scholarly journals Relations between the national diaspora in Canada and Ukraine (1991–2014)

2018 ◽  
pp. 24-28
Zinaida Potikha

The article illustrates the relations between the national diaspora in Canada and Ukraine during 1991–2014. It is emphasized that during the long-term presence of Ukrainians in the cities of Canada the Ukrainian diaspora has been growing and consolidating around the civic organizations and Ukrainian cultural centers with the biggest ones being located in Ontario and Alberta, which are the places with the largest Ukrainian population. It provides the analysis of influence of the Ukrainian diaspora on the cooperation between Ukraine and Canada through civic organizations, the most influential of which are the following: Ukrainian Canadian Congress — acts as the representative of the Ukrainian diaspora before the government and people of Canada, coordinates and promotes its involvement in the cultural and public life of the country, and unites 33 Ukrainian and all-Canadian organizations and their branches; Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada — supports the religious education and Ukrainian publishing houses, arranges religious seminars on the study of Bible, Ukrainian rituals and traditions; Plast — promotes the complex patriotic self-education of the Ukrainian youth based on the Christian ethics principles, as the conscientious, responsible and meaningful citizens of the local, national and global communities and the Ukrainian society leaders; they also hold the leading positions in the civic organizations — in student’s clubs or in the Ukrainian Canadian Congress. At the same time, in Ukraine the civic organizations, such as the “Ukraine-Svit” company and Ukrainian World Coordinating Council cooperate with the national diaspora in Canada. It is emphasized that the intensification of relations between the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada and Ukraine is the key component of the modern national ethnical policy. It is concluded that the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada created the positive image of Ukraine abroad that contributed to the recognition of its independence in 1991 and further establishment of connections between the countries. The article substantiates the perspectives for bilateral cooperation of countries in the field of politics, economics, trade, culture and education.

2005 ◽  
pp. 43-48
Oleksandr N. Sagan

Even after 14 years of independence, Ukrainian society has not lost many of its problems, which are rooted in the legacy of Soviet militant atheism. One of the problems that has caused heated debate in religious and educational settings in almost all years of independence is the perception / non-acceptance of the need for religious education by secular school students. Against the backdrop of equally acute property problems related to the return to religious buildings of the Church, disputes about the status and content of religious courses have been leading in relevance for the last five to six years.

Nadwa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Ismail Ismail ◽  
Moh Wardi

<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; line-height: normal;"><span class="tlid-translation"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; mso-ascii-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-hansi-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-bidi-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-ansi-language: EN;" lang="EN">This research intend to discuss about public policy from East Java province government to improve the quality of Islamic religious education. The results of this study were: (1) East Java Provincial Government used policy formulation model in the name "elite deliberative democratic ". A policy formulation model that combines several theories of policy formulation, there are elite, deliberative theory, and democratic theory. (2) The policy formulation was done through several stages: They are reading of the reality; preparation of the general policy of long-term development; arrangement of short-term development policy; the preparation and stipulation of Regional Regulations, and the Governor Regulation on Translation of APBD; (3). The government of East Java province has under graduate Scholarship program (S.1) for Madrasah diniyyah teachers.</span></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; line-height: normal;"> </p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; line-height: normal;"><strong><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; mso-ascii-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-hansi-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-bidi-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-ansi-language: IN;" lang="IN">Abstrak</span></strong></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; line-height: normal;"><span class="tlid-translation"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; mso-ascii-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-hansi-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-bidi-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-ansi-language: IN;" lang="IN">Penelitian ini bermaksud membahas tentang kebijakan publik dari pemerintah provinsi Jawa Timur untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan agama Islam. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur menggunakan model perumusan kebijakan dengan nama "elite deliberative demokratis". Sebuah model perumusan kebijakan yang menggabungkan beberapa teori perumusan kebijakan, ada elit, teori deliberatif, dan teori demokrasi. (2) Perumusan kebijakan dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap: Mereka membaca realitas; persiapan kebijakan umum pembangunan jangka panjang; pengaturan kebijakan pembangunan jangka pendek; persiapan dan penetapan Peraturan Daerah, dan Peraturan Gubernur tentang Penerjemahan APBD; (3) Pemerintah provinsi Jawa Timur memiliki program sarjana (S.1) untuk guru Madrasah diniyyah</span></span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; line-height: normal;"> </p>

Mohd. Shuhaimi Ishak

 Abstract Generally speaking, media is extensively used as the means to disseminate news and information pertaining to business, social, political and religious concerns. A portion of the time and space of media has now become an important device to generate economic and social activities that include advertising, marketing, recreation and entertainment. The Government regards them as an essential form of relaying news and information to its citizens and at the same time utilizes them as a powerful public relations’ mechanism. The effects of media are many and diverse, which can either be short or long term depending on the news and information. The effects of media can be found on various fronts, ranging from the political, economic and social, to even religious spheres. Some of the negative effects arising from the media are cultural and social influences, crimes and violence, sexual obscenities and pornography as well as liberalistic and extreme ideologies. This paper sheds light on these issues and draws principles from Islam to overcome them. Islam as revealed to humanity contains the necessary guidelines to nurture and mould the personality of individuals and shape them into good servants. Key Words: Media, Negative Effects, Means, Islam and Principles. Abstrak Secara umum, media secara meluas digunakan sebagai sarana untuk menyebarkan berita dan maklumat yang berkaitan dengan perniagaan, kemasyarakatan, pertimbangan politik dan agama. Sebahagian dari ruang dan masa media kini telah menjadi peranti penting untuk menghasilkan kegiatan ekonomi dan sosial yang meliputi pengiklanan, pemasaran, rekreasi dan hiburan. Kerajaan menganggap sarana-sarana ini sebagai wadah penting untuk menyampaikan berita dan maklumat kepada warganya dan pada masa yang sama juga menggunakannya sebagai mekanisme perhubungan awam yang berpengaruh. Pengaruh media sangat banyak dan pelbagai, samada berbentuk jangka pendek atau panjang bergantung kepada berita dan maklumat yang brekenaan. Kesan dari media boleh didapati mempengaruhi pelbagai aspek, bermula dari bidang politik, ekonomi, sosial bahkan juga agama. Beberapa kesan negatif yang timbul dari media ialah pengaruhnya terhadap budaya dan sosial, jenayah dan keganasan, kelucahan seksual dan pornografi serta ideologi yang liberal dan ekstrim. Kertas ini menyoroti isu-isu ini dan cuba mengambil prinsip-prinsip dari ajaran Islam untuk mengatasinya. Tujuan Islam itu sendiri diturunkan kepada umat manusia ialah untuk menjadi pedoman yang diperlukan untuk membina dan membentuk keperibadian individu dan menjadikan manusia hamba yang taat kepada Tuhannya. Kata Kunci: Media, Kesan Negatif, Cara-cara, Islam dan Prinsip-prinsip.

Edupedia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-53
Ilzam Dhaifi

The world has been surprised by the emergence of a COVID 19 pandemic, was born in China, and widespread to various countries in the world. In Indonesia, the government issued several policies to break the COVID 19 pandemic chain, which also triggered some pro-cons in the midst of society. One of the policies government takes is the closure of learning access directly at school and moving the learning process from physical class to a virtual classroom or known as online learning. In the economic sector also affects the parents’ financial ability to provide sufficient funds to support the implementation of distance learning applied by the government. The implications of the distance education policy are of course the quality of learning, including the subjects of Islamic religious education, which is essentially aimed at planting knowledge, skills, and religious consciousness to form the character of the students. Online education must certainly be precise, in order to provide equal education services to all students, prepare teachers to master the technology, and seek the core learning of Islamic religious education can still be done well.

2020 ◽  
Rawand Essa

BACKGROUND In the span of COVID-19, the mortality rate has been different from one country to another. As a country in the Middle East Iraq has a critical position, lies between Iran and Turkey while both countries coronavirus cases increase on daily basis, while Iranian mortality rate record is high similar to Turkey. After Wuhan city of China, Lombard of Italy, Qum city in Iran has the highest number of COVID-19 as a first country in the Middle East. OBJECTIVE aim of this study is to show the effect of BCG vaccine during pandemic diseases, especially nowadays at the time of COVID-19. One of the crucial observations is the government preparedness and strategic planning prior pandemics, in which the BCG vaccine is an attenuated live vaccine for control of tuberculosis (TB). BCG vaccine has a non-specific immune effect that is used against pathogens like bacteria and viruses, through the promotion of pro-inflammatory cytokines' secretion. METHODS An epidemiological study has been performed, and it shows that some countries are more prone to contagious diseases like COVID-19, regardless of the main cultural, religious, societal similarities among the three mentioned countries. The information data has been collected from WHO reports and worldometer in 18 February 2020 to 10 May 2020. Regarding the efficacy of the BCG vaccine, relevant data has been retrieved from Google scholar, Pub-med and BCG world-atlas. RESULTS COVID-19 mortality rates are at peak in Iran and Turkey while the mortality rate is very low in Iraq, while the patients that died in Iraq all had history of other long-term diseases as heart disease, blood pressure, cancer etc. CONCLUSIONS From the experiences of the three countries in the life span of COVID-19, the historical plan of BCG vaccine in Iraq in cooperation with WHO since the last decades it shows that COVID-19 mortality rate is lower than other countries due to the early vaccination of the Iraqis, otherwise Iraq is more fragile than Iran and Turkey due to the poor conditions of Iraq in terms of economics, politics, war and other aspects.

2020 ◽  
Akihiko Ozaki ◽  
Yosuke Onoue ◽  
Anju Murayama ◽  
Taishi Tahara ◽  
Yuki Senoo ◽  

BACKGROUND Rural physician undersupply is a universal concern, leading to sudden physician absenteeism or unavailability on occasion. While media and social networking services may help mitigate these emergencies, information is lacking about their actual contribution in times of physician absenteeism. On December 30, 2016, the director and sole physician of Takano Hospital in Fukushima, Japan, died. The physician’s passing placed many hospitalized patients in danger. This sudden case of physician unavailability, named the Takano Hospital Crisis, provoked massive attention from the general public, in the media and on social media networks such as Twitter. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to analyze newspaper articles, tweets and Twitter accounts relating to Takano Hospital Crisis. METHODS Newspaper articles and tweets were searched for keywords associated with Takano Hospital Crisis and its former director between October 2016 and June 2017. We first evaluated the chronological change in the number of articles and tweets, and the number of characters and relevant keywords in the articles. Then tweets and influencers who were popular on the Twitter platform from December 30, 2016 to February 28, 2017, were categorized. RESULTS We assessed 151 newspaper articles and 67,006 tweets. The results show that number of newspaper articles and tweets steeply increased and then diminished within the first month of the incident. The median number of characters in newspapers articles was 436 and the most frequent keyword was medical doctor. There were 753 original tweets that were retweeted more than four times from December 30, 2016 to February 28, 2017. Of these, 245 (32.5%) expressed concern. Notable influencers were journalists, news media outlets, and healthcare professionals that helped with fund raising and providing clinical service in the hospital. CONCLUSIONS Twitter could temporarily function in cases of sudden physician absenteeism to attract volunteers and funding, however, this would not be a long-term solution. In a more general context, a long-term effort of supports from the hospitals themselves and the government will be required to manage the persistent state of physician absenteeism.

Jaroslav Tir ◽  
Johannes Karreth

Two low-level armed conflicts, Indonesia’s East Timor and Ivory Coast’s post-2010 election crises, provide detailed qualitative evidence of highly structured intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) engaging in effective civil warpreventing activities in member-states. Highly structured IGOs threatened and sanctioned each of these states and offered (long-term) benefits conditional on successful crisis resolution. The governments were aware of and responded to these IGOs’ concerns, as did the rebels in these respective cases. The early stages of the conflict in Syria in 2011 provide a counterpoint. With Syria’s limited engagement in only few highly structured IGOs, the Syrian government ignored international calls for peace. And, without highly structured IGOs’ counterweight to curtail the government, the rebels saw little reason to stop their armed resistance. The result was a brutal and deadly civil war that continues today.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 4747
Mario A. Heredia Salgado ◽  
Ina Säumel ◽  
Andrea Cianferoni ◽  
Luís A. C. Tarelho

Improving the livelihoods of communities living in fragile ecosystems, such as tropical forests, is among the main strategies to promote their conservation and preserve wildlife. In the Ecuadorian Amazon, farmers’ cooperatives are recognized as an important mechanism to improve the socioeconomic conditions of local communities. This study analyzes the integration of pyrolysis processes to convert agricultural waste into biochar as a way to implement the bioeconomy in these organizations. We found that post-harvesting processes in the studied farmers’ cooperatives are similar, and coffee husks are a potential feedstock to produce biochar. Although the environmental policies in Ecuador consider the valorization of agricultural waste, we did not find any specific standard to regulate the operation of pyrolysis facilities. Nonetheless, conversion of agricultural waste into biochar can contribute to (i) replacement of subsidized fossil fuels used in drying processes, (ii) prevention of environmental pollution caused by accumulation of waste, (iii) emergence of new income sources linked with the provision of carbon sequestration services, and (iv) the long-term maintenance of soil fertility. Currently, demonstration projects are needed to stimulate collaboration among farmers’ cooperatives, academia, the government, international cooperation agencies, and existing forest conservation initiatives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (15) ◽  
pp. 6748
Hsun-Ping Hsieh ◽  
Fandel Lin ◽  
Jiawei Jiang ◽  
Tzu-Ying Kuo ◽  
Yu-En Chang

Research on flourishing public bike-sharing systems has been widely discussed in recent years. In these studies, many existing works focus on accurately predicting individual stations in a short time. This work, therefore, aims to predict long-term bike rental/drop-off demands at given bike station locations in the expansion areas. The real-world bike stations are mainly built-in batches for expansion areas. To address the problem, we propose LDA (Long-Term Demand Advisor), a framework to estimate the long-term characteristics of newly established stations. In LDA, several engineering strategies are proposed to extract discriminative and representative features for long-term demands. Moreover, for original and newly established stations, we propose several feature extraction methods and an algorithm to model the correlations between urban dynamics and long-term demands. Our work is the first to address the long-term demand of new stations, providing the government with a tool to pre-evaluate the bike flow of new stations before deployment; this can avoid wasting resources such as personnel expense or budget. We evaluate real-world data from New York City’s bike-sharing system, and show that our LDA framework outperforms baseline approaches.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 4026
Mohammad Wais Azimy ◽  
Ghulam Dastgir Khan ◽  
Yuichiro Yoshida ◽  
Keisuke Kawata

The government of Afghanistan promotes saffron production as a means to achieve economic development while reducing the widely spread opium cultivation in the country by providing necessary support to its farmers via saffron farmer service centers. This study investigates the causal effects of relevant attributes of potential saffron production promotion policies on the participation probabilities of saffron farmers. This study applies a randomized conjoint experiment to primary survey data of 298 farmers in Herat Province, which is perceived by the government as the center of saffron production in the country. The proposed hypothetical saffron production promotion policy consists of six attributes, namely, provision of machinery equipment, weather-based crop insurance, accessibility to long-term loans, location of saffron farmer service centers, provider of services, and annual payment. In the randomized conjoint experiment design, the respondents rank two alternative policies and policies against the status quo. The desirable policy comprises the machinery provision, long-term (up to 5 years) loan accessibility, an easily accessible service center, and policy implementation by international non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The estimated results reveal that saffron farmers are highly supportive of the proposed saffron promotion policy and that their willingness to pay is as high as 17% of their per capita income.

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