Reliability Analysis for Serviceability Limit State of Bridges Concerning Deflection Criteria

2016 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 168-175 ◽  
Seyed Hooman Ghasemi ◽  
Andrzej S. Nowak
2017 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-61 ◽  
Xiao-ya Bian ◽  
Jun-jie Zheng ◽  
Rong-Jun Zhang ◽  
Zhi-jun Xu

Energies ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (14) ◽  
pp. 2751 ◽  
Jianhua Zhang ◽  
Won-Hee Kang ◽  
Ke Sun ◽  
Fushun Liu

The development of a structurally optimized foundation design has become one of the main research objectives for offshore wind turbines (OWTs). The design process should be carried out in a probabilistic way due to the uncertainties involved, such as using parametric uncertainties regarding material and geometric properties, and model uncertainties in resistance prediction models and regarding environmental loads. Traditional simple deterministic checking procedures do not guarantee an optimized design because the associated uncertainties are not fully considered. In this paper, a reliability analysis framework is proposed to support the optimized design of jacket foundations for OWTs. The reliability analysis mainly considers the serviceability limit state of the structure according to the requirements of the code. The framework consists of two parts: (i) an important parameter identification procedure based on statistical correlation analysis and (ii) a finite element-simulation-based reliability estimation procedure. The procedure is demonstrated through a jacket structure design of a 3 MW OWT. The analysis results show that the statistical correlation analysis can help to identify the parameters necessary for the overall structural performance. The Latin hypercube sampling and the Monte Carlo simulation using FE models effectively and efficiently evaluate the reliability of the structure while not relying on a surrogate limit state function. A comparison between the proposed framework and the deterministic design shows that the framework can help to achieve a better result closer to the target reliability level.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 380-397
P. H. C. DE LYRA ◽  
A. T. BECK ◽  

Abstract Nowadays it is known that it is important to study the safety of structures to avoid tragic accidents or economic losses. The most widely used method in the world to evaluate the safety of structures is structural reliability. The reliability index of prestressed precast beams of bridges designed using Brazilian standards (NBR6118 and NBR7188) is not known. This work evaluates the annual reliability indexes of a prestressed precast beam bridge at the serviceability limit state (SLS) projected using the Brazilian standard and compares it with results from the literature. The studied bridge has 33.5 meters of span, is simply supported, constituted by five precast concrete beams with U section. The reliability analysis was carried out using two methods for the four limit state equations: First Order Mean Value (FOMV) and First Order Reliability Method (FORM). Sensitivity analyzes were performed to consider both the relative contribution of these variables and the effect of their distributions on the annual reliability indexes for SLS. It was verified that the effect of load trains and the allowable stress significantly reduce the reliability index obtained for Brazilian standard. The service limit state equations are particularly sensitive to load trains, allowable stress and prestress losses, as well as their respective distributions.

2015 ◽  
Vol 105 (36) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Gianluca Ranzi ◽  
Graziano Leoni ◽  
Luigino Dezi

Algorithms ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (8) ◽  
pp. 229
Fangyi Li ◽  
Yufei Yan ◽  
Jianhua Rong ◽  
Houyao Zhu

In practical engineering, due to the lack of information, it is impossible to accurately determine the distribution of all variables. Therefore, time-variant reliability problems with both random and interval variables may be encountered. However, this kind of problem usually involves a complex multilevel nested optimization problem, which leads to a substantial computational burden, and it is difficult to meet the requirements of complex engineering problem analysis. This study proposes a decoupling strategy to efficiently analyze the time-variant reliability based on the mixed uncertainty model. The interval variables are treated with independent random variables that are uniformly distributed in their respective intervals. Then the time-variant reliability-equivalent model, containing only random variables, is established, to avoid multi-layer nesting optimization. The stochastic process is first discretized to obtain several static limit state functions at different times. The time-variant reliability problem is changed into the conventional time-invariant system reliability problem. First order reliability analysis method (FORM) is used to analyze the reliability of each time. Thus, an efficient and robust convergence hybrid time-variant reliability calculation algorithm is proposed based on the equivalent model. Finally, numerical examples shows the effectiveness of the proposed method.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 2089-2104 ◽  
L. P. Gouveia ◽  
E. T. Lima Junior ◽  
J. P. L. Santos ◽  
W. W. M. Lira ◽  
J. L. R. Anjos ◽  

2021 ◽  
Silvia J. Sarmiento Nova ◽  
Jaime Gonzalez-Libreros ◽  
Gabriel Sas ◽  
Rafael A. Sanabria Díaz ◽  
Maria C. A. Texeira da Silva ◽  

<p>The Response Surface Method (RSM) has become an essential tool to solve structural reliability problems due to its accuracy, efficacy, and facility for coupling with Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis (NLFEA). In this paper, some strategies to improve the RSM efficacy without compromising its accuracy are tested. Initially, each strategy is implemented to assess the safety level of a highly nonlinear explicit limit state function. The strategy with the best results is then identified and used to carry out a reliability analysis of a prestressed concrete bridge, considering the nonlinear material behavior through NLFEA simulation. The calculated value of &#120573; is compared with the target value established in Eurocode for ULS. The results showed how RSM can be a practical methodology and how the improvements presented can reduce the computational cost of a traditional RSM giving a good alternative to simulation methods such as Monte Carlo.</p>

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