Education is basically aimed at developing one's personality, so that he becomes intelligent human being and able to solve various problems of life he faces. Islamic education not only teaches or transforms science and skills and sensitivity of taste or religion. But it should provide equipment to students to be able to solve the problems that are visible now and the new look clear in the future. Able to solve problems that are seen as their own obligations either as professionals who are bound to the code of ethics of his profession or because of the inner commitment between himself and God as a humanitarian obligation that consciously and sincerely sees the effort as a useful step for the environment. In other words, Islamic education must be oriented to the future because the real protege of today is the next generation in the future. From here develop the thinking about civil society, a civilized society, put forward pluralism, tasamuh (tolerance) and rule of law without abandoning the devotion to Allah SWT. The development of civil society can not be separated from the support of education, both formal and non-formal education, carried out through holistic and universal divine rules without any dichotomy of thought and time constraints that limit the process of coaching itself. Thus, the civil society will be formed if there is a cadre in every Muslim person by following the Islamic education kaffah, so that he can shine (mendakwahi) others kejalan truth.