Copenhagen Inner Harbour Bridge

Amar Bahra ◽  
Ian Firth

<p>The new Inner Harbour Bridge in Copenhagen is innovative both in its method of opening and a number of its design features. The moving bridge comprises two steel box girders that retract by sliding between fixed concrete approach spans. The steel box girders are of a highly unusual form involving plan curvature, continually changing cross sections and a faceted – or triangulated – inner web. Furthermore, because of the support arrangement, the girders go from cantilevering to simply-supported conditions over the course of an opening cycle.<p>The dynamic response of the box girders, with 35 m cantilevering spans in the service condition, presented a challenge which was addressed in the design by a combination of rationalised design criteria and the application of a series of tuned mass dampers.<p>The project has been delayed for a variety of reasons, not least due to the original contractor going into liquidation part way through, and the fixed concrete spans were modified by adding a new composite top layer of reinforced concrete following the original casting.<p>This paper touches briefly on the unique form and opening mechanism of the bridge and then turns to the details of some of the novel structural aspects.

Sukru Emrah ARIKAN ◽  
Nurgul GULTEKIN ◽  
Alp Kucukosmanoglu ◽  
Berguzar Ozbahceci ◽  
Mehmet SAG ◽  

Ordu-Giresun Airport, which has been constructed recently, being an example of the aviation sector of Turkish transportation network, is a project having marine structural aspects due to the construction at the sea by filling and in this workout physical model experiments of the project are evaluated. 3000-meters-long runway and the other superstructures of the airport, the first example of construction of such a structure by filling in the sea in Turkey, is to be protected by a breakwater of 7435 meters long. ‘First Cross Section’ has been prepared by using experimental formulas and artificial neural network and ‘Second Cross Section’, being the alternative of the first one has been planned. Yet, both cross sections have similar characteristics, they have berm heights in such a manner that ‘First Cross Section’ enables the structure to be constructed from the sea, whereas ‘Second Cross Section’ makes it possible from the land. Both cross sections are aimed to be evaluated in terms of stability, wave overtopping and economy through the hydraulic model studies performed at the Hydraulics Laboratory of Turkish Ministry of Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communication. Starting from design stage (computation of design wave characteristics, physical model experiment under different wave conditions on different structure alternatives) to construction stage the engineering studies is presented with comparisons and discussions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
Sri Wahyuningtyas ◽  
Herning Puspitarini

Asmaraloka, a novel written by Danarto, is a non-realistic novel that contains many voices, ideas, discourses, and thoughts that construct the carnivalesque elements in the novel. Within the context of diversity and various phenomena in the world, the carnivalization of the story shapes the behaviors and the identities of the characters in it.Drawing on this idea, this study aims to reveal the internal and external elements that contribute to the carnivalization of Asmaraloka. The novel’s text is examined qualitatively using Bakhtinian dialogism and a sociological approach to dialogic behavior for the purpose of understanding the complete construction of meanings as the reflection of the author’s world view.The study finds that there are two categories of carnivalesque elements in Asmaraloka, namely the external and internal elements of carnival. The external carnivalization of the story creates the non-realistic world in it in relation to other texts that contribute to the diversity of ideas/ meanings in the novel. The internal carnivalization of the story generates the following structural aspects: (1) the battlefield as a means of carnival performance, (2) the occurrence of an abnormal human relationship between the characters, (3) the carnivalesque phenomena that are constructed in the story through the dialogues between peace and chaos and between obedience and denial, and (4) the effects of carnivalesque behaviors on the characters’ personality. Asmaraloka merupakan novel nonrealis karya Danarto yang berisi banyak suara, gagasan, wacana, dan pemikiran yang membentuk unsur-unsur karnival di dalamnya. Dalam konteks keberagaman dan berbagai fenomena di dunia, karnivalisasi karya sastra merupakan hal yang dapat mempengaruhi tingkah laku dan pembentukan jati diri para tokoh dalam cerita.Berkaitan dengan gagasan di atas, penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap karnivalisasi teks Asmaraloka baik yang bersifat internal maupun yang eksternal dan pengaruhnya terhadap pembentukan karakter dari tokoh-tokoh dalam novel Asmaraloka. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Analisis dilakukan berdasarkan dialogisme Bakhtin dan pendekatan sosiologis pada perilaku dialogis untuk memahami jalinan makna utuh sebagai pandangan dunia pengarang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya unsur karnival eksternal dan internal yang membangun cerita.Karnivalisasi eksternal membentuk dunia nonrealis dari cerita dan berkaitan dengan teks-teks lain yang berperan membangun keragaman makna dalam Asmaraloka. Karnivalisasi internal cerita mengungkap adanya aspek-aspek berikut ini: (1) medan pertempuran sebagai sarana pertunjukkan, (2) hubungan manusia yang tidak normal yang terjadi antar tokoh, (3) fenomena-fenomena karnivalistik yang terbangun melalui interaksi antara kedamaian dan kekacauan dan juga antara ketaatan dan pengingkaran, dan (4) unsur-unsur karnival yang merupakan dialog antara gagasan pengarang dan fenomena-fenomena sosial di masyarakat.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-13 ◽  
Marya Bagherifaez ◽  
Arash Behnia ◽  
Abeer Aqeel Majeed ◽  
Chai Hwa Kian

Reinforced concrete (RC) box girders are a common structural member for road bridges in modern construction. The hollow cross-section of a box girder is ideal in carrying eccentric loads or torques introduced by skew supports. This study employed acoustic emission (AE) monitoring on multicell RC box girder specimens subjected to laboratory-based torsion loading. Three multicell box girder specimens with different cross-sections were tested. The aim is to acquire AE analysis data indicative for characterizing torsion fracture in the box girders. It was demonstrated through appropriate parametric analysis that the AE technique could be utilized to effectively classify fracture developed in the specimens for describing their mechanical behavior under torsion. AE events localization was presented to illustrate the trend of crack and damage propagation in different stages of fracture. It could be observed that spiral-like patterns of crack were captured through AE damage localization system and damage was quantified successfully in different stages of fracture by using smoothedb-value analysis.

Ciro A. Soto ◽  
Alejandro R. Diaz

Abstract A model to compute average properties for Mindlin plates of rapidly varying thickness was introduced in [SOT93]. The model was designed to be of use in computations of the optimum shape and layout of plates using the technique introduced by Bendsøe and Kikuchi [BEN88]. In this paper we discuss the utilization of the model to determine the optimum layout of plate structures that maximizes a function of the structure’s natural frequencies. A simply supported square plate is used to illustrate the problem of optimization in the presence of repeated natural frequencies. An automotive application is presented to illustrate the usefulness in design practice.

1999 ◽  
John M. Coggin ◽  
Jeffrey M. K. Chock ◽  
Rakesh K. Kapania ◽  
Eric R. Johnson

Abstract We study the transient response of simply supported composite plates subject to close proximity explosions. Many studies are currently availiable in which the blast load is applied uniformly across the plate; and is described by step, N-pulse, or Friedlander equations. The novel aspect considered here is the case for which the blast pressure is due to a close proximity explosion, and is therefore taken to be both spatially and temporally varying. Two methods for calculating blast pressures are developed for arbitrary blast size and distance. A FORTAN program is described that automates the application of an arbitrary blast load to a generic finite element mesh. Modal superposition and NASTRAN solution procedures are verified for several load types and stacking sequences. Results are obtained within the framework of classical and first order plate theories for a variety of parameters including; stacking sequence, blast size, blast distance, and blast calculation method.

V. Verma ◽  
K. Nallasivam

Purpose: The primary objective of the current study is to numerically model the steel thin-walled curved box-girder bridge and to examine its various response parameters subjected to Indian Railway loading. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis is conducted by adopting a one dimensional curved thin-walled box-beam finite beam element based on finite element methodology. The scope of the work includes a computationally efficient, three-noded, one-dimensional representation of a thin-walled box-girder bridge, which is especially desirable for its preliminary analysis and design phase, as well as a study of the static characteristics of a steel curved bridge, which is critical for interpreting its dynamic response. Findings: The analytical results computed using finite element based MATLAB coding are presented in the form of various stress resultants under the effect of various combinations of Indian Railway loads. Additionally, the variation in different response parameters due to changes in radius and span length has also been investigated. Research limitations/implications: The research is restricted to the initial design and analysis phase of box-girder bridge, where the wall thickness is small as compared to the cross-section dimensions. The current approach can be extended to future research using a different method, such as Extended finite element technique on curved bridges by varying boundary conditions and number of elements. Originality/value: The validation of the adopted finite element approach is done by solving a numerical problem, which is in excellent agreement with the previous research findings. Also, previous studies had aimed at thin-walled box girders that had been exposed to point loading, uniformly distributed loading, or highway truck loading, but no research had been done on railway loading. Moreover, no previous research had performed the static analysis on thin-walled box-girders with six different response parameters, as the current study has. Engineers will benefit greatly from the research as it will help them predict the static behaviour of the curved thin-walled girder bridge, as well as assess their free vibration and dynamic response analysis.

2011 ◽  
Vol 255-260 ◽  
pp. 1825-1829
Jian Qing Bu ◽  
Gen Wang Li

The purpose of this paper, for which a finite element bridge model with 7 degrees of freedom per node and the 1/4 vehicle model with six parameters were established, is to analyze the dynamic response of curved girder bridges under vehicular loads. In the numerical simulation, the vibration characteristics of simply-supported curved girder bridge are analyzed, and the effect to the impact factors were also studied for different radiuses of curvature, eccentricities, ratios between bending and torsion stiffness, and vehicle speeds. The simulated results show that not all the first 5 natural frequencies increase with the variation of radius of curvature. The impact factor variations of vertical deflection and torsion angle are not uniform when parameters changed, and the impact factor of torsion angle would be much larger than that of vertical deflection under the same conditions.

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