scholarly journals Development of Learning Media Based on Arthropoda (Crustacea) Filum Diversity in Kampai Island of SD Negeri 050778 Langkat District, Sumatera Utara

Budianto Budianto ◽  
Pandu Prabowo Warsodirejo

This study aims to develop learning media that can be used by natural science teachers in SD Negeri 050778 by referring to RND-based media development methods (Research and Development) which will later use descriptive analysis methods and development methods. In making Blended Learning media where this media is in the form of learning videos using the Camtasia and Wondershare Quiz Creator application contains recorded video clips and questions about how to sample species, species diversity, and species collection techniques from Phylum Arthropods at SD Negeri 050778 Kampai Langkat Island, North Sumatra. The purpose of this research is descriptive analysis which is to obtain data on the diversity of the Artrhopoda Phylum from the Crustacean class which is very numerous and easily found around the coast of the island of Kampai. Crustacean diversity data obtained were analyzed using species abundance analysis method. Then the learning video development data will then be tested on students and science teachers as a test sample. From the field results found 8 dominant species of the Decapoda Order, including the Mangrove Crab (Scylla serrate), tiger shrimp (Panaeus monodon), Lobster Shrimp (Panulirus sp.), Ghost Crab (Ocypode kuhlii), Crab Uca Viola (Uca vocans) , Uca Petarung Crab (Uca annulipes), Centipede Shrimp (Squilla mantis), Klomang (Bernhardus Pagurus). From the three stations where Crustacea species sampling locations were obtained a diversity index of 0.85% at Station 1 with Species dominance, namely Centipede Shrimp, then 1.76% at Station II with Species dominance, namely Klomang (Pagurus bernhardus), and 0 , 43% with species dominance, namely Shrimp Prawn (Panaeus monodoni). From the analysis calculations of 30 students the results of a large group trial for development data are: (a) a group of 30 students an average of 97.85% (very decent), (2) Science Teacher Test Data of 87% (feasible category).

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 448
Niswatul Audah ◽  
Lalu Japa ◽  
M. Yamin

Diatom class Bacillariophyceae are world wide distribution and commonly dominated the phytoplankton community. The community of diatom class Bacillariophyceae of the waters Tanjung Luar Fish Landing Based (FLB) has never been reported. This study aims to determine the abundance and diversity of diatom class Bacillariophyceae. The sampling sites were determined by using a systematic random sampling method. Data of diatom class Bacillariophyceae were analyzed for species abundance, species diversity index and species dominance index calculations. The results showed, that the abundance of diatom class Bacillariophyceae species were 322.000 ind/L (low category), the species diversity index of diatom class Bacillariophyceae was 2.162 (moderate category), and the species dominance index was 0.138 (none of species dominance).

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Lisa Ernawati ◽  
M Sofwan Anwari ◽  
M Dirhamsyah

Gastropod is one the mollusk phylum that can adapted at the mangrove ecosystem. Gastropod are organisms that have an ecological role as forming detritus. The study aimed to examine species diversity of gastropods in the mangrove forest ecosystem of Sebubus Village, Paloh District, Sambas Regency. The study was conducted in April 2019, using the survey method. Observations found 6 families and 16 species of gastropods in the mangrove ecosystem. Gastropods species are Chicoreus capucinus, Nerita balteata, Neritina cornucopia, Nerita violacea, Cerithideopsilla alata, Cerithidiopsis quoyii, Cerithidea obtusa, Littoraria scabra, Littoraria undulata, Littoraria carinifera, Nassarius dorsatus, Cassarius dorsatus, Cassidula aurisfelis, Ellobium aurisjudae, Cassidula nucleus, Pythia plicata, and Ellobium gangeticum. Species diversity index of gastropod in zone 1 = 0.83, zone 2 = 0.73 and zone 3 = 0.79 in the low category. Species abundance index of gastropod in zone 1 = 15.3, zone 2 = 10.5, zone 3 = 15.8.  Species evenness index of gastropod in zone 1 = 0.32, zone 2 = 0.30 and zone 3 = 0.30 categorized as low. Species dominance index of gastropod in zone 1 = 0.20, zone 2 = 0.28 and zone 3 = 0.25 are categorized as low. Species similiarity index of gastropod in zone 1 and 2 = 91.67%, zone 2 and 3 = 80.00%, zone 1 and 3 = 81.48 are categorized very high.Keywords: Diversity, Gastropods, Mangrove Ecosystems

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Hellen K. Mandela ◽  
Mugatsia H. Tsingalia ◽  
Mary Gikungu ◽  
Wilbur M. Lwande

Pollination is an important ecosystem service in the maintenance of biodiversity and most importantly in food production. Pollination is on the decline due to habitat loss, exotic species invasions, pollution, overharvesting, and land use changes. This study analyzed the abundance and diversity of flower visitors’ of Ocimum kilimandscharicum in Kakamega forest with increasing distance from the forest edge. Data were collected through direct observation and sweep netting. Six study sites were identified along two transects each 2.5 km long and labeled A to F. Distance in metres from the forest edge to each site was A=221, B=72, C=83, D=198, E=113, and F=50. Sampling was done from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm, three days in a week for five months consecutively. Diversity indices of different flower visitors were calculated using the Shannon-Wiener diversity index. One-way analysis of variance was used to compare differences between sites and a two-sample t-test was used to identify mean significant differences in species diversity between the closest and the furthest sites. A total of 645 individuals belonging to 35 species were captured from 4 families. The highest diversity was at site F (H’= 2.38) which was closest to the forest edge and the lowest diversity was from site A (H’=1.44) which was furthest from the forest edge. Distance from the forest edge significantly influenced species diversity (F(3, 20)=14.67, p=0.024). Distance from the forest edge also significantly influenced species abundance between the furthest sites A, D, and E and the nearest sites F, B, and C to the forest edge (t=4.177; p=0.0312) and species richness (t=3.2893; p=0.0187). This study clearly demonstrates that Ocimum kilimandscharicum flower visitors play essential roles in pollination and their higher number of visits translates into higher numbers of seeds set. Many of these pollinators are associated with the forest and hence the need to conserve the Kakamega forest as a source pool for pollinators.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Lani Puspita ◽  
Notowinarto Notowinarto ◽  
Rudi Gunawan

Phytoplankton as a producers  and natural food for fish have an important role in aquatic ecosystems, thus indirectly affecting the availability of fish catches. The research was conducted at Siantan Island Coastal Area Anambas Islands District Riau Islands Province. This coastal area is one of the fishing grounds in Anambas Island. This study aims to analyze the community structure of phytoplankton at Siantan Island Coastal Area Anambas Islands District Riau Islands Province. Sampling was conducted during March and April 2012. Community structure parameters analyzed include Species Diversity Level, Species Uniformity Level, and Species Dominance Level. Data were analyzed spatially and temporally. Similarity between the sampling locations was conduted by Multivariate Analysis - Cluster. Results of data analysis showed that the phytoplankton of Bacillariophyceae Class found in the most abundant amount. Diversity Index Value indicates that the level of phytoplankton plankton community in a state of moderate. Species Uniformity Index Value and Species Dominance Index Value indicates that phytoplankton in the three sampling locations are generally in a state of uniform and no one dominates. All three sampling locations have relatively the same condition and between sampling times (morning, afternoon, and evening) are also not very different condition. Keywords: phytoplankton, coastal, Anambas Islands  

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-158
Ezenwatah Ifeoma Susan ◽  
Ukpaka Chukwujekwu Gratius ◽  
Onyemeka Regland Michael ◽  
Afulukwe Stella Chinyere ◽  
Okoye Elochukwu Chidubem Sunday

The study on the floral diversity of Neni-Nimo watershed in Anaocha L.G.A. of Anambra State was conducted between November 2009 and July 2020. The aim of the study was to find out the species richness and the floral biodiversity of the watershed. In this study, the watershed was divided into three sites, the forested site, the fallow site and the current usage site. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design. The ecological methods used in this study are the Point Centred Plotless Count sampling technique for areas dominated by trees while the Plot Count technique using quadrats were used for sampling the areas dominated by forbs, shrubs, climbers and grasses. The vegetation data collected was used to estimate the species richness of the different plant growth forms, the diversity and equitability of the various growth forms encountered were calculated using Shanon Weiners diversity index. The Shanno Weiners diversity index shows that the forested areas had the highest floral biodiversity than the fallow and current usage area. Regression analysis shows that a significant relationship exists between species abundance and floral biodiversity at a p-value of <0.05 for all plant growth forms in the watershed except for grasses and as abundance increases, diversity also increases.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
Ananto Triyogo ◽  
Budiadi ◽  
Siti Muslimah Widyastuti ◽  
Sena Adi Subrata ◽  
Suwito Susetyo Budi

Abstract. Triyogo A, Budiadi, Widyastuti SM, Subrata SA, Budi SS. 2020. Abundance of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and the functional groups in two different habitats. Biodiversitas 21: 2079-2087. Land development often affects the quantity and diversity of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). The aim of this study, therefore, was to determine and compare the ant species abundance and the functional groups between two different habitats, representing land development, including pioneer and agroforestry. This research involved a survey of the ants at the Forest Research Education (FRE) of Wanagama I Yogyakarta, and data were accumulated over a period of five months (April, May, June, July, and August). In addition, pit-fall trap and direct collection methods were used, involving the placement of 54 pit-fall traps at two habitats, and the ant specimens were retrieved after a two day period. The results show the total individual abundance of 2,310 and 2,067, on agroforestry and pioneer, respectively. Furthermore, the species richness and diversity index was higher in agroforestry (7; 2.01), compared with pioneer (6; 1.49), where the three dominant species include, Anoplolepis gracilipes, Solenopsis sp., Odontoponera denticulata; and Anoplolepis gracilipes, Odontoponera denticulata, Camponotus sp., respectively. Conversely, the highest amount of invasive ants (Solenopsis sp.) was observed in agroforestry, which negatively impacted on the presence of native species (Odontoponera denticulata). In addition, PCA analysis showed the development of three ant groups on each habitat, hence agroforestry made more real differences in the aspect of species abundance, and none in terms of richness. Therefore, notable differences were observed in the ant communities between both habitats, and agroforestry was indicated as a disturbed area, based on the increment in tramp and invasive ants, alongside low abundance of native and functional groups.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Yushinta Eka Farida

Research and Development methods are used in this research. The objective of the research is to develop teaching materials focused on the criteria and quality. This instructional material as a guidebook of the subject course to improve student’s learning in the classroom, so the students got the understanding and improved skills in learning the Indonesian language. This instructional material, as a reference to the Indonesian language for students of PBI UNISNU Jepara is to improve students’ motivation and increase their understanding in self-learning. This textbook development procedure consists of 4 stages: planning, organizing, implementation, and evaluation. This textbook is created by the lecturer, are given suggestion by expert and peers (in peer review section). This teaching book is then evaluated the quality by the lecturers who are appointed as assessors and students as a filling instrument practicality of the textbook. Quality data obtained from the descriptive analysis is then changed into the score. This category is then converted into a conversion score in order to know the quality and value of textbooks used in the learning process of teaching Indonesian language courses.

2021 ◽  
Muriel Brückner ◽  
Christian Schwarz ◽  
Giovanni Coco ◽  
Anne Baar ◽  
Márcio Boechat Albernaz ◽  

&lt;p&gt;Benthic species that live within estuarine sediments stabilize or destabilize local mud deposits through their eco-engineering activities, affecting the erosion of intertidal sediments. Possibly, the altered magnitudes in eroded sediment affect the large-scale redistribution of fines and hence morphological change. To quantify this biological control on the morphological development of estuaries, we numerically model i) biofilms, ii) two contrasting bioturbating species present in NW-Europe, and iii) their combinations by means of our novel eco-morphodynamic model. The model predicts local mud erodibility based on species pattern, which dynamically evolves from the hydrodynamics, soil mud content, competition and grazing, and is fed back into the hydromorphodynamic computations.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;We find that biofilms reduce mud erosion on intertidal floodplains and stabilize estuarine morphology, whereas the two bioturbators significantly enhance inter- and supratidal mud erosion and bed elevation change, leading to a large-scale reduction in deposited mud and a widening of the estuary. In turn, the species-dependent changes in mud content redefines their habitat and leads to a redistribution of species abundances. Here, the eco-engineering affects habitat conditions and species abundance while species interactions determine species dominance. Our results show that species-specific biostabilization and bioturbation determine large-scale morphological change through mud redistribution, and at the same time affect species distribution. This suggests that benthic species have subtly changed estuarine morphology through space and time and that aggravating habitat degradation might lead to large effects on the morphology of future estuaries.&lt;/p&gt;

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Edi Wibowo ◽  
Raden Ario ◽  
Suryono Suryono ◽  
Nur Taufiq ◽  
Destalino Destalino

Rumput laut atau seaweed termasuk tumbuhan berthallus yang banyak dijumpai hampir di seluruh pantai Indonesia, terutama wilayah pantai yang mempunyai rataan terumbu karang.  Perbedaan mendasar sistem hidupnya dengan tumbuhan darat adalah dalam pengambilan zat-zat makanan. Tumbuhan darat sangat bergantung pada akar sebagai alat pengambil/ penyerap zat hara dari substrat, sedangkan rumput laut menyerap zat hara yang dibutuhkan bagi pertumbuhannya dari medium air dengan cara difusi melalui permukaan substansi fisiknya.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas rumput laut di perairan Pasir Panjang Pulau Limbah, Kecamatan Paguyaman Pantai, Kabupaten Boalemo, Provinsi Gorontalo. Metoda penelitian yang digunakan adalah bersifat diskriptif.Adapun pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode sample survey methods. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perairan Pulau Limbah di dominasi oleh Rumput Laut Coklat dengan kelimpahan tertinggi Padina australis. Nilai Indeks Keanekaragaman (H’) Rumput Laut tertinggi terdapat pada stasiun C dengan nilai rerata: 1,854 dan yang terendah pada Stasiun A dengan nilai rerata: 1,469. Nilai Indeks Keseragaman (E)  nilai tertinggi terdapat pada Stasiun C dengan nilai rerata: 0,679 dan terendah pada stasiun A dengan nilai rerata: 0,668. Nilai indeks Dominansi (C) tertinggi terdapat pada Stasiun A dengan nilai rerata : 0,251 dan nilai terendah stasiun B dengan nilai rerata: 0,187. Analisis Ragam (Anova) menunjukan bahwa stasiun penelitian memberikan perbedaan yang nyata (P≤0,05) terhadap nilai Indeks Keanekaragaman (H’), Indeks Keseragaman (E) serta Indeks Dominasi (C).  Seaweed including thallus plants that are found almost all over the coast of Indonesia, especially on beaches that have coral reefs. Seaweed is a photosynthetic organism as well as plants on land. The fundamental difference of his life system is in the taking of food substances. Ground plants realy heavily on roots as a nutrient removal device from the substrate, while seaweed absorbs the nutrients needed for its growth from the water medium by diffusion through the surface of its physical substance. This study aims to determine the structure of seaweed communities in Limbah Island Waters, District Paguyaman Beach. The results showed that the waters of Limbah Island is dominated by brown seaweed with the highest species abundance was Padina australis. The highest index value of Seaweed diversity (H’) was found at station C with average: 1,854 and the lowest at station A with a mean of: 1,469. For uniformity index value (E) the highest value is at station C with average: 0,679 and the lowest at station A with a mean of: 0,668. The highest index value of dominance (C) is at station A with a mean of: 0,251 and the lowest value at station B with a mean of: 0,187. The result of the analysis of variance (Anova) showed that the research station give a significant difference (P≤0,05) to the Diversity Index (H’), Uniformity Index (E) and Domination Index (C).

2017 ◽  
Eko Sumartono

Post PrintThis research was conducted at padang serai sub-district RT 04 RW 04 in bengkulu city on february 2017. The objectives of this research were the farmer of mangrove crab and milkfish fish in Padang Serai Sub-District Bengkulu City. The location of the research was chosen byusing purposive method and the respondents were chosen by using census method. The number of respondents were 5 people. Analytical methods used in this research were. Descriptive analysis is case study. The results of the research Polyfish farming business ofpolyculture of mangrove crabs and bendeng fish in Padang Serai urban village when Prapasca business pattern starts from site selection, preparation of equipment, pond preparation by draining ponds, TSP and urea fertilizer, water filling then cage fertilization. Then the preparation of seeds, seeds used are seeds of mangrove crab and milkfish. Then carried out the maintenance by way of feeding and penaganan of pests in the form of the theft of business products. Harvesting products of mangrove crab and milkfish for milkfish only do total harvest while the mangrove crab is done by partial harvesting and total harvesting. Post-harvest handling is to do marketing of mangrove crabs to eat houses and for milkfish sold to pack rusan as pengumpul and to traders, the surrounding community who came to buy to the location.

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