2020 ◽  
Vol 42 (3) ◽  
pp. 355-368

The aim of the article is to recall the fi steps of comprehension by the scientific community of possibilities of a newly born means of the reality reflection. The means was initially oriented for obtaining reliable information and supposing a delayed reaction of the spectator in the process of communication. Recollection and understanding become more important under the distance education condition. Pre-revolutionary Russia lived anticipating changes, and the filmmaking was considered by the society as one of those progressive phenomena evidencing the coming of a new age. The scientists’ activity during the development of scientific fi in pre-revolutionary Russia was long hushed up and wasn’t considered as forming a basis for the future system of educational audio-visual communication. In this process there participated striking, creative personalities, mostly belonged to the community of Imperial Moscow University, which activity was during the age of changes. The significant contribution of pleiad of eminent scientists’ activity to the new direction formation was a reason to unify in one paper both their whole professional life data and information about their time-limited period of scientific fi In the future a more profound study of their achievements are considered to be promising. In the introduction the anterior period of the Russian fi appearance, where the scientific and education community of Russia was exploring the possibilities of a new means of information transfer for education purposes, is considered. Two main units are dedicated to the role of scientists in the development of scientific filmmaking for research and popularization of biomedical and physical problems.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 1051
Luiz Fernando Ferreira ◽  
Ana Müller

Abstract: A sentence is counterfactual when it implicates that the proposition it denotes is false (Iatridou, 2000). It has been noted that the past tense behaves non-canonically in counterfactual constructions in several unrelated languages, since it does not seem to convey pastness. A similar behavior is found in Karitiana, a Tupian language that belongs to the future vs. non-future system. It is the non-future that is used non-canonically in counterfactuals in Karitiana. Some authors posit that the past tense has a modal interpretation in counterfactual environments (JAMES, 1982; FLEISCHMAN, 1989; IATRIDOU, 2000; PALMER, 2001; van LINDEN; VERSTRAETE; 2008). Others posit that tense is just tense in these environments (IPPOLITO, 2002, 2003; ARREGUI, 2005). The goal of this paper is to describe the semantics of counterfactual sentences in Karitiana, and show that the language supports the Tense as Tense approach to counterfactuals. Thus, bringing data from Karitiana becomes relevant because, besides giving a description of counterfactuality in the language, it brings data from a typologically distinct language to bear on the choice between two important theoretical approaches.Keywords: counterfactuality; tense; past; indigenous languages.Resumo: Uma sentença é contrafactual quando implica que a proposição que ela denota é falsa (Iatridou, 2000). Tem sido observado, em diversas línguas de famílias não relacionadas, que a morfologia de passado usada em sentenças contrafactuais possui um comportamento inesperado. Ela parece não expressar a noção de tempo passado. Observamos um comportamento semelhante em uma língua que não têm morfologia de passado, mas cujo sistema temporal expressa a distinção futuro vs. não-futuro – v o Karitiana, língua Tupi. Nessa língua, a morfologia de não-futuro, quando usada em sentenças contrafactuais, não expressa ausência de futuridade. Alguns autores consideram que em contrafactuais o tempo gramatical tem uma interpretação modal (JAMES, 1982; FLEISCHMAN, 1989; IATRIDOU, 2000; PALMER, 2001; van LINDEN; VERSTRAETE; 2008). Outros consideram que o tempo mantém sua interpretação temporal (IPPOLITO, 2002, 2003; ARREGUI, 2005). O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar essas duas teorias frente ao comportamento das construções contrafactuais em Karitiana. O artigo mostra que os dados de uma língua do sistema temporal futuro vs. não-futuro contribuem para a avaliação de qual das duas abordagens mencionadas acima oferece a proposta mais plausível para o papel da flexão temporal em sentenças contrafactuais. A primeira abordagem funciona exclusivamente para línguas que possuem a morfologia de passado. Por outro lado, a segunda abordagem é capaz de fornecer uma explicação para o comportamento distinto da flexão temporal tanto em línguas do sistema futuro vs. não-futuro, como em línguas do sistema passado vs. presente vs. futuro. Assim, a discussão da língua Karitiana é relevante porque, além de aprofundar a descrição das sentenças contrafactuais nessa língua, traz dados de uma língua tipologicamente distinta das línguas mais discutidas pela literatura para dentro da discussão teórica sobre a contrafactualidade. Esses dados desafiam o poder explanatório das principais abordagens teóricas e apoiam uma delas.Palavras-chave: contrafactualidade; tempo; passado; línguas indígenas.

2017 ◽  
Vol 225 (3) ◽  
pp. 189-199 ◽  
Tina B. Lonsdorf ◽  
Jan Richter

Abstract. As the criticism of the definition of the phenotype (i.e., clinical diagnosis) represents the major focus of the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) initiative, it is somewhat surprising that discussions have not yet focused more on specific conceptual and procedural considerations of the suggested RDoC constructs, sub-constructs, and associated paradigms. We argue that we need more precise thinking as well as a conceptual and methodological discussion of RDoC domains and constructs, their interrelationships as well as their experimental operationalization and nomenclature. The present work is intended to start such a debate using fear conditioning as an example. Thereby, we aim to provide thought-provoking impulses on the role of fear conditioning in the age of RDoC as well as conceptual and methodological considerations and suggestions to guide RDoC-based fear conditioning research in the future.

2008 ◽  
Vol 39 (6) ◽  
pp. 652-657 ◽  
Norine G. Johnson ◽  
Alison M. Radcliffe

2011 ◽  
Daniel Bartels ◽  
Oleg Urminsky ◽  
Shane Frederick

2013 ◽  
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi ◽  
Jeanne Nakamura

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (01) ◽  
pp. 35-42
M. Hermans

SummaryThe author presents his personal opinion inviting to discussion on the possible future role of psychiatrists. His view is based upon the many contacts with psychiatrists all over Europe, academicians and everyday professionals, as well as the familiarity with the literature. The list of papers referred to is based upon (1) the general interest concerning the subject when representing ideas also worded elsewhere, (2) the accessibility to psychiatrists and mental health professionals in Germany, (3) being costless downloadable for non-subscribers and (4) for some geographic aspects (e.g. Belgium, Spain, Sweden) and the latest scientific issues, addressing some authors directly.

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