scholarly journals The short – term nephropathological complications due to alloxan induction of diabetes mellitus in male rabbits

2012 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
H. Kh. U. Al-Karagoly And K. F. AbdulKareem

This study was conducted to assess the pathological changes in kidneys after twenty day from induction of diabetes mellitus in male rabbits.Sixteen male rabbits were used in this study and divided into two equal groups: diabetic group (Dm) and control group (Cm). Diabetes mellitus was induced by i.v injection of alloxan monohydrate at dose rate 100 mg/kg dissolved in 1 ml of normal saline. Blood was collected after three days to check fasting serum glucose.Serum glucose level was elevated starting from the 1st 3 days after induction of diabetes mellitus. The histopathological results revealed that there were: edema, glomerular hypertrophy and hypercellularity, as well as glomerular necrosis, glomerular swelling, glomerular congestion with glomerular cast and rupture. The conclusion that renal glomeruli and tubules affected progressively after short period from beginning of diabetes mellitus.

2020 ◽  
pp. 174702182098552
Lucette Toussaint ◽  
Aurore Meugnot ◽  
Christel Bidet-Ildei

The present experiment aimed to gain more information on the effect of limb nonuse on the cognitive level of actions and, more specifically, on the content of the motor program used for grasping an object. For that purpose, we used a hand-grasping laterality task that is known to contain concrete information on manipulation activity. Two groups participated in the experiment: an immobilized group, including participants whose right hand and arm were fixed with a rigid splint and an immobilization vest for 24 hours, and a control group, including participants who did not undergo the immobilization procedure. The main results confirmed a slowdown of sensorimotor processes, which is highlighted in the literature, with slower response times when the participants identified the laterality of hand images that corresponded to the immobilized hand. Importantly, the grip-precision effect, highlighted by slower response times for hands grasping a small sphere versus a large sphere, is impaired by 24 hours of limb nonuse. Overall, this study provided additional evidence of the disengagement of sensorimotor processes due to a short period of limb immobilization.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 3446
Aysun Göcük ◽  
Fatma Şahin

The need for energy is increasing. If fossil fuels continue to be consumed at this rate, they will disappear after a short period of time. Therefore, it is essential to use limited energy resources consciously. How early students wins this awareness, positive outcomes will be much more. The main purpose of the study is to make students aware of the problems from early ages and the object of this study is to find out how Problem Based Learning (PBL) affect the 5th grade students literacy improvement by using knowledge tests. It is an experimental study with a controlled group applied pre-test and final- test. It was carried out with the 5th grade students on 2013-2014 education year. A total of 36 students participated in the study. The involved in the experiment and control group were selected randomly. In the experiment group, the students were taught using activities prepared by Problem Based Learning and in control group, the students were taught using traditional methods. The duration for each group was 10 lesson hours. Data of search was derived using energy literacy knowledge test         (ELKT). When researched the effect of Problem Based Learning method carried out on experiment group and traditional method carried out on control group, a significant distinction in favor of Problem Based Learning method was found out. ÖzetEnerjiye olan ihtiyaç giderek artmaktadır. Fosil yakıtlar bu hızla tüketilmeye devam ederse, kısa bir süre sonra yok olacaklar. Bu  yüzden, sınırlı olan enerji kaynaklarını bilinçli kullanmak şarttır. Öğrenciler bu bilinci ne kadar erken kazanırlarsa, olumlu sonuçları o kadar fazla olacaktır.  Bu çalışmanın temel amacı öğrencilerin erken yaşta problemin farkına varmasını sağlamaktır ve bu çalışmayla Probleme Dayalı Öğrenme (PDÖ) yaklaşımının 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin enerji okuryazarlığı üzerine etkisini bilgi testi kullanarak incelemek amaçlanmıştır.   Çalışma ön test – son test kontrol gruplu deneysel bir çalışma olarak planlanmıştır.  Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 2013-2014 Eğitim Öğretim yılı içerisinde 5. sınıfta eğitim gören toplam 36 öğrenci oluşturmuştur. Deney ve kontrol grubunu oluşturan öğrenciler şans (random) yoluyla belirlenmiştir. Deney grubunda dersler PDÖ yöntemiyle hazırlanan ders etkinlikleriyle işlenirken, kontrol grubunda dersler mevcut programdaki etkinlikler ile işlenmiştir. Her iki grup için de çalışmanın süresi 10 ders saatidir. Araştırmanın verileri enerji okuryazarlığı bilgi testi (EOBT) ile toplanmıştır. Deney grubunda uygulanan PDÖ yöntemin mevcut programdaki etkinliklere göre enerji okuryazarlığında daha etkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 536-545
Baghdad Science Journal

Diabetes mellitus (DM) has been defined as a clinical syndrome that is characterized by abnormal carbohydrate metabolism. The chronic hyperglycemia of diabetes is associated with long term damage, dysfunction, and failure of different organs, especially the liver .This study was conducted to assess the effect obesity and insulin resistance on liver enzymes in diabetic Iraqi patients.A comparative study of (90) Iraqi adults divided to three subgroup(30) obese ,(30) nonobese diabetic patients and(30)person had used as control. The analysis included Liver enzyme ALP,ALT,AST,GGT ,Fasting Plasma Glucose (FBG) , Lipid Profile , Hemoglobin A1C , insulin and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA IR) were measured. Subjects were excluded from this study if they had liver disease, alcohol intake, medications for lowering lipid, insulin treatment, pregnant women and women taking contraceptive pills . The study shows significantly higher of liver enzymes level ( gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), alkaline phosphatase, Aspartate Amino Transferase , Alanine Transaminase) in obese diabetic patients compared with non-obese diabetic patients and control subject and HOMA IR showed significantly higher in obese diabetic patients compared with non-obese with diabetic patients and control (P < 0.05). The lipids level showed significantly higher in obese diabetic patients compared with non-obese diabetic patients and control.The HbA1c level showed higher significantly in obese diabetic patients compared with control and ther is a posative correlation between insulin and HOMA IR , ALP in obeses diabetic patients while there was negative correlation between ALT and cholesterol in obese group and with HbA1c in control group. The liver enzymes level of(alkaline phosphatase, alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase gama glutaminase transferase ) is significantly higher in obese diabetic patients than non –obese diabetic patients and control group , also There was posative correlation between ALP and HOMA IR while there was negative correlation between ALT and cholesterol in obese group and with HbA1c in control group .

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-26
Raksha Amemane ◽  
Archana Gundmi ◽  
Kishan Madikeri Mohan

Background and Objectives: Music listening has a concomitant effect on structural and functional organization of the brain. It helps in relaxation, mind training and neural strengthening. In relation to it, the present study was aimed to find the effect of Carnatic music listening training (MLT) on speech in noise performance in adults.Subjects and Methods: A total of 28 participants (40-70 years) were recruited in the study. Based on randomized control trial, they were divided into intervention and control group. Intervention group underwent a short-term MLT. Quick Speech-in-Noise in Kannada was used as an outcome measure.Results: Results were analysed using mixed method analysis of variance (ANOVA) and repeated measures ANOVA. There was a significant difference between intervention and control group post MLT. The results of the second continuum revealed no statistically significant difference between post training and follow-up scores in both the groups.Conclusions: In conclusion short-term MLT resulted in betterment of speech in noise performance. MLT can be hence used as a viable tool in formal auditory training for better prognosis.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 112-119
Andika Siswoaribowo ◽  
Mateus Sakundarno ◽  
Muhammad Mu’in

Background: Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease that requires treatment for long periods of time so it can cause physical and psychological problems for sufferers and families (caregiver). Caregiver's role is expected to provide support for people with diabetes mellitus. Family psychoeducation is a strategy that can be applied for caregiver in overcoming problems that arise during the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus.Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of family psychoeducation on caregiver support in the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus type II.Methods: This research used a quasi experiment with  pre-test post-test control group design. A total of 46 caregivers and patients with diabetes mellitus were recruited puposively, with 23 respondents assigned in the experiment and control group. Caregiver support scale was used to measure caregiver support, and Hensarling Diabetes Family Support Scale (HDFSS) for measuring perception of patients toward the treatment of caregiver.  Data were analyzed using paired t-test and independent t-test. Results: Findings showed there was an increase of caregiver knowledge from 5.39 to 9.09 and an improvement of caregiver treatment from 40.30 to 67.04 after given family psychoeducation. There was a significant difference of caregiver support in the experimental and control group with p-value <0.001 (<0.05).Conclusion: Family psychoeducation can increase caregiver support in the treatment of diabetes mellitus patients. The intervention can be one of nurses interventions in the empowerment of family in improving the treatment of chronic diseases, particularly in diabetes mellitus.

2021 ◽  
pp. 31-32
Parag Gupta ◽  
Lal Pranay Singh

Background: Diabetes mellitus is the most common metabolic disorder characterized by metabolic abnormalities and long term complications. It is characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defect in insulin secretion and in its action. It has become a leading cause of morbidity and mortality world over. hs- CRP is a marker of low-grade inammation and it is raised in patients with type 2 DM. The present study was undertaken with the objective of studying the relation of High Sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP) in patients of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and in non-diseased population. Methods: This was a comparative observational study, conducted at Diabetic clinic, Index Medical College, Indore during August 2014 to July 2015. Cases and control were selected as per the inclusion criteria. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS v20. Mean age of the group was 48years. The mean hs CRP in the diabe Results: tic group was 0.45 compared with 0.35, in the control group. hs CRP levels are directly related to insulin resistance and is Conclusion: highly associated with diabetic population.

Circulation ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 130 (suppl_2) ◽  
Luigi Di Biase ◽  
Rodney Horton ◽  
Chintan Trivedi ◽  
Prasant Mohanty ◽  
Sanghamitra Mohanty ◽  

Introduction: Radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation is performed under fluoroscopic guidance and therefore carries radiation risk exposure for the both the patient and the operator. Three-dimensional mapping systems and newer technologies to allow non-fluoroscopic catheter visualization together with intracardiac echo have reduced but not abolished the fluoroscopy exposure. We aim to demonstrate the feasibility, the safety and the efficacy of catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation without the use of fluoroscopy. Methods: A totally fluoro-less approach was developed for AF ablation at our Institution. 94 consecutive AF patients underwent zero fluoroscopy catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation. In the zero fluoroscopy cases, the fluoroscopy arm was kept far away from the patient table. Access including double trans-septal, mapping with the Carto 3 system and ablation were all performed without fluoroscopy with the use of ICE and the Carto 3 system. These 94 patients were compared with 94 control patients matched for age, sex and type of AF who underwent AF ablation by the same operator with the use of fluoroscopy. Results: Baseline characteristics were similar between fluoroless (N=94, Age=64.5 ± 10.1, 75.5% male, 48% paroxysmal) and control (N=94, Age=65.1 ± 9.9, 72.3% male, 50% paroxysmal) group. Non-PV triggers were detected and ablated in 51 (54.3%) and 56 (59.6%) patients in fluoroless and control group respectively (p=0.5). Average fluoro time in control group was 10.1 ± 4.7 minutes. Procedure duration was comparable (120.4 ± 25.8 vs. 122.2 ± 28.7, p =0.6). After the short term median follow-up of 4.5 (4 – 6.5) months, 10 (10.6 %) patients in flourless and 9 (9.6%) patients in control group experienced recurrences (p=0.8).One pericardial effusion requiring pericardiocenteis occurred in the fluoroless group. Conclusions: Our series show that zero fluoroscopy ablation of atrial fibrillation with the use of newer technologies is feasible, safe and efficacious at the short term follow up. Importantly in our series the double transeptal was performed without fluoroscopy and the ablation was not limited to the pulmonary veins only but included ablation of the posterior wall, the coronary sinus and the left atrial appendage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 97
Viviane Humm ◽  
Daniel Wiedemeier ◽  
Thomas Attin ◽  
Patrick Schmidlin ◽  
Stefanie Gartenmann

Electronic and mobile health (eHealth/mHealth) are rapidly growing areas in medicine and digital technologies are gaining importance. In dentistry, digitalization is also an emerging topic, whereby more and more applications are being offered. As an example, using real-time feedback, digital application software (an app) was designed to help users brush their teeth more accurately. However, there is no data on the effectiveness and haptic of such apps. Therefore, a single-blinded, randomized controlled clinical trial was designed: twenty volunteers received an electric toothbrush with an associated app to assess whether the app-assisted toothbrushing is better than without. After a short period of familiarization with the electric toothbrush, plaque index (O‘Leary et al. 1972) was recorded and subjects were assigned to the test (with app; n = 10) or the control group (no app; n = 10). At the end of the 2-week pilot study period, plaque was again assessed and participants in the test group completed a questionnaire about the app’s user-friendliness. Statistical analysis revealed no significant differences between the test and control groups. The plaque index improved on average by 8.5% points in the test and 4.7% points in the control group. Fifty percent of the test group participants were of the opinion that they had achieved better cleaning results and would recommend the app to others, although the app contributed only marginally to increased plaque removal. However, such apps may nevertheless be helpful as motivational tools, especially when tracking and monitoring cleaning data. Therefore, more development and research on this topic is indicated.

Esra Giray ◽  
Nezih Onur Ermerak ◽  
Yeliz Bahar-Ozdemir ◽  
Melihat Kalkandelen ◽  
Mustafa Yuksel ◽  

Abstract Introduction Pectus carinatum (PC) is a congenital chest wall deformity which is characterized by the protrusion of the sternum and costal cartilages. Although orthotic and exercise therapies are commonly offered by physicians for PC treatment, there is a lack of evidence on the benefits of exercises and how long the orthosis should be worn. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects and feasibility of custom-made compression orthosis and exercises in the treatment of PC. Materials and Methods Patients with PC aged 7 to 17 years old were randomized into three groups: compression orthosis 23 hours, compression orthosis 8 hours, and control group. All groups received exercises for 1 hour a day for 3 weeks. Additionally, compression orthosis 23 hours group wore the orthosis for 23 hours a day, while compression orthosis 8 hours group wore the orthosis for 8 hours a day. PC protrusion, pressure of correction, thorax lateral and anteroposterior parameters, external chest wall measurements, and Nuss Questionnaire were evaluated before and after the treatment. Also, adverse effects, retention, and compliance were assessed. Feasibility was evaluated by calculating the percentages of recruitment, retention, and safety. Results The compression orthosis 23 hours group showed greater improvements than the other groups. After treatment, all groups showed significant changes in protrusion, pressure of correction, and external chest wall measurements. Adverse events occurred with similar frequency across groups. Retention percentages did not differ among groups. Conclusion Compression orthosis use for 23 hours can be recommended rather than its use for 8 hours because 23 hours of orthosis use has better correction and similar adverse effects.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-9 ◽  
Hongyan Chen ◽  
Jianping Dai ◽  
Xiaozhe Zhang ◽  
Kai Wang ◽  
Shuhua Huang ◽  

The present study attempted to explore modulated hypothalamus-seeded resting brain network underlying the cardiovascular system in primary hypertensive patients after short-term acupuncture treatment. Thirty right-handed patients (14 male) were divided randomly into acupuncture and control groups. The acupuncture group received a continuous five-day acupuncture treatment and undertook three resting-state fMRI scans and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) as well as SF-36 questionnaires before, after, and one month after acupuncture treatment. The control group undertook fMRI scans and 24-hour ABPM. For verum acupuncture, average blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) decreased after treatment but showed no statistical differences. There were no significant differences in BP and HR between the acupuncture and control groups. Notably, SF-36 indicated that bodily pain (P= 0.005) decreased and vitality (P= 0.036) increased after acupuncture compared to the baseline. The hypothalamus-related brain network showed increased functional connectivity with the medulla, brainstem, cerebellum, limbic system, thalamus, and frontal lobes. In conclusion, short-term acupuncture did not decrease BP significantly but appeared to improve body pain and vitality. Acupuncture may regulate the cardiovascular system through a complicated brain network from the cortical level, the hypothalamus, and the brainstem.

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