Archival Heritage as an Instrument of Historical and Educational Activities in Modern Uzbekistan: The Main Trends of 2010-2018

2018 ◽  
pp. 1188-1205
Efim I. Pivovar ◽  
Alexander V. Gushchin ◽  
Alexander S. Levchenkov ◽  

The article studies the main ways of using archives as an instrument of popularization of historical and cultural heritage in modern Uzbekistan and assesses the prospects of the Russo-Uzbek archival communications. The history of archives formation and development in Uzbekistan counts many centuries, traditions of archival science in this country are among most ancient in Central Asia. Today the leading archives of Uzbekistan are working on introduction of latest information and communication technologies, sometimes in collaboration with foreign partners. Thus, the archival institutions of Uzbekistan are transforming from places of storages of documents into full-fledged scientific and educational centers that actively participate in promoting national historical and cultural heritage. The most important task that is currently being solved at the highest state level is to increase the level of coordination and systematization of archival materials usage in order to promote national historical and cultural heritage and to shape a modern concept of the genesis and development of the Uzbek state. Uzbekistan archival institutions and fonds are more and more used by its leaders to deal with important social and political challenges facing Uzbekistan (primarily related to achievement of social consensus, development of Uzbek statehood, cultural, and religious spheres). Naturally, the work in this direction is largely aimed at imbuing the population with stable ideas on features of historical development of Uzbekistan and views on international relations, intercultural dialogue, and interreligious interaction. An important task of Russia in this context is to widen cooperation with Uzbekistan in the archival sphere. Publications on the current state of Uzbek archives ignore the use of archival heritage for educational purposes and to solve most urgent social and political task of national development. Moreover, Russian historians and archivists do not receive the necessary information on significant trends in the archival development of Uzbekistan in 2010s; and yet it was a time when informatization proceeded and state interest in popularization of archival heritage grew. Similar methods of training archivists in the two countries should play an important role in the development of Russo-Uzbek cooperation in archiving.

2021 ◽  
Larisa Gagarina ◽  
Grigoriy Kuznecov ◽  
Evgeniy Portnov ◽  
Anna Doronina

The textbook examines the main milestones in the history of the development of information technologies, computing and computer technology abroad and in Russia. Special attention is paid to the methodology of scientific research in the field of infocommunications. The current sections of the development of telecommunications technologies in the field of multimedia networks and network operating systems are presented. In order to develop practical skills, a laboratory workshop is given. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For senior students of technical specialties, postgraduates, researchers, teachers of higher educational institutions, students of advanced training institutes.

Serhiy Danylenko ◽  
Olena Shcherbatiuk

The political instrumentalization of the history of Ukraine carried out by the Russian Federation in the framework of the information war against Ukraine is covered in this article. This instrumentalization is exercised through media communication employing historical and political myths and narratives to vindicate Russia’s aggressive actions. The latest information and communication technologies used by the Kremlin in the information war against Ukraine have been identified in this paper. Such destructive efforts often derail Ukrainian-Polish relations, which are particularly sensitive to historical and political issues. The reasons for the drawbacks of the Ukrainian authorities in counteracting the information aggression on the part of the Russian Federation are distinguished, and the measures that would contribute to an effective response to such aggression are outlined.

Legal Ukraine ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 16-23
Oleksandr Sosnin

Scientific discussion of the problems of transformation of the legal foundations of state institutes of scientific and educational institutions under the influence of the development of information and communication technologies (ICT) and innovative thinking of people is extremely relevant and complex at the same time. Various scientific knowledge has been lacking for a long time, however, today, when the development of creative, moral, innovative potential of each person and humanity as a whole has become a priority for any individual and society, has become the most important, generalizing indicator, criterion of national development. To be taken more systematically and responsibly. Information has always and everywhere been valued as a jewel, on which huge financial resources were spent to acquire its media, have always been important. With the advent of radio and television and, ultimately, modern ICTs, it has increasingly become a product that has always been in demand and also sold well, which, unfortunately, has helped turn the miracle of human communication into a monster — a weapon against the sustainable. development of mankind, the protection of which requires deep knowledge of the human psyche, the laws of society and decision-making algorithms. The nature and meaning of the world, covered by various technical means of communication, are increasingly of interest to society, however, the information and communication sphere, as a geocultural phenomenon and force of influence, began to form not so long ago, around the XVIII century, gradually acquiring geocultural weapons. Again, under the influence of the development of ICT, it has become a pervasive force in the twentieth century, and having acquired network methods of use — a weapon. Today it is becoming the most important factor in the transformation of the world order in the structure «matter (people) — energy (finance) — information — a resource for development». This is how the state and legal policy and the realities of the interaction of the countries of the world with each other and, accordingly, the citizens with the government are built, forcing them to look for new ways of evolution of the economy, military affairs, public power, etc. Using new ICTs, the world’s leading countries are constantly updating their scientific and educational sphere, increasing the requirements for professional training of young people in their universities, trying to form an open society with a responsible attitude to social values, more fully define the responsibilities of public authorities, and it is in this direction that the problems of the formation of modern statehood are concentrated. Key words: information, informatization, information and communication technologies, information and communication security, information and communication activity, information space, information war, humanities, scientific and educational policy, information legislation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 053901842110222
Thomas Laux

The Fridays For Future movement and their global climate strikes put climate change on political agendas worldwide and created a new wave of climate activism. The emergence of a global movement is a rare and contingent phenomenon that promises insights for political sociology and globalization research. This study consists of a qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) of 17 democratic countries to analyze the conditions for strong mobilization of the third global climate strike. Four mechanisms are identified, showing that trust in environmental movements, the availability of resources through international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs) and information and communication technologies (ICT), and frame resonance are sufficient for explaining strong mobilization. These results illustrate that global movements depend on several equifinal mechanisms for mobilization on the nation-state level. Furthermore, the findings illustrate that the global features of a global movement are necessary but not sufficient for explaining its emergence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Ivelin Nenov

The present research is based on “Methodics for Preservation and Promotion of the Cultural Heritage with Artistic Interactions and Educational Impacts through Information and Communication Technologies (Nenov 2019), and the application of “the possibilities to promote cultural heritage with artistic interactions and educational impacts through the application of modern information and communication technologies (ICT), applying an interdisciplinary analysis of the scientific information for the cultural heritage sites” (Nenov 2019). Analysis of the activities for preservation and promotion of the cultural heritage has been made in the context of the concept, prepared by author team headed by architect Nenov – “Concept for activities for revitalization of the tourist attractions for promotion of intangible cultural heritage sites, under category “national” significance in the town of Bansko. (Nenov 2019a). The concept explores the impact of the environment in the “House of Arts Bansko” and the prerequisites for its reconstruction in “Cultural Heritage Promotion Center”. The applicability of notions, such as “cognition”, “cognitive architecture”, “interpretation of the cultural heritage”, “media façade”, educational “STEM” method and “authentic artistic interactions”, related to the research, is being analyzed as new approach for preservation and promotion of the cultural heritage. The significance of the interpretation of the cultural heritage in the context of ICT capabilities for the promotion of tangible and intangible cultural values is substantiated. Present examples for application of the Augmented reality (AR) are examined. The study presents the “possibilities for interpretation of the cultural heritage through visual research with information and communication technologies (ICT) in a real “in situ” and museum environment in the context of the cultural heritage sites and using the cited methodics, which was introduced in the dissertation “Conservation of the cultural heritage of Bulgaria in the context of the synthesis of architecture and fine arts “(Nenov 2016–2019). The possibilities for building cognitive environment are explored in the context of introduction of new technologies and good practices for popularization of the cultural heritage.

Efthimios Tambouris ◽  
Ann Macintosh ◽  
Efpraxia Dalakiouridou ◽  
Simon Smith ◽  
Eleni Panopoulou ◽  

During the past few years, information and communication technologies and especially the internet are increasingly used in a vast range of human activities, including citizens' interaction with government. In this context, advanced technologies are also being used to more actively engage citizens in democratic processes, which are termed as electronic participation (eParticipation). eParticipation has attracted considerable attention worldwide. In Europe, a large number of initiatives have been funded providing valuable lessons. The aim of this chapter is to map the current state of eParticipation in Europe and provide practical recommendations. More specifically, the authors first present the results of a review of policy documents in the European Union in order to understand how eParticipation fits into European policies. They then present an analytical framework to aid theoretical understanding of eParticipation, followed by the results of a European study on eParticipation initiatives. Based on all these, the authors propose a number of recommendations on eParticipation for policy makers, practitioners, evaluators and research funders.

Liudmila Burtseva ◽  
Svetlana Cojocaru ◽  
Constantin Gaindric ◽  
Galina Magariu ◽  
Tatiana Verlan

In this chapter the authors introduce the digital-divide concept to the reader, bring its different definitions, and describe the short history of the problem. The basic figures and facts, which characterize the information and communication technologies’ usage in different countries and regions, are given as well. Also, basic indicators that allow the monitoring of the country’s advancement on the way to bridging the digital divide are stated. The main purpose for the authors was to show that the digital divide is not only (and not as much) a technical problem, but rather a social and political one. Hence, the approaches to this problem decision, both in the world community as a whole and in separate countries, are described.

Meltem Mutluturk ◽  
Burcu Kor ◽  
Bilgin Metin

The development of information and communication technologies (ICT) has led to many innovative technologies. The integration of technologies such as the internet of things (IoT), cloud computing, and machine learning concepts have given rise to Industry 4.0. Fog and edge computing have stepped in to fill the areas where cloud computing is inadequate to ensure these systems work quickly and efficiently. The number of connected devices has brought about cybersecurity issues. This study reviewed the current literature regarding edge/fog-based cybersecurity in IoT to display the current state.

Zdeněk Dvořák ◽  
Nikola Chovančíková ◽  
Bohuš Leitner

Academic science, research and technology companies are currently working intensively on the possibilities of using cutting-edge information and communication technologies in practice. An example of the much-needed deployment of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is energy. This sector of the national economy requires the monitoring of large line and area objects at regular intervals in order to analyse the state of wear and damage of energy equipment. The Slovak Republic, as a modern European country, is working very intensively on the implementation of all available modern technologies in the energy sector. The text of the chapter aims to present and describe the current state of practical use of drones in the energy infrastructure in Slovakia.

Festus Prosper Olise

This paper advocates for the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and indigenous languages for the actualization of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Nigeria because both tools are capable of transforming the rural and urban populace. It explores the MDGs so as to unravel the ways ICTs and indigenous languages can facilitate the speedy actualization of MDGs in Nigeria, a country with peculiar cultural heritage and with over 750 indigenous languages. It also analyzes some of the contending constraints confronting Nigeria from actualizing MDGs such as corruption, extreme poverty, lack of attention to indigenous languages, high cost of ICTs which are products of bad leadership. The effective use of Nigeria’s different indigenous languages and ICTs, it maintains, remains the most effective way towards educating Nigerians and achieving the MDGs in Nigeria come 2015.

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