулова ◽  
Galina Nikulova ◽  
Любовь Боброва ◽  
Lyubov' Bobrova

The monograph systematizes and analyzes long-term reports on the style aspects of education in the modern information society, including the results of the authors ' own research. Discusses the classification of the stylistic characteristics of participants in the educational process; the definition of style and methods of its identification; stylistic theory of learning and its importance for increase of efficiency of educational process, as well as criticism of stylistic practices. The results of determining the styles of teaching and teaching for students, teachers and teaching tools – training programs and educational resources. It is concluded that the style aspects are one of the most important methodological components of the constructive background of the educational process in its modern format, when the use of digital tools to support learning is regulated by educational standards. The work is addressed to students of pedagogical specialties, teachers of all levels of the educational system, developers of programs and resources for educational purposes, methodologists, Tutors, heads of training centers.

M. M. Klunnikova

The work is devoted to the consideration of improving the quality of teaching students the discipline “Numerical methods” through the development of the cognitive component of computational thinking based on blended learning. The article presents a methodology for the formation of computational thinking of mathematics students, based on the visualization of algorithmic design schemes and the activation of the cognitive independence of students. The characteristic of computational thinking is given, the content and structure of computational thinking are shown. It is argued that a student with such a mind is able to manifest himself in his professional field in the best possible way. The results of the application of the technique are described. To determine the level of development of the cognitive component of computational thinking, a diagnostic model has been developed based on measuring the content, operational and motivational components. It is shown that the proposed method of developing computational thinking of students, taking into account the individual characteristics of students’ thinking, meaningfully based on the theoretical and practical aspects of studying the discipline, increases the effectiveness of learning the course “Numerical methods”. The materials of the article are of practical value for teachers of mathematical disciplines who use information and telecommunication technologies in their professional activities.

1985 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
pp. 233-235
Covadonga Fernandez Baizan ◽  
Libia Perez Jimenez ◽  
Victoria Rodellar Biarge

2013 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-85 ◽  
A.M. Gorodnitskiy ◽  
Yu.V. Brusilovskiy ◽  
A.N. Ivanenko ◽  
A.M. Filin ◽  
N.A. Shishkina

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